Code Geass R2 — Episode 18
A cute Valkyrie pilot you will never see again
Some episodes of Code Geass brings enlightenment, others bring fanservice. Some have intricate story telling, others help to bring characters to life. This episode does none of the above. However, it is easily one of the most awesome episodes ever. It takes the extravagant route and fulminates with the incandescence of a great gross luminous celestial plasma balls. Yes, it has tons of explosions.
Tokyo is under attack by terrorists! City defences are down due to the Gefjun Disturbers, which conveniently do not affect the Black Knights’ machines due to plot magic hocus pocus.
Is that a kerosene lamp?
As far as I know, Gefjun Disturber prevents Sakuradite-powered devices from working. Apparently the concept of backup (hydrogen fuel?) generators and lithium ion batteries no longer exists, as the whole city is thrown into darkness by the Disturbers. I can’t believe that everything in Tokyo is powered by Sakuradite and that the power generators for the entire city also happen to be located inside the city. I digress.
Everyone’s here
Anyway what follows is a whirlwind of fight scenes that sort of resembles a fan fiction where all the important characters show up at the same place and engage in an orgy of destruction.
Why is he the only one not wearing a mask?
Meanwhile, Rolo is doing his best to locate Nunnally…to kill her! Dun Dun Dun! What a surprise. Lelouch is an idiot.
Pure ownage in red
The best part of course is that Kallen is back in action! Her Guren has been given a free upgrade courtesy of Lloyd (and Cecile) into Guren S.E.I.T.E.N. Eight Elements-Type. It’s sort of like Freedom: it has wings, it fires its hand like a funnel and it basically overpowers every existing Knightmare in the show. Woohoo.
My prediction has not come true yet
And some annoying and useless characters are finally put to rest.
Lelouch’s momentary acts of kindness always come to bite him in the ass. His latest screw up has totally triumphed his previous record of accidentally setting Euphie on a massacre. Good job. Anyway, I thought Geass are supposed to have a time limit? Or did I imagine that?
Guren is clearly a case of Sunrise’s Law of Robotics at work. It won’t be long before Lancelot gets an even better upgrade, after which after one else gets an upgrade, and we are all back at square one.
I foresee much speculations over what Freyja actually does. Maybe it’s just a portal to another dimension.
Also, look forward to domestic violence and child abuse in the next episode!
He doesn’t do much
Why is she blonde anyway
Dude, why would you pose in the cockpit where no one can see you?
I hope Sayoko survives >_<
Close one
So those glowing things on the wing tips, are they like safety strobe lights?
She has evolutionary advantage in the dark!
Lights don’t work but telephones apparently do
The new Guren OS
Sunrise blew this episode’s budget on drawing Guren
It’s about time…
That green thing comes out even when the weapon isn’t spinning?
Awww, and I thought she was going to pilot it in her dress
My other prediction comes true
Wind is always readily available in anime for dramatic poses
Lelouch should just give up on world domination and enjoy his harem.
August 15th, 2008 at 9:51 am
@SnooSnoo: I, too, thought it was 25 episodes…(people were saying, after episode 15, that there were ten episodes left, which implies a total of 25 episodes). Not that another episode (especially a double-length one) is a bad thing; on the contrary, it’s quite good. So here’s hoping that that’s right. ^^
August 15th, 2008 at 11:20 pm
Sad to say but that is not mine.
Well, just as you have said it, I too do not rely on the video’s timer. But the sequence of the scenes are pretty much common sense. Nunnally is not dead and Lulu would have made a big mess before he discover that his sister is still alive.
August 16th, 2008 at 5:23 am
Please visit when leaving. ^^;
August 17th, 2008 at 11:41 am
Lelouche looses it and decides to nuke the shit outta britannia and wins :P
holy fuck, He’s gonna go really crazy. He’s lost his dear family, alot of friends, got betrayed, then gets betrayed again by todou’s group because of some false or half of the info etc..
Hmmmm maybe a season 3 :D
August 17th, 2008 at 2:25 pm
Well ANN says it’s 25, so I guess it’s gonna stop there. The last season ended at 25, too, though I hope they complete it through to the end this time around (not like before when they halted at 23 for a time).
While my gut feeling tells me that Nunnally lives, I am resigned to the assumption for now that she’s dead so that Lelouch could go all emo or defeated now… And I see the Black Knights and the UFN falling apart somehow. I wonder how Diethard would act in Zero’s likely loss of purpose (Nunnally being Lelouch’s raison d’etre).
@raulecreuset: While that may sound great, I’m not betting on it… A lot has been happening towards Lelouch’s plans becoming reality now, and it’d be a great disservice to everyone not to tie everything properly with the last few episodes. Not that Sunrise hasn’t done that before. o_O
I did not read all comment pages down to this point so pardon me if someone has shared his insights already along the way. :)
troll: t/roll eyes…
August 17th, 2008 at 3:28 pm
Please visit when leaving too.. =)
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August 17th, 2008 at 6:52 pm
damn episode 19 was so freaky…rolo died finally! yay
August 18th, 2008 at 1:38 am
Poor Rolo…I actually pity him now. Either way, Zero’s screwed now, or so it seems. I don’t see how they intend to finish this show in 5 episodes. Doesn’t seem possible if you ask me, at least, based on the current state of things at ep 19.
August 18th, 2008 at 1:59 am
After watching this episode, I’m hoping that Nanally isn’t dead, but I’m pretty sure she is gonna die because it intensifies the plot. Since in my opinion, the last couple of episodes its been down hill for Lelouch and that everything is going to chaos and I think Nanally’s death would move that along.
On a side note
I hope there is gonna be a 3rd Season although I think the story is wrapping up quit nicely. Also now that almost everyone knows who Zero really is and his true intentions. I don’t see what SunRise will put in season 3, but i wish there will be season 3
August 18th, 2008 at 2:21 am
@dan: You mean six episodes. 20 through 25 -> 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. (Also, I to believe that Rolo redeemed himself in episode 19.)
@Yangbaby: It’s already been announced that there won’t be a season three. I don’t have a link immediately available to the article in question, but that’s how it is.
August 18th, 2008 at 4:06 am
wow episode 19 was full of awesome
August 18th, 2008 at 5:03 am
episode 19 had a very interesting turn of events
August 18th, 2008 at 5:09 am
Episode 19… wtf…
That was Insane. R1ish in epic story telling
August 18th, 2008 at 9:32 am
Episode 19 was incredible. Rolo’s sacrifice was probably the best that they could have done in his case, rather than just killing him off.
It just goes to show how much of a good person Lelouch is, he didn’t want Kallen to die with him so he told her she was just a tool, and he even came to realize what Rolo really was to him before he died.
The Ougi part came as a surprise, I never expected Ougi to betray Zero, but still, Viletta seems to play a big part in that decision. Also, why couldn’t the Black Knights see that he cared about Nunnally, I mean it’s explainable after finding out he was a prince after all.
I really liked how Asahina is gone, he was one of my least favourite, I officially hate Ougi now…I’m slightly sympathizing with Nina, I hate Suzaku, I hate Schniezel for bending the truth like that, Tamaki was awesome when he was defending Zero and it seemed weird with him getting pissed at Zero…I REALLY hate Lelouch for taking all the blame, he really should’ve told them everything.
Apparently C.C. is gone, according to Kallen (damn) I forsee no C.C. in the upcoming future…Kallen still seems to be loyal to Lelouch and according to the preview Kaguya is heartbroken.
Can’t wait till episode 20!
August 18th, 2008 at 10:02 am
@cat: ty for correcting my math error there. I’m a little silly with numbers sometimes :3
I honestly don’t have a clue what Lulu intends to do to fix his current state of affairs. Since he’s kind of lost his chance to tell the whole truth, he’s simply making things harder on himself. I agree with many people now about Ougi. I really hate him now, actually, I hate a lot of the people now who are betraying Zero. It’s amazing how trust takes forever to build, but in a second it can all be lost.
August 18th, 2008 at 10:32 am
I agree with every word you said except I think C.C. has a future and Suzaku shouldn’t be hated because he now is crazy enough to be manipulated by Zero in a Kira Yamato and Athrun relationship wise pwnoge ending with Mirage and Lancelot fight off the world like when China tried taking over Japan
August 18th, 2008 at 10:35 am
I also think that Lelouch just taking revenge is plain dumb. He should try redeeming himself no matter what happens although I think that would be stupid anyway.
August 18th, 2008 at 12:29 pm
a sad death for a sad *guy* even though *he’s* villainous, who isn’t anyway in the series? hehe.
we all hated *him* but his death was too dramatic you can’t help but to sympathize…
+ RIP +
Rollo Lamperouge
your sacrifice will never be forgotten.
3 more episodes for….
Episode 22: Emperor Lelouch
P.S. if you weren’t even a little bit saddened over *his* death, you have a heart of stone…
August 18th, 2008 at 12:56 pm
I read the comments today. Guess I’ll watch the newest ep. tomorrow.
August 18th, 2008 at 2:29 pm
It’s too bad Tamaki didn’t do anything special for Zero :(
And I have to admit, even though I hate Rolo with all my might, his death was pretty touching, especially with that background music. If he didn’t drop his cellphone, then I wouldn’t have really pitied him. Thank you cellphone!
Anyways, wtf is wrong with Suzaku…?
August 18th, 2008 at 2:56 pm
I think Suzaku has joined up with Lulu in the “who has the creepiest psychopathic laugh?” competition. That’s one of those tiny things that’s so weird, it gets put on YouTube for sheer enjoyment. I bet Lulu’s voice was teaching Suzaku before this ep came out, Suzaku has never acted that creepy before, ever.
I bet Suzaku will come to the dark side (Lulu, of course that’s odd seeing as how really, he’s the good one but w/e). Lulu might not have cookies, or willing men and women to fight, or any equipment, or an army, or any support whatsoever, but he’ll win somehow.
Since the Black Knights betrayed Zero, what is the status of him and the Chinese? I have a feeling Zero will now rely on Xing-Ke for future aid.
August 18th, 2008 at 5:18 pm
Suzaku scared me…for a second there I thought we were gonna get the “good” Suzaku back from season 1 (you know, when he was still cool), but he’s officially slipped back into post-Euphie’s death mode, except this time, it was HIS fault (though he’s gonan pin it on Lelouch because Suzaku always does that).
I’m slightly sympathizing with Nina and I doubt she’s gonna die, more like she’s gonan be really fucked up (or completely normal) by the end of the series.
Also, I have a vague thought of something…C.C.’s future role. Her significance has SEVERELY gone down since she lost her memories, she only served as a breif comic relief and some sentimental moments. The scene with Kallen seeing C.C. and learnign of her mental state got me thinking…most of the Black Knights knew/thought that C.C. was Zero’s top advisor and possibly knew his identity. That being said, the OotBK might pin some blame on C.C., this (I think) is why that scene is important. It’s supposed to serve as cover for a future plothole, I’m not sure if it’s THAT important but it came into my head and it interested me.
The plothole, anyways, is what the OotBK are going to do to C.C., chances are they might put some blame on her and so Kallen is gonna step in to defend her, wouldn’t it seem odd that Kallen would defend her if she didn’t know her memories were gone? In either case, it probably wouldn’t matter.
August 18th, 2008 at 6:35 pm
Sigh at accidentally clicking back and losing all of my writings -_-. Anyway:
I get that people aren’t too happy with Ougi, but while everyone else (Tohdoh, Chiba, Diethard etc.) was ready to just crucify Zero and be done with it, Ougi seems to have stepped up to do some negotiations. Yeah, Ougi’s a prick for jumping on Viletta’s bandwagon, but at least he got something out of it as opposed to the other fools who would hand over Zero, then watch Britannia turn away and fire a Freya shot at the Ikaruga. The Ikaruga is just flying over empty sea, as soon as the special envoy craft retreated, they could just blast it with a Freya/Mordred’s Stark Hadron cannon and destroy a good chunk of the Black Knight’s leadership.
Which leads me neatly to my next point, Cornelia. Episode previews tell us she might be buggering off back to Britannia, but I smell a minor issue here. While I’m sure that the World of Geass works under different laws, I’m fairly certain that you can’t just waltz in with your special, unarmed envoy craft and then take back a PoW or a political prisoner. It seems fairly silly that the Black Knights would just let her go anyway. The Black Knights need Cornelia on board, or at least in custody, to protect their own interests. See my abover point concerning Freya.
Lelouch is still a big softy at heart, saving Kallen, reassuring Rolo before he died, and even digging Rolo a grave with his pitiful physical strength! Nice guy. He’s also managed to setup Kallen to defend C.C. should anyone try to get rid of her from inside the organisation.
Still, I was just sat wondering where the hell he’s going to go from here. I’m assuming the Shinkirou still needs energy fillers (though I don’t remember seeing them…did I miss the unveiling of Infinite Energy technology?), so he needs to rearm and refit. The status screen showed a bunch of parts going ‘Red’, so we can assume it’s pretty banged up.
Suzaku’s laugh was awesome. Needs to wait til he grabs the Lancelot Albion so he can join up with the breakaway Kallen in her Guren SEITEN and Lelouch in the Shinkirou to form the Three Knightmares Alliance.
And finally, episode preview comments/scenes for people not bothered by pausing it repeatedly:
-Cornelia leaving for the special Envoy craft(Zero would never let this happen if he were here!).
-Rivalz not getting an answer on his phone, probably calling Lelouch again and getting ignored.
-Schneizel…talking, yeah, don’t care.
-Status report readout on Kaminejima Island. Could be from either the Emperor’s flagship or Schneizel’s. Probably Schneizel as we just saw him talking. Could mean Schneizel is making his move for the throne, especially with the episode title “Dethroned Emperor.”
-Kaguya crying :( She misses her hubby.
-Ragnarok nodes converging on the Kaminejima Island facility.
-The two Black Knights guys from the original terrorist group (I really need to learn their names) look unhappy about something, probably despairing because their great leader is actually a Britannian Prince.
-Jeremiah and Ougi chatting over vidphone. Jeremiah looks kinda…stoic. Reckon anyone told him that they decided to out Lelouch yet?
-Diethard has scratches and marks on his face, someone punched him, I reckon. Hopefully Kallen.
-Gino being threatened by two lances. Probably Britannian tbh. Looks like he’s finally decided to go to the love of his life.
-And finally, a nice shot of Cecil smiling. It’s probably gonna get wiped off her face when Suzaku laughs again, or tells her her cooking sucks, or is just a douche to her.
August 23rd, 2008 at 12:42 pm
“Lights don’t work but telephones apparently do”
dude, you are the most observant blogger I’ve seen in YEARS
November 13th, 2008 at 5:21 pm
Looks great huh I’m just joking but it’s true
September 8th, 2009 at 10:28 am
“Tokyo is under attack by terrorists! City defences are down due to the Gefjun Disturbers, which conveniently do not affect the Black Knights’ machines due to plot magic hocus pocus.”
Only fifth generation Kightmares are rendered immobile by Gelfjun Disturbers. All the Black Knights pilot 6th gen Knightmares and above, so it makes sense that they wouldn’t be offended.
Also, Rakshata both invented Gefjun Distrubers and designed all the the Black Knight’s Kightmares. Do you really think she would have made them vulnerable to her own invention? I think not.
“Anyway, I thought Geass are supposed to have a time limit? Or did I imagine that?”
You did. There is no time limit to the effect of any geass on it’s victim, unless otherwise specified. Remember those people Lelouch ordered to do jumping-jacks, pushups, and dance? They’re probably still doing that stuff.
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