{"id":549,"date":"2006-10-24T00:35:02","date_gmt":"2006-10-23T16:35:02","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/2006\/10\/24\/danny-choo-on-blogtv-translation\/"},"modified":"2006-10-24T20:46:27","modified_gmt":"2006-10-24T12:46:27","slug":"danny-choo-on-blogtv-translation","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/2006\/10\/24\/danny-choo-on-blogtv-translation\/","title":{"rendered":"Danny Choo on BlogTV – Translation"},"content":{"rendered":"

As you probably already know, Danny Choo<\/a> was featured on Blog TV, a Friday night Tokyo MX show that features the various net-related topics and blogs. You can watch it on YouTube<\/a> here.<\/p>\n

\nPicture shamelessly taken without permission from

It took Danny Choo to get me to watch a Japanese talk show. And me being me, I decided to take my first shot at translating one. It’s a whole new world out there. I’ll translate anime and games over incoherent talk show ramblings any day! Well, it’s incomplete but I did my best… \u00e3\u0081\u00a9\u00e3\u0081\u2020\u00e3\u0081\u017e<\/p>\n



BlogTV #16 3\/3 (Aired 20th October)
\n<\/strong>{<\/strong> }<\/strong> = Translator’s comments<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tThis is the corner of our show every week where we showcase “Super Blogs” with in-depth coverage of a chosen theme.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tOur theme this week is “Figures”.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tAnd here he is.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tHere he is!<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tDie Imperial scum!<\/em> {<\/strong>okay, I lied. I don’t know this. something-domo niwa ankoku wo!<\/em>}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tI want to wear it too.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tOh, you can see the jealousy all over his face. But please stop looking at me. Kowai~<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tI want one!!! I want one!<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tSo anyway, I’m sure you are all wondering about this outfit here. After selecting a few Super Blogs out of the numerous figure-related blogs, we have invited this gentleman today to introduce us to them.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tEh? He is going to introduce them?<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tYeah. This is Danny Choo, the site owner of dannychoo.com<\/a>, a blog that introduces the various aspects of the Otaku Culture, such as figure, anime, idols and cosplay, to the world. Welcome, Danny Choo-san.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tYay! Welcome!<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tNice to meet you.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tThe armour looks scary but he’s actually such a gentle person inside. I’m relieved. ^_^<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tIt looks great.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tMay I know why are you dressed in that?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tOh this? This is my normal appearance. ^_^<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tSee, I wear civilian clothings in the daytime…<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\t{<\/strong>LOL}<\/strong> civilian?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\t…and change into this when I get home. Yup.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tWhich one’s the real you?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tThis one is.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tAren’t you supposed to keep your identity secret? {<\/strong>I’m not sure about this either}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tSHhhhhhh *wink* kinsoku jikou desu<\/em> {<\/strong>ok I lied again}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tBy the way, how much did this cost?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tHmmm, well… It’s about 300k yen in total, somewhere around there. {<\/strong>Nearly 3000 USD}<\/strong><\/p>\n



Man<\/strong>:\tWell I guess it’s just nice that Halloween is around the corner.<\/p>\n


Danny<\/strong>:\tI do plan on walking around {<\/strong>on that day}<\/strong>.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tSo anyway, before we ask you to introduce the other blogs, may we first have you tell us more about what kind of site is dannychoo.com?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tOkay, let’s see. I cover topics such as event reports for anime, games and figures, figure reviews and occasionally idol events. It’s an Otaku blog with a focus on figures. Yup.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tWow. I can feel the overflowing Otaku spirit.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tAs you can see on the site right now, there certainly are a lot of figures. Danny-san, just how many do you own?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tWell, I’ve never actually counted them before, but I probably have 98.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tDown to the exact digit? And you say you didn’t count them. {<\/strong>my translation is awkward but I think you get the idea}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tIs this your house? {<\/strong>can’t hear what comes after. I hate talk shows desu}<\/strong><\/p>\n


Danny<\/strong>:\tI display my figures outside of shelves, so they often collect dust. Once in a while, I clean them and take the opportunity to line them up on the stairs.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tThis is almost like Hinamatsuri<\/em>. {<\/strong>Wikipedia<\/a> explains it better than I can}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tThe title for this entry is “Stairway to Heaven”, right?<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tI heard your blog has an English version too.<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tYeah. In general, 60% of my readers read the English version and the rest read the Japanese version.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tSo when you post, do you write the English version first or the Japanese version first?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tOh, it depends. But generally, I write the English version first and then translate it into Japanese.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tAre the contents the same?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tWell, sometimes I have Japanese-only entries and sometimes I have English-only contents.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tJust a question, what do your foreign readers think about the Otaku Culture?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tWell, the people who link to my blog are generally self-acknowledged otaku. That is to say, the foreign readers tend to have a rather cool image of otaku.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tOh, I see.<\/p>\n


Woman<\/strong>:\tSo it’s like the Otaku appeal?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tYeah like, “I’m an otaku”.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tI see, I see. In Japan, when we say “otaku”, it’s often like “Otaku? Ewww”. I guess it really depends on the culture.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tYeah, Akiba culture has really grown these days. It’s almost like a link to the rest of the world.<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tYeah, I agree.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tWell then, may we have Danny-san introduce some of his favourite figure blogs now?<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tWell Danny-san is so well-versed in the topic himself, his recommendations must be really good.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tYeah, totally… BTW I just have to add this useless line to make my presence felt.<\/em> {<\/strong>I kid, I kid}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tHere’s the first one.<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tYeah, this is Akiba-blog<\/a>. This is the first Akiba-kei<\/em> blog I’ve visited. {<\/strong>Me too!!!}<\/strong> It talks about the events at Akihabara and the occasional Sunday cosplay displays. {<\/strong>note: they seal off the whole street of Akihabara on some Sundays for pedestrians to walk and cosplay on}<\/strong> They also report on figures, new shop openings and shop closings.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tThere are some pretty ecchi stuff too, huh? {<\/strong>ecchi = sexual\/porn}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tYeah, just a little. {<\/strong>Oh come on Danny, that’s such a huge lie…}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tCertainly makes your heart beat faster. {<\/strong>no yaoi kthx}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tI heard that foreigners who come to Japan don’t just go to Akihabara for the cheap electronics these days. They are also interested in the Otaku Culture and see Akiba as an Otaku Mecca, {<\/strong>so true, so true…}<\/strong> almost like a real holy land.<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tYeah, the people who read my blog generally want to go to Akihabara first when they come to Japan, not to buy the electronic products but to get figures and things like that.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tDo you think it’ll take off if we have something like Akihabara in Silicon Valley?<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tI heard there are plenty of places like that in various parts of the world.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tI wonder why {<\/strong>something I can’t catch}<\/strong>. Well, let’s continue on to the next blog. What kind of site is this?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tIt’s moeyo.com<\/a>, a very Akiba-kei<\/em> blog. It mainly focuses on figures. The site owner often receives figures before they are released and take pictures of them. I often use refer to this site to decide whether to pre-order certain figures.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tAh, I see.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tIt says “Mo\u00c3\u00a9-kei<\/em>“. The site’s certainly mo\u00c3\u00a9. {<\/strong>Mo\u00c3\u00a9!!!<\/a>}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tYeah, it sure is.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tIt’s getting quite popular these days.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tIt really is quite amazing. Just looking at this site makes you go “Wow”.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tBut actually, I’ve seen a lot of figures at Akihabara personally. Somehow they seem to look a lot more mo\u00c3\u00a9 in these 2D pictures than the real 3D ones which are quite small.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tSo you don’t like them in 3D?<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tYeah, somehow I prefer them 2D instead of 3D. {<\/strong>what a bold statement desu}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tDanny-san, how do you think your hobby will grow and develop?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tWell, I just can’t imagine a world without figures. It’s like a soothing presence to me. In this stressful society, I think my growing collection will keep me going and I’ll continue to blog about them.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tSo, as your collection grows and grows, {<\/strong>something I can’t catch}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tDo you think that small figures are better? Or do you prefer them to be bigger?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tWell, the small ones are good for carrying around.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tSo it’s like a memorial?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tYeah, a memorial figure.<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tAnd the large ones, I leave on the desk at work or at home.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tI wonder how large will your collect go. Maybe eventually your floor will disappear. Danny-san, what do you think figures mean to otaku, including yourself?<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tWell, as I said just now, they are a really soothing presence. <\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tOh, so that’s the whole thing behind it? {<\/strong>for some reason, I just have a hard time phrasing her words}<\/strong><\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tYeah, indeed.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tAs you can see, his face is so full of joy.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tYeah, it’s good to smile.<\/p>\n

Danny<\/strong>:\tYeah, it is.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tAnd that was Danny-san. Thank you very much for today.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tThank you very much.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tAnd that’s it for this “Super Blogs” corner. Interesting.<\/p>\n


Woman<\/strong>:\tAhh! He’s really kowai<\/em>!<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tOh that was great.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tPlease don’t shoot at me!<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tOh man, I want it so bad… I want it…<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tIsn’t this Darth Vadar?<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tNo, it’s a Stormtrooper. We are alright.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tBut I’m still scared. Oh oh, you’re hit!<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tWell, we are really done for today.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tWe talked a lot about figures today, a topic we hadn’t really covered before.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tYeah, it’s like a whole new world.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tYeah, I really learnt a lot.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tWelcome to the 2D world.<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tAnd this week, we have a live webcam view from {<\/strong>some place}<\/strong> in Germany.<\/p>\n

Man<\/strong>:\tDoesn’t this look cool?<\/p>\n

Woman<\/strong>:\tWell, see you next week. Bye bye.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

As you probably already know, Danny Choo was featured on Blog TV, a Friday night Tokyo MX show that features the various net-related topics and blogs. You can watch it on YouTube here. Picture shamelessly taken without permission from dannychoo.com … Continue reading →<\/span><\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":[],"categories":[28],"tags":[209,456,22],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/549"}],"collection":[{"href":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts"}],"about":[{"href":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/post"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/1"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=549"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/posts\/549\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=549"}],"wp:term":[{"taxonomy":"category","embeddable":true,"href":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/categories?post=549"},{"taxonomy":"post_tag","embeddable":true,"href":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/tags?post=549"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}