Code Geass R2 — Episode 19
Everything is just fine
Shit hits the fan. Big time. This is not your usual run-of-the-mill rotary cooling device-feces collision; it’s more like if Godzilla takes the mother of all dump on an Airbus A380′s Engine Alliance GP7000 turbofan jet engine, while you, the unfortunate witness, are standing literally five metres away minding your own business one moment and covered with radioactive lizard waste the next.
That said, it is a pretty good episode. The emo level is higher than 9000 pale teenagers simultaneously slitting their wrists the wrong way.
There’s actually nothing much to summarize in this episode. I mean, nothing of great importance really happens.
Except maybe for the tiny unimportant fact that everyone in the Black Knights now knows that Lelouch is a Britannian prince who had been using them as pawns in a giant game of chess, and that Lelouch is is clearly cheating because no one, not even the king of Britannia who invented the damn game, is allowed to have that many pawns in chess.
And oh yes, Rolo finally dies. But now that he is dead, I sort of miss him. I mean, he was the most annoying character in the entire show, but he did save Lelouch. Also he killed Shirley, which is a job well done in my book. Now that C.C. is somewhat out of the picture with her memory loss and Nunnally has apparently bitten the dust, Kallen is home free! You go girl!
Kallen, it’s your turn to shine!
I digress. Yeah, Rolo is dead. Oh well. The way he died sort of makes up for all his past annoyance, so I do feel kind of sad now. But it’s okay. He will live on in our memories and yaoi doujinshi.
He lived pretty long for a character introduced to die
This episode is seriously good. Lelouch has finally fulfilled the prophecy of the power of Geass and lost everything that is important to him. As I’ve said before, Lelouch loses the most when he tries to be good. If he were completely ruthless and evil, he’d have taken over the world three times over by now with his Geass. It’s this alternating between heartless bastard and self-sacrificing nice guy that messes up all his plans.
Let’s see what he has lost so far…
Nunnally is either dead or trapped in an alternate universe where she is probably being thoroughly violated by sixth dimensional tentacle beings.
Lelouch can take C.C. and open up a maid cafe
C.C. has lost her tsundere personality and is more like a submissive pet now. Lelouch is deeply masochistic and therefore cannot possibly love someone who doesn’t spend all her time putting him down.
Shirley is dead and given a proper burial so that she cannot ever rise from the dead Sunrise style. Good grief.
Don’t be pussies, guys. This guy sounds legit
The Black Knights, a bunch of mindless drones who will believe anything, have turned against Zero in a blink of an eye without much serious consideration.
What Lelouch has left:
His life. This is an important thing because without it he pretty much can’t survive.
His campy outfit. It gives him stat boosts, which will be crucial when he has to both tank and heal while fighting the final instance boss.
Jeremiah and maybe Suzaku if he doesn’t turn batshit crazy. Woot yaoi fan fiction.
“I will protect Zero with my bosoms”
Kallen’s undying love. He should just elope with her and raise a family in some faraway land, like Hokkaido.
And Milly! Yes I can see it now. This is so going to be the final ending!
“People die from black-hole bombs? Oh noz!”
She’s not so cool anymore now that she’s joined the dark side
He should die
Dude, pyramids are totally Chinese
Oyashiro mode
She has some humanity left in her
“Thank you for watching BBC evening news”
“I did NOT have sexual relationship with that woman!”
Rape victim
Jump his bones!
Another shot of Kallen, just because
Lelouch is praying that Rolo won’t wreck his ride
It’s not fun to get caught in a Singaporean tropical rainstorm. Also, I will probably be late in my postings for the next three months or so due to real-life situations that must be attended to.
August 22nd, 2008 at 12:23 am
I think Anya the sister theory is one hundred percent true because I think being a massacre expert with a heavyarms/virtue kind of suit is not possible without her being brainwashed. My main reason is because Arthur’s cat likes Anya: remebers her in the past before Charles brainwashed everyone to think Nunnally was the little sister. LOL but it seriously is my most solid reason. Nunnally is most definitely minor until R2. She does not resemble her mother and just doesn’t seem to fit in. I don’t care either care if charles or sayako saves her.
to tell you the truth, I think you’re being to harsh on the other people although I too think waffle is 99% fraud except of the Anya being the true sister part. C.C. should and is going to live by my prediction.
August 22nd, 2008 at 12:25 am
darn can’t even spell my name right! Any way one more thing GO C.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 22nd, 2008 at 1:25 am
Tamaki should just screw it all and take over the world. He definately has the janitorial equipment to pull it off.
August 22nd, 2008 at 3:19 am
Do u think cc will die in the end?
August 22nd, 2008 at 3:29 am
Old age, after marrying Lelouch (recently became Emperor of the World) and mothering two of his children. She gets her memories back, but stays mortal.
August 22nd, 2008 at 4:40 am
Ah, the happy ending? When Lelouch has been so Johnny on the spot about killing people? XD
Oh yes, the conventional Knightmare uses the skill and prowess of the unit to pilot. The Shinkiro which is more of a commander type utilizes a Keyboard in the sense that the user would rely more on his intellect than his reflexes. The key is important because Rolo seems to simply spam the Shinkiro’s chest cannon without relying on the Hadron blasters. His method of piloting is at best, horrendous with a machine like this, of course he fails.
Also, if you should notice, Anya seems to sport an affinity for Suzaku, mainly because she spends most of her free time with him. this may key in that perhaps, the true sister idea may be right although there would be the problem of what happened in between. How did they meet and who is the imposter?
This is also contradictory of the ending as well because Anya is depicted separately from Nunally who gets an entire panel to herself. In fact, she doesn’t show up at all!!! But that does not really explain why Lulu and Suzaku are shown at the end.
August 22nd, 2008 at 5:27 am
I like the idea of the Britannian prince rising from the ashes to take control of the planet. Gives me hope for my own world domination plans and all that. Plus I’ve got a personal liking for a LelouchxC.C. ending.
Actually Rolo utilises both weapons. He uses the Hadron blasters on the ground knigtmares he destroys on his flyby and uses the chest laser on the airship he destroys.
While this may have something to do with it, the affinity with Suzaku (and Gino too, it should be noted) has been attributed to their close ages and the fact that they’re Knights of the Round.
You mean the ending sequence? I thought it was because they’ve still got the whole deep friendship thing and they still rely on each other, even though they’ve been on opposite sides of the conflict since day 1. Lelouch is still saying “You’re the only one I can rely on for this” and Suzaku is still asking Lelouch to do what’s right/best. Despite the whole “YOU KILLED EUPHIE!” and “YOU BETRAYED ME!” shouts, they’re still friends. They still trust each other. Though I may be wrong about this, Suzaku not blaming everything on Lelouch with this Freya thing would seem logical from my perspective for their characters. I know he’s blamed Lelouch for a lot of shit up to this point, but really, it’s not Lelouch’s fault.
August 22nd, 2008 at 6:55 am
“Thank you for watching BBC evening news”
Lol, that was hilarious!
Nice comments! Good Job as always DM!
August 22nd, 2008 at 10:31 am
Hey look, the ad says “Free Miley Cyrus Quiz”…why in gods name would I take that?
Peter road-
You can thank MTP for that, I’m not going to hold myself back from saying my mind, and If I think what someone says is absolute bullshit, I’ll say it.
I have noticed the whole affinity towards Suzaku thing, also Amnestic, realize that whats on wikipedia is alot fo times speculation loosely based on facts, just nobody bothers enough to clean comments like that up and they only argue endlessly in the discussion page. Anyways, back to Anya. Ever since episode 9 when she is talking to Suzaku about being a masochist and his reasons of staying in Japan, he mentions something that catches her interest. He said he was a sinner from the beginning (killing his dad) and that there was someone that once understood him (Euphie). Anya, of course, being the loli with no common sense decides to hang out with Suzaku, which is why she’s often seen with him in the out-of-battle scenes.
If Suzaku doesn’t go totally emo and gets killed later on, if there is going to be a happy ending, it would be nice if the Anya and Suzaku relationship was developed a bit. I dunno, it just lingers in my cold, empty heart. Oh well, knowing Sunrise…
I want a LelouchxC.C. ending but I feel a sudden turn towards tragedy nowadays.
Also, we don’t know what Suzaku is thinking about Lelouch. After he inadverdantly got Lelouch captured, Suzaku seemed really lost and guilty, however Lelouch totally gave up on friendship. That rules out Lelouch thinking positively of Suzaku (unless Rolo’s death changed his mind) and after I saw Suzaku laughing insanely I doubt he even cares any more.
So in short, no more close mancrushes left in Code Geass.
August 22nd, 2008 at 11:42 am
Even though the spoilers from waffles are most likely fake I do think that suzaku turning on britannia is a possibility.
August 22nd, 2008 at 5:02 pm
Be Serious The Black Knights one and only desire is getting Japan not thinking about all the F***ing Sakuradite they are sitting on thats going to cause conflict. Its like with Africa and Diamonds some one is going to fight over those sparkling Gems or in this case “Mystery God Ore” oh yea get Japan back don’t abolish the Holy Britannian Empire the MAIN PEOPLE WHO WANT THE SAKURADITE and SPEARHEAD KNIGHTMARE DEVELOPMENT :/ Damn Ougi does’nt have a brain nor does anyone who will shoot first and ask questions later. On top of that sure Lelouch was a prince but the Emperor totally kicked him out of the country i’m surprised Toudoh didn’t know either kinda weird going to the Kururugi Dojo and not seeing him once. Anyone who asks a question after the fact needs to rethink why they are rebels any more.
on a side note the “OBJECTION” part was hilarious nice work DM
August 22nd, 2008 at 7:57 pm
Until a more plausible reason is given, I’m gonna stick with the age thing.
The whole insane laughter thing can only be good for Lelouch, now that the Black Knights have abandoned him. I’d like to think Suzaku and Lelouch will end up getting along, or one dying for the other. Or both dying for each other. As annoying as Suzaku is (and by God is he annoying), I still see him as a guy who will side with Lelouch when the final bell tolls.
I’m not so sure you could say Spearhead, considering that Rakshata(and her team of faceless backup scientists) have made a number of advancements Lloyd and Cecil did not. It actually looks pretty even, though admittedly the knightmares of Britannia do seem a step above the BK knightmares, so I see your point. It’s more equal than “spearheading” would describe, but Britannia are still ahead, to an extent. In my opinion, anyway.
August 23rd, 2008 at 1:26 am
Ok, ok believe what you want. The thing about Anya and Suzaku is like religion, theres too little proof to swing either way. It’s all up to what you believe in. I choose (and hope) theres more to it than age similarities and you believe that it’s just because it’s their age (because wikipedia says so).
He gets his new Lancelot in like..episode 21? So he’s not gonna betray Brittannia and join Lelouch yet, at least for a few more episodes, and even after that he’s probably gonna go fight the Black Knights, who undoubtedly are gonna get their asses whipped because they ousted Zero. I too wish for Suzaku to join Lelouch, but it just doesn’t seem to be happening, for one, Lelouch may not trust him enough and two, if Lelouch is no longer insane then chances are he doesn’t want to hurt Suzaku (which might juse happen since Lelouch has gone from emo to good, emo to good, emo to good etc.)
I’m mainly having trouble thinking of what they are going to start filling the show up with, Lelouch is basically on his own now, unless what I said before was right and they are goning to focus on the new structure of the Black Knights and how they manage to do this here on out as well as how Lelouch is going to manage to kill his father. They could also do a little more Rivalz and Milly airtime, but I doubt it because Lelouch probably doesn’t want to get them hurt.
August 23rd, 2008 at 3:33 am
I think Lelouch is gonna take a back seat for a while, at least for next episode anyway. I want Milly and Rivalz to finally get together, I’ve been waiting since the first few episodes of R1 and it *still* hasn’t happened. Dammit Sunrise *shakes fist feebly*. More Knights of the Round stuff, with Gino, that platinum piliferous pulchritude.
As for killing his dad, he needs someone with a mastered geass who can take his code. Isn’t he the only person left in the series that can do that?
August 23rd, 2008 at 11:53 am
I’m still despairing at this article. So basically R2 lost: (1) Suzaku’s potential connection to the Geass, thus explaining his superhuman abilities; (2) Kallen’s backstory and shedding some light on her father and brother; (3) a possible romantic angle between Suzaku and Cecile, which personally I think would have been awesome – poor Suzaku’s been alone and lost since his girlfriend died. Haha, well something like that.
So they had to “restart” the whole story in R2: A time skip, and introducing Rolo who apparently shouldn’t have even existed. R2 COULD HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN REALLY GOOD.
And does this mean C.C’s connection with Marianne has also been scrapped?! I had been hoping she would regain her memories in time to have this explained. But now it’s possible that they conveniently had any possible explanation ERASED forever. Not to mention a true Lulu and C.C ending.
I can only hope the last few episodes will still be as awesome as originally planned, they can still create an epic ending after all. And maybe a few OVAs for the original plot. DAMN YOU MEDDLING EXECUTIVES.
August 23rd, 2008 at 3:06 pm
k for you ppl, think before you post, suzaku does not have superhuman strength, he just has a lot of skill.
k i think suzaku is going to survive cuz he is lancelot and lacelot goes insane at the end and runs into the woods and rapes someone.
August 23rd, 2008 at 7:05 pm
While I am aware it’s anime and thus, dramatic effect is important. Being able to outrun a machine gun camera with a 0.05 second response time *is* superhuman.
Noooo. What about poor old Lloyd! :(
I’m still holding out for C.C. to get her memories back, somehow.
August 23rd, 2008 at 11:27 pm
Heh, he does. The directors themselves said so, so you don’t need to be in such denial about it.
@Amnestic: Well I suppose it’d be sad for him to be the third wheel, if ever. :)
And on second thought, they probably wouldn’t go so far as to completely remove the C.C-Marianne connection. So yeah, I’m still anticipating – well, hoping – that C.C gets her memories back.
August 24th, 2008 at 9:42 am
omg, has nobody thought of this yet?? really??? if Suzaku is REALLY batshit, does anyone see him killing C.C. to get back at Lelouch?
he totally can’t kill Kallen, i’m hoping for a Kalulu ending!
August 24th, 2008 at 12:00 pm
I kinda wish they could have an alternate ending, instead of the normal R2. Kind of like a third seasone except it covers the directors ORIGINAL ending he envisioned, that would be so much more epic.
Ever since reading Suzaku of the Counter-attack, Cecil seemed perfect for Suzaku so that part of the story would be great for him, as well as his relation to geass (both of which being dropped, damn the new time slot), I’m probably as equally curshed about it as the director, it’s no wonder that r2 lacked what r2 had.
Also, a “flashback” would have been awesome.
Omega knighx-
Why don’t YOU think before you post? Why don’t you read the aformentioned article and then start saying things. His superhuman strength was most likely originally from geass in the original storyline, but they dropped it for r2.
As far as I remember, they showed a flashback with C.C. and Marianne in r2, so yeah, they must not have totally dropped it.
Theres no doubt he’s batshit insane, but I doubt he will kill C.C., if she dies at all it will probably be Marianne related.
August 24th, 2008 at 1:48 pm
Curse my typo’s, the second r2 is actually r1.
August 24th, 2008 at 8:49 pm
Many twists happen like the role of anya revealed, cc’s personality loss, suzaku’s resolve after the insane laugh, what’s up with bismarcke’s eye having stitches and many more!!!! XD
and the ending…. kinda makes you wonder what will really happen in the end… or is it the end… being “TRAPPED WITH THE… FINAL INSTANCE BOSS” nah, surely not! XD
August 25th, 2008 at 12:02 am
I just got done watching ep 20. Kind of confusing with no subs yet, but Anya’s still cute :3
August 25th, 2008 at 2:13 am
dudez, episode 20 waz like awesome
August 25th, 2008 at 3:23 am
Just watched the chinese sub version of ep 20. Anya’s true identity is revealed and CC is back. I won’t spoil anything else.
August 25th, 2008 at 2:32 pm
Ep 20 was pretty awesome. I really do think they should stop introducing new Knights of Rounds. Kind of getting annoying that out of all the Knights, only 1 has died so far.
August 31st, 2008 at 4:05 pm
Marianne isn’t Anya is she…? :o
Here I was thinking that she was just using Anya’s body…
And that Anya was Lelouch’s true sister.. o.o
This is actually very disappointing… ):
September 7th, 2008 at 8:51 am
I was hoping lelouch to become so crazy that he’d nuke britannia or so. At the end i kinda found it sad that rolo died and lelouch actually reqognized him. I hope Lelouch survives and gets a happy life with kallen.
January 26th, 2009 at 5:11 pm
this site is awesome is the best for the code geass fanatics
July 29th, 2009 at 5:22 pm
Wow ang galing!!!
May 2nd, 2010 at 12:11 pm
“I will protect Zero with my bosoms” LMFAO.