Code Geass R2 — Episode 21
Loli’er Anya
The Big Revelation episode. I can’t say that it comes as a surprise considering how much the story has hinted at it, especially since I was never really convinced that Charles was evil. He lacks Schneizel’s eyes, and that hairdo is just begging to be not taken seriously.
I’m sure everyone has already watched the episode by now, so I will not try to work around the spoilers this time, since the entire episode is basically one huge spoiler.
The Central Dogma
Enclosed within the enigmatic Central Dogma that lies deep beneath the surface of reality, Gendou and Shinji Ikari have a father-to-son chat over the future of humanity. Gendou is trying to activate the final stage of the Human Instrumentality Project, widely known as the Third Impact.
She was in EVA-01 all along
They are soon joined by the physical manifestation of Yui Ikari‘s spirit, who has long been hidden in the body of another after her mysterious death. It turns out that Gendou, despite his self-scripted cold-hearted nature, has never stopped loving Yui. Shinji is shocked to discover that his long-dead mother has been so close to him all these years, and that the father he so despised turns out to be merely misunderstood.
Yggdrasil, the World Tree
With Rei Ayanami, the immortal Lilith, as the catalyst of the final stage, and Gendou at the controls, the Human Instrumentality Project is about to reach completion. Although the original plan calls for the unity of Adam and EVA-01 in achieving this, circumstances have changed and the improvisation will be sufficient for Gendou’s intention. Absolute Territory Field, the invisible metaphysical barrier that separates the collective consciousness of mankind into unique independent individuals is about to be destroyed, and all evils will be removed from the world. Gendou is about to create a kind world where tragedies such as the one his family went through will never again happen.
Asuka in EVA-02 surveys the fallen bodies of the mass production EVAs
But the very desire for peace and kindness will be erased by the removal of individuality. Hatred will disappear, but so will love. Shinji, though temporarily overwhelmed by the futility of his past actions, realizes that this is not the kind of world he wished for when he fought for peace. He declares his intention to stop his father’s actions, which he sees as a selfish desire that Gendou is trying to force upon the world.
“Sorry Gendou, I like them young”
Rei, though she has an emotionless exterior, is deeply in love with Shinji, the son of the woman who gave her life. She betrays the trust of Gendou and helps hand the keys to humanity’s future to Shinji.
Real Summary
Replace Shinji with Lelouch, Gendou with Charles, Rei with C.C. and Yui with Marianne. I guess Kallen is Asuka, but I’m not comfortable with it because I hate Asuka. The analogy kind of falls apart when it comes to Suzaku, the extra guy. Oh well. Maybe he’s Gendou’s former bitch, Ritsuko.
Kallen is crying T_T
Who wrote those books?
Anya is cuter when she has Marianne’s personality
Brotherly love
V.V.’s love rival
“Mr. Wizard. Get me out of here”
She lucked out
Family reunion
She’s totally regretting not seducing Lelouch
“I mustn’t run away! I mustn’t run away!”
Love triangle
They are huge…
What happens if Marianne “dies” again?
Charles’ special attack
Useless characters
Vilette is totally a Black Knight member now…
Lelouch vi Britannia (what does vi mean?)
Who’s that on the left?
A civil union
Diethard is totally Schneizel’s henchman now
I should be studying Chemistry now.
September 8th, 2008 at 6:08 am
“Destroy the world, or even oneself!” Well now it seems obvious that Lelouch has some underlying plan to unite the world against him, in which it will problably end with Lelouch, Suzaku, and C.C. dying in the end (Lelouch and Suzaku for atonement, and C.C. just because that’s what she’s been wanting this entire time) and they’ll leave the world united in peace as their legacy. Not original, but not dull either.
And once again Lelouch gets Kallen away from him to save her, only it’s emotionally this time rather than physically (least their was actually lip contact before the end). If the plan is to die, I’m genuinely not sure if their will be one more KallenxLelouch scene where he’ll actually confess his feelings for Kallen before the end.
But of course they can’t die before taking out Schneizel’s flying fortress full of Fleiya Bombs, because for all Schneizel’s portrayal as a good guy, building a flying fortress of mass destruction can’t be for the most noble of motives. He produces all these private and more advanced weapons to take on his father and he’s seriously offering to take second seat to a blind little girl in a wheel chair? Doubtful.
And I have no doubt Orange will play a part in removing the geass from Nunally so she can open her eyes in the end to see the peaceful world Lelouch made for her. The matter in which I’m genuinely not too sure about is if the School Gang will actually do something significant (other than create a weapon of mass destruction and go crazy) before it’s all said and done. 3 more episodes to know for sure, which should be tolerable for those who say their disappointed for whatever reason.
September 8th, 2008 at 7:20 am
Chemistry, nice I have a huge physics test tomorrow *_* I am so not ready. God, I loved Chemistry I wish I still had it ^_^.
September 8th, 2008 at 7:42 am
Sandslayer: I dont think they’ll kill her off(at least not Suzaku), since they are going out of their way to keep her from joining them in the Zero Requiem.
Wow, I would have never thought that the Knights of Round would become cannon fodder. Haha, they do not even show what Knightmare frames they pilot (unless its those suntherlands :X) What a way to introduce the remaining ones. I wonder if Schneizel has some too, or even Lelouch does.
September 8th, 2008 at 11:01 am
Ep 22 was amazing. Once again, it’s another mega-spoiler!
For all of you who’ve seen it already, the end was a real shock, right? I can’t wait to see how they can explain that. Lelouch sure does have a giant army now. All those eyes are kind of creepy ^__^
September 8th, 2008 at 12:10 pm
I knew Sandslayer wouldn’t quit Code Geass even though Nunally was alive.
September 8th, 2008 at 1:50 pm
It’s only three episodes, so it’s not like it matters. Why would I suddenly throw away a series I’ve been watching since episode 6, and one I really like to boot? Nunnally coming back pisses me off, but not THAT much.
I know I switch back and forth on this matter, but now I really want a KallenxLelouch ending…gah, I’m so disloyal, sorry C.C.
September 8th, 2008 at 9:14 pm
Yay, something interesting popped up. Tristan (Gino’s Knightmare frame) apparently has some name-significance after all. Some info updated into wikipedia from a knight of rounds novel says that
“Gino fell in love with his family’s Eleven maid when he was 14, not caring about racial or societal differences. When his parents learned of the relationship, his father beat the girl and threw her out into the streets. Both parents admonished Gino to act in a fashion more befitting his noble status. Two years later, Gino ran away from home and joined the military. The novels also state that he was named a Knight of Rounds a mere five months before Suzaku, making him the second newest member.”
The name Tristan apparently held some meaning, basically he (Gino, taking his knightmare’s place) fell in love with someone he shouldn’t have. This whole thing makes me like Gino a little more, hell, if I was gay I’d probably be cheering on a GinoxSuzaku ending. I hope he doesn’t die.
Oh, this also suggests a GinoxKallen because 1) he isn’t dead yet, 2) he fell in love with a Japanese girl and 3) they had all that build up while Kallen was a POW. Oh also, I like how he said “What the hell am I fighting for!” After he gets his ass kicked.
Just felt like sharing.
September 8th, 2008 at 9:32 pm
Argh, crap, triple post, but I felt like pointing something out.
Lelouch is being an asshole on purpose, though most of you should notice this if you’ve seen the episode…he’s purposefully being an asshole and a dictator. At this rate, he’s NEVER going to make up with Kallen and tell her what he really feels, which saddens me. Yes, I have gone back to the dark side (KallenxLelouch).
Now it seems like Nunnally brought back isn’t such a bad thing after all…I mean, the way the story was heading and the mental mindfuck of epic porportions that have been inflicted upon Lelouch in the last few episodes really only left 2 choices. Bring back Nunnally, or have a fairly uninteresting fight to the finish between Schniezel and Lelouch with many cannon-fodders dying along the way (I’m still waiting on you guys: Nonnette Eannagram, Sugiyama and Minami, maybe Kanon too, I don’t like him…oh and Claudio too!).
Anyways back to dictator Lelouch, it would seem that since he’s trying to obscure Euphie’s name with his own bloodshed, it’s unlikely that he’s going to be a nice guy, but if he has Kallen against him, won’t that inevitably lead to her getting hurt? Argh, Lelouch, you blind fool! I find it slightly ironic that someone who has firmly been on his side since episode 1 (literally) turns against him and someone who’s been firmly against him since episode 2 (literally) has joined him.
Well, when two dudes with superpowers that have no reasons left to live except kill, join forces, the results…are yet to be seen. Begin the wait for next episode!
September 9th, 2008 at 2:12 am
I understand WHY, but I have no motivation to explain, but I see why Nunnally is a huge
for Lelouch
September 11th, 2008 at 7:51 am
yeahh it seems like lelouch is purposely being a dictator so unite the world against him (like someone else previously stated)…so in being evil he is bringing the world together, and it will probably result in his own death.
dude but im giong to be SO SAD if he dies…i hate those stupid tragic endings where no one realizes the greatness of the hero whom they killed cuz they thought he was evil. ARGH!
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Ex-fansubber ひとり言 » What I forced myself to watch this week #2: Code Geass R2November 5th, 2008 at 1:31 pm
[...] background dancers, he comes back one more time! I mean for a moment I thought I was watching the End of Evangelion except there was no awesome Komm Susser Todd playing in the background. Also I think Maryanne is an [...]
December 2nd, 2008 at 6:32 pm
i love lelouch he so cute……
May 26th, 2010 at 12:33 pm
I always wondered.. If this episode is 99.89% (NGE reference– Someone better point it out >:O)similar to the End of Evangelion, what would actually happen if the Ragnarok Junction/Third Impact actually occurred? Would everyone turn into LCL or something? o_o