Comments on: Natsu no Zenjitsu /websites/ Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Wed, 08 Sep 2010 19:09:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dan /websites/ Dan Tue, 07 Sep 2010 04:14:33 +0000 /websites/ Fair enough. I guess I just didn't enjoy it, but I acknowledge the qualities you've listed. As much as I try to avoid my bias, I just can't watch it without reminding me of K-ON, which I hold a truly passionate hatred for. As a result, I have a very difficult time putting Sorawoto in a positive light. All I can say is that the qualities you listed most certainly exist, at least from the parts I watched. Fair enough. I guess I just didn’t enjoy it, but I acknowledge the qualities you’ve listed.

As much as I try to avoid my bias, I just can’t watch it without reminding me of K-ON, which I hold a truly passionate hatred for. As a result, I have a very difficult time putting Sorawoto in a positive light. All I can say is that the qualities you listed most certainly exist, at least from the parts I watched.

By: deadbeat /websites/ deadbeat Fri, 03 Sep 2010 18:39:27 +0000 /websites/ I hate K-On! and the accompanying mass cashing-in with merchandise with a fervor. Add to the various anime nowadays that seemed to be starting out on that similar formula and you have a really really irate person here. I hate K-On! and the accompanying mass cashing-in with merchandise with a fervor. Add to the various anime nowadays that seemed to be starting out on that similar formula and you have a really really irate person here.

By: Soulshift /websites/ Soulshift Fri, 03 Sep 2010 15:09:40 +0000 /websites/ @Dan - Let me add a disclaimer that I actually like iyashi-kei ("relaxing") anime, something that I suspect a lot of people hate. Sorawoto is iyashi-kei meets SF with a healthy dose of humanism thrown into the mix. (I also like SF) I found sorawoto to have an excellent story with good pacing and high production values for art and music. In particular, the way the details of the world's history are revealed from episode to episode was very engaging. The series often makes interesting observations about the nature of human endeavor as seen through the lens of a post-apocalyptic setting. Also, the series' arguably 'main' characters, Filicia and Rio, have interesting and well fleshed-out backgrounds. This also applies to Noel to some extent. All in all, the series is probably quite polarizing since it could be easily construed to be yet another moe-pandering show, with a moe-blob main character that has an annoying high-pitched voice and is obviously an attempt to cash in on the K-ON! boom [/bitter sarcasm] @Dan – Let me add a disclaimer that I actually like iyashi-kei (“relaxing”) anime, something that I suspect a lot of people hate. Sorawoto is iyashi-kei meets SF with a healthy dose of humanism thrown into the mix. (I also like SF)

I found sorawoto to have an excellent story with good pacing and high production values for art and music. In particular, the way the details of the world’s history are revealed from episode to episode was very engaging. The series often makes interesting observations about the nature of human endeavor as seen through the lens of a post-apocalyptic setting. Also, the series’ arguably ‘main’ characters, Filicia and Rio, have interesting and well fleshed-out backgrounds. This also applies to Noel to some extent.

All in all, the series is probably quite polarizing since it could be easily construed to be yet another moe-pandering show, with a moe-blob main character that has an annoying high-pitched voice and is obviously an attempt to cash in on the K-ON! boom [/bitter sarcasm]

By: Dan /websites/ Dan Thu, 02 Sep 2010 22:38:13 +0000 /websites/ @ Soul, I tried watching So Ra No Wo To, and I hated it to death. What merits do you see in it? I'm going to live with my inability to see the actual quality of art you describe. I doubt they'll send it to the US, and even then, I'm too cheap to spend $13-15 per volume when my Korean friends can rent it for $.30 a pop and read it to me. I suppose I'll put this on the list of future books to read, because it will be many years before I will be able to read it without translations. @ Soul, I tried watching So Ra No Wo To, and I hated it to death. What merits do you see in it?

I’m going to live with my inability to see the actual quality of art you describe. I doubt they’ll send it to the US, and even then, I’m too cheap to spend $13-15 per volume when my Korean friends can rent it for $.30 a pop and read it to me. I suppose I’ll put this on the list of future books to read, because it will be many years before I will be able to read it without translations.

By: Soulshift /websites/ Soulshift Thu, 02 Sep 2010 16:58:57 +0000 /websites/ Thanks for the review. I really like the art style, especially the faces. Also, please watch sorawoto ( before dismissing this year's anime offerings. It's not 萌え fluff. I promise. Thanks for the review. I really like the art style, especially the faces. Also, please watch sorawoto ( before dismissing this year’s anime offerings. It’s not 萌え fluff. I promise.
