School Days 2007

According to Moon Phase Zakki an anime based on School Days—the popular fully-animated game from Overflow—will be coming our way next year.

School Days

Character design will apparently still be Junji Gotou, but Moon Phase suspects that while there is a high probability that a School Days project is in the works, the list of staff that has been leaked is probably inaccurate.

So, who still remembers the mysterious “School Days episode 1” released by Paikai-Fansubs—a group worse than Doremi—last year? That was actually the first chapter of the game (which is, technically, fully animated). If the anime turns out to be anywhere close, it will be really awesome.

I think I speak for everyone who has played the game when I say that I can’t wait to see Makoto being stabbed with a knife! And of course, Setsuna-chan! :D

P.S. I was the translator for Paikia-Fansubs. Sorry. orz

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61 Responses to School Days 2007

  1. Faust721 says:

    I have not played game but I still have the ep 1 release for some rerason on my hd.

  2. Chumara says:

    I’ve never heard of this game but i’m always happy to see another school related slice of life series

  3. DarkMirage says:

    Yes Chumara. It’s a “slice” of life. Literally.

  4. Soulshift says:

    > I can’t wait to see Makoto being stabbed with a knife! And of course, Setsuna-chan! :D

    You want to see Setsuna stabbed with a knife? D:

  5. Rift says:

    Hahah… School Days… “slice” of life… that’s the best laugh I’ve had in a while.

  6. Dark says:

    Setsuna could stab Makoto for a change…

  7. Tess says:

    Yaaay. Didn’t think there was a point to this, but I guess now everyone can see an all ages version. : D I played the game and got all the endings except for one, because the game I had had some sort of error in one path…

    I just can’t wait to see Sekai and Setsuna in real~ anime form. And hopefully they improve Makoto’s character somewhat…

  8. tj han says:

    Slice of LIFE!! That’s a nicer way of putting CHUNK OF MEAT.

    So you were the PAIKIA who did the translation. I watched that episode. And Setsuna rocks. Why do all the girls named that rock?

  9. PassinGass says:

    Hope the series ends with a splash…if you know what i mean…

    any way you slice it, will they have the courage to animate the more interesting endings? we have Higurashi as precedent: baseball bats, hammer & nails, etc.

  10. MooMooCow says:

    Isn’t School Days best known for its bad endings though?

  11. Aesir says:

    was wonderin wat happened to episode 2
    for sum reason i had ‘game vibes’ throughout the whole episode. the way the char portraits jus slided onto the screen and stuff. only discovered the truth a month later @@

  12. bj0rN says:

    OMG? You were a translator?! LoL!!!

  13. exalt dragon says:

    Slice of life—decapitated Sekai anyone? X.x…

    Yeah I hope the quality will be as good as the game… :D

  14. shawn says:

    DarkMirage:”P.S. I was the translator for Paikia-Fansubs. Sorry. orz”
    Oh, Gawsh… we call that a Banjeon (I guess turn-around in English?) in Korean. That was really funny XD

    MooMooCow:”Isn’t School Days best known for its bad endings though?”
    Good, I haven’t played the game because of language difficulties but I may play it sometime in the future with a TextHooker turned on XD I love bad endings nahahah!

  15. LianYL says:


    Slash SLASH! Muahahaha.

  16. Crest says:

    Have Makoto dead in the first episode then it is cue for yuri all the way.

    I kid, we need “normal” relations. I kid again. On which count though.

  17. Sherman, the Ramni says:

    Wow. School Days. One of the most disturbing games I’ve ever seen.
    I really hope an anime version w/o the hentai content. Al the rest can stay… :P
    And, like DM, I wish to see Makoto get a good long stab (damn loser).

  18. Chicken says:

    looks good :p will be looking forward to it.

  19. wontaek says:

    1. There are some Korean subtitle files for many of the animated scenes in the game floating around in some file-sharing sites.

    2. The Male lead deserves to be hung, drawn, and quartered.

    3. Kotonoha is scary.

    4. I wonder what are the chances they would go with real Harem ending ( one of the ending was a real 3-some in a hotel room ).

    5. They need better voice acting. They may reused the original voice actors, but the director should demand more from them.

    6. The game’s animated scenes are limited, thus needing many, many more additional scenes.

    7. My favorite ending is when the male lead finally do something decent in the end and wait for the girl for about half a day. If they arrive there without all the ecchi scenes, that may be good.

  20. Chicken says:

    @ wontaek – wait for the girl for about half a day. ?

  21. Kurogane says:

    >>P.S. I was the translator for Paikia-Fansubs. Sorry. orz


    Anyways, can’t wait to see the infamous guro endings. Hope they manage to work it in.

  22. DF says:

    The awesomeness would totally depends on what threshold they have in japan for an anime. Current NEVA standard can’t bear the excitement in SD.

  23. Beowulf says:

    Slice? I’ve never seen or heard of this but from the comments it sounds like… Higurashi.

  24. Gilberto I.S. says:

    Oh no… we don’t had enough killer lolis with Higurashi?! ^^;

    Apparently NO WE DON’T! I can’t wait for the release of this series. ;)

  25. shiachan says:

    maybe they have a voting at the end of the week to show the next eps or something :X and then sell dvd only whatifs :D

  26. Mitsuki says:

    How do you look at this or download it. I want to know about this. Please help.

  27. Mitsuki says:

    Never mind. I found out but it won’t let me download it. Why?

  28. shawn says:

    Mitsuki:”Never mind. I found out but it won’t let me download it. Why?”
    Well, it looks like there aren’t any seeders(sorry if I’m mistaken). So if you don’t mind watching raws, then go to which, by the way, is direct download. Oh, I’m allowed to post links here, right?

  29. Y_minghan says:

    haha…i download that episod 1 and watch it too….

    your translate is not bad ….

    and may i know is there another episod?

  30. exalt dragon says:

    Two questions:
    1. How to bring this game into Singapore? I really want to try it now…but I think the customs would block it so I wouldn’t be able to import it….would Darkmirage care to tell his importing techniques?

    2. If I can’t bring it in, does anyone know how to download the entire 7 GB installer? IRC or direct download is preferred(somehow torrents don’t work for me)….(how the hell do you host a 7 GB file for direct download though…)…….

  31. doom says:

    there is a new torrent for this game on HF, didn’t check if it have much seeder or not though (more like I don’t have enough diskspace), besides, many ppl is getting really? really! . but you should go there and check anyway

  32. exalt dragon says:

    errrrm, what’s a HF? sorry for my cluelessness….XD

  33. Dolo says:

    I think hes referring to Hongfire. Last time I checked the seeds were slow/dead… and besides its 8 gigs!

    Direct download? LOL break it up into many many smaller pieces xD

    Speaking of higurashi check out this:

  34. rock says:

    What IM concerned is if there are any guides out there for the game, or any sort of plot guide preferrably in english >.

  35. Dcorpse says:

    Hi !! 2 questions:

    What’s the Hell kind of graphics run this game, Spanish PC system can’t run it ?? [b](game’s setup is OK, game’s menu run OK, but film and subtitles don’ run any way :'( The game is unplayable … It’s pity Spanish Anime Fan Comunity can’t enjoy this great game. (Is there any codec can help to run this film-game?))[/b]
    Anyone who can help us ? Thanks !!

    Is there any walkthrough about this game, English lenguage better than Japanese ;))? (Thanks again and salutations !!)

  36. Sh1Fty_jC says:

    is there a english version of the game at all? cause all ive seen are the anime series of it in japanese =T. oh yeah theres also a new one called summer days. Has most of the same people from school days but also new ones too

  37. sergio mañoso says:

    sokñdafllllllcd b

  38. ray says:


  39. ray says:


  40. KuramechiX says:


    Soy uno de los pocos que lo ha traducido al ingles

  41. SniPa says:

    OmG!!! i wanna play it and see it……….i hope it turns out more violent than elfen lied muahahaha……Stabbed??!!! i wanna see that damn knife cuttin throu all that chunk of meat…muahahahaha….jokin xD xD

    anyone know if theres an alternative name for the game….i cant seem to find it!!! =[

  42. exalt dragon says:

    @SniPa: You can torrent it. But it’s no THAT violent. But really, it’s not that violent. Search isohunt or something.

  43. Lilium says:

    exalt dragon: Sure, the game itself is not that violent, but the endings are… well, they could be worse, I guess. They are pretty violent, depending on how you look at it (lots of blood and death in most of the endings). The fan favorite being when Kotonoha slices Sekai’s neck with a saw. Or the one where Kotonoha jumps off the school building (where Sekai and Makoto see her head bust on the cement). The endings are pretty bad. Maybe not that violent, but most of them are pretty bloody.

    I’ve have the first episode (got it from I want to play the game so bad. I wish I knew how to read Japanese (or import the game, for that matter. I will find out soon enough).

  44. Lilium says:

    Just a note. You can see the fan favorite ending here:

    Have fun!

  45. SniPa says:

    lols……cut the neck wit a saw!!! not that violent lmao…….i just imagine myself cuttin someone elses neck wit a big ass saw lols…funny….indeed scary…but well i did dowload the game but its in Jap and i dun understand it!!!!! damn!!!! >

  46. SniPa says:

    is there an eng version??

  47. NOOBHACK says:

    slice of life? LOL thats the best laugh i’ve had in a long time.
    can’t wait to see Kotonoha slash sekai’s neck with a machete again

  48. bj says:

    hi, any one know where can i dl the game or order from online ???

  49. Seph says:

    Im waiting for 10 ep. of School Days, anyone know when it be relesed?

  50. Maelli says:

    It would be most helpful to know where this game can be downlaoded^^ I dont care if its japanese, i can learn the language while playing I just want to play it =)

    Thank You in advance to anyone who replies ^^

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