Gundam 00 — Nyoro~n Translation Errors

I was quite alarmed by a comment posted by tsuki_Yomi in my previous entry. His understanding of the relationship between Ptolemaios and Gundams in Gundam 00 appears to be the complete opposite of what episode 3 revealed. I decided that some fansub group must have done everyone a huge disfavour and since Nyoro~n is the only group that has released so far (as of this posting)…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

So yeah, here’s a comparison of all the major translation errors in episode 3 released by Nyoro~n Fansubs. Of course since I do translation checking for Mendoi-Conclave, you can say that I have a vested interest in doing this comparison. But keep in mind that I didn’t make anything up and all the errors are really there when you watch their release. Enjoy.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: よもや君に出会えようとは
Nyoro~n: Oh come now, this is just like when I first saw you.
Menclave: Who would’ve thought… facing you like this…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: おとめ座のわたしには、センチメンタリズムな運命を感じずにはいられない
Nyoro~n: You’re not going to end this fated battle without returning my sentimentalities.
Menclave: Being a Virgo, I can’t help but feel this is a sentimental destiny.
Comment: Completely missing out the first half of the sentence (Virgo part). I agree that “sentimental destiny” sounds really stupid, but at least it doesn’t alter the meaning.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: それとも、光の粒子を出していなかったから見つけられたのか……
Nyoro~n: Or perhaps you thought I hadn’t noticed that light that’s streaming out of you?
Menclave: Or was I able to find you because you forgot to send out those glowing particles?
Comment: An honest mistake, I’m sure.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 手土産に…破片の1つもいただいていく!
Nyoro~n: I admire your strength… So I’m going to take you back in one piece!
Menclave: As a souvenir… I’ll take a piece of you with me!
Comment: WTF?

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: いやはや、本当に予測不能な人だよ君は
Nyoro~n: Goodness gracious, you’re certainly someone who grasps your shortcomings far too late, aren’t you?
Menclave: My, my, you’re such an unpredictable character.
Comment: Nice…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 今回の戦闘で得られたガンダムのデータは、フラッグ1機を失ったとしてもおつりがくる
Nyoro~n: We got some battle data on the Gundam, and your Flag was unharmed.
Menclave: Considering the data we obtained on the Gundam during this fight, even losing the Flag would have been a good trade.
Comment: Hey, at least all the important keywords are there!…This time~nyoro~

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: それにしても若かったな…ソレスタルビーイングのパイロットは
Nyoro~n: I just did this to better understand… that Celestial Being pilot.
Menclave: Besides all that, he sure was young… Celestial Being’s pilot.
Comment: LOL~!! wakai (young) != wakaru (understand)

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: モビルスーツの動きに感情がのっていたのさ
Nyoro~n: When you’re moving a mobile suit, you tend to lose yourself.
Menclave: I could read his feelings from the way he moved his mobile suit.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 10分以内に速報配信!次のニュースは現地からの中継だ!3時間以内に人革主席の公式声明が出るぞ!
Nyoro~n: There’s got to be something that’s been leaked. Just run a recap for the next newscast; this time tomorrow you all better have something to give me!
Menclave: Send out this news flash within the next 10 minutes! Do a live on-site broadcast for the next news segment! The head of the Human Reform League is making an official statement in less than 3 hours!
Comment: Okay, Nyoro~n, now you are just making shit up.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 枠を空けとけ!
Nyoro~n: Get your asses in gear!
Menclave: Keep that time slot open!
Comment: Mmmm…ass…

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Orignial: 21世紀のセキュリティはあってないようなものだからな
Nyoro~n: Besides, there’s no way a man from the 21st century could be around today.
Menclave: Security in the 21st century was almost non-existent, after all.
Comment: Not even close.

Major WTF Errors

Actually I am sick of this. It’s only 5 minutes into the episode and a quick glance through the rest of Nyoro~n’s script reveals that the entire thing is full of nonsense. But I’ll just highlight a few more MAJOR MISTAKES, some of them which totally changed the entire plot. I have doubts that the translator speaks any Japanese at all.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 僕たちに弱点があるとすれば、ガンダムがないとプトレマイオスの活動時間が極端に限定されてしまうと
Nyoro~n: If there was one weak point for us… It would be that our Gundams are severely limited by the need to periodically return to the Ptolemaios.
Menclave: If we have a weak point, it’s that, without the Gundams, the operational time of the Ptolemaios would be extremely limited.
Comment: This may sound counter-intuitive, but yes, the Gundams really are Ptolemy’s power source. The original Japanese dialogue made it very clear.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: アイルランドのアルスター地方では、散発的ではありますが、テロ行為が4世紀近くにわたって続いています
Nyoro~n: Ireland’s Ulster Volunteer Forces are scattered across the country, though those factions who engage in terrorist activities remain hidden.
Menclave: In Ireland’s Ulster region, though sporadic, terrorist acts have been occurring for approximately four centuries.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 材質はEカーボン。最新素材ではありますが、構造上、目新しい技術は確認されていません
Nyoro~n: It’s well-reinforced with carbon, the technology on the inside is cutting edge, some of it’s unheard of.
Menclave: It’s made out of E-carbon. It’s made out of the most up-to-date material, but, in terms of design, we cannot find any new technology being used.
Comment: The whole point of this dialogue is to show that CB are really careful not to divulge their technological secrets. Great job missing the whole point, Nyoro~n.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: あの特殊粒子は、ステルス性のほかに機体制御にも使われている
Nyoro~n: If we obtain a sample of that special particle, we can achieve the same results.
Menclave: Those special particles, besides their stealth features, are also used for controlling the suit.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: おそらくは、火器にも転用されているじゃろうて
Nyoro~n: So you’re going to give a Flag the firepower to match him?
Menclave: They’re likely to be applied as weapons too.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: 恐ろしい男じゃ、わしらより何十年も先の技術を持っておる
Nyoro~n: He’s a wicked man. 70 years ago I learned of his deceit.
Menclave: A dreadful man… having technology that’s several decades ahead of us.

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: わしは麻薬などというものが心底嫌いでな!焼き払ってくれるというなら、ガンダムを支持したい
Nyoro~n: That’s not the role you’re meant to fill, you need to be remade before then. I want to teach you what you need to blow the Gundam away.
Menclave: I hate narcotics from the bottom of my heart. If they intend to burn that down, I’ll support the Gundams.
Comment: Uh… How the fuck did you even get that?

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: エネルギー、ヴァーチェからトレミーへの転送準備完了、転送開始します
Nyoro~n: Virtue now drawing energy from the solar furnace.
Menclave: Energy, transfer preparations from Virtue to Ptolemy complete.
Comment: Once again, Nyoro~n totally fucks up the relationship between Ptolemy and Gundams. Oh well, at least they are being consistent about it. :)

Nyoro~n Fansub sucks
Nyoro~n Fansub sucks

Original: ソレスタルビーイングを利用する国。その国すら利用する国
Nyoro~n: Celestial Being begins to be received by countries. These countries become host nations.
Menclave: The nations who make use of Celestial Being. The nations who use those nations.
Comment: Once again, I admit the shortcomings of Menclave’s version. It sounds a little weird in English, but at least that’s what the original dialogue is saying. We didn’t make things up! Yay!


Keep in mind that beyond the first 5 minutes of the episode, I only chose to highlight selective mistakes because it would probably take me a few hours more to document the whole thing. There’s something wrong with at least 70% of the lines. The translator goes to great length to make it sound like he knows what he is doing, such that his so-called “translations” sound reasonable to someone who doesn’t speak Japanese. That is, in my humblest opinion, dishonest and disturbing.

If you don’t understand a single word of Japanese at all, it’s better for you to watch the raws than to watch Nyoro~n. I hesitate to call their release a “translation” because in reality it is closer to being a parody sub. It’s as if the “translator” decided to write his own story because he didn’t like Sunrise’s scriptwriters. If you are a Gundam fan, please, for the love of Haruhi and all that is good, wait for some other group to release. It doesn’t even have to be Mendoi-Conclave

If my experiences are anything to go by, some commentators will start accusing me of being “elitist” and “not helping the situation” just about now. But this time I learnt my lesson. Rest assured that Nyoro~n’s translator has had his mistakes pointed out to him many, many times before I typed this blog entry. He continues to insist that he knows what he is doing. Fine, here’s my proof otherwise.

That said, Nyoro~n’s release does offer hours of quality entertainment for someone who speaks Japanese. It’s hilarious. :)

This has been a public service announcement from a guy with too much free time on his hands.

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250 Responses to Gundam 00 — Nyoro~n Translation Errors

  1. clampman17 says:

    I have no idea of translation except the limited knowledge I have acquired through the many hours of fan subbed anime I have watched! Even that limited knowledge was enough for my me to understand that something was wrong from ep.2 of Nyoro~n release and downright screwy in ep.3.
    The above mentioned article only gave confirmation to my suspicions and I am DONE with Nyoro~n as a fan sub group! Last I checked fan subs were volunteer translations of anime, not volunteer (mistaken) interpretations.

  2. darkdestiny says:

    Hey, maxchs, you’re right. The webmaster in that site has their translator “out of order”, so they were looking for another one.

    But sometimes I feel that their phrasing isn’t good to a certain extent. Just to state an example:

    “Fight! Blue Wing will arrive soon.” (Episode 1)

    I didn’t mean to criticize any of those in charge of making the subbed episodes of Gundam 00 in that site, but I find that it was a bit awkward when I hear “Fight!” Personally I feel it should be phrased “Keep fighting!”

    Again, I don’t mean to criticize at all.

    Anyway, can anyone tell me if Mendoi-Conclave has a good subbed version of Episode 3.

  3. darkdestiny says:

    I’m checking it out now

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  5. @tjhan Rubbish. China is maxing out, India’s going to take over the world.

  6. Stifler says:

    Hell, India and China are gonna team up and take over the world.

    Anyway, I fully support you DarkMirage. Giving out messed up subs is just doing the anime community in, not helping.

  7. DarkMirage says:

    Isn’t that the storyline of G00? LOL. :P

  8. tj han says:

    DM: Don’t most English fansubbers just use Chinese subs and translate from there? And the computers fansubbers use are made in China, as are the ipods. And their precious anime figurines are made in China!! GOD SAVE US.

  9. ModelX says:

    Holy crap…are all those mistakes for real? LOL~ Things are gonna get interesting.

  10. DarkMirage says:

    Actually they don’t. That’d be too slow. D:

  11. Hayate-kun says:

    I love my prediction. Dorama is good.

  12. korosora says:

    the same thing happened during gurren lagann.
    it’s quite terrible really.

  13. Seraphim says:

    Thanks for informing us about the subs, I only downloaded them because they had the most seeds so i thought it would be the best sub group. Sadly I was wrong.

    Does anyone know where I can get HD .avi? Cus if not ill have to go back to nyoro~n subs, as my DVD player dont do MKV.

  14. koushiro19 says:

    You know i think that darkmirage rant, is completly valid.

    But i can understand in that in his way of making the incident funny he included the red comments in the picture, is what is causing the flaming and troll accusations.

    Not get me wrong, it IS kind of funny. So i think people should light up a little. Nothing wrong with a litlle humor here, i dont think darkmirage is necesarily trying to insult nyoro, just make the best of the all situation.

    Look a new episode will come next week and we will see how things how there. There is a lot of gundam 00 to go around.

  15. Rasqual says:

    Actually Hayata-kun was employed as a lip reader to transcribe the original script, see how it turned out to be.

  16. ryuko_hikaru says:

    Basically I would say the easiest thing is to just go and learn how to speak Japanese and watch the raws.

    So far for all the anime I have seen, the only animes I watched with subtitles are Hayate No Gotoku, Digimon Series, and Gundam Seed Destiny.

    It isn’t really tough when you are watching the moving pictures without the words, it is just the conversations will bore you out, but you will still get most of the storyline.

    Disclaimer : I suck at basically every single language with the exception of the lingua franca, but I am currently trying my best to pikc up Japanese. Apparently it isn’t really working out.

  17. darkdestiny says:

    I’m not going to comment anymore about the different communities that sub the series. Each have their own way of translating the entire series, but it’s not to say that all of them are inaccurate (no matter the extent). When the official word is given, we will get to see the official English dub (not to mention subs too) when the time comes.

    If Gundam 00 is to come to my region, I doubt it will until 2 years or later (given the time delay the local broadcaster in my region broadcasted Gundam SEED and SEED Destiny for the 1st time.)

  18. Sailor Enlil says:

    Heya DM! How ya doin? Just for fun I decided to do a little “acid test” to see who’s got it right and who’s got it wrong (especially after the bulls*** there in Nyoro~n’s blog). To achieve this I used Fujitsu’s Atlas translation software (which I normally use with untranslated Visual Novel games). See the results below.

    Original: おとめ座のわたしには、センチメンタリズムな運命を感じずにはいられない
    Nyoro~n: You’re not going to end this fated battle without returning my sentimentalities.
    Menclave: Being a Virgo, I can’t help but feel this is a sentimental destiny.
    Atlas: I cannot help feeling ..sentimentalism.. destining in me in Virgo by me.

    Original: 手土産に…破片の1つもいただいていく!
    Nyoro~n: I admire your strength… So I’m going to take you back in one piece!
    Menclave: As a souvenir… I’ll take a piece of you with me!
    Atlas: To the present… I get any splinter.

    Original: いやはや、本当に予測不能な人だよ君は
    Nyoro~n: Goodness gracious, you’re certainly someone who grasps your shortcomings far too late, aren’t you?
    Menclave: My, my, you’re such an unpredictable character.
    Atlas: Unexpected person Kimi : to and true ,.

    Original: それにしても若かったな…ソレスタルビーイングのパイロットは
    Nyoro~n: I just did this to better understand… that Celestial Being pilot.
    Menclave: Besides all that, he sure was young… Celestial Being’s pilot.
    Atlas: However, it was young… The pilot of Sorestalbeing :.

    Original: 枠を空けとけ!
    Nyoro~n: Get your asses in gear!
    Menclave: Keep that time slot open!
    Atlas: The frame is opening relieved.

    Orignial: 21世紀のセキュリティはあってないようなものだからな
    Nyoro~n: Besides, there’s no way a man from the 21st century could be around today.
    Menclave: Security in the 21st century was almost non-existent, after all.
    Atlas: The security of the 21st century is like it not is.

    Original: あの特殊粒子は、ステルス性のほかに機体制御にも使われている
    Nyoro~n: If we obtain a sample of that special particle, we can achieve the same results.
    Menclave: Those special particles, besides their stealth features, are also used for controlling the suit.
    Atlas: That special particle is used also for the airframe control besides Stealth.

    Original: わしは麻薬などというものが心底嫌いでな!焼き払ってくれるというなら、ガンダムを支持したい
    Nyoro~n: That’s not the role you’re meant to fill, you need to be remade before then. I want to teach you what you need to blow the Gundam away.
    Menclave: I hate narcotics from the bottom of my heart. If they intend to burn that down, I’ll support the Gundams.
    Atlas: The eagle is ! hatred of the drug etc. the bottom of one’s heart… I want to support the Japanese oak and Gundam of burning it out.

    Hats off to you DM! Like you said in one of the screens above, “If we feed the script through babelfish, we will achieve better results than nyoro~n”, and the results speak for themselves.

  19. Kyon says:

    Thanks for the information,while your at it,would you name the best few subbing groups and the worst few(You can leave this out)?

  20. DarkMirage says:

    darkdestiny: Translation is like doing history essay questions. Sure, there are many ways to argue a given topic. But some ways are just factually wrong. Period.

    Frankly, I am disturbed when people try to take the middle ground even when the matter in question is not a matter of differing opinions. Some translations are just completely factually wrong. Nyoro~n’s release cannot be called a “translation” unless your definition of the word is different from the dictionary’s.

    People like to appeal to differences in perspective and colour everything into shades of grey. But some things are really just black and white. Please stop trying to avoid facts and face reality.

  21. tsuki_yomi says:

    i never thought my little mistake would spawn this much conversation. thanks for putting me on to nyoron’s mistakes, and thanks for a laugh. this post was hilarious! at the very least, it’s true that the whole “solar furnace” crap made more sense than the original japanese, but it ends there for nyoron

  22. tsuki_yomi says:

    add on to last post-
    OMFG! i caused an all out gundam war in less than a day! i feel special! (menclave- spread like wildfire might not be the best analogy right now. have you been to california?)

  23. omg says:

    Seriously… omg… Nyoro-n SUCKS! (but i just downloaded the 3rth ep… lol)

  24. Flux says:

    I am guessing that the guy from Nyoro~n probably tried to “translate” directly by ear from the raw without even doing a transcript of the dialogue. Which explains why his translation is worse than a babelfish-ed script.

    I am not sure how fansubs usually work, but I am in the opinion that translating without a script is a sure way of throwing accuracy out of the window. I am quite sure that even the most experienced translators (with the exception of natives?) rely on scripts to translate instead of doing it soley by ear.

  25. Hinano says:

    While I don’t give 2 shits about Gundam and while I do agree that Nyoron’s translations are off based on the Japanese you wrote….

    …I don’t think it’s fair to pick on ONE group. If you know Japanese (which you probably know better than me) by now you should know a LOT of fansub groups really suck. This is why I quit watching fansubs. Even when I don’t understand 100%, the parts I DO understand I see incorrect and so when it’s somethign I don’t understand I figure it’ll be wrong too.

    Since you prolly understand 100%, why even look at other fansubs. If you know your group does a good job, why do you need to make posts like these for the sake of your epen0r. The fansub watchers will realize that 1 group’s subs are better than the others without you having to make posts like these.

    Honestly I don’t care about fansubs or groups or dramas, so from an outside view it just makes it seem like you’re picking on them for being a bunch of wannabe fansubbers. Let them have their fun, it’s not like they’re gettin paid for it. It’s all volunteer work, and if they’re doing it wrong, don’t sink to their level and just do it right like you have been.

    The fact that this is spurring so much dorama seems so ridiculous. I’d think by now fansub drama would end, but it seems after I quit stuff like this still goes on. Yes we know your Japanese is better than theirs, but really why go this far to prove it?

  26. begink says:


    firstly i agreed that Nyoro~n has been doing a real bad job subbing gundam 00and some others of their work but u can’t denied that your past few post has not been siding with Mendoi-Conclave and only once in your post u mentioned about Anonymous and not even once about which i think they did a good job subbing.

    secondly look all this had turn into some defaming corner against Nyoro~n what i felt is that u guys had forgotten that fan-subber are really for they are done by fan cause they like animes just like we do plus they don owes us anything nor we owe them any

    well if Nyoro~n can’t improve thier subbing i guess it time for them to roll over and die

    at the end of the day is alway up to u guys to make up your minds to choose the best subbing

  27. Huscheli says:


    He goes this far to prove that a stupid non-japanese girl like me, knows from which group she can download so that she understands what’s really going on in the series.
    Honestly, it’s kinda clear why he doesn’t pick on “other groups” – it’s because he’s watching/fansubbing THIS series right now and nyoronn~ is the fastest (and therefor most popular) group!

    And if your Japanese is bad – why fansubbing anyway?

  28. ScR3WiEuS says:


    “and not even once about which i think they did a good job subbing”

    The reason why he didn’t mention GundamS is because we thought they were the worst ones, until we watched Nyoron. The reason DM posted this, is because of people like you who “think” a fansub is good. I can’t blame you since you don’t understand japanese, but that just shows WHY he did it. It’s to inform people in your sitation who don’t know they’re watching really really bad subs.

    “at the end of the day is alway up to u guys to make up your minds to choose the best subbing”

    That’s kinda ironic since you just named a group whose translation is possibly as bad or worse than Nyoron.

    I think DM was very clear and honest in including the fact that he works with Mendoi-Conclave.


    “The fansub watchers will realize that 1 group’s subs are better than the others without you having to make posts like these.”

    Funny, the number of downloads tells us otherwise. If we compare the number of downloads on the first release out ( which is nyoron and gundams in this scenario) with the number of the downloads on the quality releases. This difference in download numbers is one of the main reasons why the older more experienced fansubbers retire. Not because it hurts our epenis, but because of our wasted effort. We waste a big chunk of our time making our release as good as possible, just to see some shitty speedsubgroup release first and spread their shitty subs throughout the internet, and then see people go like “wow, i love shittyspeedsubgroup x, they release high quality subs.” Great motivation.

  29. Hinano says:

    Huscheli> Cause everyone wants to be acknowledged for something. Kinda like how everyone on Deviantart wants to be popular so they steal art even though it’s completely wrong and unethical :P

    I guess the way he wrote his post just seems like an attack out in the open. If he feels so strongly about their bad translations, why not offer the group leader some constructive criticism? This post isn’t constructive, it’s actually very destructive. (At least the red text going “deceit = this entire episode”.)

    So you’re saying he is picking on Nyoron because they are fast and popular and he wants to bring down their popularity by pointing out how bad they are? That just sounds like some kind of middle school popularity contest lol XD

  30. Hinano says:

    ScR3WiEuS > While I do see your point about “wasted effort” and I completely agree with it…. I think fansubbing should be about “I want to contribute to the community and fansub because I like fansubbing” not about “I WANT MY FANSUB TO BE DOWNLOADED THE MOST!!” That basically pretty much is the same as “I want to increase my ep0n0s by fansubbing and being popular.” I guess that’s what I’m trying to say. Fansubbing should be about enjoying a hobby, not about pleasing others. LIke you should do it “for yourself” and if others appreciate it, that makes it better. When fansubbing becomes a stupid competition like this, that’s when the fun pretty much dies out.

    It’s also one of the reasons I am an ex-fansubber :) The community is just too immature, it’s no longer about cooperation, and having the fans work together for a goal it’s who has the biggest ep0n0s, bah. :(

  31. . says:

    @begink: was mentioned as being a shitty group. 8^)

    I think you should have just left this issue alone. Most of the people who watched Nyoro~n’s stuff deserved what they got. Sub-par quality for sub-par anime “fans”. In general, they aren’t and won’t be helping what fansubbing is supposed to be about: supporting the anime industry. Who cares if these type of “fans” get an inferior product.

    Even if you did put down Nyoro~n’s releases, you should have just done that rather than do a comparison for the group that you work with. Now it just looks like you want to increase the download number of your releases. Most leechers don’t care about quality and wouldn’t know quality if it hit them in the faces. All they care about is speed.

  32. gundamfans says:

    I’ve seen both sides of the story, visiting Orz’s blogs and his posts also. I’m neutral since I watch Chinese subs, EMD to be specific.

    DM is merely pointing out to unsuspecting watchers that Nyoro’s subs are inaccurate to the degree that it fails to translate the true meaning of Episode 3. Full direct translation is not always possible, but the point is to express the point as clearly and originally as possible. A few errors in translation is perfectly acceptable to any viewer (and we viewers do appreciate the hardwork done by subs. They make the community thrive and bring in more audience to enjoy the show).

    I do not understand why people start accusing DM for his actions. Indeed, his post in laying out clear evidence of Nyoro’s huge inaccuracy (because I watched dmhy and emd’s chinese subs, and they’re exactly the same as Mendoi-Conclave’s), which is undeniable by Nyoro’s staff, may be slightly excessive and provocative. It could be viewed that DM might not have been politically correct enough, but DM is really doing everyone a favour being pointing out about the inaccuracy so that unsuspecting watchers won’t misunderstand Episode 3.

    With all this flame war going, I do look forward to ep4 of Nyoro’s release. I look forward to them improving on the accuracy, and joining the bandwagon of fast and good quality/accurate fansub groups. The time here is not to point at Nyoro and force them to rot. Help them. Understand why they did it.

  33. ScR3WiEuS says:

    @Hinano (again)

    If you read the post again, and if you read the comments DM posted, you will see how wrong you are.
    Let me quote:

    “Once again, I find it weird that there are always people who accuse me of “not helping”. What more can I do? Lolfang had his mistakes pointed out to him in private numerous times before. He did nothing to improve and he showed no signs of regret. Would you prefer if I didn’t make this post and kept my mouth shut instead? I simply cannot understand this line of reasoning.”

    He wasn’t the only one. Many have pointed out nyoron’s mistakes in private.

    And to finish my rant…
    Isn’t this a bit ironic???
    Why does everybody go “Awwwwww, poor nyoron, you’re picking on them.”
    Why does nobody ever go “Awwww, poor qualitysubbinggroup x, they’re being picked on”

    Because that’s what happens.
    Shitty speedsubbers put out their stuff as fast as possible, gain the biggest de facto popularity online for being “quality subs” because they’re fast, and then when the quality subbing groups say, “Hey! There’s something wrong with their translation…”, THEY get picked on, and told that they’re arrogant, epenis-obsessed fucks.
    Where’s the logic in that?

  34. Hinano says:

    ScR3WiEuS > Oh that part I didn’t see. So you’re saying the group HAS been told they were incorrect and WAS offered suggestions, and they refused to take advice? Well in that case I guess they deserve it! LOL! Alright I’m done here :D

    Eh the only time my fansubs got picked on was for bad quality files (rather than translations) but that’s because I didn’t wanna buy DVDs to fansub (and got some shitty WinMX raws) from and all the animes I ever subbed got licensed anyway lol :D

    Like I said I don’t keep up with the fansub dorama, I’ve only read the like 2-3 blog posts about this. But eh yea I guess they deserve it then..if they think their translations are l33t lol. (Boy I was reading the Japanese lines he posted and even I was like aw come on how could you get that one wrong!)

  35. ScR3WiEuS says:

    And as a reply to your other post i didn’t see before posting…
    It’s not really about the amount of downloads. It’s about seeing people criticize your group, and then praise shit-producing groups.
    It’s about you putting your effort into producing the best you can, just to see that the fans for whom you’re doing it don’t care.

    And yes, fansubbing is just a hobby, i’ve been doing it for 6 years now. I do enjoy fansubbing, but if i were subbing for myself, i’d just take a translation, time it, and mux it into an mkv. I don’t need all the fancy shit like karaoke and such; that part is for the fans, so they can have the best experience possible.

  36. Hinano says:

    ScR3WiEuS > “I don’t need all the fancy shit like karaoke and such;”

    THAT’S THE SPIRIT! Lol XD (*doesnt care about fans ~fansubbed so she could get her Japanese friend to help translate obscure animes nobody else cared about~ XD) Hey fansubbing helped me learn Japanese! It was a good 2 years!

    So you’ve been doin it for 6 years huh…I wonder if you were around back when I was still subbing. Then you would know about Anime Junkies and the mass naked child events I assume? :D

  37. BakeNeko says:

    Thank you, DarkMirage. And basically this is everything I’ve got to say, because I don’t want to get involved into that zOMG DRAMA THING.

    Thanks again. This is my first time on your blog, but I added it to my favorites and will visit it more often.

  38. ScR3WiEuS says:

    haha, good times. yeah, i remember that.

  39. omo says:

    Wow, epic drama.

    Speaking as someone who has done something like what Nyoro~n has done, darkmirage is doing them a huge favor. Someone’s having a good day.

  40. GN-004 says:


  41. Seraphim says:

    If DM didnt put this post out I, and I guess many others would not have known that we were downloading a poor low quality sub. However I still plead you to use your influence at your sub groub to make a HD avi version. Nyoro~n is the only person offering the HD avi.

  42. Fear says:

    Well first I want to personally thank you for revealing to us the ugly truth. I had downloaded 1 and 2 from GundanS and 3 from Nyoro~n. I have deleted all those now and downloaded Menclave’s superior subs. So thank you. And don’t get discouraged at the few people who defend the crappy subs. Most who have seen this blog (and so, so, so many have already, it spread like wild fire across most anime forums) believe everything you said.

    I have a question concerning mkv. Why? I prefer anything other than that, avi, mpeg4, ogg, rm, rmvb. I mean, I can view it just fine and I will take what ever you give. Nor do I ask that you change what you are doing. But I want to know the advantages of mkv vs avi or even ogg.

  43. silverfire says:

    @Fear: MKV allows for softsubbing, where we don’t have to encode the actual subtitles onto the video – it’s just like another video codec that runs simultaneously that overlays the properly styled text onto the video. That way, people who choose to do so can turn off the subtitles, among a host of other things. It also makes the video more compressable, as you don’t have any text intersecting with flat areas that make the encoder think they’re “details” that require more bits.

    The list goes on.

  44. Ayumi says:

    Thanks for opening my eyes. I would have never guessed that such crappy fansubbers exist…. Shall be more careful from now on. o_0

  45. Hei says:

    There is a formal apology on Nyoro~n Subs website. Seems like they are releasing v2 of the gundam episodes, they have subbed so far.

  46. gundamfans says:

    I wish DM doesn’t get put off and maintain your stance. I vouch for you, and to me, quality fansubs mean = accurate translation and good quality video. Speed is a factor, but I’d rather be watching accurate translations. Yes indeed there are shows I want to watch immediately, but I rather be patient.

  47. Pingback: Kurogane’s Anime Blog » 2 cents: The DarkMirage vs Nyoro~n case.

  48. DarkMirage says:

    Once again, how many times do I have to tell you that Lolfang has been told of this by many people countless times. He KNOWS it fully and he is doing this KNOWINGLY.

    THAT is the reason why I did this. I’m not picking on other groups because I have not watched a fansub this bad. Ever.

    And Hinano, I don’t agree with you. You are telling me that I can’t say how bad Nyoro~n is because there are other bad fansubs out there? Stop for a while and think through your logic. Have you never complained about a bad movie for wasting your time before? Bad is bad, if you show me a worst one I will be happy to do a comparison for it. :)

    I wouldn’t even have bothered to download their subs (I didn’t for ep 1 and 2) if their viewers hadn’t commented on my blog to correct me on plot details that I know for a fact that I am right about. Nyoro~n’s releases are ruining the series.

    If I didn’t do something about it, sooner or later we will have two groups of people following two very different stories: Sunrise’s G00 and Lolfang’s G00.

    And if you think that I am doing all this to get more downloads for Mendoi-Conclave, you are hugely mistaken. When I did it for Doremi, people accused me of being a keyboard commander who should fansub the titles myself instead of complain about Doremi. Now others find fault with the reverse. People will always find something wrong with what I do. But FACTS do not change even if you despise the messenger. And as long as the facts get through I am being more constructive than you.

    But let me ask you again, keeping in mind the fact that Lolfang did NOT repent in the past after numerous corrections, would you preferred if I still kept quiet about this and said nothing. Can you honestly find a reason to say “yes” other than “zomg he is being a meanie T.T”?

    Could I have done it in a less sarcastic way? Sure. But I don’t care what you think about the way I blog. If you look at the rest of my post, you will see that the sarcasm is inherent in this blog and has nothing to do with Nyoro~n.

    I agree with Omo. AnimeJunkies was way better than this.

  49. Pingback: World of Anime » 2 cents: The DarkMirage vs Nyoro~n case.

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