Comments on: Tokyo Government passed anti-manga bill into law Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Fri, 21 Jan 2011 15:16:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vree Fri, 21 Jan 2011 15:16:30 +0000 ^You gotta understand that in the West, which has been anti-homosexual in the past, legalizing it has become a symbol of freedom, tolerance and progress. In parts of the East where it has been acknowledged for longer, it is just another sex act, and people there you RAEG against only consider it as such. Pedophilia has been around “since the dawn of man” as well. If they are trying to set some sort of hierarchy or criteria, they have no reason not to consider it like all the others.

By: fantana Wed, 05 Jan 2011 03:04:09 +0000 Ever since I heard about this bill, I’ve thought it was crap. Obviously, Japan doesn’t have the First Amendment, but for ages they’ve been praised for the freedoms they allow despite the lack of a “freedom of speech.”

Now, when I think of “glorified depictions of illegal acts” they probably mean shota/lolita, right? Yes, these are illegal in real life. And when you hear about pedos on the news, it makes you cringe a little. But come on, it’s cartoons. It’s comics. No matter where you are, if there’s someone who likes it, they’ll make it. If they’re worried about this market “glorifying” pedophilia, they should probably just force companies who produce works like that to censor genetalia, or to include statements with credits or something that would say “____ does not condone real-life acts of shota/lolita/incest, etc.” or something along those lines. Also, even though I dont think any of these markets is huge in the anime/manga industries, this bill will most deffinitly imact the economy.

As for that ignoramous who wanted to illegalize homosexuality: it’s exactly as Caedite said. In almost all places where homosexuality is (wrongfully, in my opinion) illegalized, it’s because of religious reasons. Gays can’t marry in Japan, true, but to completely illegalize DEPICTIONS, as in the IDEA of homosexuality is beyond disturbing. Yes, plenty of people would love that to happen, but the truth is: gays have been around since the dawn of Man. There are even species of animals that have shown homosexuality. There are countless great people from hisory who were gay, or have been presumed to be, and it’s time for the world to grow up. A person’s sexuality doesn’t define them as a person. Now, before I go even further into a tangent, the same can be said about a manga, character, or anime. Unless it’s full-blown hentai, there are plenty of decent series about homosexual characters that are respected as art. If homosexuality is considered “an illegal act” then just slap a warning on it too. Don’t ban it.

So many things the governments do wrong, and for the wrong reasons…

By: Caedite Sat, 25 Dec 2010 02:41:40 +0000 t there any way we can criminalize homosexuality?” I have a question about this, in the West the people against homosexuals are from the Right because they are more religious and it goes against Christianity (Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox) In Japan, being a non-Christian country I read homosexuality has never been banned so being gay is tolerated by everyone?? I also wonder who would want to criminalize it(talking about the assemblymen)]]> assemblyman said, “Isn’t there any way we can criminalize homosexuality?”

I have a question about this, in the West the people against homosexuals are from the Right because they are more religious and it goes against Christianity (Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox)

In Japan, being a non-Christian country I read homosexuality has never been banned so being gay is tolerated by everyone?? I also wonder who would want to criminalize it(talking about the assemblymen)

By: zoglun Thu, 23 Dec 2010 06:13:06 +0000 well, I see a panda.
