Comments on: World Cyber Games 2005 Finals Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Mon, 21 Nov 2005 02:13:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aaron Mon, 21 Nov 2005 02:13:44 +0000 With the Koreans that won the final round of Starcraft BW was not at all a surprise to me, if u have been following Korea gaming culture, they have a very strong following for Blizzard games there, and even in the servers u can still see alot of koreans roaming around, I also had my fair share of experience with them back then when I was still crazy about my D2X obsession.

And yes I would agree with Freya, in terms of MMORPG gaming Korea is one of those countries who are very into it. If u do play LineageII or A3 u would know there are alot of koreans in it.

By: Freya Sun, 20 Nov 2005 14:20:38 +0000 somehow japanese gamer more dedicated to console game rather than LAN game … proved that they only manage to won on DOAU, well that’s my personal opinion, correct me if wrong

OOT abit …
my image about japanese people is they dedicated almost their life to something [dream maybe] but they do it with all effort . heart
and that’s make everything in there looks great
i learn this from some of my japanese FFXI player friend like that, while many non japanese player, play for fun, play when mood [play – taking break – play – taking break (including me)]… while japanese player always play each day even only for a hour, but they never skip to reach what they want to achieve (no weird there is a people with lv75 on all jobs available on ffxi) and we can see the result, japanese player character have great gear set etc etc.
i think they way they thinking is the one that make japan great country

anyway imho Korea do have lots great team / player
they have player as crazy as japanese player do
afterall korea is no.1 MMORPG country in the world [again my opinion]
