Comments on: Comptiq – Da Capo Girls Ranking Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Thu, 22 Nov 2007 05:30:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Akimoto Thu, 22 Nov 2007 05:30:53 +0000 Hey fellas, a bit of warning about Joukyou Kaishi! . The game has a bug in which it crashes when you try to save settings, giving an error Unable to create PX.ini file. Unable to save/load game too. T-Time office in Singapore also not available and the numbers on website are wrong.

Until I get a fix for it or a response from T-Time (Taiwan), don’t get it yet. I’ll be back to update, if Darkmirage would allow me.

By: Dianna Sun, 08 Jul 2007 07:51:22 +0000 Hey. I read this and I was wondering… what information do they have in there about Bokutachi ni Tsubasa wa Nai because I went to the site for it but I can’t read Japanese. I would really love it if you could please tell me what it had said. I am trying to find a summary or story line of it. Thanks.

By: Xbox360 Gamer Mon, 21 Nov 2005 03:45:28 +0000 I doubt they can even put a dent of PS2 sales let alone PS3. They managed to piss of the consumers by all the delays and now retailer’s like Toy R Us have removed the core system and only sell the much more expensive bundled packages. Why Bill Why !?!?

By: Warukyure Fri, 18 Nov 2005 18:00:08 +0000 Well with the exception of Aisia, everyone on that list is from the first season.
I too, am also saddened because Tamaki didn’t make the list (maybe i have some kinda miko fetish, damn KnM!).

As for the X360 it’ll probably sell well wholewide probably but most likely terrible in Japan, for 2 reasons, No RPGs and the lack of backwards capability for the japanese model (from what ive heard theres only a dozen or so Xbox games that you can play on X360 as opposed to the NA or EU model of 200+ and around 180+ respectively) There goes M$’s goal of trying to sell 3 million X360s in 3 months
