Plants vs. Zombies

Plants vs. Zombies is a great game, possibly one of the best works from casual-game maker PopCap Games. You can check out the tons of positive reviews online if you don’t believe me. For those who have played the game, you have to agree with me that the end credits roll (YouTube link) was pretty damn awesome, somewhat reminiscent of GLaDOS’ solo performance from Valve’s Portal.

There’s actually a Japanese version of the song “Zombies On Your Lawn” titled “Uraniwa ni Zombies ga” performed by the same singer Laura Shigihara. (Incidentally, her personal site, which appears to be inaccessible right now, is hosted on

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Zombie ga yattekita~ You can download both versions of the song from the official PvZ site. They are both great in a weird way, though I have to say the English lyrics are more cleverly written.

I like your tricycle.

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