Gundam 00 — Episode 20

Ow, god my hurt heads. I slept on cold concrete floor last night without a proper pillow last night. I should really be sleeping early tonight…

Gundam 00

Unfortunately, it’s already too late for that. Gah. This episode is pretty decent. I realized that the shorter each scene is in an episode of G00, the more interesting I find the episode to be. This probably has to do with the fact that I find most of the mindless dialogues boring, so rapid scene transitions serve to reset my bored-o-meter before weariness kicks in.


Sunrise covers up a gaping plot hole by having a nurse explain to Saji that Louise’s left hand cannot be regenerated because her body cells were somehow affected by the beam weapons used by the Gundams. So now we know that medical technology isn’t that incompetent three centuries in the future after all.

Gundam 00
Saji finds out that he has to pay the bills

Of course, since Louise wasn’t actually directly hit by the beam, this raises an interesting question as to just how harmful GN particles are to human beings at long distances? Are most of the military personnels in the world impotent by now? This is a question of utmost scientific significance and requires a thorough and rigorous investigation.

Meanwhile, the three world superpowers, armed with their new secret weapons, jointly declare their intention to wipe out the Celestial Being terrorist scums for good.

Gundam 00
That European guy is totally evil

They pledge their combine military strength to form a unified army under UN authority, giving birth to the largest army humanity has ever seen.

Meanwhile, Sumeragi orders Ian the tech guy and that male crew member, whose name I cannot remember, to retrieve and deploy the GN arms system, which is basically a smaller rip-off of the Meteor system, which is in turn a smaller rip-off of the Dendrobium system.

Gundam 00
“So uh, we finally get to do something and possibly die soon, huh?”

Supposedly, there will be GN arms systems for all the Gundams, but so far only one is ready for deployment, which is Exia’s I guess.

Each of the power blocs receive 10 out of the 30 GN drive-powered mobile suits, GN-X, that they found in Antarctica. Imagine if the traitor within Celestial Being had decided to give them 31 mobile suits instead? They probably would’ve fought a war just to decide who gets the extra one.

Gundam 00
What I don’t understand about the future is its preference for monochrome interfaces

The Union is assigning the Overflag pilots to its share of the new mobile suits. Graham rejects the offer because he promised Howard to defeat the Gundams with his Flag, and he is a man of his words. For god’s sake, just swap the heads or something and call it a Custom Flagdam.

Gundam 00
That guy needs to change his barber

On the other side of the blue marble, Sergei and Soma abandon their Tierens for the spanking new mobile suits without any qualms. Patrick is busy trying to get laid and doesn’t give a damn, but he probably gets a GN-X anyway.

Gundam 00
Is he supposed to be modelled after someone?

Meanwhile, the President of the Linear Train Corporation, Ragna Harvey, meets up with Ali to discuss the secret delivery of GN-X to the various nations. I guess Ali is not only a mercenary but a smuggler too. It sort of makes sense, since he seems to have some magical ability to hide and transport his stolen Enact around. But not really.

Gundam 00
Evil and proud of it

Ali subtlety blackmails Ragna into arranging for him to join either the Union or AEU army as one of the pilots of the new mobile suits. Showdown with Exia lies ahead.

Kinue is stalking Ragna, who refused to accept her request for an interview. She ends up making the biggest mistake of her life by trying to pry information out of Ali. This part doesn’t make a lot of sense either. She basically asks Ali, “Hey, so what’s your secret business with Ragna?” and expects a reply. The only reason she gets one is because Ali is batshit insane…

Gundam 00
“Stop right there. This is the hairdo police!”

…and also because he kills her after that. That’s right, with no build-up whatsoever, Ali randomly decides to stab/shoot Kinue in the stomach and leave her to die. One can never be sure when it comes to Gundam, but she looks pretty dead. Maybe she’ll be back as a cyborg reporter sent back in time to do an exposé on her own death.

Gundam 00
It always rains when this happens

Alejandro Corner reveals his true villain self. Apparently, the Corner family has planned to usurp Aeolia Schenberg’s plans for centuries and Alejandro was bidding his time because he couldn’t do anything with Veda around. Ribonze, the green-hair uke, has the same ability as Tieria and Nena, which allows him to secretly access Veda. Thanks to him, Alejandro can proceed with his evil plans and S&M yaoi fantasies.

Gundam 00
“I’m the bad guy. Surprise!”

They manage to locate Veda’s physical system hidden on the dark side of the moon. Man, the dark side of the moon sure has a ton of top secret stuff lying around…

Wang Liu Mei throws her support behind the Trinity siblings, an extremely bad choice that, in my opinion, will probably lead to the death of either herself or Hong Long. Probably the latter. At the very least she will surely become impotent due to increased exposure to the red GN particles. Why Liu Mei, why?

Gundam 00
Liu Mei joins the dark side :(

The Trinity gets owned by HRL’s new GN-powered Choubu Jinx Squadron, which is a terrible name, while on a mission to destroy the League’s regional base in Guangzhou. No one dies, though.

Gundam 00
Briareos, is that you?

Well that was a pretty plot-heavy episode. I have a feeling that the next one will have a lot more static dialogues. Sigh…


Gundam 00
Europe wins

Gundam 00
Secretary General of the UN?

Gundam 00
This Ikeda hippie is the only foreign correspondent JNN has

Gundam 00
It’s a phallic symbol

Gundam 00
ZOMG who is this? Hint: Not a new character

Gundam 00
Some things are more important than the fate of the world

Gundam 00
Kids, this is what happens when you take candies from strangers

Gundam 00
Face-off with Liu Mei

Gundam 00
The HRL pilot survives, but is sterilized

Gundam 00
Now every Tom, Dick and Harry has a GN drive

Gundam 00
New HRL anti-Gundam tactic: Chinese martial arts

Gundam 00
“There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it’s all dark.”

Gundam 00
GLaDOS’s secret cake factory

I feel a little hungry.

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81 Responses to Gundam 00 — Episode 20

  1. BladeOfNether says:

    i think there’s chance that Kinue could survive, or maybe not. We shall see in the next/next next week.

  2. The shifty eyed AEU leader totally rocks. I was thinking pretty much the same thing when I saw that screenshot.

  3. SkYbLu says:

    I have a question. Do the GN particles from the “fake GN drives” cause the problem with regenerating Louise’s hand? or is it GN particles in general?

  4. Evolution IX MR says:

    Looking for the menclave release and thanks for your awesome work each episode. I totally agree with your observation that the shorter the scenes are per EP the better the episode is…I guess its because our generation is so ADD.

  5. BladeOfNether says:

    nevermind about that Kinue could live thing… if it’s Ali who did it the there’s gonna be no chance for her to live(being a experienced mercenary who would totally know how to kill a person).

    Also the GN Drives given to the 3 superpowers give out red beam like the Trinity Team’s, so i guess they are those “pseudo-GN Drives”? Meaning they are somewhat inferior to the real ones?

  6. Crusader says:

    LoL GLADOS, the Cake is a Lie.

    I take it that Ali also robbed Kinue before shooting her yes?

  7. Shadow says:

    Nice, first :)

  8. Keiichi says:

    That “new character” is that woman lieutenant that slapped that flag pilot during the military exercise against Celestial Being. Also….WHY LIU MEI?!?! WHY?!?! And I liked Nena, I hope she joins the light side… I want Kinue to live :(

  9. RmX says:

    GN-X, nickname “Jinx”. As much as I agree that they look like Freeza’s unknown 5th form, they kick serious ass.

  10. Ryuko_Hikaru says:

    Now Saji has lost everything he has close to him. What will he do?

    Maybe he will date Setsuna and generate Yaoi fantasies.

    I am guessing amputation by GN particles is same as cauterisation.

  11. craccu says:

    It’s not like you can build a mobile suit in a day.
    It’s not like a powerful engine makes the mobile suit powerful.
    The excuse for Louise’s hand was crappy.

  12. Blake says:

    woah! wat a twist, though i kinda expected half of that stuff to happen

  13. rgwg says:

    i hope exia will get destroyed so a stronger unit for setsuna will appear LOL

  14. Q says:

    Quite a lot of plots in one episode. Can’t say they will continue to do that for all 5 remaining episodes though.

    So each faction has 10 GN-X? They surely have odd designs just like most of the MS in this series. Hope the GN-X aren’t gonna be mere pushovers by the end of the first season.

    And it looks like that so many people are into Portal these days.

  15. info600 says:

    wow…2 “researchers” dead already…so who’s next on the hitlist? That AEU colonel?

  16. Tama says:

    Well about that whole “whether the red particles only cause the cell damage” thing. I qould guess that both the forms of GN affect them equally. The only difference we know is that the red particles simply last for a much shorter amount of time.

    As for the whole Kinue thing. I can’t say i’m surprised seeing as how she really stuck her nose in too deep. The moment that someone from the organization finds out she knows anything about them she would die, just like that one pilot who’s name i’m not sure was introduced, or, if it was, i don’t remember.

    Saji is going to go emo, though my guess is he’s joining in with Setsuna because he’s already somewhat friends with him. And i have a whole theory to base it on, though i am too tired to post it down.

    Also, I don’t think that the new suits will be able to handle the GN arms well. I mean we saw how the meteors affected the Freedom/Justice. (10 targets x 50= 500 KO’s per second) Though i’m sure 00 will stick to a more realistic perspective, I think those GN-X suits are gonna get creamed.

    Oh, and one more thing: NENA COME TO THE LIGHT SIDE!!! WAAH! NenaXSetsuna ftw :P.

  17. darkdestiny says:

    Certainly there’s a connection between the Trinity team and Ragna… But is it really the Ragna Harvey? I wonder…

    Wang Liu Mei’s move is expected to a certain extent, given that 1)she considers the Trinity siblings as the Celestial Being and 2)The Gundam Meister first team’s performance so far drops her interest towards that team.

    In terms of Kinue being “killed”, did she get shot in the stomach (appears so according to the picture)? Possibility of her being found still alive in such weather is certainly low…

    Finally, looking at the GN drives that the HRL have, it looks most likely that they have the same limitations as those on the Gundam Thrones.

  18. Asch says:

    GN Drives for everyone, mistake, they could have had something different. Like give the AEU, HRL and Union Nuclear Fusion powered suits, bring back the Minovsky partical.

  19. LianYL says:

    The EU leader is pulling off the political handshake joke. Cunning.

  20. darkdestiny says:

    If Kinue really dies, then there’ll be no one to find out the truth of the Celestial Being. Sigh…

  21. TehShien says:

    Dang, Kinue was kinda one of my favorite charas too, I hope she had some of Kira’s plot armor with her and is found still alive next episode D: *hopes*

    Also, the “I’ll make you into a man”-lieutenant girl is totally hawt with her hair down and about Patrick getting a GN-X, there is someone in 23:57 that’s piloting a GN-X in space but thanks to the bandai logo kinda being in the way, I’m not sure if it’s Patrick or Ali…

  22. Dazzer says:

    Awww I liked Kinue. I hope she doesn’t die.

    Why Kinue and not Louise… sad :(

  23. RmX says:

    @darkdestiny, TehShien, and Dazzer: She’ll be sure to come up later in the series, when no one expects it. After all the spoilers only said “leave the stage”. =D

    And I wonder if there really are no strings attached to the GN-X units. It’s starting to sound like a Trojan horse scenario thanks to the thoughts of a few others.

  24. Dez says:


    The GN Drives that the GN-X have are exactly the same as Gundam Thrones.
    The main reason would be that ~THEORY~ Ribbons leaked the information inside Veda, and then Gundam Thrones + HRL, AEU, and Union have got all the information about GN Drives.

    Anyone else think that Ribbons is Tieria’s brother?
    They both seem like b*****ds.

  25. RmX says:

    @Dez: Ribbons is at least very similar to Tieria, if not born of the same maker. They are the same in their androgynous nature (too many scenes in this episode where he looked like a woman) and their link to Veda (the ability to interact with Veda-related tech + the eyes).

  26. Faithfreedom says:

    Kinue died? Well… everyone kindda saw that coming. Go GN-X! Pwn those Thrones!

  27. dan says:

    loved the episode, especially the review. indeed, the twist of fate for kinue is quite sad… but, she could still be alive (pulls a monty python & the holy grail on us) “I’m not quite dead yet!” “Actualy, I’m feeling a bit better!” In the end, I still think she’ll sadly die. WTF is up with the rain=sadness cliche? I still don’t get how it turned out this way. If anything, rain should equal hope. Rain makes crops grow, refills fresh water sources, and enriches the land in general. The only bad things it really does is cause flooding and/or other water overabundance problems.

  28. 哦买高的 says:

    我考……is there any http free download address? I’m greedy as this is gundam

  29. Zanejin says:


  30. fred says:

    I sure hope liu mei recognizes the error of her ways and goes back to the good guys :D

    Since she and alejandro are both observers / agents of veda, i guess one should be in the good side while the other should be in the dark side..

    Also, I have this horrible feeling that saji will be a gundam or flag or whatever pilot in the next season of g00 O_O (God forbid)

  31. luke says:

    omg, that was hilarious. loved your part on…well…everything

  32. Nathan says:

    So the Conner family has be plotting to upsur Schilebergs plan for genartions and Alejandro works for them?

  33. darkdestiny says:

    Apparently the Corners have a grudge towards Aeolia Schenberg ages ago, and they plot to spoil his big plan which started in the timeline of Gundam 00. Like parents, like son, I guess?

    To Dez and RmX: that’s absolutely true. Otherwise could Neina be Tiera’s sister? *sniggers*

  34. Bryan says:

    So that’s where GLaDOS gets all her cakes :O

  35. Guner says:

    What would anyone get out of foiling a plan for world peace anyway?

  36. jason says:

    where can i download this episode for free? =)

  37. Keba says:

    Wow slightly amusing episode review (as per usual) though i can’t help but feel this episode lacked a tiny bit. There are still to many questions i want answered, such as;

    1) Why can’t there be more episodes with less dialogue?

    2) Oh my god why do i see Appleseed resemblance here?

    3) The thrones need to die, why don’t they die? Gayness on wheels.
    (not really a question..oops…)

    4) Why do i love the reviews on this web page? (completely irrelevant i know)

    and finally 5) Why can’t Setsuna actually be cool and the not scenes over cliched?

    Ok I’m done with my random question rant. I only hope that the series makes up for the dead ends, plot killers, horribly long talk scenes, and pray for awesome second gen mobile suits.

  38. Jarry says:

    where can i download this latest episode of this gundam??
    please tell me because i’m very love it.

  39. extremegunner says:

    So the GN Drive is a fake… I guess Mr Conner don’t have the technology to properly shield the GN particles XD

  40. Saruto says:

    The reason Kinue died is so they can set him up to be the new Shin aka “;_; Celestial Being killed all my family/friends….now I’m angry and going to join the UN Army so I can pwn them!!!” I think Season 2 will be set primarily in space also. Haha, and yea why is EVERY SINGLE SECRET WEAPON/FACILITY on the dark side of the moon. Like wtf. That shit must be getting crowded.

  41. Johannes says:

    Oh my Chinese princess. I will follow you to the dark side of interventions ;_;

    Patrick is easily the most realistic character in the entire franchise. Also, more spoilers prove to be correct.
    It appears that the red GN drive is the superior design to the “original”. They apparently can be produced much cheaper and much shorter. Mass > Quality.

  42. biltwick says:

    I’m thinking Ribbons is the real mastermind here, seeing how despite Alejandro’s surprise at seeing Veda, Ribbons was smiling. I’m wondering though if those GN-X units have a fixed lifespan? Or perhaps Alejandro/Ribbons have some type of black box/self-destruct/remote control hidden away, we’ll just have to see.

    Still, having these Gn-X units might help in avoiding arms buildup, as everyone on Earth has seen how powerful Gundams are even on their own. Having an equal number of GN-Xs for each nation without the ability to make more (until they go to Jupiter, which might be in season 2) might prevent overt arms races-though guerrilla warfare might occur. Also, if those red GN particles destroy stem cells, they might have other side effects on the pilots (perhaps why Michael and Nena are crazy!).

    And sorry Saji.

  43. dan says:

    with the way the show goes right now, season 2 could involve saji again. there is no way a 17-18 year old engineering student could learn to pilot a gundam in the time period of a few episodes, let alone get into the army. but, he could be involved in the second season. most likely, 2nd season will have some of these characters again, it’d be kinda stupid not to. i hope it doesn’t happen just because i love seeing him fail, but louise might come back to saji. please dont omg im jinxing myself aaah

  44. dan says:

    i find it sad that while graham would be out there pwning the thrones, he has to wait. mr pat corwasar gets to go out after the ladies, though. its funny and all…but i MUST see graham pwn at least throne zwei for howard. lol in that picture where you see pat’s commander with her hair down, she almost looked like billy… o~O

  45. dan says:

    i think gundam00=all the womanly men characters. ribbons kind of looks like a girl, alejandro has semi long hair, tieria looks like a woman, and this is further added onto with the whole nadleeh thing. plus, billy looks very womanly with long hair…creepy. ali has long hair, but its too wild lol. he needs to die now please :D dont fail me setsuna!

  46. dan says:

    i think gundam00=all the womanly men characters. ribbons kind of looks like a girl, alejandro has semi long hair, tieria looks like a woman, and this is further added onto with the whole nadleeh thing. plus, billy looks very womanly with long hair…creepy. ali has long hair, but its too wild lol. he needs to die now please :D dont fail me setsuna!

  47. dan says:

    sorry about that, hit the post thing twice by accident :D anyways, i saw in the ep 21 preview a meeting between Marina and Setsuna. i was pretty sure from the start there would be something between them, might this be the episode it happens? and congratz to patrick corwasar lol, for getting a date. i always laugh at his amusing faces of joy hes always like =D YES MA’AM! and sry if it seems like im spamming, i should have just done one larger post :D

  48. Izzy says:

    o man somthing happened dam o_0
    what happened? awesome ep thats what =D

  49. zakuzaku says:

    Kinue is probably not dead, remember Waltfield from seed and how he got fried in his suit and still survived.

  50. Martin says:

    Even though saji will probably end up as a shinn, you have to remember that he is set up better. They dont all get blasted in one go, they get slowly killed off, giving more of an effect to saji.

    I think however saji is there to show how an organisation that has good intentions will never be good to everyone.

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