posters – Ramblings of DarkMirage Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Thu, 20 Dec 2007 02:18:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A look into an otaku’s room Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:37:18 +0000 Continue reading ]]> As some people might know, I just moved house a few days ago. I finally finished unpacking today and I decided to take some pictures.

Otaku for life!
The entrance to doom and horror

Warning: Pictures may be extremely disturbing to the uninitiated.

Otaku for life!
Rei and Mana

Turn right (although no one in the right mind would do that since you’d be facing the wall) after stepping through the door and you’ll see two large Evangelion posters that identify me as a level 12 Eva fanboy. Mana is hawt. That’s a not-for-sale promotional poster for the PS1 version of Girlfriend of Steel. I found it at Mandarake Shibuya for ï¿¥200. Yay.

Otaku for life!
The lair

Right across the door is where I spend 90% of my waking hours, excluding school.

Otaku for life!

Generally I do my stuff on the main monitor. The secondary monitor is mostly for IRC, Winamp and some misc. widgets.

Otaku for life!

The rig below is a Pentium 3 with a dead HDD. I was using it to run Linux, but it’s dead now. At least until I move a HDD over.

Otaku for life!

A Coolmaster case. It’s so cool that the PVC figures above it have not melted yet. In fact, it’s so cool that there’s a penguin sitting on it.

Otaku for life!

Louise stands above my Creative subwoofer.

Otaku for life!

Behind is the promotional poster for Maaya Sakamoto‘s “Kazemachi JET” single. I have the one for Yunagi LOOP too, but it was damaged when I took it down during the packing. I failed as a Maaya fanboy. orz

Otaku for life!

I have no idea why the penguin is there. It just is.

Otaku for life!

My wallet’s coin compartment has a huge hole, so I took out all my coins. That’s a Mahora school crest on the keychain.

Otaku for life!

When she’s not on a holiday, Saber sits on my desk. Gao.

Otaku for life!

Behind Saber is a wallscroll of Tama-nee. It’s a promotional item from Messe Sanoh that came with the limited edition copy of ToHeart2 XRATED. I bought it from Lashinbang in Ikebukuro for ï¿¥2,000.

And now we come to the interesting part…the shelves…

Otaku for life!
Otaku for life!Otaku for life!Otaku for life!

The storage area belong Kasumi is where I dump everything that can’t be displayed. I should invest more in displayable stuff, like posters.

Otaku for life!Otaku for life!Otaku for life!Otaku for life!Otaku for life!Otaku for life!

I seem to be missing some books. Oh well. Maybe they got lost in one of the bajillion boxes during the move. Hopefully they’ll turn up one day…

Otaku for life!Otaku for life!Otaku for life!

My “study” desk. Do you see any studying materials around? I think not.

Otaku for life!

My laptop. It’s trying and failing to boot Linux off a Live CD. Sigh…

Otaku for life!

My phone charging. HARUHIISM FOREVER!!!

Otaku for life!

My HP printer and, uh, some CDs… Okay this is getting lame. Let’s wrap up with some shots of the posters and pencil boards that are haphazardly pasted all over the place.

Otaku for life!Otaku for life!
Melons are nice

Otaku for life!Otaku for life!
The princesses

Otaku for life!
The girls with guns

Otaku for life!
Setsuna-chan!!! Too bad the game sucked

Otaku for life!
This phone card costs more than any single poster

Otaku for life!
So…uh…yeah, I like Lacus

Otaku for life!
A brave issue of Megami gave up its life

Otaku for life!
Pretty bad picture due to the poor lighting (that or I just suck)

And finally…

Otaku for life!

Everyone knows that I have a thing against displaying posters with folds, but Feena is an exception. :3

BTW my room is defended by a USB missile launcher. So don’t even think about it!

Otaku for life!

View the rest of the pictures in the gallery.

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