The postman was here today! And you know what that means…
- Gedo Senki Insert Song – Teruu no Uta
- Da Capo II Vocal Album – Songs From D.C. II
- The Adventure Over Yui Horie (First Press)
- Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu DVD Vol.1 (Limited Edition)
Total cost: 18,062 yen
The sad thing is, the two DVDs are not mine. _|ï¿£|O I don’t have enough money to collect R2 DVDs…
Gedo Senki has been receiving bad reviews from Japanese fans who have seen it in theatres, but the insert song is so good that I bought the single anyway. Just listen to it:
This version comes from the movie OST. The version in the single is 4:49 long and has some bgm.
Shocking amount of money for a 17 year old! Your school mate Whai whai thinks like… 60 is a fortune already and you’re dealing in hundreds lol.
As I said, those two DVDs aren’t mine. I didn’t pay for them. x_X
Wow, you’re really only 17?
also, where did you get that d.c. ii vocal album? i’d be interested in purchasing it myself =o
Gasp. That’s… that’s… Haruhi LE DVD 1! I want!
@tj, age and money aren’t exactly interwined these days.
Wow. The DCII Vocal Album… was wondering why no trace of it can’t be found in either torrent form or Winny form…
OMG! Haruhi DVD and DC2 Album! Grr! I want em!!! >.
I miss japan now……i used to listen to this type of music ( besides rock)
in japan before i came to the USA……… i’m not really jealous cause i got that movie for my 15th birthday i love my cousin more than ever for getting me that. Apperently, my aunt won’t share much of her money with the rest of the family…………that meanie. ~ ~
O O > what a jerk of a
_ aunt