{"id":1326,"date":"2008-11-24T14:08:30","date_gmt":"2008-11-24T06:08:30","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/?p=1326"},"modified":"2011-03-29T01:15:07","modified_gmt":"2011-03-28T17:15:07","slug":"anime-festival-asia-2008","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/2008\/11\/24\/anime-festival-asia-2008\/","title":{"rendered":"Anime Festival Asia 2008"},"content":{"rendered":"
Over. Singapore’s first anime convention is. It’s been an eventful two days and I’m quite happy with the way it ended. Now we can start looking forward to next year. Also, I just woke up and my head hurts.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n The convention area is divided into a few zones. The white rectangle at the bottom right is where the staff and invited guests rest. You can read up on more background information about the event from my past entries<\/a>.<\/p>\n Again, the invited guests were May’n, Yasufumi Soejima, Koji Morimoto, Kunio Okawara, Ichiro Mizuki. I uploaded a YouTube video<\/a> of the Q&A session on Saturday.<\/p>\n The stage area was always crowded whenever there was any performance. My 17-50mm lens couldn’t get any picture of what went on. There was a cosplay competition on the second day.<\/p>\n Also, since I was using a DSLR with no live preview, I had to shoot blind while holding it above the crowd.<\/p>\n There’s a display for Studio 4\u00c2\u00b0C’s Genius Party<\/strong>. Koji Morimoto was there on Saturday for an hour to sign GP merchandises.<\/p>\n LaMB<\/strong> is Animax Asia’s first in-house production and it is being produced right here in Singapore. It’s a one-hour sci-fi anime movie with storyboard by Yasufumi Soejima, a former GONZO animator.<\/p>\n The figurine displays drew a constant crowd. Although the whole thing was handled by a local distributor, there were Japanese representatives from Good Smile Company and others around, and apparently they were quite impressed by the turnout. Bodes well for the future. ;)<\/p>\n Bandai<\/strong> and Gundam have quite a presence at the event because Bandai recently set up an Asian branch in Singapore. No questions were asked about why there were so many Gundam 00 fans in Singapore when the show is not available here. *cough*<\/p>\n There were many pieces from Imaginary Friends Studios<\/a><\/strong> on display both at their own both and at the NUS Graphite booth. IFS is a Singaporean art studio with an impressive repertoire and has many major foreign clients<\/a> such as Electronic Arts (e.g. Mirror’s Edge<\/a>), Intel, Nokia, DC Comics and Penny Arcade<\/a>.<\/p>\n I bought a copy of their latest release, The Pepper Project<\/strong>, which is a compilation of artworks featuring Pepper, the mascot character created by Artgerm<\/a> aka Stanley Lau, the head of IFS. I got him to sign my copy.<\/p>\n I apologize for my poor photography as usual… I should really get around to getting a Speedlite. If only some kind soul would donate a 580 EX to me. My birthday is in January by the way. :D<\/p>\n Ichiro Mizuki<\/strong> performed on Saturday night and May’n<\/strong> performed on Sunday night.<\/p>\n I didn’t attend Mizuki’s concert but I heard it was pretty awesome. I did watch him perform during rehearsal on Friday and during the cosplay competition on Sunday. (He was one of the judges.)<\/p>\n I did attend May’n’s concert. It was one of the most awesome moments of the past year and a perfect end to the event. Her stage presence is truly captivating and her vocals are the real deal. I was standing right at the front and the atmosphere was just perfect. Sheryl Nome was on stage.<\/p>\n Unfortunately, photography was banned during her concert so I don’t have anything for you to see, especially since I was at the front where all the staff members were…<\/p>\n Okay just kidding. I have obtained some top secret photographs taken by other people. Many Bothan spies died to bring us these pictures. Not that you can see much in them.<\/p>\n By the way, the Sheryl cosplayer (first picture in this post) was actually a Diamond VIP ticket holder who went on stage to shake hands with May’n and receive a signed board.<\/p>\n And yeah, I had a Diamond VIP ticket too. Also, vicious rumours of my snubbing of May’n are competely untrue. The reality is that I did shake her hands, but at that very moment Jim (extreme right), the design director for AFA08, introduced me to May’n’s manager (centre right) all of a sudden as “the guy who translated all the interview questions” and I ended up in a deer-in-the-headlight situation with me fumbling for words while attempting to bow and greet simultaneously. As any reasonably sane deer would do, I fled. orz<\/p>\n So yeah. I didn’t snub her. I merely ran away. >_<<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nThe queue got better later in the day<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nGraphite<\/a> drawing competition organized by NUS Anime Club<\/a><\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nIt’s a sign<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nUltraman vs. a furry teddy bear<\/p>\nDisplays<\/h3>\n
\nGenius Party<\/a> concept art<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nKoji Morimoto<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nAnimax Asia showcasing LaMB<\/a>, their first in-house production<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nYasufumi Soejima<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nI want this… D:<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nEvent limited 1\/60 Exia Trans-Am mode<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nAirbrushing demonstration<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nThose of you waiting for episode 8 review can make do with this<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nImaginary Friends Studios’ display at NUS Graphite<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nPepper too<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nSome works from Collateral Damage Studios<\/a><\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nYes May’n signed it<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nAnime showcases from everyone’s favourite company<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nSeriously though, Odex did a decent job<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nLocal distributor Chuangyi Comics<\/a><\/p>\n<\/a>
\nSome manga-related displays<\/p>\nCosplay<\/h3>\n
\nIt’s running away<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nThis can only mean one thing: giant cockroaches<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nMiku got a haircut<\/p>\n<\/a><\/p>\n
\nWaiting for May’n<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nThe MCs<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nCamera LCDs<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nPictures taken by LianYL of RIUVA<\/a>. Please arrest him instead<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nMay’n’s dancers, Junko and Mizuki<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nPicture taken by Double<\/a>. Please arrest him instead<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nPicture taken by Windbell<\/a>. Please arrest him instead<\/p>\n<\/a>
\nPeople love to spell my handle as two words :(<\/p>\n