{"id":848,"date":"2007-07-05T00:01:48","date_gmt":"2007-07-04T16:01:48","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/2007\/07\/05\/school-days-episode-1\/"},"modified":"2007-10-10T21:13:29","modified_gmt":"2007-10-10T13:13:29","slug":"school-days-episode-1","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"http:\/\/www.darkmirage.com\/2007\/07\/05\/school-days-episode-1\/","title":{"rendered":"School Days – Episode 1"},"content":{"rendered":"
School Days<\/strong><\/a> is a 2005 AVG from Overflow<\/a> that featured fully voiced and animated gameplay. Thanks partly to its infamous blood-soaked “bad ends”, the game achieve cult status in otakudom and can be said to be the first and, thus far, only hit for the obscure studio. A sequel starring Setsuna Kiyoura, the most popular sub-heroine in the original game, called SummerDays<\/strong> was thrown together in less time than it takes for snow to melt in an August afternoon, and the result wasn’t very good. At all<\/a>.<\/p>\n Anyway, the first episode of School Days 2007<\/a> aired this morning and I managed to obtain a copy via Bittor…<\/span> Haitian black voodoo magic. The first episode is pretty much a blow-by-blow remake of the first chapter of the game with a few minute changes. So, how does it compare? Continue reading for my expert fanboy opinions.<\/p>\n <\/p>\n Despite the royal screw-up that is SummerDays, the original School Days is still popular enough to warrant an anime adaptation. Being a huge SD fan (I own both games and even attended a pre-launch SummerDays event<\/a> in Akihabara), I feel conflicted about an anime adaptation. On one hand I am happy about having more Sekai and Setsuna, but on the other hand lies uncertainties and doubts. The original SD, especially the first chapter, had a certain magic that caught my attention when it was first released as a 22-minute WMV demo, something that SummerDays and the other SD spin-offs failed utterly at recreating. I am almost certain that the anime will suffer the same fate… It’s still too early to tell, though. Anyway, moving along…<\/p>\n Basically the story is about a love triangle (or square or pentagon or hexagon) between a bunch of carefree high school students. It’s a little bit more complicated than that but that shall suffice for the purpose of this post. The main character is Makoto Itou and the two main heroines are Sekai Saionji (yay) and Kotonoha Katsura (boo).<\/p>\n Taking a page from my own “advice<\/a>“, here’s a whole bunch of screenshots from the first episode! As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words. Or was it, JPEGs are a lazy blogger’s best friend. Anyway, here goes 26,000+ words…<\/p>\n WARNING<\/strong>: No (real) spoilers but lots of fanboy jokes!<\/p>\n And that concludes my 26,000+ words… now for a few more.<\/p>\n The first episode tries to take the safe path by remaining generally faithful to the original and taking very little risks in terms of new content. Although the original game was billed as fully animated, the reality was that only crucial scenes were properly animated in the normal anime series while a good potion of the regular dialogues was done using mouth overlays and a combination of facial close-ups from various angles. This saves a lot of money and effort by greatly reducing the amount of actual animation in the game. That of course does not work very well for a real anime which is why the anime only uses split-screen close-ups for the occasional dramatic effect. So, I guess it’s an improvement over the psuedo animations of the original… right?<\/p>\n Paradoxically, I actually prefer the original. I admit that it’s cheapskate and mostly a cost-cutting decision, but it actually helps to make the emotional scenes stand out more. I thought that the climax scene in the first episode didn’t work nearly as well in the anime because of this (and because of the lack of the awesome game theme song). But maybe it’s all just the irrational fanboy in me speaking.<\/p>\n Moving on… It’s great that the cast is the same because I like it with the exception of Makoto. Sekai Banzai! Setsuna Banzai!<\/p>\n And did I mention that I really, really miss the theme song from the original game, “Still I Love You ~Mitsumeru Yori wa Shiawase~<\/a>“? I mean rino has a great voice and all but the new ED just doesn’t do it for me. BTW the anime ED theme is Usotsuki<\/strong> (Liar) by CooRie (aka rino).<\/p>\n All in all, the anime was better than I had expected, but not quite the “ZOMG I MUST STOP EATING TO PREORDER THIS GAME NOW” level of pure goodness that was the original episode one.<\/p>\n By the way, I’ve uploaded the legendary Paikia-Fansubs<\/a> translation of the original 22-minute promo video in all its crappy-editing galore to YouTube. I would’ve re-encoded a new version with better translation but the original soft script has been lost in the labyrinth of time. FLV quality FTL. And yes I do realize that the subs are pretty much unreadable… blame it on YouTube and the typesetter. I do have a copy of the untimed and unedited translations<\/a> if it helps.<\/p>\n
\n“Why did I enroll in a school of faceless monsters?”<\/p>\n
\nGlad to see the story still takes place in the same setting.<\/p>\n
\nSplit-screen face-closeups faithfully ported from the game.<\/p>\n
\nI am cute, innocent, pure and I don’t carry knives with me. *eyes sparkle*<\/p>\n
\nDo Not Disturb. Professional stalker at work.<\/p>\n
\nMakoto has bigger eyes now.<\/p>\n
\nSEKAI 4EVA!<\/p>\n
\nCharacter designs are pretty close to the original.<\/p>\n
\n“Wanna make out on the rooftop after school?”<\/p>\n
\n“Ok, but only if Kotonoha can join us too. She is pretty hawt for a fellow girl.”<\/p>\n
\n“Note to self: this guy will stab me in the back one day.”<\/p>\n
\n“Don’t mind me, please continue with your hawt yaoi sechs.”<\/p>\n
\nSekai’s trademarked 120-degree head turn!<\/p>\n
\n“I have nekkid pics of Kotonoha, you want?”<\/p>\n
\n“Hand them over!”<\/p>\n
\nBest 3 seconds of the entire episode.<\/p>\n
\n“You lied… those were Paris Hilton pics. I had to pour acid into my eyes.”<\/p>\n
\n“I am just an innocent girl. No knives at all. No siree.”<\/p>\n
\nI like this expression.<\/p>\n
\n“Look at me laugh innocently. I am such an angel. *sparkle*”<\/p>\n
\nYes, the awesome train station scene is in this episode. Rejoice!<\/p>\n
\nThe ending is just not the same without “Still I Love You” by KIRIKO. :(<\/p>\n