Comments on: So many things, so little money… Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Sat, 06 Jul 2013 08:59:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Online mega market Sat, 06 Jul 2013 08:59:21 +0000 Hi. I uncovered your own blog site the use of ask. That may be a very well crafted content. We’re certain to take a note of the item and also get back to discover more of your respective information. Appreciation for a posting. I will definitely come back.

By: nOOb!!!1 Fri, 22 Aug 2008 08:47:24 +0000 How ’bout a Ayanami Rei Pillow Case???!!!?!?!?!?!

By: Ramblings of DarkMirage » October spendings Mon, 30 Oct 2006 07:11:46 +0000 […] First up, we have a D.C. II Nanaka mouse pad and phone card set that I mentioned before in a previous entry. It cost a bomb. Like the nuclear kind. But Nanaka fanboyism overcomes all, including food and daily necessities. […]

By: jinx626 Fri, 15 Sep 2006 04:55:19 +0000 I’d pick up either the lighter or phonecard/mousepad. Lighter because of collector value and phonecard/mousepad simply because of price and being able to by something else later on. Maybe they will make a nanaka pillow cover as they already got a yume asakura one which doesn’t look too bad :P

By: Kurogane Fri, 15 Sep 2006 02:46:22 +0000 Oh, I can’t believe you guys..

Item No.5 is obviously the most logical choice.


By: tj han Thu, 14 Sep 2006 09:56:30 +0000 I am already getting Tachikoma. Damn pillow cases!!

By: サイバー ☆ UP Tue, 12 Sep 2006 23:41:45 +0000 if i have to pick one of those item, i will pick tat zippo lighter too… since imho have the highest collector value, well the telephone card and mousepad might have high value too (since lots japanese telephone card collector), but still cant beat the value of the zippo…

and for pillow cover… 9000yen is a bit expensive somehow, well it from COSPA (infamous expensive product imo) … usually by 9000yen u get a pilllow + cover…

Go baito paper-kun hahaha…

By: pcriminal Tue, 12 Sep 2006 16:51:58 +0000 The pillow cover! It’s the best way to wake up in the day, to find yourself nestled nicely on the body of School Rumble characters ;] Skuuru Ramburu 4 eva!

By: berz Tue, 12 Sep 2006 16:41:45 +0000 since i smoke i’d go for the lighter heh… but well lets try again:

nº1-phonecard/mouse pad? c’mon… maybe cos i’m a graphic designer, to reproduce stuff like that, just grab a nice source or a ‘not-that-great’ image(for small stuff at least), find the nearest shop that do that kind of work and its done. no great costs(but if u make an a0 of it… it could be a lil bit expensive)

nº2- lighter- metal works= easy, to the point you can do it yourself(or buy the service), now this one has the official/limited thingie but… who cares hehehe. from another perspective, u can find a better material, like acrylic shaped like a keyholder(metal works too).

nº3-wtf is that? well, never saw(or i dont remember) maybe this one =p

nº4-well… pillow cover? i’m more into limited artwork stuff(if that still exists cos most of stuff now are digital o_0) so it goes beyond my anime fandom. but hmm think like this: pillow = sleep = dark = u wont see a thing while trying to sleep(unless you switch between day and night)… but if u’re interested for something else… well, everyone has secret hobbies heh

conclusion: at least for me… i’m quite used to most of 2d reproductions. so i rarely would buy a mousepad(also it sucks for optical mouses) or whatever heh. belive me, if u can get your hands into a high-definition image, work your way and do it. mostly its cheaper(and u can do bigger heh). so the only ‘interesting’ stuff is the nº3.

and of course, money printing machine =p (make your own money design, remove those old dudes/animals and put your favourite nanaka heh, but it’ll lose its monetary value)

OBS: regardless of which one u get, get something that wont colect dust after a week of usage and be happy =p

By: deftoned Tue, 12 Sep 2006 16:21:09 +0000 I’d get the pillow cases, but that’s just me. :) What I do when I’m debating over things I want to buy (specifically old videogames), is to buy NOW what is a good deal or something that you know won’t be a good deal later. Say for example I wanted an old Sega Saturn game that was at a pretty decent price and a recently released DS game, I’d go with the Saturn game first. Or if it were two new games, I’d pick up the more rare/uncommon one now and pick the other more common one up later (and perhaps used).
