(Paragraph 1 line 6 & 7) You think the Second Amendment is a good idea badly conveyed and horribly misinterpreted. The Second Amendment is a great idea. It is not badly conveyed it has changed. It is no longer for the use of stading up against a corrupt government it is for the purpose of self defence against the criminals that the democatic keep releasing from prison.
(Paragraph 2 line 1 & 4)power corrupts and a government always requires checks and balances to remain true to the people’s interest. For that purpose, the people must have the ability to rise against an oppressive government should the need arise and thus the need for private ownership of guns. Look at the Obama Administration! They (The Democrats) are trying to take my rights along with every Americans rights away. We might need our guns!
(Paragraph 2 line 4 & 5)This might have been effective two hundred years ago when everyone used wooden musket guns. You are an idiot, Have you ever shot a wooden musket? Muskets were never made of wood! Do you even know what would happen if you took black powder, a lead pellot and discharged it in a wood musket? It would blow up in your face and you would die. That might be a good idea for you to try it.
(Paragraph 2 line 8 & 9)(Paragraph 4 line 2, 3 & 4)keeping a pistol by your bedside will help you if someone decided to turn America into a theocratic dictatorship? Obama is doing a great job of that right in front of our faces not in bed in our sleep. The reason for having a gun by my bed to protect my family from the criminals that the liberal democrats release from prison every day.
(Paragraph 4 line 4 & 5)the irony is that the criminal is armed only because he too is allowed to possess firearms under the same set of laws. We have laws that keep criminals from owning guns.Once they choose to become a criminal these laws no longer exist for them. You are still showing that you are an idiot. They are criminals, they do not care about any laws!!!!!
(Paragraph 4 line 5,6 ,7 & 8)These gun right advocates claim that if gun control laws are passed, then honest citizens will be robbed of their right to self defence while the criminals continue to arm themselves with black market guns. Are right and you are wrong. Do your reasearch on Australia, Crime with firearms went up 300% because of gun control!
(Paragraph 4 line 8,9 ,10 & 11)With proper law enforcement, criminals will have access to less guns than before and ultimately the number of gun-related violent crimes will drop. It is selfish for people to keep guns to protect themselves at the expense of public safety because it creates a harmful environment where guns are more easily obtainable. I live in America, There is and will be no such thing as proper law enforcement! Besides that point, you mean to say that I should allow my family, myself and other to die before the American government steps in to lower the amount of gun in this country? How many innocent lives do you want for the sake of public safety? And you thing I am selfish because I want my family to live? You are again an idiot! Would you be so willing to give you life in the interest of public safety?
(Paragraph 5 line 1 & 2)Also, it is important to note that carrying a gun does not necessarily mean you are safer. Once again you are proving that you are an idiot. Now, let me see, criminals are cowards, If a criminal sees and knows I have a gun, do you really think he is going to confront me? Do you really think that he is going to attach, rob, car jack, rape my wife and or daughter? No, he will go for someone weak and with out a gun. A criminal does not want to die much like you and I.
(Paragraph 6 line 1)Guns make killing all to easy. You’r an idiot. In (Paragraph 8 line 1 & 2) Knives, baseball bats, metal rods, golf clubs, lengths of rope, glass shards, rocks and, yes, even guns can kill people. All of these things can not kill without human action. If a criminal does not pick up and use any of these they can not kill.
I have access to all of these items in my very home and they have not killed anyone. Once again, it takes human enteraction for any of these items to kill. What you are saying to all of these people is that we should ban all of these items because of what you believe you can do with these things. You do not want to place the blame were the blame belongs. To the criminal.
Once a criminal is captuered, we as a sociaty should kill the criminal. No more criminals, no more crimes. Right? When the liberal democrats place these criminals in prison for 10 to 20 years, we the people have to pay to feed them, house them and pay for their medical bills. The state in America where I live we the tax payer paid $252,000,000.00 USD, just for the criminals medical bills alone. That’s not including housing and feeding these criminals. Once they are released 90% of these criminals continue to commit crimes and get sent back to prison.
So in finishing my statement, YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!!!!
]]>Many people state that the police are there to protect every person living under their charge, but considering that 911 is known as “dial a prayer,†the police is there just to mop up the blood and say “I’m sorry†(If the officer is nice). The people are the ones who make the government function, not the government controls everything. The original government of the Constitution of the United States was originally created to protect the rights of every man, and nothing else. And like most countries around the world, we (as in America) became sheep. People who wouldn’t care less unless it affected them. A self-revolving universe could destroy not only a “Pure†government, but would destroy the very core of humanity itself.
We think that we can prevent catastrophes by banning weapons, when the rotten core of the people is the real reasons for the deaths. Most things in the universe are categorized as Amoral, which means that is a neutral object, per se a brick. You could use a brick to create a hospital, or you could throw the brick at a police officer during a riot. Guns are created for killing, which some state that killing is evil, so it must be evil, but sometimes, death is the path that you must take to preserve life, or else, there would be no terrorist bombings in Iraq, or the need for standing armies, or officers guarding places like Columbine and Virginia Tech.
To truly make a difference in the staggering crime rate of today, we must change the psychological madness that consumes all, not target an Amoral object that cannot work without guidance.
]]>Millions of people own / possess firearms… some of them are serial killers.
I’m not going to say what gun is appropriate, what isn’t, what is for hunting, or what is for self defense. I believe that self-defense is a unalienable human right, and that a gun is most powerful when it does not have to be used. But, like any power, it can be misused and abused.
Banning firearms will not prevent crimes from being performed with firearms. A society that promotes respect for laws and life and justly punishes law breakers that do not, will get much better results. Not everyone needs to own a firearm… just enough to provide adequate deterrence. If a mugger thinks that one in five people might be armed, he just might think twice about attacking someone. Unfortunately, most cities are “gun free” zones, and 10 out of 10 people are potential victims.
]]>I believe one of the main causes behind deaths involving firearms, as that the person weilding them don’t respect the firepower they are waving around and have not been properly trained in how to use them safely, and people who have never fired a gun in their life cannot make an informed decision on gun ownership cos they haven’t experienced what it’s like to fire one.
i myself only fired a gun recently on my 21st birthday and it was only after i pulled the trigger that the realisation hit home, that every hole in the target is another person dead, but at the same time, it allowed me to treat the gun with respect, and as such me, and the whole family, had a great time.
the country i live in (australia) has had it’s share of nasty shooting massacres, most prominent being the port arthur massacre, because of that one in particular guns became heavily restricted or banned in most cases, however this has done nothing to lower crime rates, the number of illegal firearms found or used just keeps piling up instead and there were still a couple of shooting spree’s which occured sometime after the port arthur massacre.
also there are other uses for guns beside defence, pest control for example (wild pigs are a massive problem here) as well as target shooting, which is a legitimate sport, so it really comes down what you want to own a gun for, and what type of gun, yeah no one needs an automatic weapon, thatsa given, but owning a rifle for hunting, or a pistol for target shooting, yeah thats ok with me, so long as the person is trained in how to use it properly and safely.
]]>People kill people.
Guns don’t kill people. Gun control doesn’t kill people. Atomic bombs don’t kill people. Oxidation doesn’t kill people. Water doesn’t kill people (well, usually).
Well, I like to think the problem usually comes from gun inequality. In america, some have guns, some don’t. Therefore the ones that don’t are less safe than the ones that have.
So. You either ban guns from everyone except the police, military and such (and hope they’re competent). Or you force everyone to have guns.
I know. It sounds crazy. Its from a Repairman Jack book. The guy mentioned compulsory checks on roadblocks for everyone to have guns. Then he’ll move out for a few years, wait for the massacres to settle and go back to the politest country you’ll ever see.
But then, I see your point.
Freedom is limited to the intelligence of the people.