As some people might know, I just moved house a few days ago. I finally finished unpacking today and I decided to take some pictures.
The entrance to doom and horror
Warning: Pictures may be extremely disturbing to the uninitiated.
Turn right (although no one in the right mind would do that since you’d be facing the wall) after stepping through the door and you’ll see two large Evangelion posters that identify me as a level 12 Eva fanboy. Mana is hawt. That’s a not-for-sale promotional poster for the PS1 version of Girlfriend of Steel. I found it at Mandarake Shibuya for ï¿¥200. Yay.
Right across the door is where I spend 90% of my waking hours, excluding school.
Generally I do my stuff on the main monitor. The secondary monitor is mostly for IRC, Winamp and some misc. widgets.
The rig below is a Pentium 3 with a dead HDD. I was using it to run Linux, but it’s dead now. At least until I move a HDD over.
A Coolmaster case. It’s so cool that the PVC figures above it have not melted yet. In fact, it’s so cool that there’s a penguin sitting on it.
Louise stands above my Creative subwoofer.
Behind is the promotional poster for Maaya Sakamoto‘s “Kazemachi JET” single. I have the one for Yunagi LOOP too, but it was damaged when I took it down during the packing. I failed as a Maaya fanboy. orz
I have no idea why the penguin is there. It just is.
My wallet’s coin compartment has a huge hole, so I took out all my coins. That’s a Mahora school crest on the keychain.
When she’s not on a holiday, Saber sits on my desk. Gao.
Behind Saber is a wallscroll of Tama-nee. It’s a promotional item from Messe Sanoh that came with the limited edition copy of ToHeart2 XRATED. I bought it from Lashinbang in Ikebukuro for ï¿¥2,000.
And now we come to the interesting part…the shelves…
The storage area belong Kasumi is where I dump everything that can’t be displayed. I should invest more in displayable stuff, like posters.
I seem to be missing some books. Oh well. Maybe they got lost in one of the bajillion boxes during the move. Hopefully they’ll turn up one day…
My “study” desk. Do you see any studying materials around? I think not.
My laptop. It’s trying and failing to boot Linux off a Live CD. Sigh…
My phone charging. HARUHIISM FOREVER!!!
My HP printer and, uh, some CDs… Okay this is getting lame. Let’s wrap up with some shots of the posters and pencil boards that are haphazardly pasted all over the place.
Setsuna-chan!!! Too bad the game sucked
This phone card costs more than any single poster
A brave issue of Megami gave up its life
Pretty bad picture due to the poor lighting (that or I just suck)
And finally…
Everyone knows that I have a thing against displaying posters with folds, but Feena is an exception. :3
BTW my room is defended by a USB missile launcher. So don’t even think about it!
ERM MIND I ASK, where is your bed?
Real otakus don’t need beds.
LOL this is because he has two rooms. He’s a big boy now.
Btw your cabinets are nice but a horrible colour. And you have so much merchandise you gay fanboy!
“Real otakus don’t need beds” – so true, I usually sleep on the floor or the love sac that I have. Anyways, your room is nice. I especially like the green table/shelve/cabinet set. I could use one of those.
Hey I have those Da Capo mangas as well. I should take pictures of my room, once I get it cleaned up.
i sense neck aches in the morning
Lol, are you always this tidy or is it just for the pictures? ;)
(Err not that I’m that way. Nope, not at all.)
I am…always this tidy.
I just moved in remember? :P
Hi DarkMirage,
LOL at USB missile launcher. Now you need a USB targetting laser and you have an auto-defense system!
No one touches Mana! XD
The color combination of your room is considerably *flattering* in otaku society …
Oooo I love your printer.
It’s the most organized otaku room I’ve ever seen.
my god…
which issue was the “brave” Megami sacrificed for the bunny girls poster? Anyway cool room and coms.
Never a good idea to put a subwoofer near a CPU, it will cause interference since subwoofers are never magnetically shielded.
Damn, why does everyone have cool rooms! WHY WHY WHY!!! First tsubaki, then TJ now you! *whips out boxcutter* you know the rest..
Oh such a nice room, I wish I could have one like this (but i’m sooo messy ^^; )
Nice missile launcher there…now i know what to buy for my pc.
nice room…
but you still need to blog about Haruhi @ Gaza ;)
Very nice room setup! But good luck keeping it that clean for very long…. :)
M.D.: Pfft. Everyone else did that already.
Looks like just another regular HDB block bedroom. No offence, and not meaning to boast, but otakus like you need bedrooms like those you find in masionettes, like mine. That extra space always helps.
Two comps and a laptop. Now that I have to envy. Plus all the posters in your room.
I have a necklace with the Mahora logo, just like your keychain. Ironically, gotten from Comics Connection.
My dream room :D~~~
LOL … u bought tat USB missile launcher thingy … i was thinking of getting that too …
well not a bad setup .. just tat its too clean for an otaku … lol
maybe someday i will showcase mine too
wow, nice room! how i envy u. btw on a curious note i see you have only a coolermaster while the p3 is dead, are u running two monitors on the same cpu??
Those furnitures are the same as those I had last time though their of different colour :D
I fail as a otaku, my room is normal. LOL.
ALSO, Tama-nee wallscroll
@kazeto: yes, you can use two monitors for one pc if your graphic card support it
My room is normal though… :P
A much tidier room than mine! O_o
if you were to sell your room, how much would it cost in total? as in the whole comics and galges and H dvds and poster and figurines and computers and carpeting and computer accecersories and games in your room…In total, how much does it adds up? yOu are indeed singapore’s HARDO gay Otaku…We ARE PROUD OF YOU /~_~\
Nice room!
I wish I had more space…orz
The color of your shelf is so gar.
And now, we discover the reason DM never has any money :P
Tsubaki: not my choice. ;_;
omfg Darkmirage you are damn real so many com :). hi may i ask your haruhi wallpaper the one in bunny suit is in which issue of megami ?? and your room got aircon ??
oh ok i saw an aircon.
Crikey, I need a job like yours.
Chicken, I said it already. Megami October issue.
Jimbo, I am a professional hikikomori.
Nice room. Just that it looks more like a study room than a bedroom, except that it doesn’t really look suitable for studying in.
I like the penguin though…Where did you get it?
For health reasons, you should sell at least some of the stuff on those shelves.
yea….you guys totally freak me out .
and all this time i thought i was too much into anime…guess i was guys are something else….
definitely scared now ….
Otaku + Geek = DM ?
Great combination however ~
o_o if you see all your stuff missing it was not my fault o_O oh and also THOSE MISSLES ARENT GONNA STOP ME O_O SO DONT THINK ABOUT IT O_o you well regret posting this so badly you well hate Haruhi o_o all because i stole your anime,manga,computers,and posters!!!!!
haha kidding i would never do that XD
DarkMirage, where do you keep your pr0n.
LOL @ missile launcher.
I hate you, now I want to buy stuff.
that will be me someday! i just need to go to college and find a job ;D
dark mirage.. man ur name is familiar.are u from RI? or was from RI.
Yyi: It was given to me by a Linux promoter.
Beowulf: I can’t show you that. It’s where the thieves would go for first. ;_;
someone: That’d be my ex-classmate.