Comments on: DreamHost PS Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Wed, 25 Jun 2008 15:18:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sam Wed, 25 Jun 2008 15:18:41 +0000 I see your site is now hosted on a dedicated server with Are you happy with them? Why did you switch from Dreamhost? Surely a dedicated server is more expensive, isn’t it?

By: Tech Blog Wed, 25 Jun 2008 05:51:49 +0000 Have been running on PS for a few months now with no real issues. I have had to reboot twice – once because of installing a new SSL certificate, which added a new IP to my server, which seemed to rattle the VPS. That was this morning actually!

The other time was when I exceeded my CPU limit for way too long (about 12 hours) and things just choked.

The migration was painless. Now waiting for a MYSQL box!

You can get VPS cheaper (e.g. mediatemple) but I can’t bring myself to leave the DH panel (i love it!), all that space, and their support. Always helpful. Had that issue this morning – posted an email. They fixed it in 18 minutes! That is pretty great for $60/month.

By: DarkMirage Thu, 03 Jan 2008 11:59:44 +0000 I bitched to them and they gave in, that’s all.

By: hl Thu, 03 Jan 2008 09:13:38 +0000 I’m interested in how you got the 15 USD per month discount. I’m running a Dreamhost PS right now too at 279 Mhz, and it is costing me a load of money each month.

By: Sherman, the Ramni Mon, 03 Dec 2007 16:38:55 +0000 Eeeh, true. In that case it’d be a CPU/RAM overselling (though no hosting company sells that LOL).
BTW, I just used the YUKI coupon, and it worked. Thanks a lot for the gift; at last my LUG will be able to migrate to a semi-decent server.

By: DarkMirage Sat, 01 Dec 2007 17:48:32 +0000 Yes, but a shared hosting always has unspoken limits for CPU and RAM usage.

If you think about it, a regular website that uses that much bandwidth would also need a ton of CPU cycles and RAM for all the PHP and MySQL processes.

Which is why most hosts are actually overselling their bandwidth. Theoretically they give you 4TB of bandwidth, but practically you can never hit that because there’s an invisible limit on CPU and RAM usage.

By: Sherman, the Ramni Sat, 01 Dec 2007 05:27:01 +0000 ServerBeach charges 1400 USD/month for a 100 Mbps link, unlimited usage. So, technically is possible to sell 4 TB for 8 bucks and not be a damn overseller.

By: jin Sat, 01 Dec 2007 03:58:30 +0000 @d0nk Ive been with DreamHost for like a year and i switched to HostICan.

HostICan also have the referral level the same as Dreamhost but if you can refer them by yourself you get $70. Personally, i like HostICan better.

Base-Host 12/ms = $95.40 – coupon $50 – switching $40 = $5.40 for the whole year and you $70 referral per a person. See its a good deal in my opinion

By: DarkMirage Sat, 01 Dec 2007 03:07:59 +0000 Well, it’s working pretty fine. DreamHost also gave me a 15 USD per month discount for it. :)

But yeah, in regular shared hosting if your RAM and CPU usage go through the roof, it will just slow down the site (and everyone else hosted on the same server). With a PS, if you exceed your limit for too long (there is a burst period) the things will just start to die and you get 500 errors.

But still, it’s a lot less laggy and more stable than regular hosting if you make sure you have enough RAM and CPU all the time.

By: Dazzer Sat, 01 Dec 2007 03:00:21 +0000 I’ve heard nothing but horror stories about Dreamhost PS. From what I’ve heard , once you start using PS, you’re basically ported over to another server which has dedicated amounts of cycles for you. The problem then is , if you hit that dedicated amount, suddenly you’re not back to your old Dreamhost plan, since that’s not the same server anymore. You’ll just stuck with that bottle neck, and your site becomes lagcity. The only way to solve that is then to either take away PS entirely, and wait to be ported back, or pay more for more cpu cycles.

I’m sticking to my normal dreamhost plan… When I want a VPS, I’ll go to 2Advanced or MediaTemple.
