UPDATE 2: I have reached the desired sample size. Thank you everyone for your help! I will publish the results here soon. Maybe tomorrow.
UPDATE: The survey has been reopened! Please go do it now if you haven’t already! I also added some new questions, but if you have already done the survey then it’s okay.
After helping out some Sec 3 students with their school project, I have decided to conduct my own little survey to satisfy my personal curiosity. So, if you are a Singaporean anime fan, then please take this survey! And please help to spread it around to all your anime buddies!
Do the survey or Yuki gets it…again!
And in case you haven’t heard… Odex has roped in four Japanese companies, held a press conference that resulted in the first CNA article on the subject, and launched their new VOD service with a grand total of two titles up for download.
Anyway, please do the survey, okay? I need a titanic sample size.
Hi, I visited your blog after seeing you on sgcafe. Thought I’d see an update. =/
Well anyway, I just tried odex’s VoD (registered users gets 2pts free upon signup) and watched seto no hanayome 10, downloaded the whole thing in about 15mins at 300kb/s. Filesize was a huge 307mb for only a 640×480 resolution with a 64kbps audio. Nothing obviously wrong in my careful watching of the first half of the show.
I did your survey and thought that a seven days viewing license was kinda mismatched with the question of quality, since I feel most of us would only care about quality if we intend to keep it.
Just thought I’d share with you this”
The link above will direct you to an active discussion regarding Odex’s VOD.
Also I’ve participated in your survey.
Question 2 is really vague.
Your survey doesn’t take into account people living overseas. For example, living in Oz, I have the option of buying / renting Madman DVDs ^_^
you should add another question of if people i truly willing and able to cancle subscription with singnet
I just think this is gg. >_> I think I’ll prolly go back to my playstation games. =(
Did the survey too.
Woot~ Finished the survey. Felt rather short thought…maybe i was anticipating something like 5-10 pages. Ha ha.
Well Odex Had done it they had plant a bomb shell in my head, i will just have to import or lend the R1 DVD from friends and share among ourself.
Odex can go fly kite for all i care ,quality and translation is all i care not the money issue YOu damn Idiot Odex open up your damn ears .
Btw i did your survey also hope it will appear good , if you ever going throw it at Odex how sucks they are.
I’ve taken the survey.
Just to point out that the involvement of the Japanese studios who threaten to sue SG fans directly if the Odex appeal fails, means that the last question in your survey is beyond Odex.
I’m disillusioned by the fervent support the studios have given Odex. So if I give up anime after all these years, it won’t be because of Odex.
Check out Todayonline.com
There’s an article there as well… And after all this time, they’re still insisting that focus groups can’t differentiate between the DVDs released in Japan and their own releases played on a 42″ Plasma TV…
Not sure if they know, but they’re suppose to compare their DVD releases with the fansub ones, since that’s their main complain. No point comparing between the speed between a Ferrari and a Porshe when we prefer ride on jet planes.
Looking forward to the results…
Looking very much forward to the results.
Closed already?
Closed so soon? Overwhelming popularity eh?
Haiz, was hoping to do the survey too. Haha
The limit has been removed.
Please do the survey!
I’m hoping for about 900 more samples.
ha, looks like the Japs have abandoned the Singapore market….
They were in here just for the enforcement rather than the market itself in the first place, according to this : http://haitaka.googlepages.com/home2
@Darkmirage : How many samples do you have already?
Hi DM, done the survey. Any possibility you can get the local anime POV to the Japanese side?
Besides Singet, Starhub and Pacnet Isps, there’re also M1, Qmax and also Qala.
@DarkMirage: i wanna know what will you do with the result you get from this survey?
Did the survey.
If the Japanese are going to get involved directly, I’d rather they do sales proper here as well. Don’t start taking (legal) action only when s*** happens. Reeks of entrapment.
Numerous English grammatical and orthographical errors on the Odex site indicate the generally low English ability of Odex.
Anyway, there are ways around DRM protection, if people really wanted to, they could just remove it.
Unfortunately, when you think about it, there’s 2 things a lot of people hate when it comes to media related entertainment.
1: Bad Quality
2: Censors
No matter how much Odex might try, if the censorship board continues to censor stuff, it’ll be useless. I mean, read the Todayonline… They “changed” Fruits Basket because of the affection between 2 guys. Viewers hate it when censors pull these kind of stunts.
It happened in CardCaptor Sakura loads of times. The affection between the 2 female leads, the affection between a few of the male characters and the relationship between the female lead’s parents. Mostly it will go un-noticed, but when it becomes noticed, there’ll be lots of unhappy customers around. I don’t think we’re that retarded to turn gay once we watch Fruits Basket*.
* No offence to all gays out there. Just stating that we’re smart enough to not get influenced by what we watch. It’s been many years since a kid tried to fly with an umbrella after watching Mary Poppins…
lol.you signed premium account!
makes our survey looks lousy, then again, it is lousy.lol
I wanted to do your survey but I keep getting the surveymonkey.com’s index page instead. XD
Did the survey.
Hope the result will show the Jap that we are seriously lacking QUALITY distributors here and they should remove ODEX license!
Hi DarkMirage I am interested in the survey results if you would not mind please contact me by mail or leave a comment on my site to tell me about the final results
Are those VOD raws? If not, whose doing the subbing?
Just want to say for *13, Ultimately, my impression of Odex has : Changed from not knowning its existance at all(cause I never buy any anime VCD/DVD at all in my whole life)to who is this clown and what kind of joke is he pulling at the anime community?
And I agreed with x that if I , too give up anime after all these years, it wont be because of Odex.
No, they are not raws. They will be subbed, by Odex of course.
i oso want the sollated results DM, thank you!
and we’re collating the last survey, it will prolly be up by next week.
300 responses so far!
I’m aimming for a thousand! Please, please help to spread the survey around.
I will post the results when it hits 1000 or by Monday night, whichever comes first.
And yes, I did pay a good 20 bucks for the premium account in order to remove the limit of 100 responses. On hindsight, I could’ve written my own survey script with PHP, but oh well. I hope it was a worthy investment. So get all your friends to do the survey!!!
I just did the survey (with honest answers). :)
Did any of u people saw the translated tittle of Seto No Hanayome?
LOL. Makes u wonder why the japanese companies r helping odex.
Did the survey too, though I have to pause at some of the question to see how I really feel and think
Did it.
Eager to see the results of the whole survey.
Thanks for putting this up.
nothing but odex related questions… lol
Pingback: ODEX Site: Updated « Tiny Red Man
Done the survey…
Answer all with honest:)
I’m a foreign student studying in Singapore, the internet in Singapore is so good, the Free wireless also. I think many ppl download thing from free wireless like me…so how can they track us???
Odex bringing in the big guns (Jap and BayTSP reps), but hardly will the the exclusive licensee can be confounded since out of the 13 letter, 10 were authorised to AVPAS to act on their behalf, so will Odex openly admit that AVPAS and Odex is but 1 entities, so much for cloaking. Can the rep prove they’ve given exclusive license to odex on all their titles? definitely not. SS/xedo can go rot in hell.
I thought a good additional question would have been: Would you stop downloading if a warning letter has been sent instead. I believe the answer from most of us would be a yes.
But ODEX seems grossly misinformed that downloading would not stop even if a warning letter was sent. (even the Japanese studios did admit that generally in other countries a warning letter is sent first)
Odex only sent a few letters, and expected it to travel throughout the entire community after they told some bloggers to hush about it..
And therefore it equals to “everybody still downloaded after we sent letters!”
Sounds alot like Singtel to me.
And for the last time, ANYONE here who posts in Hardware forums or something please tell everyone there this.
ODEX’S CASE HASN’T BEEN STRENGHTHENED! THEY STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THEIR SUB LICENSEE STATUS! All the letters from the bloody Nips and even if they bring their whole company down won’t make a iota of difference in court. Maybe they’re trying to pressure the courts and the SG govt to change the law in High Court but guess what, this is going to be hard to achieve.
First, the letters from the Japs don’t overwrite the Copyright Act as it is written. Compensation and legal action is the EXCLUSIVE RIGHT OF COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND EXCLUSIVE LICENSEE ONLY!!. So long as ODEX remains a plantiff thus making them entitled to compensation THE CASE WON”T STAND! The Japanese can allow Odex to act on their behalf, they however cannot allow Odex to benefit in any way from it. Since Odex is naming themselves as the plantiff, they basically screwed any chance of the appeal being ruled in their favour. Someone tell those Japanese their local licensee is making them look bad in court and in the public.
So long as Odex remains front and centre of the case, PacNet will not loose and the SG govt has no reason to side Odex in this case. The law really isn’t on their side and it was written to side them in the first place. If Odex wants to sue, they will have to either get all exclusive licence or relinquish all their titles so they’re no longer a sub licensee.
Guess we won’t be seeing that anytime soon~
@jayf: Well, yes and no. My sentiments towards this are mixed.
First, this is blatantly, obviously, more a PR stunt than a true threat. If you were Odex, and you had an arsenal of such powerful weapons, wouldn’t you want to use it at the last resort, during the case itself, rather than bring it out prematurely so that the enemy (i.e. PacNet) had time to sit back and think of retaliative measures? The objective is clearly psychological: to bring fear and to add more weight to its words in the media. While the judge is supposed to be impartial, he is human after all, one can’t say for sure he’d remain utterly unaffected by this media hoohah.
Second, don’t assume that PacNet’s lawyers have been idle. In terms of technical expertise, PacNet’s technical people have more sources than a single Mark Ishikawa. Also, legally, you’re right: the presence of the Japanese rights holders doesn’t change the fact that Odex is not the sole licensee.
So far, I’m agreeing with jayf. But then, their (the Japanese reps’) presence does bode something far more sinister, one which I’m sure has occurred to everyone.
Third, from tjhan’s interview with Peter Go (in Riuva), it appears that Odex directors aren’t the money grubbers we thought they were. In other words, they’re not out to seek compensation for money lost, but are on a “cleansing” crusade. [ Of course, the crusade is probably the means to another end. ]
I think people should take note of this final point.
Oh, and to everyone:
Do what you can – legally of course. E.g. dig info on BayTSP’s tracking solution, on the Japanese reps, on Odex’s licensing and agreements, any law snippets that may help, etc.
Anything more would be a waste of energy and time. Flaming, cursing etc are pointless. Channel your energy into your studies / work instead and encourage others to do the same.
Feel free to spread this message around. :D
Did it again. I’m not entirely sure how the questions are going to help verify the presence of ardent anime fans here in Singapore, especially when you have people like me who don’t really spend a lot of money on merchandise and tend to have increasingly lesser time for anime nowadays.\
P.S. I never got the chance to speak to Oka Masai-san yesterday. (;_;)
TV tokyo and BAytsp come in already… so how sia
LOL so are singnet user still feel like being betrayed?
More over… this was what happen in 1999 =.= (serve him right?)
O and my friend created this out of fun XD
I am the bone of my torrent
Seed is my body and peer is my blood
I have downloaded over a thousand episodes
Unknown to Odex
Nor kown to ISPs
Have withstood pain to download many animes
Yet those hands will never pay anything
So as i pray, Unlimted Anime Downloads