Shuffle! Ending
I took a break from WoW and watched the last episode of Shuffle! yesterday. I lurve the ending.
Lots of spoilers ahead.
Asa-senpai runs away to the place where Rin confessed to her because she wants to see the place again before its too late. Rin finds her and asks her again to use magic so as to drain the magical powers that are bottling up in her human body and slowly killing her.
Asa refuses once again, but this time Rin has a plan…
Blackmailing 101
He takes out a pen knife and slits his own wrist.
Remember kids: Mr. Razor crosses the road to get attention
but he goes down the street to do something
Shuffle! now lacks neither nudity nor blood and gore. Yay! Technically since he slits his wrist sideways by sliding the razor across, he shouldn’t be losing so much blood. It will at most leave a scar. The correct way to kill yourself is to press the razor downwards so that it digs into the flesh in a 45-degrees angle… But nevermind that.
Asa-senpai, pinch!
Asa watches Rin slowly lose consciousness. Rin contiunes to persuade her to use magic on his final breath…
Best. Scene. Ever.
She finally does so to save Rin. Her unbottled magical powers causes instant hair growth (?). And they live happily ever after.
From nekomimi to meganekko
All the girls, including Primula, still continue to like him. So even though Rin has chosen Asa, the most beautiful girls in school still lust after him and prepare bentou etc for him. Which means that the only difference between the ending and the beginning of Shuffle! is that Asa now has long hair! (Oh wait, Ama is going to help her cut it soon… nevermind)
Still, I love the ending. ^_^
January 8th, 2006 at 12:45 pm
LOL, thanks for the lesson on how to slit your wrists effectively ;).
Well, the ending was OK, but just the first half feels kinda rushed in a sense. And was it only me, or was the art really funny this episode?
January 11th, 2006 at 9:01 pm
no it’s not just you…Asa’s beautiful eyes were drawn real weird during the lunch time when she seemed to be in ‘shock’.
January 23rd, 2006 at 4:53 am
I enjoyed the ending a lot. And, yes, the last half seems to have been drawn differently. o.O; However, it was still a well done ending that asks: “How far will you go for love?” Certainly, love asks not only devotion and more, but courage as well. Rin definitely showed it in this episode. (AKA… “Blackmail 101″ ~.^)
February 3rd, 2006 at 9:36 pm
I think the ending was quite satisfying. Well, the second part was kinda different in the drawing but anyway the story is what I’m after. I just the concept of “I’d do anything for you” just like Rin showed towards Asa in order to save her….
February 6th, 2006 at 7:29 pm
Honestly .. eh. It was inevitable. I wanted him to end up with Kaede though .. but the story was definitely going towards Asa >.>
But no one would care for him more than Kaede *sigh*
October 1st, 2006 at 11:12 pm
I did want him to end up with Kaede, and I didn’t really like how emotionallyl unstable she turned out to be, but hey! I like Asa too~
Thanks for teachinhg us how to cut our wrists right =D I actually didn’t ever know that XD;;;
March 19th, 2007 at 12:23 am
whats shuffle?
May 8th, 2007 at 4:00 am
The ending was great, I always get this empty and sad feeling when a good anime as this ends. Somebody knows what I’m saying? I always get touched (No, dont think perverted) very emotical :|.
Anyone has that too? Please contact me if u like to talk about it ^^
August 3rd, 2007 at 10:59 am
lolsys….i didn’t read it because i just decided to wait and watch the whole series -_-…….but i took a look at the screen shots=
May 27th, 2008 at 9:59 pm
This’s the WORST ending I’ve ever watched…..
May 31st, 2008 at 4:31 pm
Best. Scene. Ever.
Worst. Scene. Ever.
July 7th, 2008 at 2:12 am
That’s a shame though.
I wanted the Kaede ending.
June 12th, 2009 at 10:16 pm
what why would he not choose Kaede you konw the one who does everything for him and already acts like his wife, the one he started out with, that stupid horny traitorous bastard
March 22nd, 2010 at 10:25 am
Dissappointment…i hate this open ended conclusion nothing in the anime is finished and it has more loose ends that spaggeti (excuse my bad spelling)
1. ok rin picked a chic but they all still love him sooooo >_> ok so nobody has really givin up on him.
2. The ending was a bite extreme just guessing rin was willing to kill himself for asa and they only been dating for like 4 monthes top.
3. I wish people would stop with the whole kaede and sia lesbo thing. They kissed ON ACCIDENT im not saying the are not lesbos but we the viewer have no idea cuz they just stopped it.
I was hoping rin would date asa but they would break up on account of a stain on their friendship. After all I only think he picked asa is because ALL the girls was pushing him toward that direction. Kaede would have got him if she spoke up sooner. Asa would have most likey suduced im but i doubt that would last long. I though he should have ending with the flat chested chic (i forget her name)
Just wanted to end with this…Shuffle started out good and humorous like tenchi muyo, but then it became serious a little to serious to fast. Halfway through all the girls where facing their inner demon which is cool but..all at once? and yes the ending was anticlimatic as if the creator was trying to rush it on the view and whats the worst part…NO AFTER EPISODE! if you dont know what that it its a epidode right after the conclusion that gives closure, but like i said shuffles ending left so many loose ends it kind of confusing.
July 29th, 2010 at 9:27 am
i agree with “NOSH” the ending leaves to many loose ends i wish that they did make a follow episode it would make things easier to understand ” with what happens after” its a shame really,
its a really good anime but they wrecked it with the ending and loose ends IMO XD