school camps – Ramblings of DarkMirage Anime, Games, J-Pop and Whatever Else Thu, 30 Nov 2006 08:45:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Survivor Wed, 09 Nov 2005 12:43:00 +0000 Continue reading ]]> I’m still alive. Thanks for (not) worrying. Reached home in the afternoon. took a shower and went right back to my regular schedule of non-stop internet time. A lot of catching-up yet to be done. Spent most of the afternoon playing Tick! Tack!. Managed to finish the Nerine (Blue) Ending. The story is way better than in Nerine’s original path in Shuffle!, but it’s stll rather short. Oh well, I’ll do a review after I’ve tried out Nerine (Red) and Sage’s paths.

So anyway, for the two of you out there who cares, I was stranded on Pulau Ubin , which is not a very fun island to be on, and returned to mainland Singapore yesterday at around evening, after which I was to be confined within the school walls for one more night. Yes, this is one of those “school camps” thingies that you often hear rumours about around the net. The horror.

It’s a leadership-training camp where they throw you and a bunch of guys into the wild and hold tribal councils at the end of every episode to eliminate one participant until one is declared the winner and walks away with a million dollars force you to backstab depend on one another to overcome various obstacles. Well, except that in our case, it was not really that “wild” considering how half the paths are paved with asphalt and there are shops selling canned drinks (not that we had any money with us) all around the island…but I digress.

There were ten of us in a group and two tents that looked like they were designed for two. In total, we probably covered enough distance (walking around in circles) to go from the north end of Singapore mainland to the south end. Sadly, it was just a lot of walking and not much adventuring. The most dangerous things we came across were probably the mosquitos, although that sleeping domesticated boar that looked half-dead in the heat was certainly very frightening too. Really.

Other than the sauna tents and the twenty-over bite marks on my four limbs, the camp was quite fun in a way. 生きて残ってよかった・・・

P.S. My penpal finally replied! イエー~!

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