Code Geass R2 — Episode 21

Code Geass R2
Loli’er Anya

The Big Revelation episode. I can’t say that it comes as a surprise considering how much the story has hinted at it, especially since I was never really convinced that Charles was evil. He lacks Schneizel’s eyes, and that hairdo is just begging to be not taken seriously.

I’m sure everyone has already watched the episode by now, so I will not try to work around the spoilers this time, since the entire episode is basically one huge spoiler.


Code Geass R2
The Central Dogma

Enclosed within the enigmatic Central Dogma that lies deep beneath the surface of reality, Gendou and Shinji Ikari have a father-to-son chat over the future of humanity. Gendou is trying to activate the final stage of the Human Instrumentality Project, widely known as the Third Impact.

Code Geass R2
She was in EVA-01 all along

They are soon joined by the physical manifestation of Yui Ikari‘s spirit, who has long been hidden in the body of another after her mysterious death. It turns out that Gendou, despite his self-scripted cold-hearted nature, has never stopped loving Yui. Shinji is shocked to discover that his long-dead mother has been so close to him all these years, and that the father he so despised turns out to be merely misunderstood.

Code Geass R2
Yggdrasil, the World Tree

With Rei Ayanami, the immortal Lilith, as the catalyst of the final stage, and Gendou at the controls, the Human Instrumentality Project is about to reach completion. Although the original plan calls for the unity of Adam and EVA-01 in achieving this, circumstances have changed and the improvisation will be sufficient for Gendou’s intention. Absolute Territory Field, the invisible metaphysical barrier that separates the collective consciousness of mankind into unique independent individuals is about to be destroyed, and all evils will be removed from the world. Gendou is about to create a kind world where tragedies such as the one his family went through will never again happen.

Code Geass R2
Asuka in EVA-02 surveys the fallen bodies of the mass production EVAs

But the very desire for peace and kindness will be erased by the removal of individuality. Hatred will disappear, but so will love. Shinji, though temporarily overwhelmed by the futility of his past actions, realizes that this is not the kind of world he wished for when he fought for peace. He declares his intention to stop his father’s actions, which he sees as a selfish desire that Gendou is trying to force upon the world.

Code Geass R2
“Sorry Gendou, I like them young”

Rei, though she has an emotionless exterior, is deeply in love with Shinji, the son of the woman who gave her life. She betrays the trust of Gendou and helps hand the keys to humanity’s future to Shinji.

Real Summary

Replace Shinji with Lelouch, Gendou with Charles, Rei with C.C. and Yui with Marianne. I guess Kallen is Asuka, but I’m not comfortable with it because I hate Asuka. The analogy kind of falls apart when it comes to Suzaku, the extra guy. Oh well. Maybe he’s Gendou’s former bitch, Ritsuko.


Code Geass R2
Kallen is crying T_T

Code Geass R2
Who wrote those books?

Code Geass R2
Anya is cuter when she has Marianne’s personality

Code Geass R2
Brotherly love

Code Geass R2
V.V.’s love rival

Code Geass R2
“Mr. Wizard. Get me out of here”

Code Geass R2
She lucked out

Code Geass R2
Family reunion

Code Geass R2
She’s totally regretting not seducing Lelouch

Code Geass R2
“I mustn’t run away! I mustn’t run away!”

Code Geass R2
Love triangle

Code Geass R2
They are huge…

Code Geass R2
What happens if Marianne “dies” again?

Code Geass R2
Charles’ special attack

Code Geass R2
Useless characters

Code Geass R2
Vilette is totally a Black Knight member now…

Code Geass R2
Lelouch vi Britannia (what does vi mean?)

Code Geass R2
Who’s that on the left?

Code Geass R2
A civil union

Code Geass R2
Diethard is totally Schneizel’s henchman now

I should be studying Chemistry now.

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163 Responses to Code Geass R2 — Episode 21

  1. extremegunner says:

    All HAIL LELOUCH!!!!!

  2. ilovgoogle says:

    What no review??!?!?!?!

  3. iamtigerlily says:

    I’m kinda suprised you didn’t comment or make a screencap about when charles was flying towards lelouch, it made me think of superman

  4. eveningprimrose says:

    I second that. ALL HAIL LELOUCH!!

  5. Hossi says:

    Schneizel will stop Lelouch and save the world!

  6. Evo.Ice says:

    Another awesome post
    It never occurrd to me that the resembelance to NGE was so uncanny
    I always thought that he was trying to mold lulu into his sucessor but I guess I was wrong.
    But roflmao to Suzaku being Ritsuko

  7. Hinano says:

    LOL I don’t watch this show which is why this post is full of win. xD

  8. Andres says:

    dude that was an interesting episode and a funny summary xD
    i luv ur comments =D

  9. Null says:

    I like how they’re showing the rest of the knights of the round from the Lost Colors game without introducing them. And what the frack does Vi, Di and Li stand for in the royal family’s surname?

    You should change the caption with Charles grabbing Lelouche’s throat to one of Domon Kasshu’s Shining or God Finger speeches from G Gundam.

  10. Imahog says:


    This was by far the best ep in a while. But what will happen now?

  11. Max says:

    I still feel that Milly Ashford will be Lelouch’s real love interest. I don’t believe that Kallen or C.C. will work out. The one regret that Milly has is not confronting Lelouch about her feelings for him sooner.

  12. noob392321 says:

    wtf -.-

    btw spinzaku’s back

  13. Max says:

    I see that Cornelia’s arm has been fixed by the doctors. That’s good to know that things are getting back to normal.

  14. zelknight says:


    I was surprised you didn’t screen cap the preview where Lelouch and Kallen are together (with his cult-like leader outfit XD) – I am assuming that is Lelouch’s back with Kallen and they are walking/talking with each other XD

    and in the words of master oogway of kung-fu panda about what will happen now with the show:

    “I don’t know”

    but I really am getting a mood for a sad ending as CC’s expression behind the stage when lelouch took the throne was a sad face T_T

  15. d says:

    dunno if you were joking, but the person on the left is another rounds – knight of nine nonette enneagram. there’s one more who hasn’t gotten any screentime yet, knight of four dorothea ernst.

  16. Badx says:

    Am I the only one who finds it weird he attended his coronation in his school uniform?
    I loved it when he geassed Jupiter.

  17. Kresnik says:

    Now that you paraphrase it like that, the essence of Code Geass is nothing but EVA rip-off! And your paraphrasing is pretty convincing too.. LOLi

  18. PHH says:

    “The one on the left” is the Knight that made an appearance in the Geass PSP game: Lost Colors. She had some major plot in there…I think…
    Yeah I was surprised to find her there too. :D

  19. At the left: Nonette Enneagram, Knight of Nine. Gotten from xD.
    LOL @ Eva parody. The ep really seemed like everyone was going to become Tang. Dunno if this is a super lame wink to Evangelion but made me LMAO… and I still can’t understand if Lulu and Spinzaku are friends again.

    P.D.: Monica <3

  20. manga says:

    Relax, Sunrise still has time to make the series more of a trainwreck than it already is.

    So now he´s thrown out his own mother, yay!!

    Let the battle for something begin as a lot of people won´t want Lelouch as the Emperor. Nice touch with the double Geass though.

  21. zelknight says:

    maybe they let lelouch attend his coronation in school uniform to imply that he was the student who had an army then rose to challenge the empire and killed the emperor lol XD

    but on a side note, they decided it to be in a school uniform so that suzaku and him would have matching outfits maybe hehehe XD

    now that he is the emperor of Brittania, will the rounds follow him? or the coup of schneizel will prevail? the sword of damocles is surely the one he is betting all his stakes at (maybe this is the weapon in outerspace as shown in the opening sequence) will the black knights challenge lelouch? hahaha everything’s so messed up now! XD

  22. mister says:

    hahaha, i love the evangelion summary xDD didn’t even think of that

  23. Camario says:

    In not in the mood for much talk either, but I have to admit that summary was fun to read, though it could probably also work with at least several GunxSword characters (hint, hint). Still, EVA is the logical choice, for blatantly obvious reasons (it came first).

  24. Jessica says:

    Aww, you didn’t like this episode? Y’know, I look forward to reading your blogs every week almost more than I look forward to seeing the new episode. You’re the funniest person ever. But personally I think this was like the greatest episode in anime history (not that I’ve seen too many, but still…). The teaming up of Lelouch and Suzaku is absolutely amazing, and isn’t it awesome that he’s gonna be the new Emperor? Plus look at Suzaku kickin’ butt! Smashing swords and stuff. He’s the Knight of Zero… how clever and awesome is that!? No… ? lol idk I was just so excited…

  25. dan says:

    This episode leaves me speechless. I was astounded. On more simple terms, Anya did seem a bit cuter with Marianne’s personality, I totally agree. She makes the funniest faces, aside from Lelouch’s evil laughing faces.

  26. Leo says:


  27. Ukotaku says:

    OMG such a shocking episode o_O!
    I hope Lelouch starts a war against the black knights and judging from the preview of the next ep, Kallen joins Britannia :D.

    But y did Suzaku join Lelouch? Something must of happened in the past month.

    Rofl Suzaku does a spinzaku again xDDD.

  28. Artemis says:

    HAHA! That Matrix reference totally had me laughing out loud! Excellent!

  29. ravenrue says:

    I KNEW He would be crowned. Well not like this, but still. IT HAD TO HAPPEN!! but now this means it will have a 3rd season. Man, i hope it stops at 3 :D. We don’t want it to get crappy now do we???


  30. darthrayray says:

    love the part where suzaku drops down from the ceiling, batman style and totally owns those guards.
    lelouch’s mom = milf

  31. SnooSnoo says:

    It would be wrong of me not to do this.. so

  32. DynamesX says:

    YAY KNIGHT OF ZERO!! sounds cool


    OH GOD SUNRISE, OH GOD SUNRISE… fucking SunRise.

    I’m dissapointed Marianne and Charles died so… SUNRISE-like. No sad reunion, nothing that would make you even tear up (like Rollo). I liked Mariane, too. Then again, my favorite character’s Nina…

    Oh well. At first Lelouch was cool, but then he became Mary-Sue Eternal Cynical Emporer. I smell a new Gendo…

    At least we still have to look foward to Nina redeeming herself! Or maybe MillyxRivalz.

  34. SnooSnoo says:

    So if Jeremiah were to find out Lelouch erased Marianne, would he join Schneizel?
    Suzaku’s spinzaku can break spears :O
    Also, does Kaguya(and Xing Ke, those who were fighting at Kyushuu) know that Lelouch is Zero and Kaguya can become the Queen of Britannia? =/
    Must be great to be chased around for one episode, and to become the Emperor of the largest empire in the world in the next episode.

  35. Zakaev says:


  36. nekoninja says:

    Okay good I wasn’t the only one who saw a HUGE Evangelion parallel.

  37. t3h_omen says:

    LOL, it works.. just with an extra character.

    great blog.

  38. Draconifers says:

    All Hail Lelouch!

  39. Woo says:


  40. minizaki says:

    wow, with only 4 episodes left i can’t tell how this is all going to turn out.

  41. Omega Knighx says:

    cant you write a normal spoiler cuz not everyone has watched Evangelion(i watched it but thought it was too emo)

    The story is moving on really fast. This episode is kinda confusing cuz lelouch and charles are having a argument about the hoe marianne, then the hoe comes in and they all have warm family talk, then it suddenly snaps back to Instrumentality(except with pillars of poo and not Mass produce evas with rei’s face) Then Spinzaku and CC come in and they have some pointless conversation ending with Lelouch Geassing the world’s collective consciousness. it ends like eva except everyone is still alive and Lelouch becomes the King of the world.

    How does Suzaku break those spears?

    How does Lelouch fckin take off both contacts so fast?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Sunrise enjoys torturing lolis too much.

    Does VV have hammerspace cuz he just pulled a big machine gun from his pocket

    I dont know how to post

  42. Yitza says:

    So… Schneizel just allowed Lelouch to waltz into, what was essentially, his palace, sit on his throne and steal his title. All in an effort to set up a final decisive battle… I’m still waiting for the “publicity stunt by Pizza Hut” ending.

  43. Omega Knighx says:

    wow 41 posts as i was wrting my own

  44. Omega Knighx says:

    I think Lelouch and Spinzaku had a pimp contest in the past month so Lelouch won with is geass and now Suzaku serves him publicly and privatly (JK)\

    Y does suzaku smile as if he is trying to seduce everyone?

    Why does Suzaku use a britannian bastard sword than a katana?

  45. Kanzar says:

    Ah… that’s so funny how you can just retell NGE. :P

  46. Songman123 says:

    which side will the Knight of round take Lelouch or Schneizel
    and with Lelouch king would the black knight join him again … i mean i bet he will just give bak japan to them …. plus Schneizel has no fukin right over nothing no even the UN or whatever

  47. mrhankey says:



  48. WTF? says:


  49. Itadakimasu! says:

    Lol… your summary mirrors my thoughts for the whole ep. Instrumentality indeed.

  50. cor says:

    now that he is the emperor of Brittania, will the rounds follow him? or the coup of schneizel will prevail? the sword of damocles is surely the one he is betting all his stakes at (maybe this is the weapon in outerspace as shown in the opening sequence) will the black knights challenge lelouch? hahaha everything’s so messed up now! XD

    the thing shown in outer space is the siegfried, the sword of damocles is probably the tower like thing.

    I KNEW He would be crowned. Well not like this, but still. IT HAD TO HAPPEN!! but now this means it will have a 3rd season. Man, i hope it stops at 3 :D. We don’t want it to get crappy now do we???

    not gonna happen imo

    cant you write a normal spoiler cuz not everyone has watched Evangelion(i watched it but thought it was too emo)

    lol that show is over 10 years old you really cant expect him doing that.

    another great ep, Mariannes personality was pretty surprising who thought that she was such a bitch xD
    gogo LuluxCCxSuzakuxCheesekun ending, i wonder if CC likes dp?^^

    i wonder why CC wears that restraining suit(however thats called) again, she likes bondage or what? O.o

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