Gadget Tsuushin ( has made some tongue-in-cheek predictions about what will happen now that the Tokyo Metropolitan legislation restricting sales of certain targeted manga and anime has been passed.
Sad panda is sad Today, 15 Dec 10, the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly passed Bill 156 into law. As previously discussed, this law gives the Tokyo government additional powers to restrict the sales of manga, anime and video games based on two additional criteria: glorified or exaggerated depictions of illegal or incestuous sex acts. According to [...]
The law doesn’t touch this The Tokyo Metropolitan Government is set to pass new legislation restricting the sales of manga depicting certain sexual acts to minors under eighteen. Contrary to what certain easily-excitable individuals may proclaim, this is not a ban and this is not the end of the anime. But it will certainly pose [...]
Lain for President! Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama spoke to a crowd of teenagers at a political rally and encouraged them to tell their friends to participate in the political process. (via Kotaku) “I want you to tell them, ‘It’s time for you to turn off the TV and stop playing GameBoy,’” Obama said. “We’ve [...]
I wrote too much while replying to tj han’s comments on my previous post about this issue, so I decided to make another one. Once again, I would like to stress that I am not a lolicon. I am disgusted by loliporn. I am losing a lot of credentials as an anti-loli activist on the [...]
Things like this piss me off. Japanese National Police Agency’s New Law against “Manga, Anime, Game Expression” Today, I got an email from a Japanese creator, letting us know about the new law currently being discussed to be applied by Japanese National Police Agency. This is a law to restrict expression of Manga, Anime, Game, [...]
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