Code Geass R2 — Episode 24
Old rivalries will finally be settled once and for all, the dead have started to rise from their graves, and the last boss is revealed; everything is coming to an end. Or perhaps it has already ended. Spoilers ahead.
Xingke, always too willing to be manipulated, ambushes and boards the Avalon with the pathetic remnants of the Black Knights. It is quite clear that Schneizel has no intention of halting his FLEIA spam just to let Xingke rescue his precious loli, so this is a rather suicidal move.
This thing is three episodes late
Nina finally completes her anti-FLEIA device, what I call the Lance of Longinus. But she has no time to write an auto-configuration programme, so the input parameters for the device must be manually entered by hand. And instead of being attached to a guided missile warhead, the lance has to be hand-thrown by a Knightmare. Then again, Evangelion did it first.
Thanks to Nina’s design, Lelouch’s record-breaking typing speed, and Suzaku’s throw, the Avalon survives complete annihilation, thus saving the lives of Xingke and friends. How ironic.
“Who could’ve imagined that our sole weak point would be used against us?”
Like all superweapons of doom, the Damocles has the most powerful offence and defence capabilities but suffers from a single fatal flaw: it has to open its shields to fire FLEIA. Since nothing can penetrate Damocles’ shields while they are up, Schneizel should’ve waited until it is in the safety of low-Earth orbit, beyond the operating height of Knightmares, before trying to kill Lelouch with FLEIA. But I guess he, like the designers of the Death Star and its exhaust port, wants to give the protagonist a chance to win.
Love rivalry turns ugly
C.C. and Kallen fight over the right to Lelouch’s virginity. It is quite obvious that the new pink Knightmare was introduced just to sell more toys for Bandai because it does absolutely nothing. C.C. gets owned before you can say “catfight”. This is what you get when you spend decades eating pizza and sleeping.
“Lelouch, behind you!”
Lelouch manages to Geass Schneizel, thus putting an end to this whole story… Oh wait. Schneizel, in spite of his selfish genius, did not plan for a manual override to the Key of Damocles. Hence, Nunnally is the last boss. How shocking.
I find it hard to believe that Lelouch could’ve predicted the content of his conversation of Schneizel down to the exact words used. Perhaps Lelouch is speaking through a microphone to a silent pre-recorded movie with advanced lip-syncing technology. Oh well.
For some reason, I’m not too excited about the last episode. I’m not even sure what kind of ending I’m hoping for any more. It seems to me that the only real obstacle left to a happy ending is poor misguided Nunnally, whom I can’t convince myself is a threat of any significance.
Maybe it’s just me, but I prefer it when Lelouch pulls off a complete turnabout from utter hopelessness and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Nunnally is just too loli a last boss to provide that kind of threat, thus a happy ending probably won’t be very satisfying. (“Oh great you defeated a little girl.”) Therefore I predict a tragic ending and everyone dies in the FLEIA!
Conservation of momentum is being violated
They have hot passionate sex after this scene
The real evil mastermind
How can you take anyone in that outfit seriously
“Lelouch, I…”
“Stop!” exclaims the love rival as she enters the ceremonial hall
“How could you betray my love?”
“You slut, die!”
A sword is a weapon; a pair of swords is compensation
Her only role in the show ended three episodes ago
“Hey guys, this kind uncle is giving us free candies”
Sayoko is the best character in the show
The bullets missed her vital assets
At this rate it can’t be long before Euphie comes back too
The character with the stupidest motivation in the show
This pose is mildly erotic
He finally realized that he’s a useless extra
Can you hear that? It’s the sound of thousands of doujin artists sketching furiously
I’m much more concerned about the last episode of Macross Frontier. I hope Sheryl wins. :(
September 23rd, 2008 at 11:07 am
Wow not only do you get half-assed love develpoment, you also get plot holes every single interval.
Macross frontier ftw…
September 23rd, 2008 at 1:34 pm
so who else thought that season one was much much better than season two. i thought the cleverness of the show really disappeared in the second season
September 23rd, 2008 at 3:59 pm
Kaus: comment 40-
I do admit I am wrong, I thought Cornelia ACTUALLY died. However, I am not apologizng to anyone, despite any lies and slander from that previous post I may or may not have written.
I don’t feel like writing much right now. Lucky for you.
September 23rd, 2008 at 8:02 pm
September 23rd, 2008 at 8:11 pm
I lol’d at Amnestic’s comment at #41 esp. onto the added bonus one.Tamazero..XD!!!
September 23rd, 2008 at 8:50 pm
Well Season 1 had to bring in new fans for a new franchise. By Season 2, the characters and fanbase are already established enough so the producers can rely on fan baiting.
September 23rd, 2008 at 9:27 pm
Didn’t DM die in this episode? :p
September 24th, 2008 at 12:04 am
At least someone appreciates my half arsed attempt at humour.
We didn’t see a corpse! It only blew up, it’s still good!
September 24th, 2008 at 12:11 am
They may have brought back Guilford just to sell more crap, seeing as there’s 2 custom Vincent kits out there (three if you include the Rolo royal coating version, bleh).
September 24th, 2008 at 12:30 am
But surely his Vincent was already on sale (isn’t it just the mass produced colouring?) so unless they’re going to be selling ‘Guilford: Blind Edition’ models, I’m not really sure what merchandise they can get out of it. To me, keeping Cornelia and Guilford alive was nothing more than fan pandering. They should have killed Cornelia off in a better way and have Guilford stay dead. Honestly, when he was engulfed by FLEIA (does that actually kill anyone?) I actually felt kinda bad for him. Now that he’s alive it’s a kinda “Oh…well thanks for pissing all over my feelings when he died” thing.
September 24th, 2008 at 12:51 am
Maybe they just didn’t want his life to end protecting a faux Cornelia, to just give some people a happy ending after Lelouch totally screws this up…
Or it might be preparation for killing off a huge chunk of the cast in the next episode.
September 24th, 2008 at 1:29 am
I do not understand what it changes that Schneizel is under Geass or dead… I mean, whether Schneizel dies or not, Nunnally still has the trigger, doesn’t she?
Oh well. I can forgive about anything because (in my opinion) ep21 rocked. I’ll settle for any semi-satisfying ending, provided that Lelouch dies and we see what happens to the various characters.
And I loved your predictions amnestic. :)
September 24th, 2008 at 6:51 am
Episode 23 of last season still tops everything in this season.
September 24th, 2008 at 9:19 am
Wow… fuck everyone except lelouch’s side tbh
Kallen has to die now for trying to kill CC, fuck that stupid bitch
September 24th, 2008 at 11:32 am
Looking back I never would have imagined that Kallen would end up as the final boss of Code Geass. The irony…T_T
Priceless. Maybe even some blind Guilford figurines with walking cane included.
That’s exactly how I felt, Guilford was so cool I was sad when he “died”.
Ooh, scawy! Learn to not take everything too seriously.
September 24th, 2008 at 1:28 pm
We need more MacrossF! ;)
Sheryl FTW!
September 24th, 2008 at 3:35 pm
Macross Frontier and Sheryl FTW!!! XD
I hope that episode 25 of MF will be very grand unlike cg’s ep 25 which I’m not excited at watching anymore T_T
and MF is not a remake of the SDFM or any other macross series for that matter. Go watch it again haha!
I’ll just watch episode 25 of cg r2 just to finish this series lol.
September 25th, 2008 at 2:05 am
Kaus: comment 65:
Really? Kallen? I think she wants Lelouch’s love too much to be the final boss. However, I think the battle is so disorganized at this point, it’s hard to tell whats going to happen.
I find it hilarious that as soon as Zero dies, someone new takes over Britannia and does exactly what Zero wanted, and yet people didn’t realize anything at all! But, I guess the mass populace really isn’t all that smart anymore.
I dunno why, but Nina is cool now. She’s not like the psycho lesbian bitch from the first season anymore. She’s more like a psycho lesbian bitch that can actually control herself. Hell, I’m surprised she actually had this much importance in the series. Considering how she was just some nerd in the first season.
I think Nunnally is the final boss, I don’t know if I said this before, I just woke up so fantasy images of Arya and Eragon are still floating around in my head…but she apparently broke Charles’ geass on her own, so I think she is like immune to geass now merely because she has the strength of will to break it. Of course, this has never happened before in the series, so it’s a nice little plot twist. Of course, what can a loli girl with a weapon that doesn’t even fire at Lelouch do? I mean even without geass, how hard can it be to overpower her? Unless Kallen busts in saying “I LOVE YOU! BUT I HAVE TO KILL YOU!”. But if they do that, how can they wrap the whole thing up. I have an aching feeling they are just gonna rush things, which I definitly wouldn’t like.
Amnestic- comment 44:
When you said that, it seemed eerily reminiscent of myself. Maybe I have finally rubbed off on you? Has my hate of stupid people officially burrowed itself into your brain? Either way, I find it hilarious.
Tsukuyomi- every comment of yours:
I guess your finally branded an idiot then, eh?
September 25th, 2008 at 2:38 am
I don’t think that Nunnally is immune to geass.
But ultimately, I don’t really care. For me that’s more like an encounter like the one that Lelouch had with Suzaku in episode 19 (or 18, don’t know anymore).
Which means, that’s Lelouch last great chance to explain his heart. Will he do it?
I am under the impression that Lelouch waited a whole month after the fall of Charles before seizing the throne. And the identification of Lelouch as Zero is evident for anyone who cares, because of Lelouch’s ownership of Shinkirou, if not for anything else.
And for the general public not being smart… may I remind you that even Britannia’s secret agency (the one that was to watch over Lelouch) is extremely far from being smart? The general public must be like vegetables, at this rate!
September 25th, 2008 at 4:03 am
i think this series is kinda goin downhill. i mean how can all this stuff get resolved in one ep? i miss season 1
September 25th, 2008 at 4:08 am
neothoron- comment 69:
*Sigh* I guess the code geass populace is just like the real world. Blind and ignorant. Well, it’s not like Lelouch purposefully used his Shinkirou in public (he travelled via floating transport when he went to Ashford) and the Black Knights DID report the Shinkirou stolen. I doubt Lelouch worried too much about it since people thought Zero had “died” and the Shinkirou “stolen” and he could just play upon that.
I’m hoping he kills Nunnally or something happens that makes her die. Argh, but it won’t happen, I just know it. DAMN YOU NUNNALLY!
September 25th, 2008 at 10:25 am
Dammit, I LOVED episode 24. Unexpected much?? It is sortof hard to believe (There are a million and one little things to finish up) but the episode’s damning awesome. Everyone has a chance to speak up before the series ends: Miley, Rivalz, Cornelia, Guiltford, Nina, Sayoko, Ohgi, Viletta all put in their two cent’s worth in this episode.
I find it ironic that Nunally is the last boss. That was a bummer, but based on the ending of Code Geass R1, R2′s ending must have been planned BOMB into awesomeness. I feel sad the series’ is ending. Is it FINAL that Season 3′s not gonna come?? (Akuyumi Kuro’s ‘ending’ spawned another 2 seasons in 2004. I believe anything this days.)
September 25th, 2008 at 10:32 am
Sorry for doubleposting, but Ajax wouldn’t let me edit it in the last seconds. Creep.
Isn’t it obvious that C.C’s not finished with her crap yet? I think that in this story, nobody REALLY dies. Look at Cornelia, Guiltford, Sayoko and Nunally. We all thought they died, but their still breathing. Just waiting for Shirley, Rolo (<3) and Euphie to live again. Although it’s sorta hard for Shirley and Rolo to dig out of their own graves again. Oh well.
September 25th, 2008 at 10:58 am
Argh, page caching.
September 25th, 2008 at 10:59 am
“Go watch it again”
i will pass… the macross series is just an “okay” anime for me. i don’t find it fantastic haha. i finally found the anime i have been searching for more than 10 years now – so i am watching that anime instead.
September 25th, 2008 at 11:04 am
Jasminespirit- comment 72&73:
A third season might be needed to wrap everything up, but I doubt they will make one. According to whatever source I heard this from, the story is finished and by the time episode 16/17 aired the story had already been written and finished.
However, they will need to use every second for episode 25 to wrap things up, who knows, maybe it’s an hour long episode, but they need ALOT of time to wrap things up. All the crap going on with C.C./Kallen/Nunnally/Lelouch and Suzaku doesn’t seem possible to resolve in one episode. However, the battle around Damocles is almost over and theres one episode left. What are they gonna do but rush it?
Hopefully there is a satisfying ending, that’s what I’m hoping for.
No Rolo. His death was awesome and it would suck to bring him back after that.
KK- comment 75:
And what anime would that be?
September 25th, 2008 at 9:33 pm
it’s all a dream, in the last 5 seconds they will show the knight of one using his geass and all R2 was the prediction… uhhuahuahuahuau
September 26th, 2008 at 2:09 am
Believe me when I say that my lack of patience with people lacking working frontal lobes has been around since long before I started reading and posting on DM’s blog.
September 26th, 2008 at 7:05 am
LoL :D
According to decreased number of comments for this post one can clearly say that current ending of CG R2 disappointed a lot of “fans” O_o
This show really some kind of final enlightenment…
September 26th, 2008 at 9:20 am
I dunno, I just find Kallen more of a “threat” to Lelouch winning than Nunally is. I mean, what are the odds of Nunally pressing that button? That would kill 4 main characters (including Kallen, who is the heroine of the story), 1 villain, 1 villain sidekick and 1 Gino.
I wonder what DMs thoughts are regarding Kallen. In my heart she’s still <3.
…Code Geass R2 Final Plus?
September 26th, 2008 at 10:44 am
It’s an anime that i watched in my childhood – Violinist of Hamelin. Something about the war between humans and the 4 evil warlocks. All of them trying to get hold of the box that contains the Demon king sealed within it. The story gets darker as it progresses. (25 episodes)
To other people who already seen the anime :
i know some people don’t like the anime… but i like serious and fast paced anime. The manga has a different story though.
September 26th, 2008 at 12:00 pm
This might be me being stupid, but can’t Lelouch order Schneizel to just turn off Blaze Luminous and point the Fleija somewhere safe in case Nunally decides to press the button?
September 27th, 2008 at 1:00 am
From what I’ve read, one of the head writers said that Code Geass was done. Finish. No contiuation or partial end. It seems to me that such an announcement was meant to keep the audience in suspense. However, one of the recent Sound Drama CD has Lelouch and C.C. sleeping. That makes me assume that both C.C. and Lelouch will die. Thus Suzaku will survive. Some would say that Lelouch’s death will be a fitting satisfactory end to Code Geass, and ensure that it says that way. Considering that Sunrise and CLAMP are known for having tragic ending to their series, it appears that Code Geass is no exception.
But those are just my opinions. So who knows what will happen after episode 25.
September 27th, 2008 at 3:30 am
Any particular examples?
If Tsubasa has a sad ending I might just die. >.<
September 27th, 2008 at 4:52 pm
yeah, considering that lelouch is facing nunnally it’s hard to think of the next episode being exciting…still, even though it’s kinda gone downhill recently overall it was still a great series, and i really enjoyed reading all your hilarious comments dark mirage!
September 27th, 2008 at 6:01 pm
“Considering that Sunrise and CLAMP are known for having tragic ending to their series, it appears that Code Geass is no exception.
Any particular examples?
If Tsubasa has a sad ending I might just die. >.< ”
CLAMP – few animes by clamp have tragic endings… they are the less popular ones anyway…
i don’t think tsubasa will have a sad ending :) they did tsubasa because many fans love syaoran and sakura in CCS.
September 28th, 2008 at 10:54 am
Nobody cares anymore! :(
It all ends so soon! >.<
September 28th, 2008 at 2:49 pm
Sandslayer I think they would most likely leave the end of episode 25 ambiguous (if they wanted to pick up the series again at some other time Or if they were going to get a new writer) or Totally rushed and unsatisfying.
September 28th, 2008 at 7:51 pm
and the end of ep 25 was ambiguous as it is hehe XD
but still, if you will believe that Taniguchi promised a happy end for Lelouch, then maybe he meant that character with CC as him, Lelouch.
September 28th, 2008 at 8:34 pm
The death of Lelouch came as no surprise, ever since episode 13 when Shirley died. However, the writers have never resolved Milly’s feelings for Lelouch in any way, in my opinion. But once his Zero identity was exposed to his enemies, he could never go back to his old life at Ashford Academy. As a result, he had to create a plan B, which was Zero’s Requiem. This way, he makes the world believe that he is a villain so that the fake Zero would be a hero for peace. He fulfilled his goal of making Suzaku Nunnally’s Knight and redeeming Euphemia’s name.
I guess every since Euphemia died, he wanted to atone for that sin. As much as I would have wanted a Milly x Lelouch relationship, you guys were right by saying that it was very unlikely given the direction that the series was going. And I used to believe that neither C.C. or Kallen was Lelouch’s love interest, and felt that the only reason why Shirley and Lelouch was paired was because she made it known to him. Milly never got a chance to do so. Thus we’ll never know how it might have turned out between them.
In July, I thought that one of the most likeliest endings for Kallen was for her to be reunited with her mother and living together. That prediction came true. I also suspected that a Kallen x Gino relationship might have been the best possible outcome, even though most were against it. The only option that I figured that was likely to end the speculation of Lelouch’s possible love interest was he own death, which had became a reality.
One thing was for certain. Since Charles became an immortal and disappeared, Lelouch had no other choice but to become Emperor before anyone else had a chance to do so. This way, he could unite the world against him, in order to end the old Britannia, once and for all. So Zero’s Requiem was planned between him and Suzaku. Suzaku sees the new world, but he can’t enjoy it, while Lelouch dies to join Shirley and Euphemia. So Suzaku is on the losing end of the stick.
Lelouch will certainly go down in history as the most unpopular Emperor of all time, thus making Euphemia’s massacre a forgotten memory. But I guess that was the only option that he had to work with. At least, he gave C.C. a reason to live again. To think that Charles plan would have worked had he not treated Lelouch in a emotionless manner following Marianne’s death.
V.V. jealousy for Marianne x Charles happiness was his eventual undoing because the cursed Prince(Lelouch) was realized. And the old Britannia is no more.
Overall, the last episode, where everyone is happy is too superficial. They seemed to believe that Lelouch was far worse than any other Emperor in history. Not to mention that they might still be a greater evil on the horizen.
So, I guess that they will never be a fanservice for Milly Ashford. The writers probably forgotten about her after Turn 12. And seeing that the last 13 episodes was nothing but plot development, like a loaded hand gun waiting to be discharged, Lelouch would be the one to take the bullet. And he did.
I thought that Code Geass would be one of those rare series that would turn out to be amazing. At least the 1st season was. The second half of the R2 was a very typical of most of the animes that I have seen where the main character dies and important matters are unresolved. Sometimes, I wish that I had never seen Code Geass to begin with because whenever I start to like the series, it always ends with the character’s death. Just like the Death Note and Cowboy Bebop. So predictable of Sunrise.
Sorry for the long rant. But this puts an end to my post on this forum. The only reason why I posted was because I was dying to see how things might have turned out between Milly x Lelouch. It never happened. As well as the fact that R2 was not as planned due to the change of the series timeslot to Sunday at 5PM. I now suspect that the “Planned Version” of R2 would have been so much better.
Sometimes, I wish that Code Geass had started out as a manga before becoming an anime. It might have been so much better.
Take care everyone!!!!
September 28th, 2008 at 8:39 pm
About CLAMP and sad endings…
-The ending of RG-Veda (my favourite manga by CLAMP) was sad; you discover that the evil emperor was just putting an act to prevent the end of the world, and about everyone (but the emperor and three secondary characters) dies.
-The ending of Tokyo Babylon (Second favourite) is sad, an innocent girl dies, and a young boy forever loses innocence; the boy resolves to kill the killer/boyfriend…
-The ending of X is not out in manga, but in the TV anime the main character sacrifices himself on his best friend’s/arch enemy’s sword to save the world.
It is because of CLAMP that I discovered sad endings. And it is because of them that now I am addicted to them. ;)
@Max: What important issues do you feel are unresolved?
And I don’t see why a change in time slot would make the series “not as planned”, but, ok.
September 29th, 2008 at 11:30 pm
Damn, what are you people bitching about, this anime has been brilliant so far. You guys probably watch gay ass series like tengen toppa guren lagann.
October 3rd, 2008 at 9:12 pm
DONT DITCH TTGL!! that series was epic nuff said, and i do agree that this anime was brilliant, it really TRIED ITS BEST to keep things fresh and interesting, you could tell they where trying to mix many different things together in this anime, at least they managed to surprise me with the unthinkable plot twists.
Giving us just enough information to assume what will happen, yet holding some away to prevent us from predicting various possibilities.
October 18th, 2008 at 6:43 am
Thank you! Very interesting post!
August 4th, 2009 at 4:21 am
“At this rate it can’t be long before Euphie comes back too”
This is the best quote, and points out a rather interesting note.
Just how did Guilford survive the blast, anyways?
October 12th, 2009 at 6:20 pm
Heh. You have a very sarcastic way of putting it out there. :)
About the Lelouch’s prediciting Scheizel’s words, rather than predicting them exactly, I’d say Lelouch is only predicting the content of his replies. Lelouch doesn’t actually ever refer directly to what Schneizel replies, but makes a slightly more general comment. (I went back to have a look afterwards, and that’s what I got from it, I don’t know what you think).
All I can say though, is that Lelouch moves fast for a physically weak person, but who knows…
October 12th, 2009 at 6:23 pm
Well, only people within the FLEIA range are killed, right, that nice exact sphere? If he managed to be just out of the range and eject in time, could be possible, although unexpected. Just die already! -_-; Eh…