darkmirage – Ramblings of DarkMirage http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Sat, 02 Dec 2006 15:28:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.2 DarkMirage.com – now with 100% more clutter! http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2006/11/30/darkmiragecom-now-with-100-more-clutter/ http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2006/11/30/darkmiragecom-now-with-100-more-clutter/#comments Thu, 30 Nov 2006 12:03:23 +0000 http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2006/11/30/darkmiragecom-now-with-100-more-clutter/ Continue reading ]]> I finally decided to stop supporting 800 x 600 resolutions. It’s just too damn small to work with. According to Google Analytics, only about 4% of you are using 800 x 600 screens, so you’ll have to deal with the horizontal scrollbar… Tyranny of the majority ftw!

Forget it. 400px wide content div it is. GAO!

I also tweaked the layout here and there and added a tagging system. Now all I need to do is to blog more often… :P

BTW the RSS feed from Danny is part of his “Featured Feeds” initiative.

http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2006/11/30/darkmiragecom-now-with-100-more-clutter/feed/ 33
Public Service Announcement http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2006/08/22/public-service-announcement/ http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2006/08/22/public-service-announcement/#comments Tue, 22 Aug 2006 11:08:48 +0000 http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2006/08/22/public-service-announcement/ Continue reading ]]> We interrupt our regular scheduled programming (okay I lie, there’s no such thing) to bring you yet another public service announcement from Ramblings of DarkMirage:



Dark Mirage

Spot the difference.

You know who you are! And no, it’s not just one of you out there. :|

…You know, I get the feeling that people will start mistyping my nick on purpose now just because I don’t like it.

http://2pwn.tk/websites/www.darkmirage.com/2006/08/22/public-service-announcement/feed/ 14