Just a little update on the status of the Human Instrumentality Project Haruhiism Time Capsule Project, our united struggle to make Haruhiism last forever. Despite all the negative hate energy that has been gathering at a certain individual’s blog (great things are so easily misunderstood :P), we are making good progress! Justice, love and all that shazfaz will triumph! And yes, I just made that word up.
Victory at all cost!
Click here to view a list of all the pictures tagged with Haruhiism in the Time Capsule so far.
As of the time of writing this, we have 27 pictures! That’s more than 1/4 of the way there people! Let’s make good use of the 23 days we have left. Do your part today! :3
P.S. I have been updating the main project page with thumbnails of some of the submissions. Go take a look.
I seriously wish you rethink this.
And besides, it only hurts the alien’s first impression of humanity.
Why the hell should I care? Because your actions are ridiculous and serves no greater purpose. Plus it also says Yahoo sucks.
I’ve got a hundred not so nice epithets I could hurl at you right now, but I’m not THAT angry at you. (Okay, I lie. I seriously wish I could smite you right now.) However, what you have started may have dangerous repercussions, not only to you, or me, but the entire world.
You know there are bloody zealots out there willing to kill in your goddess’ name, and they won’t hesitate to do it. And why do I know this? The same idiots tried to destroy my club.
All I’m asking is for you to reconsider something that might have repercussions later on.
I’m also offering my apologies to you, but not to your cult. While your actions certainly sparked off a lot of negative pent-up emotions, I didn’t mean to ‘infringe on your right to freely practice your harmless cult’. Unfortunately, while you may think your cause is just and harmless (you my friend, are hopefully a moderate), there are others who don’t see eye to eye with your ideals. They are evil, soulless beings with no regard for ethics, decorum or even the rules.
Use that brain for once, for Pete’s sake.
You know, any aliens who might see that capsule have about a million OTHER reasons to want us dead – the only problem with stuffing the ballot, as it were, is that is Haruhi REALLY something that someone not inculcated into the cult would understand?
Honest answer? Probably not. At least nobody’s trying to stuff ‘kill all aliens’ into the Capsule, though.
I now have this idea of stuffing a picture of Will Smith clocking that alien in Independance Day captioned with the following, “Welcome to Earth, Motherf***er!”
Well, this certainly seems interesting.
From what I gather from this discussion, we should prevent prophets from propagating their religion because it may lead to fanatic zealots going around destroying stuff? (Personally I pretty much dislike religion, but heck) This sounds kind of familiar. Crusades perhaps? Crazy terrorists blowing up themselves and others?
Face it, no matter what the religion is, there will always be fanatics going around doing stupid stuff like smashing things and killing ‘infidels’. You complain about Haruhi zealots. Don’t blame the religion/belief, take it away and those people will find something to be fanatic about anyway. This is like saying ‘let’s ban or not advocate Islam because there will be radical terrorists blowing things up.’ You can’t restrict the whole populace because of a few radicals.
Let’s just take this whole incident coolly and laugh about it. There’s no need to scream and shout at another party over ideological differences. Take a step back, and sometimes you will see the true form of the conflict.
1DrmChsr0, get a life for crying out loud…
DrmChsr0: I couldn’t help but notice that there was something in that particular blog post of yours that goes along the lines of something like “DM should not believe in haruhiism because he is from a premier institution and should have more sense than that.” However, even though I have an officially recognised religion, I would like to point out that the belief in haruhiism is as justified as believing in any other religion, including the flying spaghetti monster. And while it is not officially recognised in any country as of yet, you have to admit the irrefutability of the gospel of haruhi. As such, what DM is doing is of absolutely no difference from buddhists who say “lets take picture of our buddhas and send them into space!”
As for the point about religious zealots, i have to agree with thunderance. Are you blaming DM for the existence of haruhi’s zealots? Then you may as well blame Prophet Muhammad for all the acts of terrorism that have been going on these many years. meh.
Wow… you got new name? DarkMirage the prophet of the Great Haruhi? ~_^
Rethink what? Having fun? Oh jeez sorry not everyone is grouchy like you all the time. Deal with it! :P
To everyone else:
Please try to submit some pictures for “Love”, “Beauty”, “Hope” and “You”. We don’t have any in those categories yet. :3
I thought the Haruhiism vector was far too small in almost all of the pictures. You can’t see the vector properly, and I think most people won’t even notice the vector (just like how some people totally missed the steam reformer equation during the Chem CT2 today).
But still, hilarious endeavour. Keep it up!
Twenty-three days is plenty of time. I have a bunch of additional ideas. Expect more from me in the future.
I should start a counter faction for Yukiism soon before the time is up.
I think lots of people are sensible enough to stay modest during this action, do we absolutely need to take it so seriously ?
And there ARE people in bloody oxford overlooking this fight, what’s more stupid than shouting at over-passionate fanboy ?
Plus if we are lucky enough, Zealots might not even find out this project.
Lian, gimme the vector art for Yukiism and I’ll mass print them all over singapore.
Whoa nelly, the amount of submissions really has grown! Time to take some more pictures!
For the record: I hardly take this whole “project” seriously. I think it is just a fun way to kill time. I am not some crazed zealot. I am not even a Haruhiist. Technically speaking, I am a Flying Spaghetti Monsterist (Pastafarian). I am just doing it to have fun, nothing more.
Haruhiists sabotaging schools worldwide because its fun! Nagatoists redirecting all Airtraffic to Canada! Mikuruists look around stupid^h^h^h^h^h^h cutely, causing a riot! Kyonists looking at it all and make fun of it!
The end is nigh! OH, THE END IS NIGH! (Make DC40 roll vs. death by laughter)
However, just for the record, I DO want to state that Haruhiism is a religion of peace – war and all are pretty pointless if the world can be replaced by a mere thought. ;-)
Now, off to get the logo printed out.
P.S.: Also, Haruhiist Zealots who kill CANNOT exist – we only exist due to Haruhikami’s unconcious wishes, and she wouldn’t wish anybody real harm. Shame on anyone who believes otherwise! ;-)
Hey, I’m a Pastafarian too! But recently I’ve developed a new theory that the FSM is actually Haruhi. :O
I can’t tell – is this DrmChsr0 guy actually serious? o_O;;
I hope the aliens see our time capsule and smite everyone on our planet who is not capable of “‘avin’ a laarf”~
Tsubaki>> Here: http://www.sauce-dan.com/item/62&catid=13
Not really a vector art but here’s what I made. The silhouette is a bit blur ‘cos I couldn’t get a hi-res version of the picture. Let’s make do with it at the moment.
Damn those party-poopers. Fellow haruhists, let us rise against the disbelievers and show them haruhiism is the way!
Quite a nice picture there. However, I still believe it should be Nagatoism. True enough, it is Haruhism, which is based on the given name. But then again we are talking about Nagato Yuki. She is not your run-of-the-mill person, astounding programming and hacking skills aside. She is an alien entity and an artificial intelligence to boot. So why should we conform her to our normal human perceptions? She has the typical formality and naivete of a robot. So calling it Yukism does not really do her character justice. We must respect the way she is and adjust our thinking to her ways, not bind her to ours. Nagatoism banzai!
Besides, I think using a picture of Nagato Yuki sitting and reading would portray her true self more effectively. I once made a Nagatoism avatar for a certain forum but that forum restricted the size to 75 X 75 so this is what I made: http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/7665/nagatoismkc4.jpg
Actually, my current theory is that Haruhi a reincarnation or something or other of Eris/Discordia. FSM is obviously one of Eris/Haruhi’s faces, as its something she would just love.
Maybe Kyon is the ‘aneristic’ (“There exists only order”) counterpoint to Haruhi’s ‘eristic’ (“There exists only chaos”) point (Ordering, analyzing, commenting vs. creating). And only when one can be as enthuastic as Haruhi, while also as ‘detached’ as Kyon, one can become enlighted/attract the attention of Nagatosama?
Die! All unorthodox members must die! It’s YUKIISM you n00b!
U n00b LOSER!!!
UR PIC LOOKS LIKE IT WAS DRAWN BY KYON’S SISTER 3 YEARS AGO…utter rubbish that ain’t worth wasting even irritating tsuruya’s breath upon…
Yuki is t3h 1337. You Naga-noobs can go play your Naga Sirens. We worship Nagato Yuki under the almighty Yukiism. N00b loser by the name of Xak should shut up.
ara ara..dear me, this is getting out of hand…
“…. Kyon is the ‘aneristic’ (â€There exists only orderâ€) counterpoint to Haruhi’s ‘eristic’ (â€There exists only chaosâ€) point (Ordering, analyzing, commenting vs. creating). And only when one can be as enthuastic as Haruhi, while also as ‘detached’ as Kyon…? ”
Hegel’s dialectic:
No where does Yuki Nagato come in, sadly…..
*saves image, ready to print out later tonight, and charges her digital camera battery*
*bookmarks the yahoo time capsule page*
I can put one or more up in “fun”- I run the anime soc at Liverpool uni, I think that belongs in “fun” (especially with two eps of Haruhi per week XD)
I probably shouldn’t mention that Yukiism and Nagatoism are both offshoots of Haruhiism that will split our already too small following into branches that are then even less likely to be heard than if we were all united, should I? XD [How long ’til a campaign starts for a uniting faction- SOSdanism?]
Ahh, fandom. We all love it really.
(Ne, I should see if the Firefly fans have an entry yet too…)
You guys think too much on this. I’m quite disappointed, seriously.
>>I think lots of people are sensible enough to stay modest during this action, do we absolutely need to take it so seriously ?
>>ara ara..dear me, this is getting out of hand…
Damage control should be here any moment. Guaranteed.
I’m all for this, but why is anyone taking this seriously? I’m pointing at you, DrmChsr0
lol, post dorama!
Real example of Hegelian dialectic (Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis is Marxian rubbish! The notion of dialectic as “method” is Engels-rubbish! Hoorah for transcendental philosophy!):
a) Haruhi three years ago (Haruhi in-herself, not yet recognizing her own divine powers) – Being
b) Haruhi bringing forth her Other in the form of assunderness (Haruhi outside-and-against-herself — the onesidedness of Haruhi is complemented by the calling-forth of an alien, an esper, a time-traveller, and Kyon, who have their own internal triads (Yuki is moe in-herself, but not self-conscious moe; Mikuru is moe externally, but does not know her own moeness (she is merely embarassed, and does not know her moeity); Future Mikuru is self-conscious moe, moe in and for herself (she knows her moeity as her own truth); Kyon is pure opposition-to-Haruhi, pure boredom; Itsuki is opposition-to-Haruhi in a problematic form (the Sekrit Organization is monitoring Haruhi, neither being opposed to her powers nor being in favor of Overloading The World With Fun); Yuki & Mikuru considered as an alien and a time-traveller are opposition to Haruhi in the form of frission (they are not there to act in Haruhi’s interests, but what is good for Haruhi is good for them — otherwise they might lose the data/time-travel-whatsits Haruhi holds latent with her awesome powers). These triads of Moe and Opposition-To-Haruhi find their resolution in
c) the SOS-Dan, wherein Haruhi finds herself at home; her boredom finds its resolution in her interactions with the Brigade members both as they are merely moe (Mikuru as a maid, Yuki as Sekrit Moe Starcraft Champ) and as they are (in themselves) the mysterious entities she desires there to really be. – Haruhiism in its truth, the Notion of Haruhiism.
Sure, it makes no sense and is almost unreadable, but the System can fit EVERYTHING~
Here are a few more from me:
The only reason I’m taking this seriously is because I personally know people who speak about this as if it is their life.
They have gone so far as to suggest world domination and the rewriting of world history. And these people have done a lot of damage to a club I belong to in the past. Before this madness begin.
Call me an idiot for taking this seriously, but really, once you know people willing to talk about this as if it were an everyday thing, your mind starts to think of countermeasures. And no, don’t feel sorry for me. I probably am an idiot for taking this seriously.
Now, while I think I know DM might be trying to spread this in as peaceful a manner as possible, I know that the worst may happen. And has.
As as for you people who think I need to get a life, I do. But people like DM (not DM himself) are ruining my so-called life. It is precisely because it directly affects my life that I act in such a manner. When one’s way of life or community is in danger, one has to take steps to protect it.
Dammit, I’m trying my hardest to not insult people, but it only makes me more angry.
I don’t care what you think of me, really. DM, if you disagree with me, you’re more than welcome to rough me up. I’ll try my hardest not to resist. You and everyone else who disagree with me. I have an inkling you’ll murder me, but who cares. My life is immaterial to me.
You know what? Your life is immaterial to us too. Who the hell do you think you are? Real Haruhiists don’t have time to “rough” you up. You are a nobody on the huge anonymous Internet.
Stop acting like you are the center of the universe and the whole world is just out to get you. Haruhiism has greater things to accomplish than to be concerned with your
worthlesslife. Seriously, is there anything on the Internet that doesn’t ruin your so-called life?I’ll tell you the same thing I told LianYL: What the hell are you angry about? The Internet ruining your life? Yet another Internet meme? Did you go badshit insane over “All Your Base Are Belong To Us” too? There are plenty of people who hate or dislike Haruhiism, but I don’t see anyone else fearing for their lives from a bunch of anime fanboys…
…Have you ever considered the tiny and remote possibility that the problem lies with you, and not the rest of the entire world? Occam’s Razor?
P.S. I shall now officially place you five levels above LianYL on my “People who go ZOMG THE INTERNET IS SERIOUS SHIT” scale. :P
P.P.S. We now have 39 submissions of Haruhiism. :3
n00bs joining the loser cult named Haruhiism! You dumbasses should bow before Yukiism and kiss my ass.
arses who bow to a bitch.
Yuki is t3h win.
wow is this like an extreme case of Haruhiism against Yukiism…
Lets see now can Nagato Yuki auto-evolve? Dont think so…
Does Yuki go desperate when Haruhi takes control? Yes…
keke going out to take more shots this weekend…
And the very fact that DM, who is from a premier institution, worships Haruhi already shows that higher-order thinkers recognise the Her greatness.
The Melancholy of Suzumiyu Haruhi is a deep piece of fiction that incoporates many aspects of physics and philosophy and condenses it into a high school setting. It is a work of art, and done by a genius. And btw this genius’ name is Nagara Tanigawa, and he is a LAW GRADUATE.
For lower-order thinkers like you who just wants to bash this religion without a firm base is extremely despicable to me. If u’d juz read up more abt physics/philosophy and do more maths tutorials u’ll see what he is trying to achieve.
Haruhi, ok she may not be a god, but she is a demi-god. She is omnipotent, but not omniscent. It is a very interesting development and has many layers of hidden philosophical goodness in every frame of animation, and every sentence of the light novel.
P.S. I am was a fmaths student, and even as a soldier I still recognise and submit to Her greatness.
HAHAHAHAHA dKiWi you’re a fucking n00b. Yuki can do ANYTHING she wants. Haruhi is just a Yuki who can’t control her powers.
eg. Yuki can create closed space anytime and not just when she’s emo like BABUBI.
What does this conclude? BITCH-LOVING N00B. More like submitting to her bitchness you tard.
Yuki can erase BABUBI’s powers anytime! She just chooses not to! So who’s the one being fucked? Definitely not Yukiism’s god. Hell! She rewrote the entire reality in volume 4. wtf.
When BABUBI goes deredere you’ll go “OMG TSUNDERE’S DERE POWER IN ACTION!”
When Yuki goes deredere in volume 4 we all go “OMGWTFBBQ THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE! BAKANA! BANANA! ORRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *ORGAS*”
Such is the inferiority of your cultish grossddess. PWNED.
hahaha… ok hold on to your horses.. my chinese isnt very good so i juz read finish the 1st 2 chapters onli… dieing for more.
Novel translation…
dKiWi >> Your Chinese ain’t pr0??~?~?? not 1337?!?!???!?! Then do the right thing and start blogging in Chinese instead. Blame your own laziness and not the Singapore education system.
The education system was perfect until n00bs(fuck you newbs) started complaining about their own incapabilities and forced the Chinese sector in Ministry of Education(moe lol) into a pile of dipshit. THE Chinese education now in singapore is t3h suck! Going to China to “jin ru” will not make you more 1337 if you don’t make the effort to improve you asstards. LOSERS. SUCockKERS. You’re all BABUBI’s SM slaves!
Heck I myself suck at Chinese thus I’m blogging in Chinese!
English is overrated! OVERHYPED! It’s FUCKED. PWNED walalalalapw3h208t723789012378
omgwtfbbq do i sound like a @#^%^T#$^%$% troll enough for DM’s taste?! muahahahahahaha You all suck!!! suxx0r! !%#$%#$%#$@@#@#FDFGSDFGsdfgmdfo;ighdighsdi9pghd9phgf
Wtf this is bullshit. Anyone with half a brain cell can tell that the majority of the posters plus DM isn’t being serious. Ok actually this is really funny, especially the “fight” between the two Yukimen.
Speaking of which, I just got my own Yuki handphone strap today. Which faction shall I join, Yukiism or Nagatoism?
Whoa…how did a blog post starting with a relatively peaceful discussion on Haruhiism as a religion develop into a mud-slinging session? What’s with all the insults, the vulgarities, and the brainless spamming? If you guys want to sling insults at each other, at least keep it to something understandable and with a level of politeness accepted by society, please.
LianYL, stop wasting your life reading a blog you hate so much. It saves everyone the trouble. Hell, I’ll even give you a helping hand by banning you, but only you can help yourself. :)
P.S. You suck at insulting people. You gotta do it with style and wit, man. Hint: Keep your day job.
whoa. this is abuse of someone else’s blog.
Victory at all costs indeed! Well done, DM! Your faith in Her is strong and true indeed!
Looking forward to meeting you during the weekend again. Till then, take care!