Tag Archives: code geass

Code Geass R2 — Episode 1

Surprise! I bet you totally didn’t expect me to blog Code Geass, especially considering that awful parody video I made which should best be left to rot in the depths of hell, my MySpace account and the fact that I … Continue reading

Posted in Anime, Money, Rant, Reviews | Tagged , , , , | 50 Comments

Code-Geass.com Domain Transfer

Code-Geass.com no longer belongs to me. I’m sure some of you still remember the now-defunct Code Geass fansite that I made to parody ASOS Brigade‘s announcements last December. (Wayback Machine’s archive) Well, it’s going offline permanently because I have transferred … Continue reading

Posted in Blog | Tagged | 19 Comments

Code Geass 22 and the path to hell

I think most of you should have watched the subs for episode 22 of Code Geass by now. If not, go watch it now! It will totally blow your mind apart. (Something that CLAMP stories never hope to achieve, so … Continue reading

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ASOS Brigade Episode 001

The Adventures of the ASOS Brigade: Episode 001 has been released! Weeeee! PINK SPACE RANGER! Vol.1 of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya will be released on May 29th. The limited edition will come with some yet-to-be-revealed extras and a box … Continue reading

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Vote for your favourite Mikuru!

ASOS Brigade has four recordings up for you to vote for you favourite version of Mikuru. The link is carefully hidden somewhere on the site… In response, Zero the Penguin has updated Code-Geass.com… I wonder who those mysterious voices belong … Continue reading

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Code-Geass.com UPDATED!

OH MY GOD! Hours after asosbrigade.com updated, code-geass.com has done the same! WHO IS THE MYSTERIOUS COMPANY?!?!? WATCH THE VIDEO AND YOU’LL FIND OUT!!!

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First Haruhi, now Code Geass!

Oh no!

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Who says product placements don’t work?

So, who else has been eating pizzas? That said, I don’t get what’s the big fuss over CC (or Gasuko as some would call her). She has barely done anything at all so far! Kallen is waaaaay hawter.

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