Code Geass R2 — Episode 20
Serious Lelouch is serious
Not a particularly exciting episode, but Marianne finally makes an appearance, sort of. I can’t imagine how this is all going to end. For one thing, I don’t see any role for Kallen in the grand finale that’s being played out between the old man, the ambitious elder brother, and that good-for-nothing son who likes to play dress-up. :(
In real life, Suzaku would be a short Asian character and a whole lot less menacing
Suzaku is fashionably late in finally losing his cool and deciding to wipe out all Geass by force, considering the fact that Cornelia and Lelouch already went through this phase many aeon/episodes ago.
Not buttoning your shirt is an offence punishable by death
Schneizel reveals his hand without much fanfare and casually launches a coup d’etat over a spot of tea in the recreation room. “About that time eh chaps?” “…Righto.” I wonder how much he actually knows about this whole Geass business, like the fact that his father is immortal and is kind of hard to assassinate.
It’s like Destiny Gundam except with more hair
The old man is busy playing with his toys, which just happen to be million-year-old ruins that might just wipe out humanity through a Third Impact that makes us lose our precious AT Fields. I mean Ragnarok or whatever. I still have no idea what that this whole show is about, other than Kallen.
Maybe the sliding eye piece broke
Lelouch is acting all bad-ass for now and frankly he should be invincible now that he has apparently lost everything that was once precious to him. He is like Batman, whose girlfriend died and who now has nothing important to him that can be taken hostage by his enemies, except maybe good old Alfred. But of course that’s what Lelouch (and Bruce Wayne) thinks. C.C. and Kallen are on their way! (And Batman is totally going to fall in love with a new girl in the next movie.)
Anyway Lelouch and the old geezer are going to spend the rest of eternity together. How gay.
Lelouch finally realizes something that he has overlooked all this time: instead of wasting his one-use Geass on a single order, he can simply order the person to obey him forever! (Plot hole alert.)
“Yo, C.C. I, like, totally missed having hot lesbian sex with you”
And now that the mysterious Marianne has revealed her personality to be that of a high school girl on steroids, the illusion of dignified royal grace and beauty has been shattered and the image of the Britannia lineage suffers another mortal wound. Lelouch’s whole family is fricking insane, which makes one wonder what dark shameful secrets Euphie bore.
Cornelia has very flexible eyes
After being showered with attention and glory to a level normally reserved for the main characters, and subsequently thrown aside with little afterthoughts by the cruel whims of the Power That Be (i.e. the producers), Xingke looks like he may yet play some mildly important role in the final encounter. Yeah, he probably gets to kite the annoying little spawns while the real hero tanks the last boss.
Working up the courage to confess
Lelouch gives his last words to his true love :(
Ethnic stereotypes rock
Lelouch’s penguin army shall rise
Poor Milly. She’s been downgraded to a generic newscaster character
“I like to touch my chin”
“Oh no! I’m going to die a virgin. T_T”
He’s his father
Wearing that uniform gets you killed, 100% of the time
Rough night
London bridge is falling down~
I guess Marianne arranged for her own death so that so can have a loli body
She’s back
It looks like two pillars of shit
Recently I started reading Hatsukoi Limited by Mizuki Kawashita, the author of Ichigo 100%. It’s really awesome, but it’s also surprisingly short at only 4 volumes, compared to Ichigo’s 19. I’m having Tsukasa nostalgia.
August 31st, 2008 at 6:42 pm
grav: she seemed unwilling to accept it though, stuttering over her words. I wouldn’t elimnate the possiblity of either thing happening.
August 31st, 2008 at 6:49 pm
i completely agree with you on that she did seem unwilling
saw ep 21 and it finally puts this anya thing behind us
August 31st, 2008 at 11:26 pm
Haha another repetition of GSD in episode 21.
September 1st, 2008 at 12:41 am
how is episode 21 gsd huh? watched the raw and subbed version of the episode and all I can say is…
All Hail Lelouch!
Episode 22: Emperor Lelouch XD
is that Kallen going to be the wife of the emperor in the preview?
how can it be a repitition of gsd when there weren’t any mecha fights and gunshots just talk, philosophizing and truths hahahaha XD
September 1st, 2008 at 1:29 am
This forum seems to be returning to its old state of continuous flame wars. It’s annoying and rather retarded. If you don’t agree with someone’s opinions, it doesn’t mean that you have to insult the person and their ideas. Everyone who is doing this (I’m not naming any names), please stop all of this childish bitching and whining at each other. Let this space return to what it is supposed to be; a place for people to give their opinions about the blog or the show. I doubt our host, Dark Mirage, thinks any of this ranting is at all funny or clever, so please stop it now.
September 1st, 2008 at 1:39 am
I haven’t yet watched episode 21, but I read multple reviews of what happened, I’m glad Anya isn’t dead. Imagine what the Black Knights leaders are thinking “Holy crap, we kick out Zero, and he suddenly turns around as the emperor of Britannia!”
From what I read, this episode seems rather mindbending, especially Mariannes (very) short appearance in the show, it kinda freaked me out.
Anyways, I was right! I was so fricken right about the emperor using his geass to modify their memories! Ok well, it was obvious, but I said it first. I was also right about Charles not being the final boss, I’m very intriqued at how the show will end, especially now that they just dropped a bomb on us veiwers. Awesome.
I agree about the whole rampant ranting, it kinda bugs me (apparently I’m their target), but I’m not responding to any of it, it really is stupid and childish.
Now I actualy got to watch the episode. Hehe.
September 1st, 2008 at 3:16 am
Hi DM long time no see, when are you free? LOL.
Anyway seems that your fanboys are still as retarded as ever. Have fun preparing for the big As. Hehe.
September 1st, 2008 at 3:47 am
kokaden why dun you stfu, you have no business here doing anything so gtfo. all ive been sayin is sand is fuckin stupid so you stfu. so yaeh go suck a big cock dumbass kokaden.
September 1st, 2008 at 4:40 am
buy some glasses he started it or does “fucking retard” not count as insult where you come from? i never rant at someone for no reason and when i look at your recent posts you rant way more.
he comes here makes up countless theories of which most are damn obvious just so he can come back and shout “i was right!” yet he doesnt respect theories of others that for him are unbelievable and calls them “crap” like he did with my theorie of anya being marianne or euphie.
even now after it came true he tried to twist it around because of the method, that she is marianne is the most important part and if he wouldnt had bashed the theorie back then and we had it further discussed we might had even come up with the right method.
if he wasnt so disrespectful at theories he cant imagine and kept his frustation more under control we wouldnt have this flaming here.
a good example right here, now to whom wasnt that obvious that charles manipulated anyas memories after all those visions? my goldfish would have known that if i had one.
going to jail is a minor side detail to you? in case of the anya theorie there are no side effect at all but in your example it has a damn huge sideeffect. also you dont do the homework to get more free time thus its actually part of the way and not the goal in the first place, so by going to jail that goal isnt accomplished.
P.S. your anya sister theorie went finally down the drain
September 1st, 2008 at 5:53 am
Anya has been revealed AS: a girl who went there for court-lady schooling! DUN DUN DUN
September 1st, 2008 at 7:06 am
What the honest-to-god-fuck was up with the ending of episode 21?l It was all going peachy-keen, I was running with it fine until it said “One month later…” and…well, seriously…what? I heard that the writers wanted all of R1 to be a massive flashback of everything up to the final confrontation at the end of ep 25 in R1 between Suzaku and Lelouch, reckon this is their way of working a mahoosive(that’s ‘massive’) flashback into the end of the series?
Still, it reaffirms my belief that with a little bit of hypnosis one can rule the world. Nice to know should I ever finally get round to my domination plans.
Lelouch getting two geass eyes makes the whole cosplay thing a bit easier. Well, should clarify. More expensive for the real thing proper designed contact lenses, but it means I don’t need to have one purple and one pink cheap coloured contacts. I can just throw in two pink ones and be done with it.
Marianne’s short stay with us was almost guaranteed. Found it interesting how Odysseus said “When Nunnally was found…” though I’m sure that’s a reference to before when she was made Governor-General of Area 11 as opposed to after the Freya ex/implosion.
Why is Lelouch still wearing his bloody school uniform? You’d think with the entire Britannian empire at his fingertips he could afford to get a new outfit. Same with Suzaku being the famed “Knight of Zero.”
And on the topic of Suzaku, I’m glad to see the whole super human thing is still holding up. Well, either that or Britannian royal guard weaponry is made out of extremely brittle glass. Seriously, one flying kick shatters 3+ halberds/spears? That’s one hell of a roundhouse.
Finally, it’s important to note that Anya is no where to be seen after the ‘timejump’. Dun-dun-dun! Also, sad C.C. makes me sad :(
September 1st, 2008 at 7:50 am
It took me a while to realize who you were talking about since you were addressing overessence.
Heres what I have to say…by god, you are the most annoying kid I have ever heard from in my entire life, the whole arguement was DROPPED, nobody CARES anymore. I don’t, I dropped the arguement. Your worth so little of my time I’m actually rushing this so I can get to what Amnestic was saying. Please, just stop talking because your embarrassing yourself by addressing antiquated arguements that don’t matter. Also, don’t think it’s justified because you were reffering to as if you were talking to someone else, your still bringing up useless crap.
Just to clarify, you need to realize the difference between being realistic or conceited. When I say “I was right!” it’s because I was right, not because I want to rub it in. Now I’m done with you, go back to grade school.
I was pretty wigged out by the time skip too, but it was neccesary if you think about it, Lelouch needs time to infiltrate the capital, and he probably needed to go over quite a few plans, of course that’s completely in-universe talk. People watching on our end rarely care.
Hypnosis, bah. World domination is better done through oppression and dictatorship! Also note that fear should be put into the equation as well, lots of fear keeps the masses in line.
I really like how cool Lelouch looks with both his eyes geassed, but I wonder how he took off both with one sweeping motion…interesting.
I’m still hoping to god Odysseus was referring to before the nuke, mainly because I WILL drop the series if Nunnally is alive. I don’t want to, but my pride demands it of me!
Anyway, nice episode in my thoughts. I’m slightly saddened by the fact Anya wasn’t his sister. I bet that the whole Gino getting held prisoner by Schniezel will set up the destruction of the Tristan and the introduction of that new knightmare in the begginning (not the Albion, the modifed Tristan). I bet the Black Knights are going to stay in Japan and try to keep Brittannia out. Suzaku is really only in this because he can get control of Area 11 and bring peace to it, which means it can’t be under control by the UFN.
Well, can’t wait till next week! I foretell awesome fights of massive porportions and the start up of an all-out bitch fight between Schniezel and Lelouch!
September 1st, 2008 at 8:00 am
cor, you don’t need to start up a rant again, you sound really childish when you do that and it really takes alot of the quality out of the blog when people like you start stuff like that. sandslayer already said he doesn’t want to fight with you anymore, so just drop it man.
Dont have much to say on the episode, but I liked it. It was pretty cool but the whole sad C.C. thing makes me kind of afraid that she doesn’t agree with lelouch. I wish 7 days would pass already. :D
September 1st, 2008 at 8:54 am
how can it be a repitition of gsd when there weren’t any mecha fights and gunshots just talk, philosophizing and truths hahahaha XD
*Sigh* It just shows your lack of understanding of GSD. What i meant was the reconciliation of Suzaku and Lelouch as a team. Seriously, they should just stop doing this for the next series. This is already 3 times in a row. I will seriously quit buying their animes in the future if this continues.
September 1st, 2008 at 9:24 am
DM can just sit in his reclining chair and laugh maniacaly as his blog attracts the most hell bent of men determined to prove the other is dumb.
“Dance puppets, dance!”
September 1st, 2008 at 9:41 am
wow, you only put there a one-liner: “a repitition of gsd” and I just speculated that you were comparing what happened in episode 21 to what happened in gsd in the endand even in gs’s end where there is a mecha fight then the main character dislodges from his mecha then confronts the final enemy in a talk then gunshot.
seriously, this reconciliation of suzaku and lelouch is very much expected as we have seen even in an earlier episode that suzaku was already about to join lelouch again after their talk in the kururugi shrine. even in the ending sequence, lelouch and suzaku are beside each other.
even in naruto, I believe that sasuke and naruto would reconcile in the end and fight whatever big evil boss is out there. reconciliation is still a path that is often tread in anime and not a repitition of one anime series like gsd.
September 1st, 2008 at 10:59 am
Yes, I do know that you are right about the reconciliation part. I also guessed since the start of the series of Code Geass that Suzaku will reconcile with Lulu at the end. But still I was hoping for something different, because it is just too common and after a while it gets boring for me at least.
September 1st, 2008 at 12:09 pm
forget about the common issue of reconciliation
I was very much surprised and amazed at the end of ep21 hehehehe. imagine that happening in real life lol! XD
…casually entering the stage then sitting at the center and even folding his legs to relax then declare that he killed his father to become the new emperor!!! lolz! XD
September 3rd, 2008 at 11:47 pm
@dragon *applause!*
@Badx lolz
Right now the meaningless ranting have flooded the blog. Kinda sucks, since there are some good things said somewhere in there as well, which I simply can’t be bothered with reading since I try to avoid those posts.
Anyway, right now I’m trying to figure out what that quotation from Dante’s Divina Commedia was about. Just as Charles starts the Ragnarök Conjunction you see the line “lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate” in red. So what Charles and Marianne was doing was actually equivalent to opening the gates of Hell?!? That’s what it seems to imply, but doesn’t make much sense. Maybe it’s more general, as in the opening the gates to the world of the dead (trying to bring everyone scattered back together or whatever they called it…)…Hmm, needs more thinking…
September 8th, 2008 at 7:46 am
Hatsukoi Limited is amazing! I was kind of surprised when it ended… I was reading the chapter and then bam! “Thank you for reading this series!”…..wha…WHAT?
I guess I somehow expected it to be longer, but it was better than Ichigo 100% in my opinion.
November 22nd, 2008 at 12:22 pm
Wow looks great and awesome Lelouch is awesome here very fantastic
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