New Gundam series next October!… Apparently.

Fresh from the rumour mill. According to Moon Phase Zakki sources, a new Gundam series will start airing October next year. Many valorous spies paid the ultimate sacrifice to bring us this information.




「天保異聞 妖奇士」の後番、来年の土6は新ガンダム。監督は水島精二氏とのこと。一応、内部リークですが、実際この通り順調に企画が進むかどうかは不明。


New Gundam series, starts airing October next year!… Apparently.
Taking over the time slot of Ayakashi Ayashi, a new Gundam series will air during the Saturday 6pm slot next year. The director will be Seiji Mizushima. Although this is, technically, an internal leak, it is not confirmed whether the project is really proceeding as stated.

You can just feel the journalistic confidence oozing out of this little article… On another note, Seiji Mizushima is most well-known as the director of Full Metal Alchemist.

Unlike most people, I still have hopes for the SEED franchise, especially if a new director is being brought in to continue the series. While it is not certain if the new Gundam series will continue the C.E. timeline, or indeed whether it even exists at this moment, I have this to say: BRING STELLAR BACK!!!

P.S. Moon Phase has also confirmed, with information from Comiket 70, that the third Nanoha series will be a full-fledged TV series and not OVAs. I don’t care for Nanoha, but it’s on the same page as this news so might as well….

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140 Responses to New Gundam series next October!… Apparently.

  1. pKjd says:

    “You can just feel the journalistic confidence oozing out of this little article…”

    Haha! My thoughts exactly. Which is why I was quite hesitant in reporting this news as well. But I’m glad someone did it anyway. Definitely had to get the Nanoha scoop out though :D

  2. kuromitsu says:

    I for one hope they’ll put SEED finally to rest. :/ It’s insanely popular and all, but it’s starting to be a bit of an embarrassment to the Gundam franchise in general. (Though it’s definitely not as embarrassing as Wing…) Or if they continue with it, I hope they’ll get a new character designer because, well, at least the characters would improve (that is, they wouldn’t look like each others’ clones).

  3. kwok says:

    I don’t see why you should be so happy.

  4. tj han says:

    Scrap Gundam. Let’s have some Battletech.

  5. techie says:

    >>Though it’s definitely not as embarrassing as Wing…

    How come? If you’ve seen the original Mobile Suit Gundam, you’d realize how unoriginal the Gundam Seed series really is.

    Is the bad rap on Gundam Wing because Seed fans bash it? And everyone is just jumping on the bandwagon.

  6. Harlock Hero says:

    For the love of god, no, don’t bring back Stellar. It was cheezy enough when they brought back Mwu, and Stellar wasn’t even half as cool as him.

  7. Kurogane says:

    Screw Gundamn, White Devil 4TW!!!!

    Hayate better play a bigger role next season. I want to see Reinforce in full force.

  8. Kenny Liu says:

    Gundam Seed all the wayyy!! ^_^

  9. kuromitsu says:

    I’ve seen the original series (in fact, I’m an UC fan), but I think Seed isn’t half as embarrassing as Wing. Seed is unoriginal, yes, and rather silly if you ask me, but it’s got nothing on Wing in terms of overall silliness, coupled with blatant fanservice.

    I realize that for many people Wing was the gateway into Gundam and thus it remains their favorite Gundam franchise, but it doesn’t change the fact that it has a silly premise, an annoying cast and a lukewarm story. Plus, it’s basically a bishounen anime meant to attract girls to the franchise (something that Seed does better, although I wish it didn’t even try). If it didn’t have mecha it might as well be called Weiss Kreuz 2. (Okay, it’s not as bad as Weiss Kreuz. But then, few anime reaches that low…)

  10. DrmChsr0 says:


    FMA + Gundam = Well, we know how the EFSF and Zeon got so many connon fodder mecha and expendable weaponry. It was all Ed and Al and their merry alchemist friends magicking them out of Asteroids.

  11. Haesslich says:

    For those wondering why we’re bashing Wing… it’s because everything that’s wrong with SEED is because Gundam Wing did it first, and thus set the ‘standard’ which SEED is now following (pretty boys in super-powered Gundams, who take on whole armies by themselves rather than just whole squads, insane emo faces, unbelievable resurrections and super-powered Gundam upgrades). In other words, everything you hate about SEED is there because it came up in Wing first, and they’re merely following in Wing’s footsteps, but increasing the amounts of each element.

    While G-Gundam may have brought the idea of “Gimmick Gundams” out first, Wing escalated it to the level which SEED and SEED Destiny both take it to today. Zeta Gundam brought forth the notion of Gundam upgrades (changing to a better Gundam), Wing was the one which came up with the idea of upgrading from a powerful Gundam to a Deus Ex Machina Gundam with the Wing to Wing Zero upgrade. It also introduced the notion that a single pilot (like Duo Maxwell, or Heero Yuy) could defeat whole companies and divisions of enemy Mobile Suits by themselves, often five to ten at a time, while earlier Gundam series merely had their pilots defeating two or three in a row, or two at once at most.

    In other words, everything that’s wrong with SEED or SEED Destiny comes directly from the Gundam Wing tradition. Thus, if you see people bashing Wing, it’s because of the notions which it brought to the table and which set the tone for future Gundam series. All of those pretty-boy bishounen pilots, all of their godlike Mobile Suits and piloting skills, all of their ‘killing whole fleets at the same time’ cliches come from Gundam Wing. Unfortunately, Wing was the ‘gateway series’ for most of the current generation of North American Gundam fans, rather than something like Turn A Gundam or Victory Gundam.

  12. Decel says:

    I agree: Wing was the foundation of SEED. Besides, it’s easy to bash in retrospect, but at the time Wing was pretty popular (at least, from my point of view).

    Having the Deus Ex Machina Gundam is pretty entertaining from time to time, especially for the kids. That being said, I wish there were more “8th MS” series around. I’m pretty sure a good gundam along the lines of FMP:TSR can be done. AKA: Great machine, but not invincible.

  13. JT says:

    If they do continue Seed, I just hope they dont do the same thing that they did with Destiny, where the supposedly main character became the antagonist and Kira became the Main Character. You like what was the point of the series?? Why didn’t they make Kira the Main since the Beginning??

    There were no developpment between Kira and Lacus?? It’s like watching them in SEED? As for Cagalli and Asuran, I still don’t know what happened, that’s how corny their development were?? Plus how the hell could they make Kira loose to Shin?? Isn’t he the Ultimate Coordinator??

    In the end I still don’t they should make another SEED series, there’s already a Gundam SEED movie in production. They should make a new gundam series.

  14. kuromitsu says:



  15. Draco 00 says:

    personally i think that seed and destiny is whole lot better than wing, wing…….i dont like it, what are you talking bout super gundams??? wing are the ones with them, how the hell can a gundam’s rifle have the power that more powerful than the ones that being mounted on a ship(wing gundam) and how can a blade thats shorter than an arm be able to cut down a aries vertalically(heavyarms) in seed, atleast they make more sense like equip freedom and justice with meteors so they can do heavy amout of grunt bashing. unlike wing, wing zero, or wing zero custom which can destory an army with just 1 shot, its just impossible, so i like seed better cuz its more realistic and the storyline is whole lot better, i hate heero, thinks hes better than everyone else

  16. DarkMirage says:

    You guys think too much.

    SEED is better because of Lacus and Stellar. :O

  17. Haesslich says:

    Draco 00 – when Freedom or Strike Freedom with a METEOR pack can start cutting ships up by itself, that’s pretty ‘super’ in my books, especially since pretty much the only other Gundam that could in theory stop it would’ve been Infinite Justice; Legend and the others were simply outclassed. Just like Freedom and Justice could overpower any other Gundams in use by either the EA or any ZAFT Mobile Suit – they’re philosophical descendants of Wing Zero, albeit minus the ‘kill everything in one shot’ power; the METEOR units only allowed them to kill about as many people as they could in one salvo, which was like a dozen suits at once, not counting the missiles or the fins on Strike Freedom, which in turn added another 8-10 guns on top of the missile loadout. But, from what I recall, the Sword pack for Strike allowed it to carry a ship-cutting beam saber, and Buster’s guns were capable (when joined together) of taking on a ship directly as well.

    Incidentally, the cannons on Calamity were ship-level, IIRC… but the point about SEED and SEED Destiny effectively picking up where Wing left off stands; everything that people hate about those shows started in Wing, and was carried over (a team of pretty-boy pilots on the ZAFT side in and a team of pretty-boy pilots – the Druggies – on EA’s side in SEED, and then the squad Stellar was in in Destiny).

    DarkMirage – Stellar’s no real loss, at least not when she’s in her retarded child mode. She’s kinda like an older Satoko from Higurashi when someone whispers ‘Death’ in her ear, really – she goes nucking futz.

  18. Draco 00 says:

    well you have to look at the size of the meteors………..well the main problem with gs and gsd is fukuda

  19. techie says:


    And are not shower scenes blatant fanservice? :-)

    At least the other guys’ explanations make sense. However, when going to the argument of realism, the concept of gigantic robots battling it out is already unrealistic. Perhaps we all should keep that in mind.

  20. Draco 00 says:

    you have to keep in mind that they might have giant robots in the future

  21. kuromitsu says:

    I haven’t once mentioned realism – only that GW was overall very silly and pretentious with its superficial “pacifism 4 evar yay” message. (Contrast Wing with 0080 – the latter doesn’t need characters waffling about “peace” and “war is BAD” to have a very strong and effective anti-war message.) Sure, Seed is also very silly in the same way as Wing, but as Haesslich said, it was Wing that started this trend.

    As for fanservice, I wasn’t clear on that (shouldn’t have posted when I was half-asleep). The primary aim of Wing is to attract girls to the franchise, and it shows. It’s full of fanservice (which is not just about shower scenes and panty shots…) aimed at girls, and some of the official art could may as well be doujinshi covers. Hell, even the characters are standard bishounen stereotypes and they practically scream “pair us up!” and “make doujinshi about us!” I think it tells a lot about a Gundam series that many people watch it, or at least start watching it, for the pretty boys…

  22. Haesslich says:

    kuromitsu – Kira x Athrun fanfiction makes baby Tomino cry. So does Athrun x Nicol, Yzak x Dearka, or Shinn x anyone else material. Wing had Heero and Duo… but they REALLY pile on the possible yaoi pairings with SEED and SEED Destiny. At least Mr. Impossible’s a womanizer… :P

    Draco – the Meteors are, IIRC, about as big as Wing Zero Custom with the wings deployed. They’re still pretty freaking ‘super’, as far as overpowered mecha go. The tradition in SEED dates back to Wing, for better or worse… including all the screaming, crying, and attempts at self-destructing that Athrun engages in throughout the course of the first series.

  23. Bridge Bunny says:

    Meteors? Super? Overpowered? Please don’t call them that when they have the capability to cleave planets or destroy solar systems or take a ground impact after re-entering the atmosphere.

  24. Haesslich says:

    Bridge Bunny – I hope that was sarcasm. You do realize we were talking about the METEOR systems, yes? They’ll take apart ships easily, as witnessed by the last few eps of SEED, or whenever they show up in SEED Destiny. Heck, Strike Freedom took on a whole ZAFT task force by itself and took it apart in five minutes.

  25. Bridge Bunny says:

    No, I wasn’t being sarcastic. I was speaking the truth. And I know what METEORs are.

    Shin (True) Getter – Created an getter energy tomahawk and cleaved Jupiter into half.
    Shin (New) Getter – Took on four Gods and beat the living shit out of them.
    Ideon – Ideon gun wiped out solar systems within a few light years
    Mazinkaiser – Re-entered the Earth’s atmosphere and impacted on the Earth’s surface. Proceeded to tear apart an army worth

    But those are super robots. If you want to compare Gundams,

    Turn A and Turn X – Both have the capability to turn technology into dust
    V2 Gundam – Wings of light that stretch up to 10 kilometres in length can slice a colony lengthwise.
    Hi Nu – It’s Hyper Mega bazooka was connected to the Ra Kairum’s reactor and used it to take down Axis.

    So compared to the examples, I have given, do the Meteors look so omnipotent now?

  26. Sh1r0Sh3nG says:

    Hahaha. Oh well. Tt move of cuttin ships with METEOR… isnt that ripped off the Dendrobium? Oh well, that whole unit IS ripped off the holy Gundam Gp03 Dendrobium.

    Strike Freedom takes out everything like peanuts to make it so ‘powerful’ people run to toy department to buy it. The action Kira is givin is no way near 10% that of Shiro Amada from 08MST.

    Guess we gotta rethink about that ‘nuclear’ crap gundam.

  27. Haesslich says:

    Hi Nu’s bazooka destroyed part of Axis base – but it had to be connected to a capital ship’s reactor; at that point, we ARE talking what is effectively a capital ship weapon, more in line with the positron blasters of SEED and SEED Destiny than the cannons on Calamity. Without that power source, I don’t recall if it would’ve worked, or have been any more powerful than the ‘normal’ hyper mega bazooka that the Nu already carried. Also, this was from a novel, IIRC, and never really used in the anime series. The Nu Gundam never even got to destroy Axis – it merely shoved it aside because the psychocommu overloaded with everyone’s intentions, IIRC.

    Victory 2 Gundam – the “Wings of Light” that the Minovsky drive produced were overpowering, and likely the inspiration for the same wings used by Destiny and Legend Gundams in SEED Destiny. From what I recall, I-Field generators already made beam weapons useless, and I can’t recall the Wings’ exact width, although I should point out that the current METEOR system’s beam sabers go out a considerable ways already (cutting cleanly through Laurasia class ships which appeared to be about a hundred or more meters in height), and we’re not sure what the ultimate power requirements for a longer beam are – given the power outputs displayed by full-sized facilities like those used to fire the Neo Genesis and Genesis weapons.. well, I suspect the only limits to beam saber length in the CE are mostly based on the power output available to the beam saber, given the way the inverse-square law works in relation to energy. Of course, that’s bringing physics into Gundam…

    Turn-A: It used nanomachines to do its work, through some unknown process – handwavium at its best.

    At the same time, though, I do not recall Victory Gundam or Turn-A having pilots who could kill whole fleets by themselves; the Turn-A comes closest, but that’s because of the nanomachines rather than the pilot’s skills, which are near superhuman in both Wing and SEED/SEED Destiny.

    They’re still pretty fragging powerful, especially compared to their peers; you have to remember that the Victory 2 Gundam at least had several Victory Gundams which almost matched it in power, albeit lacking the Wings of Light and advanced Minovsky drive of the V2 – and Turn A and Turn X were the only two models of their kind, given their apparent out-of-system origins. In the two series being nailed above, Freedom and Justice were far more overpowering compared to other suits, and Strike Freedom and Infinite Justice more so than even ZAFT’s ‘top’ models: Legend and Destiny. It’s the combination of ‘munchkin-level weapons’, ‘superhuman pilots’ and ‘pretty-boy bishounen with implied relationships’ which put the two series into a league of their own.

  28. kuromitsu says:

    “Wing had Heero and Duo…” – Well, them, and Trowa and Quatre (which is pretty much canon), the guy with the stupid eyebrows whose name I always forget, and that annoying pilot with the ponytail, etc. But maybe it bothers me more in Wing because from Wing I didn’t actually expect this when I sat down watching it.

  29. Villainous says:

    You know what? The problem with specifically SEED Destiny isn’t because the machines used by the protagonists are overpowered. As mentioned, you already have machines like the Victory 2, the Turn A, the Turn X, or the God Gundams doing the overpowered thing, yet hardly anyone ever bashes these machines for being ‘godly’. Heck, even the infinitely godly Ideon is never (as far as I can tell) bashed for being arguably the undisputed king of giant robots, let alone machines like the Gunbuster, Jehuty, Anubis, Cybaster, Zeorymer, RahXephon, Eva Unit 1, and the list goes on and on and on. So many machines have the ability to do far more damage in one go than the ‘piddly’ damage that the SEED era Gundams could ever do.

    So, what’s the issue? The problem with SEED Destiny (and certainly to an extent, Wing) is that when the Freedom or Strike Freedom descends from the skies to lay a whoopin’, you don’t get the sense that it’s going to lose. Even the original SEED at least had moments where Kira and Athrun were faced with opponents that would give them a run for their money, be it the druggies, be it the Providence, or whatever. Here, however, no one is able to touch Kira at all, with the exception of Shinn. And what happened afterwards? Shinn ditched his piloting skills and ended up getting soundly beaten by Kira or Athrun. THAT is why people are complaining about the machines being ‘too powerful’. You know the 3 Ships Alliance will triumph, just because you don’t expect them to lose. And the best part of it? Their idealoigical view is correct. Everyone else is wrong.

  30. Kassidy says:

    I hope it will be an UC series rather than this CE crap.

  31. whatever says:

    I think they should continue with the C.E. The UC era came to an end. I just hope the next Gundam series isn’t too kiddy like G-Gundam and hopefully no annoying characters like Frey and Stella. I also hope they don’t bring back the dead like how Destiny brong back Mwu Lafraga . I’ll be looking forward to the new series, that is, if there is one.

  32. Villainous says:

    G Gundam has weird designs, but it’s not something to show to the average kid. Gets too mature in a number of areas, be it the deaths, or the fanservice. If you really want kiddy, look no further than Inferior Offender Gundam Farce. :P

    Continuing the UC era is just as possible as with the CE era. I mean, there’s actually stories beyond the One Year War (*gasp*). In terms of timeline, the UC era ended with Victory, and ended with a door wide open for a post Victory story. Same with the CE era, though it’ll likely end up revisiting the likes of Kira and co. Just… for once, put a competent team together to do this, please. Two episodes of Stargazer has already shown that it’s possible to create something good in the CE universe.

  33. Hikki76 says:

    Since that i saw both of the SEED series,i wonder what would happen next. I don’t care if ppl hate it or criticize ’em,am dying to know more of ’em til it end(with no more SEED titles,again.) N that’s all i want to know.T.Q. -_- ….

  34. DarkMirage says:

    Wow, people still read this post?

    Okay, just to clear things up. It has been confirmed that the rumours were false. The series that Sunrise was rumoured to be working on turned out to be Code Geass.

  35. WING=BEST!! says:

    OK, For all of u who bash Wing well, you don’t know what good anime is when it hits you. from wing down are all good ecept a few of them. Seed is THE worst out of them all. CAUSE u got stupid story line, kinda went no were. LIKE OHHH IM on one side i kill you, and yahh im on the other side i kill you. Blah, bLah, blahhh. WING atleast had a better story plot. had a bit a romace witch was ok. SEED HOWEVER HAD Stupid Romance in it kina dumb except the kira and the pik haired girl. i can;t spell her name so i won;t try.NOW This coming 2007 Oct I HOPE they make it TOTALLY Different from SEED. Casue it just sucked period.

  36. Draco 00 says:

    @WING=BEST, haha you think that Wing is the best?? You know absolutely nothing. ANY of the UC series can top Wing. In my opinion Wing is among one of the worst gundam series ever, it was so fake and it made the gundams so invincible it wasn’t even worth watching. SEED is actually better than Wing. The storyline, the fights,etc are much better than Wing’s. But both SEED and SEED DESTINY are both pretty pathatic for gundam series, but Wing and G top them both at being pathatic. The only reason Wing is popular is because how much people enjoy invincible/ unkillable characters. The UC series are the only series that worth watching. The storyline, action, characters can easily top any one of the other timeline gundam shows. Does Heero top Char in popularity?? I think not, there has been countless votings and the UC characters get good amout of votes and Char is always end up among the top. WING >CRAP

  37. Hasina says:

    I can belive this shit, ANOTHER CRAP SEED SERIES???!!! the gundam designs are horrible, the characters are taking of a shoujo shit series (ohh who kiss with who?? who can sing better??), what about the REAL gundam?? 1979!!!, oh my shit, I really hate seed, that series is the worst gundam series ever, so comercial, so stupid (an idol.. so bling!!… ohh a girl with little clothes!.. so cool.). You stupid people =_= ruined an amazing series like gundam with series like seed. Is a crap saga, Seed and Seed Destiny. Wing is maybe the best gundam series, have the best gundam desing (holy crap, you can’t compare a shit like “justice” gundam with Wing Zero custom or a simple Deathscythe hell!!.. oh yeah, one is invisible!! wooowww.. so shinny!!… -_- a real mecha is like a varitech, with only the power of the pilot and the power of the metal… but what do you know about a varitech!…). You say the seed series is better ‘cuz you look the characters like a soup opera!!! so pink, so wak… really people, think. Is GUNDAM series, no “who kiss with who” series or “the most pink or cute girl”… if you like seed u don’t know a shit about gundam saga, this bullshit is comercial. A real gundam fan know that.
    PD: the chara designs look like a ponny shoujo series =0=

  38. thechad says:

    ok as someone who has seen almost all of the gundam series the popular ones and some of the lesser ones i enjoyed seed i saw 0083 0079 and basically everything with char and amuro b4 i ever saw wing and seed and to be honest i like the later better with time things need to get bigger and better if u ask me the skill of the pilots is a testament to a change in anime period in seed and wing when the pilots encounter someone who is actually a worhy opponent it goes from guys who can beat a fleet to 2 guys going at it yes i expect them to be able to take down 2 or more enemies why not the way they are bein sold to u is these guys are the best and there suits are that powerful with amuro and char it wasn’t sold that way and i hated the whole newtype things casue it felt too convaluted in seed its simple coordinators are an actual race not a small percentage of people even though it seems like everyone who had colorful hair was a newtype when it was supposed to be rare im for change g gundam sucked but wing and seed and seed destiny are the best hands down if u dont like it too bad

  39. thechad says:

    and by the way one more thing some of u guys need help and lives casue to know what some of u know about gundam is kinda disturbin unless u helped right or are closely related to the people involved in it but some of u seem like the type who can tell me cha’s mothers blood type of the top of your head and thats just scarier get a life and girlfriend jus a lil advice

  40. Lutarios the inmaculate says:

    Okay lets blame gundam wing but thing is guys that hey lets just say something here hypotetically you got yourself a nuke and you shoot it does that make you a super soldier no but you just took out 100 of thousands in one shot wing takes this to a different level using his unit to mathc enemies in superior numbers A rifle of such output could only be fired twice and not consecutively ofcourse taking out laods of enemies byu yourself is hardly realistic (which is what ignoring the giant robots figthing the MS 08th team has) ofcourse the emo crap I can do without but i can tell you the super soldier the ability to kill without being touched thing that i as a guy always dreemed of killing huge numbers of enemies with your skill is not that hard think of it as marine vs frontline infantry(ignoring the fact that the gundamiun alloy could take an insane amount of shots) a 1 shot kill is normal think about it it is possible for freedom to eliminate great numbers thnx to a multy target system the wing zero takes this to another scale using a huge beam to exterminate nto only those i the line of direct fire but vrushing those nearby with its massive heat output which will be nothing short of a nuclear blast . Okay gundam wing will not be the best series in gundam history but it is far fro mworst(sometiem watch gundam sd to see what im talking about) but ignoring the rambling about piece and crap you got a solid acton show with supersoldiers say Gi joe a la mech . i know i defend winng too much but i like the wing zero it is to me the best MS ever created (it can own the freedom biach) it can compare in coolness to the labors of patlabor and id love to show you just how much one sole mech can do (give me 2 hours of practice to learn to control it) whole battalions will fall before me a true ace pilot wouldnt that be a wonder to see?still seed again will be fine with me aslong as its not uber cheesy (can be as cheesy as they want if they make me a character tought)

  41. Zyrael says:

    Is the next SEED series for real??? Damn can’t wait for that one… ^_^ When is it and what is it all about??? What is it called??? Got any facts about it???, cause there’s this rumor I’ve read once that Lacus would die in the next series… I hope it’s not true, I mean it would kinda make the SEED series incomplete especially if the story would mainly revolve with Kira and co. again… But even if it’s with a new bunch of characters, I guess it still wouldn’t be complete without the songstress… ^_^ She’s one of my favorite character and my favorite pilot in the game Rengou vs. ZAFT II Plus… ^_^ (I kinda like the idea of her using a mobile suit and sending her message of peace to people by force, that of course is in a game only… ^_^)

    Please fill me in with this , I really wanna know… ^_^


    I was once a Wing fan but since I saw SEED back in 2003, I found SEED to be far more interesting compared to Wing… At first I tried to close my mind about liking SEED because I kept thinking that Wing was better in terms of design, story and realism, and that Heero would own Kira anytime, but after sometime, I kinda changed my perspective with the series… What I’m saying is that if you’re too keep an open mind, you might actually find SEED, and other series for that matter, to be ok too… My first impression with Wing was; it was the ultimate gundam series, but now, that is not the case… All gundams in all series have the right to be godly in their own respective universe… Amuro and Char own the UC, Heero and the wing boys own almost everyone in the After Century era, and so does Garrod in After War, Domon in Future Centry, and Kira and Athrun in the CE era…

    Oh and don’t count the G Gundam series out of the gundam family, G Gundam mobile fighters are what truly describes a true mobile suit… and not to mention it’s true power completely relies on it’s pilot, with only a few help from the suit itself. I have great respect for this series, even though I’ve barely watched it.

  42. Razakiller says:

    GS and GSD more better because of….. Kira+Lacus….
    Lacus Song….
    Girl that command Eternal Battle ship….
    Make peace……
    But more important.. Lacus….
    She Cute….
    Rie tanaka RULEZZZ….

  43. UCAWCEACFCCC says:

    First of all as a true gundam fane, no gundam series sucks. In terms of what is “overpowered” i think things kind of go along pretty well. You can losely tie all of the animated gundam series together in the same timeline. It is a stretch but it can be done. Everything of course starts off in UC. As UC progresses, generally the mobiles suits get more powerful. This is true for both mass produced models and the more powerful ones. A newly mass produced suit from ZZ Gundam could probably take out Gundam (if you think about it in terms of production). There is a time gap between Char’s counter attack and Gundam F91, in this gap it does seem as if mobile suits become more powerful but not in as much of a high rate. Then there is another time gap until Victory gundam, and there seems to be a slight technology lapse. Then comes Gundam X, the “7th” space war that they mention seems to be the one year war but in an alternate universe. That aside, the mass colony drop makes sense at the end of UC (the types of colonies that were dropped were from UC). There is a slight technology lapse since getting into space is difficult and uncommon in this series. Also we see the last knowledge of Newtypes. Then time progresses and the CE comes along. CE can be shown as next because it retains the UC like colony type (heliopolis, beginning of SEED). Also there are a few Newtype traits that are retained in a few individuals (Mu, Rau, Rey, and Kira maybe a few others). After CE Newtype traits pretty much vanish. Then comes Gundam Wing, there is another bit of a technology lapse in some areas, ships aren’t really used much its more about mobile suits. The colonies are perhaps more advanced and there seems to be some focus on AI (mobile dolls, sand rock telling quatre to leave and not die, etc). Then comes G Gundam, obviously the most advanced mobile suits called mobile fighters. Humans actually evolved a bit here too, with more power. Then another technology lapse and a de-evolution of humans and Turn A Gundam starts, at the end they mention and show scenes from UC, AW, and AC (SEED waste made yet). There is some indication that the Turn X is the evolved form of the Shining Gundam hense why this comes after G Gundam.

    In my opinion, it makes sense losely, there is no “unrealistic superpower” that should not exist. I have watched every single gundam series two or more times and i would have to disagree that SEED, SEED Destiny, and Wing are the worst. I have to say that SEED Destiny was a little pointless though. I think that War in the Pocket, Victory Gundam, and Turn A Gundam are probably the series that aren’t as good. They are a little slow and I find them boring compared to the rest. However, is still say that none of them suck.

  44. hahal337 says:

    wow some kind of battle of wing vs seed. lolz.
    i only watched wing, seed, seed destiny, and turn a, so i dont know about the uc ones, but i think i prefer seed over wing.
    the old ones from uc sound really interesting does any one know where to get them?

  45. Regina says:

    So back to the big question…is there any real GD series (Not OVA) after Seed Destiny…..??? Anyone out there with any insider news.

    It’s a pity that Stargazer did not develop further, it has so much potential…but they chose to end it in 3 episodes

  46. razakiller says:

    I think~~ stargazer and the destiny are related~~~…..
    so now i think they combine the stargazer after selene and nior or some thing like that lost in space~~~

    by the way…


    RIe tanaka RUlez…~~~~


    LACUS CLYNE rulez~~~

    LACUS FIction…

  47. razakiller says:

    almost forget~~~ The combine it so its related….

  48. Zyrael says:


    Hahaha, spoken like a true Gundam Fan… ^_^ I like the way you connected one series from another. Seems to like you’ve thought of this concept for a long time now, eh? Cool ^_^


    TO razakiller:

    The events in Stargazer and Destiny happened in just about the same time, only difference is the location a set of characters… Not actually related but connected… ^_^

    Have you played Rengou vs ZAFT 2 Plus in the PS2 yet? If you love Lacus then you’ll definitely love using her as a pilot… The thought of her piloting mobile suits seem so weird to me to it’s so cool… ^_^ Try it, just don’t get her killed ok… ^_^


    TO Regina:

    It’s just a side story, so it only had 3 episodes… and I don’t actually see the potential in Stargazer being a good series… Please explain why it has so much potential in being a good series.

  49. Zyrael says:

    Oh one more thing…

    TO EVERYONE, don’t blame the series, blame the writers, editors and the directors… They’re the ones to blame, but I’m not saying that they should end their careers just because of a poorly developed project… give em a second chance to re-think what they’ve done and come up with a better one… don’t compare to others, it’ll just pressure them… just try to understand, it’s not that easy to just come up with a great story then turn it into an anime…

  50. Razakiller says:


    I play that thing
    sure i love to use Lacus as a pilot..~~~

    but with the PINK zaku that make a consert at Zaft….
    Im sure got Perfect Destiny~~~

    by the way…

    Lacus RUlez“`~~~~

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