Comments on: Lost my music Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Mon, 11 Sep 2006 00:41:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Atashi Mon, 11 Sep 2006 00:41:23 +0000 For the 3rd one, maybe. Japanese lyrics are just so fuzzy sometimes that you can either try to interpret it literally or remotely… ^^;; I went the literal way. XD
Hmm, I missed the obvious difference between ‘anata’ and ‘kimi’ for the 4th one… Yeah, you’re right. **sighs** Curses to ambiguous Japanese, curses…
Thanks for pointing this out!

**goes to fix her site’s lyrics, too**

By: DarkMirage Sun, 10 Sep 2006 04:43:17 +0000 I was trying to shorten the length on the first one. >_<

The second one is my mistake. I overlooked the meaning of nagasu assuming it referred to the movie.

The third one is my mistake too, but I’m not entirely sure about your version either. Wouldn’t it be closer to “In the depths of my sleep, my dreams bring back memories of ‘One Day'”? Since “想い出の One day” would mean something like “One day in my memories”.

I have to disagree with the last one. I don’t think the singer is the one who said those things. Compare the lines 「あなたはいまどこで 誰といるのでしょう?」 and 「離さないよとキミだけだと」, it would be a bit strange for the singer to switch from anata to kimi when referring to the same person. Therefore, it seems to me that in the second line she is quoting what the other person said and blaming him for lying to her.

Well, I’ve made some changes accordingly except for the last one. Thanks for the feedback. ^^

By: Atashi Sun, 10 Sep 2006 03:15:46 +0000 Very nice overall, but I do see a few errors:

>Point out the light that belongs to me up in the night sky.
Look up at the starry sky and tell me about the light that belongs to me

>I sit alone in the cinema we used to go to together.
I weep alone at the cinema movie we saw together

>Deep in my sleep is a memory that brings me a dream of “One day”.
In the depths of my sleep, my dream gives my memories a ‘One day’

>Though you said you wouldn’t let go and that I was your one and only,
>And though we embraced each other,
Even though I embraced you
Saying, “I won’t let go” and “I’m only yours”

By: DarkMirage Tue, 15 Aug 2006 14:02:02 +0000 Kinokuniya stocks Comp H.

By: T_T||| Tue, 15 Aug 2006 13:47:59 +0000 Yeah I got that issue. ‘Cos Kwok was in Japan. I have no idea how to get issue 2 ‘cos KKnM’s not bringing it in.

By: Qubicfactor Sun, 13 Aug 2006 12:42:02 +0000 Speaking of Haruhi, have you gotten a copy of コンプH’s vol 1? It has a pencilboard of Haruhi inside, not to mention this issue is kind of a SHnY special…

By: Ronin Sun, 13 Aug 2006 07:13:28 +0000 Even insert songs have their great moments. This is one of them.

Good stuff! (^_-)_b

By: Tsubaki Sat, 12 Aug 2006 21:14:07 +0000 I didn’t know Lost my Music was that great until I read your translated version. *starts listening Lost my Music*

Thumbs up, great stuff as usual.

By: omo Sat, 12 Aug 2006 20:06:03 +0000 Chibi Haruhi ftw! thx for the translation good stuff as usual
