Comments on: The Study of Languages Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Wed, 19 Dec 2007 11:30:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Random Personurger Thu, 09 Feb 2006 07:54:21 +0000 “Sex is to masturbation what physics is to maths”….Richard Feynman.
Just thoght I should enhance your knowledge of this genius professor who claimed to have visited topless bars 5 times a week. He later got the Nobel prize for his work on quantum electrodynamics. A cheerful eccentric genious, but of questionable behaviour

By: DarkMirage Tue, 07 Feb 2006 12:37:40 +0000 Update: I scored 35/50 for the test, so it wasn’t that bad.

The reason why Mr. Feynman dropped Japanese was he probably thought that it was a silly waste of time to change the verbs for no reason. But keigo isn’t completely useless because it often helps to clue you in on who is performing the action, something that is not very clear most of the time since Japanese tends to lack pronouns from its sentences. I guess the logical solution would be to make pronouns compulsory and then do away with keigo… but oh well…

Anyway, I have nothing against proverbs really. As TP mentioned, they can be interesting and subtle in their meanings. But so is painting. And yet similar forms of indirect artistic expressions are not given the same status in the education system.

Art, by its definition, should be something based on interest. If the course was Chinese Literature (and I was somehow fooled into taking it), then I would have no complains.

Anyway, I have yet to get my hands on Suzuka vol.10… NOOOOOOOOooooooooooo!

P.S. Mai-Otome 17 rocked too! :P

By: bj0rN`- Tue, 07 Feb 2006 03:33:30 +0000 Oh Yeah~ also wanna say… FATE/STAY NIGHT ROCKS!!
Saber Saber GO GO GO!

By: bj0rN`- Tue, 07 Feb 2006 03:32:40 +0000 LoL! Just wondering, what’s their number? I wanna place some orders too with my ang bao money! =)

By: TP Mon, 06 Feb 2006 17:57:21 +0000 Ok, I see your point. But that doesn’t mean that proverbs are necessarily that useless.

This kind of experiences made me remind back to when I was watching Ghost In The Shell: Innocence back in April (Singapore Film Festival). I am still dumbstruck with most of its complexities. At least I got the joke when Batou said: “Even if the donkey travels thousands of miles, it would not return back a horse.” Or something along that line.

The point of proverbs is that sometimes, useful and can be used in “sarcastic” tones if you don’t want the intended party to “immediately understand your meaning.” I.e. you can toss a proverb or two to your boss/teacher/friend that means that you don’t like him/her.

Oh, yeah. 1 question: 1.) What’s with F/SN? I feared it being most overhyped series.

Good day.

By: Zefiris Mon, 06 Feb 2006 15:13:52 +0000 oh did I mention that vol. 10’s cover rocks, with suzuka and yamato together!! keehhhhhhhhh!

By: Zefiris Mon, 06 Feb 2006 15:12:32 +0000 heh…I knew Suzuka vol. 10 would be in this week…but I will only pick it up later this week because of work and stuff…

anyways, I love your attitude towards chinese, my fellow chineseman, although I have to say you would probably want to show your 133t japanese language skills whether it is necessary to or not, am I rite? :D

p.s. Fate/Stay Night episode 5 didn’t rock; episode 6 WILL rock, on the other hand :P (5 was ok, but it didn’t warrant that level of elated outburst from you)

By: Yue Mon, 06 Feb 2006 14:27:17 +0000 I actually love Chinese proverbs. Being born and raised in Canada, it took a really long time for me (13 years of Chinese studying) to get it all down… so I totally understand why it would be hard. However, the funny thing is that I live in Japan and Hong Kong, and my Japanese seems to be better than my Chinese sometimes. Though, I think Chinese will become really important in the future since the economy is rising and thus Mandarin should become really useful. So, study hard, ganbare!

By: Nunka Mon, 06 Feb 2006 13:54:45 +0000 I see what you’re saying, and I mostly agree with you… though we usually just stick to vocabulary here in the ‘States, because we’re not cool enough to have proverbs. :(

I think that the more you learn about any language, the harder it is to actually communicate with. That is, you don’t become fluent in a language by studying it, but by using it. And even past fluency, learning more vocabulary just complicates things until you can work out how to use that vocabulary in regular speech. If you think about it, yeah, it’s awfully counter-productive, but I think it pays off in the end if you really want it to, even with proverbs.

By: Sasa Mon, 06 Feb 2006 13:53:14 +0000 m going to fail today’s Chinese proverb test because I did not bother to revise for it. I guess that's it XD I never had to learn them, my parents wanted me to do it but since they weren't very consequent about it, I never did. (I got a cassette with stories about chinese proverbs though, it was fun to listen and that's why I remember most of those proverbs.) Which brings me to my point: I think the richness of chinese proverbs are really an interesting thing and shouldn't be forgotten too easily. It's just a pain that people are forced to learn them. You probably can compare it with latin: Nobody uses it nowadays (even less than chinese proverbs), but it can enrich your comprehension of language and culture with it.]]> > Oh well, maybe I am just bitter that I’m going to fail today’s Chinese proverb test because I did not bother to revise for it.

I guess that’s it XD I never had to learn them, my parents wanted me to do it but since they weren’t very consequent about it, I never did. (I got a cassette with stories about chinese proverbs though, it was fun to listen and that’s why I remember most of those proverbs.) Which brings me to my point: I think the richness of chinese proverbs are really an interesting thing and shouldn’t be forgotten too easily. It’s just a pain that people are forced to learn them.
You probably can compare it with latin: Nobody uses it nowadays (even less than chinese proverbs), but it can enrich your comprehension of language and culture with it.
