parliament house – Ramblings of DarkMirage Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Sat, 21 Oct 2006 14:03:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Haruhiism Time Capsule Project – Part V Sat, 21 Oct 2006 13:41:30 +0000 Continue reading ]]> I went out to take pictures today. Please read this if you have no idea what this is all about.

You know what they say about a picture speaking a thousand words… Well, here’s one.


Continue for more pictures.


KKnM: Totally cool store that supplies me with my monthly Comptiq, random handphone straps and Nanaka telephone card. :3 Thanks for letting me take the pictures!

La Tendo

La Tendo: I ordered my PVC Haruhi Bunny from here. This picture didn’t turn out so good… Oh well.


Singapore Management University… Nothing interesting about it. It just happened to be nearby.



Dhoby Ghaut MRT

Dhoby Ghaut MRT Station. Well, you can’t really see anything since all the station and trains are underground… It’s the thought that counts!

Rubbish Bin

You can see one of these roughly every 10 steps you take in Singapore. Without the Haruhiism logo, sadly.


This is the entrance to the Istana. The President of Singapore lives inside. But since we are a parliamentary democracy (sort of), the President doesn’t actually do anything. He’s like the King of England, except less well-known.


7-Eleven: It’s a store and more! Note the security camera at the top left corner…

ParliamentSecurity Checkpoint

Many brave souls were sacrificed in the skirmish against the security guards for the purpose of these two pictures. A minute of silence, please.

Okay fine, there was no one there!

Singapore RiverSingapore RiverSingapore River

The Singapore River, complete with silly foreign tourists who pay good money for boat rides to look at the haze.

Stamford Raffles

A statue of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, the alleged founder of modern Singapore. Pffft, we all know that it was actually Lee Kuan Yew.


Esplanade – Durian Theatre by the Bay. It’s a place for snobby art people like Tsubaki.


The Merlion, a proud national symbol of Singapore. Also, a grotesque fish-lion hybrid. Just think about it. How the hell does that even work?

And that’s all folks! Tune in next time for more sights and sounds more sights of Singapore! :)

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