Yes, Kanon’s animation looks like sex, the voice-actings are good, Kyon Yuuichi doesn’t look like a bastard anymore and the OP and ED don’t suck anymore. Yeah, yeah. BUT AYU STILL SUX!!!
Remember kids: too much taiyaki makes you fat
Today, I coin the acronym FTG, or Fat Yaoi Taiyaki Fangirl! I have already patented this idea and anyone using the term FTG when talking about Kanon owes me $0.10 of royalties!
From this moment on, I shall refer to Ayu only as FTG to show my immense dislike for her and her kind!
Kanon, Aoi Nishimata style!
Why do I harbour such immense hatred for Ayu you ask? Well that’s because I AM A NAYUKI FANBOY! Like, duh! And those annoying little wing thingymonies aren’t helping either!
Let’s take a look at what FTG has as compared to Nayuki:
- Taiyaki (it’s a huge lie, just like meronpan)
- “Wings” (probably made in China)
- Yui Horie (not her best work)
- “Uguu~” (GAO!!!)
- Flat (like a washboard)
- Dojikko (moé!!!)
- Totally awesome alarm clocks (“mou asadayo! okite!“)
- Captain of the track team (seishun no ase!)
- “Kitsune-san!!!” (let me be your kitsune!)
- Hawt mother! (…I mean good genes)
- Neither flat nor fat! (’nuff said)
As you can see from my totally objective and non-biased comparison, Nayuki wins hands down. :3
On a more serious note, Kanon is pretty much exactly as I expected it to be. No surprises so far, which is somewhat disappointing coming from Kyo-Ani. It’s good, of course, and it’s probably going to be one of the best shows this season. But since Kyo-Ani is doing it, why not set the bar higher. We all know that it’s going to be a hit, but will it be big enough?
The animation is awesome, that’s a given coming from Kyo-Ani. The music, however, is the same as the original game soundtrack, which isn’t all that great IMO. I rather they make something better instead of trying to please the hardcore fans.
Most importantly, the story looks like it’s just going to be a complete remake, but with more episodes to flesh out the side stories this time. That, I think, is what is going to make or break the new series. Or rather, make or make bigger, since we all know that it’s going to be a success no matter what.
Kanon Wing!
I don’t think it’s a very good idea to follow the original too closely. I mean I know what they say about not fixing what’s not broken, but really, I don’t like to watch the same stuff twice. Improved animation isn’t going to do that much for the story. I really hope Kyo-Ani has something planned to spice things up as the series progresses. They did a fantastic job with Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu in that respect with the anime-only episode and the shuffling of the episode order. Kanon (2006) needs something similar to really stand out.
Let’s face it, the basic stories told through Kanon have been “referenced” and improved upon by countless other games and anime since the original Kanon was first released for PC in 1999. It was a pioneering game when it first came out, but the impact has gradually lessen over the years. Unless you are a hardcore fan of the original game, it’s just not that special anymore, not unless you have been brainwashed by the Internet hype machine. Sad girls in snow are not enough in today’s changing world.
So, what is my suggestion? What is the one thing that can and will rekindle Kanon’s spark and once again fortify Kyo-Ani’s position in the history of animation as one of the Greats? What is this black voodoo magic that can cure world hunger, cancer and AIDS all at the same time? The answer is so simple I can’t believe Kyo-Ani hasn’t already done it:
Surprisingly, Sayuri is actually the seme
It is Kanon’s only hope! You know it is the truth!
P.S. Please let Nayuki win this time… ;_;
Whilst I do prefer Nayuki over Ayu, my favourite is still Mai. If KyoAni does follow the game closely, the ending will be a lot more depressing than Toei’s ending version.
For all purposes, Toei’s ending is a happy ending, not the true ending.
Whats a “seme”(oops excuse my ignorance)?
If my repressed memories serve me well… the ‘seme’ is the ‘aggressor’ during sex, as opposed to the ‘uke’ who is the ‘taker’.
i dun really like Ayu either. Mai 4tw!
Akiko > all
Too bad her daughter sucks, HA!
I wish for SayurixMai too. Mai’s my favorite!
Yes, I do like Nayuki better. And Horie Yui (I know this is sacrilege) is not my favorite VA. But that’s no reason to hate Ayu. Uguu. And as far as the music is concerned, I can hardly blame KyoAni for catering to the hard-core game fanboys who will buy so many OSTs, figures, pillows, etc., etc. They have to get some cash so they can make a second season of SHnY. Or something else as interesting. Please.
“P.S. Please let Nayuki win this time… ;_;”
Please. For all our sakes ;__;
But given how prominent Ayu is in both the op and ed, I doubt it.
seishun bansai
Grrrr… me and you … we gonna have to throw down on this… it’s a blatent defamation of Ayu’s character… Me, being the gentleman that I am shall defend her….. Nayuki is a cousin loving, deep sleeping , jealous girl…. we frown upon those thing here in my world….heh
p.s. well maybe not the deep sleeping part… but jealousy is an ugly thing….oh and so is inbreading….
It’s sad, really. You defame Ayu in this shameless way because you sense and fear her enormous power…
That’s not true… I am just acknowledging her… ummm… “enormous” powers. Of course Enormous Taiyaki Fangirl doesn’t sound quite as catchy.
It’s all about the Minases. Nayuki has been so awesome from episode 1. I’m gonna pass out.
god i wish that Nayuki wins this time. At least Yuuichi is somewhat more aware of her existance this time, treats her slightly better.
I love Ayu too, but Nayuki is just ultimate.
NAYUKI FTW!!! I don’t really HATE Ayu (that UGUU~ when running away from the taiyaki seller was precious) but I do harbour a lot of dislike towards her ebcause SHE STEALS THE SPOTLIGHT AWAY FRM NAYUKI!!! Seeing too many Ayu official art makes me boil =__= NAYUKI LUFF!!! *goes on her knees and prays KyoAni will take the Nayuki route…..)
Would Kyo-Ani repeat the same mistake once more? It is after all a rather too faithful remake. Nayuki deserves better.
What a haven for Nayuki fans… I feel like a complete and total outsider… Ayu lovers unite… I herby form the ADB… Ayu Defese Brigade…. We will not let you Nayuki lovers prevail…mark my words…heads will roll….
Totally objective and non-biased, huh? Sure.
Mind you though that I have my eyes on Nayuki more than Ayu… Ayu looks too loli. :S
(merge this comment)
Kaori, Makoto, and Mai also look good too. Kaori gets more points for looking a little less like a child and more like a real girl.
I agree. Nayuki does deserve better.
Anyways, Kyon’ichi is mine.
(OH SHI… what did I just say?)
yea… i really hope the story changes a bit… i’ve seen the last kanon and i don’t wanna see the same thing over again… so let nayuki win…!!! (though i did like ayu more than nayuki in the old kanon XD)
Sorry guys, it’s the Ayu route :V
DM, you get one pot of Akiko’s jam for not suggesting AkikoxSayuri HAWT YURI LOVE.
Enjoy the jam~
I won’t give up till the end! :| NAYUKI RABU!
Sometimes it works (KimiNozo), sometimes it doesn’t (D.C.S.S.)…
D.C.S.S betrayed you! So did Saimoe!
Maybe if we’re lucky, Nayuki will go into Kaede boxcutter mode after episodes of neglect from Kyo-uh, Yuuichi!
Somehow I prefer Aoi Nishimata style of kanon… O_o
and yeah, we need more yuri >_ trap, but better than nothing)
I do agree that Nayuki is a better character (thanks for converting me DarkMirage), but I did like Ayu a little more than everyone else (in the old Kanon) or maybe it was because of the ending…Also…was there any yuri in the Kanon? I’m hoping to watch the first episode soon and hopng that it will be better than the first one (I almost cried during Kanon and AIR -.- I’m pathedic).
loli ayu > *;
you gotta be on crack to not like loli ayu…
Dumb fanboys.
Kanon 2006 watchers will include two sides:
1. Those who watched the previous/played the game.
2. Those who don’t know what the fuck it is.
For the people in Option 1, the anime does not have to improve itself since you all know the story already so there isn’t a need for KyoAni to suck up to your asses. You’re minority, get it? Don’t even start with the reusing of soundtracks. It’s called paying tribute, something Toei failed to do so which rendered them as failures. If any studio that’s doing CLANNAD in the future doesn’t use Megumeru as their anime OP, I’ll curse them to the 18th level of hell. Oh shit, Toei’s doing the movie.
For the people in Option 2, you people have no idea what it’s about so you can ignore what all other m4dz otakus have to say. If you don’t know Kanon, a high percentage is that you do not play any other similar games so you won’t experience this problem:
“Let’s face it, the basic stories told through Kanon have been “referenced†and improved upon by countless other games and anime since the original Kanon was first released for PC in 1999.”
Thus you’ll enjoy it.
Lastly, if anyone has to slam a character solely for the purpose of rectifying their love of another, that would mean the latter doesn’t have much to like about anyway. Which means this is a fanboy post. Disappointing from the person labelled as a “40-year-old in a youth’s body” by Kwok and tjhan.
Unlike DarkMirage’s post, this comment just… was not funny.
It wasn’t meant to be. Good to hear from you that way.
But this is his blog, it’s his freedom to do anything and there’s comment enabled so it’s our freedom to post anything too. He can delete it anytime though. When someone posts a one-sided biased post, pissing off a reader is inevitable. So it’s also his freedom to ignore or reply with mockery. Or the dumbest thing to do is to start a quarrel and fuss on his own grounds. Like some dumbass long ago.
All this hype reminds me of the Haruhi trend. Everyone should just shut up and watch the show. And of course I should just stop reading blogs to piss myself off. Bad for health. Or be like Kwok and Motoko, disappear into the depths of the internet.
I think what I was saying is that his post didn’t really reek of opinion. It was just sort of funny. He’s not “doing whatever he wants” and I don’t think it’s really a “one-sided biased post”… I don’t see anything in it that would piss off a reader. Were I an Ayu fanboy, would this post piss me off? Dude, I’d be laughing my ass off. Chill.
wtf who is the fanboy here? FTG Fanboy! You probably work for Doremi too! :P
First they tell me that I can’t insult fansubbers through the intarweb… Now are you telling me that anime is serious business too? I’ll run out of things to blog about at this rate!
P.S. lolikit is my soulmate! :3
I’m an Ayu fanboy… ADF member #1 … but in realityyou would have to be pretty stupid to take any of this seriously…. it’s all fun and games…. (Until someone bores Haruhi-sama, then it all closed spacey and such) … we are fans , we pick sides and defend them for the season…then we move on to “the next great thing”(TM) and do it all over again…. heh
lolikit+DM+voodoo >> That’s not exactly what pissed me off but I do not see a need to explain why. Either you people failed to read between my lines or I just plain suck at expressing. I guess it’s the latter. I’ll leave it at it is.
>>P.S. lolikit is my soulmate! :3
Er, sorry ’bout that. I put a lessthan sign in my comment and my comment died. <3 ?
>>Let’s face it, the basic stories told through Kanon have been “referenced†and improved upon by countless other games and anime since the original Kanon was first released for PC in 1999.
I guess the difference between classic and obsolete in the modern world is how much nostalgia your ad campaigns can manufacture. It’s not about selling sad girls in the snow, it’s about selling your memories of that simpler time when sad girls in the snow were totally FTW.
I never even watched the damn thing and they’ve got their claws in me. Internet hype machine > me.
I lol-ed at this, even though i have no preference for any characters in kanon…Yea.
Gah. I guess my totally humourous and witty response to your comments was not enough. Either that or you failed to read me too.
It doesn’t matter what was the thing that pissed you off, getting pissed off in the first place is just…weird, and probably unhealthy too. I mean, it’s an internet full of anonymous opinionated bastards like me. If you get pissed off every time a random person posts nonsense (or what you think is nonsense anyway) on his/her blog, you’re gonna live a short life.
I am that dumbass.
I am the only person in the world who does not take the Internet seriously enough. What kind of deprived childhood I must have had to turn me into a guy who dares to post one-sided biased posts on his blog to defame the Ever Fattening One (no, not The Borg) and piss off a reader (or two).
I apologize for the trauma I must have inflicted upon the FTG fanboy(s) in question, but unfortunately, I will make no compromise and my great crusade against Ayu shall continue in the name of Nayuki-sama!!!
I also don’t like to delete comments that disagree with me because I am a comment whore! And also because I am lazy, but that’s a secret between the two of us and the rest of the Internet. (Shhhh)
lolikit: Less than signs triggers html parsing and all hell breaks loose. Either WP or I have to get to fixing that soon… You should be using < to input the less than sign. Like this <_<
>>lolikit: Less than signs triggers html parsing and all hell breaks loose. Either WP or I have to get to fixing that soon… You should be using < to input the less than sign.
Yeah, I hadn’t encountered that in WP (seems like a feasible theme-by-theme error) before, but it was pretty easy to figure out (having encountered it in other places) and in my second comment, I did use <.
>>It’s not about selling sad girls in the snow, it’s about selling your memories of that simpler time when sad girls in the snow were totally FTW.
You’re wrong. It’s about Fred Gallagher’s fetishes.
When you take a long break from work, do nothing but surf net and watch anime for five days straight, the internet becomes a serious world.
And I didn’t know Fred Gallagher has fetishes. Love Hina + Kanon?
>>When you take a long break from work, do nothing but surf net and watch anime for five days straight, the internet becomes a serious world.
Nonsense, as of my comment that you replied to I’d been doing nothing but internet and anime for five days! Even more specifically, I’d been doing nothing but counting “uguu~”s for five days :D
>>And I didn’t know Fred Gallagher has fetishes. Love Hina + Kanon?
He’s an emo little bitch. Likes AIR and stuff (sad girls with issues). There are probably LH fanfics he’d like more than the series.
P.S. lolikit is my soulmate! :3
Do note that Ayu is also a “dojikko”, so Nayuki doesn’t have that leverage over her.
..but everything else is very true. Nayuki-chan FTW. I’d be Nayuki’s kitsune too =^.^=
Whoa. When I read the latter comments I though I just walked into a mini-version of a flame war. Guess it died out, as the comments after have shown.
I have nothing else to add on at this point… except…
“Yui Horie not good enough? Blasphemy!” :P
Umm… I guess it shows in his earlier chapters (yea I still remember the said Kimiko in snow page, because I had it stored in my HD. :P )
In Defense of the Taiyaki. (I’m trying to be funny to myself here, so call it lame if you want) XP
>>And I didn’t know Fred Gallagher has fetishes.
Sad girls in snow, man. Sad girls in snow.
This is the first time that I’m seeing the Kanon story, and given how people who’ve liked the game/first anime were excited about this (and because KyoAni are animation deities for the moment), I had to check it out. I’m liking what I’m seeing, but I can’t shake off the fact that Yuuichi is voiced by Kyon, so I end up going, “That is/isn’t something Kyon would do!” every once in a while, and that Ayu is already getting on my nerves with the uguu~. I’m almost at the point where if I met someone in real life saying, “Ayu-chan is so moe! Uguu~!”, I’d punch him/her in the face. Almost. :P
I did like Yuuichi making fun of that though. :3
It’s a shame that we have to get “HAWT MAI X SAYURI YURI LOVE.” She can handle a sword so well and I think Yuuichi could benefit from it. And on that note, the standard format is (SEME) X (UKE). Keep up to date on your Yaoi/Yuri pairing knowledge, it’ll come in handy for the future.
Call me crazy, but Akiko has that elderly woman charm that can easily overwhelm those jailbaits you listed.
I tell you what…. why don’t Kyo-Ani end Kanon with…. MULTIPLE ENDINGS !
That way, we can get a Nayuki ending, the one we Nayuki fans all want, while sticklers can stick to their Ayu ending, and hawt swrodplayers can stick to their Mai. Kyoani, do some great justice and do many endings !