lightbox – Ramblings of DarkMirage Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Sat, 19 Aug 2006 10:54:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lightbox JS and Firefox Sat, 19 Aug 2006 10:48:46 +0000 Continue reading ]]> Balancing
The new loading image

I changed the default loading.gif of Lightbox (as you may have noticed in the post below) and modified the CSS file as best as I could to fit the new dimensions and it seems to work fine in Firefox. Click here for a demo.

However, on IE everything falls apart…

Lightbox comparison

For some reason, the image sticks out of the box on IE even though the same box size has no problems on Firefox. Gah. I tried everything I could think of with the margins and positioning but it’s still no good. So I gave up.

Here are the parts I modified from lightbox.css, commented lines are the original values:

position: relative;
background-color: #fff;
width: 300px;
height: 375px;
//height: 250px;
//width: 250px;
margin: 0 auto;

position: absolute;
top: 10%;
//top: 40%;
left: 0%;
height: 25%;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
line-height: 0;

I really have no idea what is wrong with Internet Explorer. Hopefully someone out there does… In the meantime, please get Firefox if you want to see an animated gif of a maid balancing a plate the way it was meant to be seen!

Firefox-ko compels you!


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