4chan does good for Finnish band

Remember that flash movie I posted here some time ago? Well apparently, the song was a 1995 remake of an old Finnish song by a band that had long gone inactive. However, due to 4chan and its crazy shenanigans, the song has been made famous overnight through the internet and the band is in back in business.

According to the biggest newspaper of Finland (7/10/06), Helsingin Sanomat, this infamous Loituma girl flash animation has sparked the band’s popularity once more. the song Ievan polkka has been downloaded worldwide hundreds of thousands of times and the band has got fan email from all over the world.

When asked about it, they were astonished. the singer who sings the most famous folk-scat solo part, Ms Autere said she thinks the comeback of Ievan polkka, a song originating in 1930’s and Loituma’s remake in 1995, is because of a flash animation showing a japanese anime girl waving the leek and singing Ievan polkka.

Now the band which had not been active in many years has got their own agent and they’ve been asked to tour in many countries, many of which outside Europe.

So for once 4chan did something good. :3 And here’s the movie if you haven’t seen it already.

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188 Responses to 4chan does good for Finnish band

  1. Anga says:

    Haha, I’m still amazed how one flash animation can create that much fans. =)

  2. Kurogane says:

    Go watch Princess Azumanga. I’ve been listening to Princess Bride every god damned day because of it.

  3. Dee says:

    Omg… auggghhh … Must get the song out of my head. >

  4. GredsBeadia says:

    Кто как думает, повлияет ли кризис на итернет? Я так подазреваю что безусловно, подвижки уже есть.И это очень печально(((

  5. Ты че бредиш? Какой кризис=) Нас это не каснется это там пендосы в своей америке пусть переживают. А интернет он независим от окружающего мира. Только вот будет ли а нас бапки чтоб его оплачивать вот другой вопрос))))

  6. whedly says:

    Увлекательно! Только не могу понять как часто обновляется блог?

  7. kawnneewhadO says:

    Чёрт возьми! Круто!Вы Сами ответили.Беру в цитник! Смысл жизни и всё остальное. Решено.Без шуток.

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    Пинайте своего хостера – сайт с трудом открылся :(

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