Code Geass R2 — Episode 8
This isn’t FFVII; stop spelling it Yuffie
At the end of episode 7, Zero accepted Nunnally’s offer, much to the surprise of everyone else. Knowing Lelouch, we all know that there must be a catch somewhere. And there is.
I like episode 8 because the twist was expected and quite hilarious. Although it may have jumped the shark a little, at least it’s something new.
Zero somehow manages to convince the Black Knights, along with a good number of Elevens, to participate in the Specially Administrated Region of Nippon (the official English title is shown in this episode), the political entity which was previously painfully aborted during its birth and left a trail of blood in its wake.
“Hurray! Let’s celebrate our being oppressed by the Britannia!”
I know what you are thinking. This sounds like an impossible task even for the most charismatic habitual liar. I mean, that conversation probably sounded like, “Don’t be a pussy. This Governor-General seems legit…”
None of their costumes look Japanese
I thought it was pretty unbelievable too, but it turns out that there was a good reason why the director cuts to a different scene just as Zero is about to explain his plans to Toudou.
A million Elevens makes eleven millions
So, without going into too much details about the plot twist, Zero manages to convince a million Japanese to show up at the official ceremony for the new Nippon. What follows is a psychological battle between Suzaku and Zero that involves a giant floating iceberg. Awesome.
She has since moved beyond tables
Nina, the lesbian mad scientist, is back and she’s working on perfecting her secret weapon as a mean of venting her pent-up sexual frustration and avenging Euphy. Yup, just your regular angst-filled teenage love story.
Too cool for guns
And oh yeah, some Eleven guy tried to assassinate Suzaku. He would’ve succeeded too if he A) did not shout like a crazy football fan as he charged, drawing all sorts of attention to himself, or B) used a goddamn rifle and be done with it, easy.
Japanese people all know karate and judo
Lelouch’s Geass on Suzaku is apparently still effective, compelling him to save his own life.
As I said, the plot twist is a bit hard to swallow. It’s preposterous really, but I guess so are most of Zero’s plans if you think about it.
I’m just glad that his plans did not turn out to be the same old collapsing-floor trap. I’ve had enough of that shit.
She’s some kind of Chinese Medusa
I think the story is going to get more interesting soon, since it seems to me that after the events of episode 8, the Black Knights will surely gain a boost in numbers and the Chinese Federation will perhaps play a more active role.
She’s regretting her career decision
“Oh Lord Zero, please allow me to fellate you”
Occupational hazard
Decoding of the Braille reveals that the text is actually from the Bible! *gasp*
“Oh Zero, please let me fellate you”
Britannians are surprisingly liberal sometimes
Poor people ride flying cars. Nobilities ride horse carriages
I don’t trust this guy
Can she look any more sinister?
I don’t know why she’s wearing that, but it’s awesome
Beauty and the Beast
“One down, 999,999 more to go”
So can someone explain to me why is this maid so influential?
Bluetooth headsets do not make you look cool
I need to know everything about semiconductors by Friday. Sigh…
May 26th, 2008 at 1:41 am
yay first review this ep was funny..million zeros
shit hope ppl come here after seeing the episode..
May 26th, 2008 at 2:05 am
You’re screencaps are awesome as always! I’m sort of worried that R2 is going too slow that their going to rush everything at the end of the season just to make an end of it. Theres only 17 or so more episodes left which can go by pretty quickly and there’s still alot of loose ends to tie up. Can’t wait until the season starts to speed up and episodes get more intense.
May 26th, 2008 at 2:06 am
lol nooo I wasn’t first :/
May 26th, 2008 at 2:36 am
good episode…
May 26th, 2008 at 2:55 am
And being japanese is something in your heart. Awwww…
Lloyd, wake up you fool and hit that. Look at Cecile sitting right next to you with “those puppies” ready to burst out….grrr….god, how can you let that go….stupid nerd….
May 26th, 2008 at 3:01 am
You should of made a “I am Spartacus” joke with Zero! It would of been priceless!
May 26th, 2008 at 3:09 am
z’omg FIRSTZ?!?
Also, I liked this episode. Cecil’s dress was…unexpected, but I suppose there had to be fanservice somewhere in the episode and Kallen was annoyingly reluctant to give it :(
Also, Suzaku’s a pussy. Wouldn’t even sign the death warrant for his own assassin. It’s like “Oh, this guy tried to stab me. Meh, I’ll let him off.” Good job Anya was there to be a heartless bitch in his place.
and I disagree, I think the matching bluetooth headset makes him look cool \o/
May 26th, 2008 at 3:26 am
>I need to know everything about semiconductors by Friday
Heh, exams? Hmm, that reminds me, I need to submit my thesis by thursday…
Anyways, nice review, now I just have to wait for a fansub.
May 26th, 2008 at 3:38 am
Haha. Actually, “Oversized” Bluetooh headsets does not make you look cool. Funny remarks. Like it. and emo Nina is bad Nina.
May 26th, 2008 at 3:46 am
Short review. Need to watch the episode to really know wat DM is talking about.
May 26th, 2008 at 4:09 am
This episode was awesome. Completely ridiculous of course, but awesome.
I predict war with wherever the million Zeroes go to. This is Britannia after all.
May 26th, 2008 at 4:53 am
I predict the button will work next time Nina freaks out and goes after zero.
May 26th, 2008 at 5:39 am
damn cecile was hot that episode. i loled when it showed the million zero’s and u could tell the one that was dancing was Kaguya cuz she was so short and lakshata because she always carries that pipe of hasheesh around.
May 26th, 2008 at 7:48 am
“Decoding of the Braille reveals that the text is actually from the Bible! *gasp*”
I lolled.
May 26th, 2008 at 7:57 am
/me too
…but it could actually happen, since I guess that finding a person in a Japanese anime production company that can read Braille is as hard (or harder) as finding one that can read Arabic…
Anyway, good ep, liked the exchange between Suzaku and Zero (Zero[0], that is, not the rest 999,999) but….
WTF is that dog doing there? XD
May 26th, 2008 at 8:27 am
I had no idea where the plot of R2 was going until this episode.
Finally, a well-paced mind battle between Suzaku and Zero. It brings what I love about Code Geass back.
And I thought at least one Zero would have been shot. Oh well, no cheesy character death, emo-related plot breakdown going on at least.
May 26th, 2008 at 8:53 am
Japenese shouldnt fear brittania , brittania should fear japenese.
loolololololololo total rip off from V for vendetta
May 26th, 2008 at 2:22 pm
Its not really a rip off of v for vendetta, but in the same vein. He used a technicality to move his entire army to a point where they can regroup and act as an actual independent military instead of a gorilla fighting group. This puts the black knights into a position to put political and diplomatic pressures on Britania as well as military operations.
Chess wise, he’s essentially setting up for a end game maneuver by feinting back and putting the opponent in a state to where he cannot act offensively. Putting Zero in more control of the overall game.
thats a bait and switch for those that don’t understand it. by pretending to “fall back” you draw the enemy closer, they pursue expecting resistance, but then you lead them into a place where they get hit long range. while you, are away from danger.
May 26th, 2008 at 3:13 pm
I don’t think Kallen knows that Lelouch is a Brittania prince, does she? Then again, if she knows that Nunnally is Lelouch’s younger sister and Nunnally is a Brittanian princess then ?_?
May 26th, 2008 at 3:35 pm
Interesting episode, and I am surprised by the ploy Zero pulled off…
Anya’s comment of Suzaku was a great moment for R2…=D
May 26th, 2008 at 5:50 pm
I have to agree with WEVIL here. I also think that the second season of code geass is moving along a bit too slowly. I really hope it picks up speed real soon.
On a plus note is good to finally see Rolo’s real motivation here. I’m glad he’s not doing the “I wanna be with you forever brother,” anymore. Because that was really starting to get a bit to creppy for me to watch anymore, especially since the last episode when he was all up in Lulu’s face. ewww >_<
May 26th, 2008 at 8:58 pm
I just have to say this: THANK YOU DM for this great blog! I lolled so hard reading this! Now at least 20% of my motivation for watching Code Geass comes from reading this blog afterwards! XD
This episode: Code Geass never ceases to amaze me. What a completely bizarre twist! The problem from last week about Zero not having his outfit with him, but on the ship, seems ridicolous in retrospect. Zero never has to wash, he just brings out a new one!
But why does Lelouche show his face to the maid as Zero? Is it the Darth Vader problem=no air in there??? And who is she anywayz??
May 26th, 2008 at 9:41 pm
She’s the maid who was taking care of Nunnally in R1, and I guess for some reason Lelouch has decided to reveal his identity to her. Actually, she probably already knew Zero’s true identity before this, which makes more sense considering the fact that she escaped to the Chinese Federation with Kagura and the rest after the Black Rebellion.
She also seems to have an awful lot of influence in the Chinese Federation for some reason.
May 27th, 2008 at 2:43 am
I wonder if Sayako can recognize Lelouch from there?It’s pretty far and his face is half covered……..
Also,I think Eleven(Soldiers) are not allowed to carry firearms………
May 27th, 2008 at 10:22 am
Hilarious, once again.
The fellating joke with Princess Kaguya was hilarious, but then when I saw the screencap for Diethard I was throwing up and loling at the same time. Until now, I did not think that was possible 3:
I also have to agree, Cecile was…unexpectedly hot. Quite an unusual sense of attire, but hey, you don’t see me complaining.
May 27th, 2008 at 10:30 am
I’m looking forward to find out who Sayoko truly is, and how she is such an influential person in China…
May 27th, 2008 at 10:50 am
SonicSP, that’s not true. Suzaku was carrying a rifle in R1.
May 27th, 2008 at 5:32 pm
The million Zeros tactic, was so lame I thought it was something from a kid’s show, lol.
Can’t believe the Brittanians didn’t mow the million Zeros down with gun fire. Sure the Elevens would no longer trust Britannia, but Zero, is a big threat, as seen from R1. Oh Come on. Suzaku ought to be more pragmatic.
R2 fan service is no longer suggestive, since the first trailers it has clearly proven that it is there to outright provoke people into a permanent state of sexual fantasy and orgasm. OMG! OMG!
This blog never ceases to amuse me. “Oh Lord Zero, Please allow me to fellate you!” Roflmao
May 27th, 2008 at 8:19 pm
“Can’t believe the Brittanians didn’t mow the million Zeros down with gun fire. Sure the Elevens would no longer trust Britannia, but Zero, is a big threat, as seen from R1. Oh Come on. Suzaku ought to be more pragmatic.”
Suzaku proved earlier in the episode he fails at ordering people’s deaths. It’d also go against what Nunnally and Euphy want(ed). And he’d also have to work under the assumption that Zero would have a failsafe plan if a fight did break out. Lelouch would hardly keep his reputation as a brilliant tactician if he didn’t have some sort of backup plan ready.
May 27th, 2008 at 8:50 pm
“Bluetooth headsets do not make you look cool”
yeah, so true…
May 28th, 2008 at 1:00 pm
One million Zeros? Sure, it’d work…IN THEORY. Code Geass loves putting that sort of thing into action. I only wonder how far they can go. I’m also interested in the few quietly ticking bombs: Nina’s determination and Suzaku’s still-activated Geass, to give a few examples. However preposterous this stuff will get, I’m definitely seeing R2 to its end for the good pieces of plot it’s lain down.
With that said, great review as always. Your captions are win. :D
May 28th, 2008 at 4:02 pm
Oops, by Geass I mean the one Lelouch placed on him of course. Bad wording.
May 29th, 2008 at 3:59 pm
Hillarious captions as usual.
Cecile needs to attend more meetings.
June 2nd, 2008 at 8:41 am
“She’s the maid who was taking care of Nunnally in R1, and I guess for some reason Lelouch has decided to reveal his identity to her. Actually, she probably already knew Zero’s true identity before this, which makes more sense considering the fact that she escaped to the Chinese Federation with Kagura and the rest after the Black Rebellion.
She also seems to have an awful lot of influence in the Chinese Federation for some reason.”
She’s working for Diethard so its not surprising that she escaped with him. I dont see her having any influence in the Chinese Federation either, so far i dont see any real proof of her being more then Diethards bitch.
The only weird thing is Lelouch taking his mask off behind her in this ep. Seeing that she didnt watch properly over nunally at the end of R1 atleast indicates that she didnt know his identity back then.
“SonicSP, that’s not true. Suzaku was carrying a rifle in R1.”
Yes its true, suzaku and the other eleven soldiers werent carrying firearms in ep1, he only got one later from that brit to kill lelouch.
June 11th, 2008 at 10:30 pm
I dont know if u paid attention when all japeneses were wearing zero’s uniform, there was a dog who was wearing Zero’s mask XD that was hilarious lol
March 24th, 2009 at 2:57 am
omg i just realized what fellato means.
March 24th, 2009 at 5:01 am
Here’s a question for you: Do you think that Suzaku would let the generic solider man kill him if he wasn’t given the command to live on? And, how does Suzaku know about the command in the first place? I’m pretty sure that the second question has been explained already, but still!
March 25th, 2009 at 2:45 am
“Can’t believe the Brittanians didn’t mow the million Zeros down with gun fire. Sure the Elevens would no longer trust Britannia, but Zero, is a big threat, as seen from R1. Oh Come on. Suzaku ought to be more pragmatic.”
you do realize that zero was exiled right. so because they exiled him, Britania could not kill “zero”. So since there was no way to tell who was the real zero and who was just a member they could’nt shoot.