Code Geass R2 — Episode 17
I don’t have time to blog much about this episode. Not that there’s much to blog about. It’s just the chickens coming home to roost. Poor Lelouch. He is so misunderstood. :(
Her boobs grew bigger
The new United Federation of Nations launches an attack on Area 11. Nothing really interesting happens. Knight of One has Excalibur, which he totally stole from Suzaku’s cat.
“No Suzaku! Someone might see us here…”
Yet another misunderstanding widens the colossal gap between Lelouch and Suzaku, driving the two former lovers farther apart. When everything comes to an end, will they once again find warmth in the embrace of each other? Or will the cruel spike walls of conservative Britannian society prevent their deviant feelings from becoming reality? Stay tune to find out.
Kallen, your time will soon be here!
Zino (or however his name is spelt) is apparently related to the Ashfords? He’s also being particularly friendly to Kallen… Looks like he has some other agenda than his obligations as a Knight of the Round. My guess is that he will go against the will of the Emperor and fight to realize the dream of his beloved Suzaku. He probably has some super awesome Knightmare Frame stashed away under Ashford Academy which he will lend to Kallen for great justice!
“Oh yes, don’t worry bro. I’ll ‘save’ her…”
And oh yeah, Lelouch assigned Rollo to lead Nunnally’s rescue mission. Uh, wtf? He has clearly forgotten about what happened to Shirley. Good bye Nunnally, you were the least annoying of all the lolis, although Kagura can be awesome sometimes.
Meh. Maybe next time.
Suzaku kidnaps Nunnally out of jealousy
Serious Suzaku is serious
Born to die
I think this show should stop introducing new characters
BDSM porn
“I like.”
Wait, what?
“It’s morphing time!”
“I…don’t know you”
Go Go Power Rangers
Don’t ask, don’t tell
Superfluous recurring characters
A knight in shining armour
“Suzaku is such a slut. I’m going back to Nunnally.”
So much BDSM
He’s riding a Knightmare with specialized janitorial equipment
A shallow character introduced late series who will probably amount to nothing and die
Gah. Physics test tomorrow. Sigh.
August 6th, 2008 at 7:39 am
[quote]that is, Charles will open all the Thought Elevators at once, and will think the world into destruction and then remake it as he wills it to be.)[/quote]
“think the world into destruction. You know, the sad thing is – it’s not outside the realm of possibility… not when there was an episode with million Zeros.
ugh, if that is indeed the case – someone will die
August 6th, 2008 at 10:37 am
Too much Gundam SEED? ;)
August 6th, 2008 at 11:15 am
GBABH: Last episode, when you saw that the UFN was declared, it listed most of the important positions in the organization’s military (The Black Knights). Somewhere on this list, Tamaki was listed as some kind of janitor or back-up something, I have no clue. Either way, he’s just as insignificant as one, which is why he’s so awesome.
Mop powers away!
August 6th, 2008 at 2:31 pm
Heeey… Referring to that so said Korean spoiler, what if Lelouch tells Orange to Geass Anya and Gino and then they will remember that they hate the emperor and join the Black Nights. Nunally dies. I can FEEL the spoiler.
August 6th, 2008 at 4:33 pm
wrong translation imo, gg translated it as Domestic Support Officer.
August 6th, 2008 at 5:16 pm
That’s Janitor in fancy speak, or backup janitor if you’d prefer.
August 6th, 2008 at 8:09 pm
I think DM forgot to mention Ragnarök Online ^^;
And GBABH, Singapore don’t have summer break >.< *How I wish we have one*
August 6th, 2008 at 8:26 pm
And, then Sunrise will get some angry lawyers complaining that that was a total rip-off of Vision of Escaflowne…>_> If it had been so easy for Charles to win the war he would’ve done so already.
I sense that the key to the events to come will be when C.C. regains her memories (which I take for granted will happen at one point or the other), Lelouch finally putting that smile on her face as he promised…Aaah, me wants more romance! LelouchxC.C. preferably!
August 6th, 2008 at 9:27 pm
1. Vision of Escaflowne had a different endgame device; namely, one which granted the wishes of all people (well, “granted” in a loose sense of the word). Charles’ device would just grant his own wish; that is, the destruction of the world.
2. Perhaps he needed a Code to do so? That wouldn’t quite explain why he didn’t just take V.V.’s Code once his Geass became strong enough, although that could perhaps be attributed to the sibling relationship between Charles and V.V..
August 7th, 2008 at 5:22 am
Ragnarok will probably turn out to be a huge mecha, following the first law of Sunrise (to get better viewing figures, mecha > plot).
August 7th, 2008 at 8:19 am
My spoiler site saying Luciano has something to do with Kallen escaping is holding firm to it’s beliefs, however I doubt that will happen. I was right however, about the meeting between Suzaku and Lelouch. That they would be interrupted by Schniezel and that Lelouch would think he betrayed him.
My thoughts on this episode…it was pretty good, nice character development, though I think Lelouch goes from Crazy to nice to crazy all too suddenly nowadays. In season one it was gradual from start to end, in season 2 it is at first, normal, then more evil, then slightly less, then even less then that, then shirley dies and he goes bonkers, then he not-so-gradually switches from evil to nice to accomadate the new C.C. and now he’s an evil dude again. He’s like Suzaku, personality changed because of a misunderstanding. This makes me think that it’s gonan stay like this until the end…but…knowing sunrise…
Looks like a fighting episode next time…possibly some Nunnally development. I doubt that Suzaku is angry at Lelouch any more, he might still want the truth but he doesn’t hate him anymore, he’s just torn between his duty and his friend. Lelouch however is psycho-evil again (yay), so we can see more heartless deaths.
Also, the Guren Ganesha is introduced next episode, looks like Kallen is back (woohoo, I still prefer C.C. though I’m doubting the existence of a happy ending). I heard somewhere that it’s gonna end in a double feature like last season, makes sense, but who knows. I think the actual relationship between Luciano and Kallen is actually just, Kallen kills Luciano…simple and to the point. Brittannia is screwed though, the bulk of their units don’t have anti-gefjun, though it seems the knights of rounds do and some elite guys (glaston knights) do.
By the way, Bismarcke isn’t a new character, his first appearance was in like episode…2? 3? either way, he’s not new (unless your talkign about the guy on the upper left).
Also, the Ragnarok, is CONFIRMED to be a massive weapon (geass related) that is connected through all the Thought Elevators. I’m under the influence of the theory that states that the Ragnarok is going to be what the Thought Elevators true weapon against the gods is.
That’s enough for now, I don’t want to write a bunch, most people don’t read it then.
August 7th, 2008 at 12:09 pm
Ragnarok = Reality Marble
August 7th, 2008 at 9:09 pm
@Wrathos, LOL
August 7th, 2008 at 11:34 pm
dud sorry but this aint related to code geass actually i just browsed the translation of what bout my star of macross frontier. in the 5th to the last line of your translation (oshiete! your true feelings) i think the oshiete that you used (teach) is wrong. another meaning of oshiete is (tell). in my own translation i think it says “tell me your true feelings. sorry dud not really a comment bout CGS2. sono kotaba wa youku kangaete ne. ore wa hontoni gome ne to gambatta yo. ja ne
August 8th, 2008 at 6:23 am
Ragnarok… isn’t that from Norse mytholigy, something to do with sinking the world and then returning the land to a new state of being? I’m guessing its something similar given that the show seems to ooze such connections lately as well as just the slight over tone of Arthurian legend.
I can’t really work the king out at this point in the series given that he is now immortal yet his whole concept is that no one is created equal and that mankind only advances through conflict and the putting down of others… if he rules the world there is no conflict, right?
I do have one question though, if so many people now know who zero really is (with most of them being on the side AGAINST him) why has no one outed him before now?
August 8th, 2008 at 9:35 am
@Dragoon, I thought Ragnarok was the final Battle between the Gods and the Giants? Yeah well you’re right though the world was remade after the battle. Many of the Gods and Giants died. Including Odin, Thor, etc etc.
August 8th, 2008 at 12:46 pm
@Rololita: I don’t think Sunrise is actually about to sue itself if they reuse an Escaflowne plot element. Just wouldn’t make sense. :p
August 8th, 2008 at 4:00 pm
Of course, with code power, Emperor lives.
So, he would turn the key, kill everyone, and use just kinda…dance on their graves…
That’s the most sense I can make from something called “Ragnarok” and the conveince of coding your way out of death.
You can bet he’d do it but he’d never have a reason.
August 10th, 2008 at 2:59 pm
Lol, i bet Nunnally is going to die cuz Lulu had a massive iq drop
August 10th, 2008 at 3:08 pm
Here’s a snipit of what’s gonna happen (It’s from wikipedia, and i know they were right, since i looked at what the new ep was gonna be.)
18 “The Second Decisive Battle of Tokyo”
August 10, 2008
Schneizel learns Zero’s identity just before the decisive battle in the Tokyo Settlement begins. With the power out, Tokyo is defenseless against Lelouch and the Black Knights. With Sayoko’s help, Kallen escapes and joins the battle in the new Guren Ganesha’s Eight Extremities-Type.
19 “Betrayal”
August 17, 2008
Amidst the carnage in the battle of Tokyo Settlement, a Britannian special envoy visits the Ikaruga, driving a wedge between the Black Knights.
20 “Emperor Disqualification”
August 24, 2008
Lelouch escapes a dilemma thanks to Rolo, but the world is changing and he has only one path he can take.
21 “The Ragnarök Connection”
August 31, 2008
Area 11 is in chaos, and Suzaku looks for a fight in his new Lancelot Albion, no longer the gentle person he once was.
22 “Emperor Lelouch”
September 7, 2008 —
The UFN and Britannia clash in a conflict that will change the world.
August 10th, 2008 at 10:06 pm
According to Wiki.
Taken from last two lines of Anya’s character description. Seems that she might really be Lelouch’s real sister.
August 10th, 2008 at 11:06 pm
Episode 18… what can i say…
***speechless*** gasp!
most of the spoilers are really coming true but the Korean’s prediction that Nunally is Rollo’s sister was really false – which I really believed too (wah hehe).
Rollo is unsaveable. period. She’s officially gay.
The preview for next episode has no japanese audio nor subs – just Lelouch getting all maddened by what happened. It’s really going to be tough times for Lelouch and the forever repeated quote: “Those who hold the power of geass are bound to walk the path of solitude” is the key for what will happen in next episodes as they really are making this statement bound to happen.
wah T_T
August 10th, 2008 at 11:23 pm
Episode 18 was awesome…!
August 11th, 2008 at 1:23 am
ur right geass made Lulu alone again… in the least expected way. Hint hint(shaoran kills sakura)
by the way i didnt know Rolo was a transvestite.
August 11th, 2008 at 1:45 am
Sunrise created such a sadistic story… Lulu has gone emo. Suzaku is gunna die, rolo is gunna die, nina is gunna get raped and killed, Kallen is gunna die, the story ends just like death note or a luluxcc
August 11th, 2008 at 5:28 am
Yeah, I really didn’t expect that the Freya would take out part of the parliament building. However I think Rolo just said that so Lelouch stops searching for her, but who knows.
I am really horrified by what you think is funny. By the way, think before you talk, Suzaku has a live geass, so it’s impossible for him to die basically. Also, I doubt thee will be any rape in this show. (you must be going, “Aw, Damn! I can’t fap to Nina!”.
One last thing to say, I was right about Kallen and Luciano (heh heh), and I doubt that Nunnaly is dead because my theory is that the Brittannian special envoy that visits them will have Nunnally in it (since Schniezel knows who he is and what his weakpoint is). Although I am disturbed by the whole thing about “cutting the black knights in two”, it might mean that there are those who are loyal to him after knowing he’s the former prince of Brittannia, and those who aren’t. My guess of the loyals are, Tohdoh, Jeremiah, Rakshata, Ougi, Diethard, Sayoko, Rolo, Guilford and Kallen. The unloyals is probably like Asahina and Chiba and a few others who were at the geass directorate incident. If I named a few dead ones, my bad, all I’ve done is read the episode reviews.
August 11th, 2008 at 6:34 am
Could you be more specific here? Rolo didn’t just say it, she did actually get engulfed by the light, and you saw the gigantic crater at the end, it’s highly unlikely a light aircraft, even with armour, would survive that when the ground was literally incinerated beneath them.
Assuming that the light really does crush everything, then Sayoko, Guilford and Male-Holy blade (Asahina, ain’t it?) are dead. Rest should still be alive. Next episode: Tamaki looks like he’s doing something (OR IS HE?), Lelouch gets pumped, we find out what’s in the locket and someone makes Kallen cry again :( Though that may just be because Nunnally is dead. Though, obviously until we see a body…maybe she’ll come back as the masked pilot for the mythical (and highly unlikely) Code Geass R3? :P
I’m running out of metaphorical similes to address your idiocy with. Do the world a favour, place a loaded gun between your teeth and paint the wall red.
That episode was full of ups and downs. Ups: YAY KALLEN’S BACK. Downs: Holy crap they actually killed Nunnally :O:O:O I quite enjoyed it, and it was nice to see they haven’t forgotten Anya. Who, by the way, looks crazy cute when she smiles (looks almost like C.C’s pink haired little sister. :D). It’s during the OP if anyone cares >_>
I liked how they reinforced Ougi’s uselessness, forcing that Original Black Knight guy to take over and start giving orders and addressing tactics. EP 17′s comment from Diethard about Ougi’s existence being ordinary, and thus special, only reinforces my view that Ougi’s just there to have people stay loyal. He, along with Tohdoh, are the ‘face’ of the Black Knights, really.
Though Suzaku did look like he was gonna die, everyone knew it wasn’t going to happen. The necessity for him to come back with a new Knightmare (I’ve nicknamed it Wancelot (Winged Lancelot, or Wankalot! Dual purpose!)) and the ‘Live/Survive’ Geass.
I find it interesting that they would mod the Guren SEITEN before modding the Galahad. You’d think the Knight of One would also get the most up to date and powerful equipment, no? Though this was likely a lack if logic for dramatic license as an anime, as opposed to a setup flaw.
Finally, it looks like the Gino+Kallen thing isn’t finished yet, they still have yet to fight which means Kallen has yet to smash the Tristan up. Looking forward to how Gino and Anya turn out. Anya+C.C. need more airtime :(
August 11th, 2008 at 6:43 am
episode 18…whoa….just…whoa….i’m speechless…
August 11th, 2008 at 6:54 am
:D … D:
I am still in shock…
That bastard Schneizel! He probably wanted it to happen.
Kallen is a goddess. :3
August 11th, 2008 at 7:01 am
Oh, by the way, did anyone see that they used “Mao, wait for me…at C’s world.” in the english dub of code geass?
Guilford is dead too…T_T
August 11th, 2008 at 7:10 am
Except, as far as we could tell, the World of C was just C.C.’s mind/memory. That’s silly, sounds like someone messed up. =/
August 11th, 2008 at 7:35 am
It’s Sunrise damn it. By the way, the kill radius of the bomb is 1300 meters, so if Nunnally was far enough away she’d still be alive. By the way, remember this is Sunrise, also, a nuclear bomb shed’s light upon things many hundreds of miles away, so just being englufed in light doesn’t mean much (I think).
It’s confirmed that Marika, Sayoko, Guilford and (was it Asahina or Chiba, my sources are mixing me up, I wish I could watch the english sub already) are dead. Apparently David (believe it or not he was my favourite glaston knight) and that dude with blue hair are dead…uh…a bunch of others. Total death toll is unknown. I haven’t seen the preview so I dunno about Tamaki, and I think Kallen cries because of what the Freya did.
I need more Anya, she’s my favourite lolicon of the series (sorry Kaguya, Tianzi and Nunally), also I’m really wanting more of her background story! DAMN IT! EXPLAIN IT ALL!
Yeah Diethard can be pretty smart sometimes. So, I’m in total agreement.
Suzaku just messes things up so bad for everyone else, however I like how his character changes personalities. I mean everything he’s done so far has a (semi-)valid reason to it. Euphie dying (insane Suzaku), the live-on geass (when Euphie admits she loves him, when he flees from the Gawains hadron blastors when he first gets the geass-order to live on and when he launched the freya) it really seems like his character is being fucked around with the most (next to Lelouch). Though personally I love it when the writers fuck with the emotions of the characters (i.e. Doctor Who season finale woot! and Shakugan no Shana’s part where she gets her ass kicked by the Interpreter of Condolences because the writers decided to fuck with her emotions). I dunno why but it just makes anime (and British media) so much better.
Note that this is Lloyd we are talking about, we don’t know why he does things, he just does.
I doubt the existence of a hapy ending but if there is one then I want a LelouchxC.C. and a KallenxGino. Maybe Suzaku will die? Yay?
Yeah I didn’t like that ( I have been rooting for CorneliaxGuilford for a LONG time. He was one of my favourite bit-characters with a name.
By the way, the wrap this all up, I have officially watched all 49 episodes of Shakugan no Shana and the movie (three times) in 2 days! And that was going from episode one to s2 episode 24 straight! YEAH!
August 11th, 2008 at 8:40 am
Okay, I jsut watched episode 18 twice and here’s my new thoughts of what happened.
Asahina, Kinoshita, Sayoko, Ms. Romeyer, Nunally, Guilford and various others died in the implosion of the freya. Look at the crater that was left behind. There was *nothing* left. Nunnaly was inside the building and the building is *gone*. Even Lelouch who was very far away almost died.
Basically, I’m gonan guess that there will be a sad ending, and that various more people will die in the next few episodes.
April 3rd, 2009 at 6:09 pm
I’m addicted to your website, even if I don’t understand a single word of it.