I have a small personal request. Now, I usually keep personal stuff out of this blog ever since it stopped being a place where I recount my daily activities with great attention to insignificant details and wanton cynicism. (Those were the days.) But I decided that since I have a decent local readership, it won’t hurt to abuse it once. Or twice.
Made in China
So if you are from Singapore, read on because I need your help! Foreign readers, please stay tune as this blog will soon resume its regular coverage of trashy anime series and mass-produced moé merchandises.
NIC 2007
As part of an initiative by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA), various tertiary and educational institutions organize annual IT competitions for students in Singapore.
The Singapore Science Centre is organizing the National Infocomm Competition 2007, a quiz challenge where teams of three from various schools answer random arbitrary IT questions that range from “what is a mouse” to “what is the best-case complexity of bubble sort”.
This year, the organizers decided to “spice things up” (i.e. fix something that wasn’t broken) by introducing some silly point system that allows the teams in the finals to gain points by receiving votes online.
Help Us!
My team is in the finals for the Junior College category and we are appealing for your help! (Because we are all losers in real-life with no friends.)
It’s very simple. Go to the NIC 2007 website and click on “Online Quiz”. After answering three simple IT-related questions correctly (you can redo the quiz as necessary), you will be prompted to vote for a team in the finals.
Step 1: Click on “Online Quiz”
Step 3: Google for answers (optional)
The final step is extremely important! You have to vote for “Team 1”. (Yes, it’s an extremely stupid name but I wasn’t the one who filled up our application.)
You will also be required to enter your real name, e-mail address and NRIC number (this is the part where you need to be from Singapore) because, as an online voter, you stand a chance to win a Playstation Portable! Yay! (However, it is not stated whether it will be the Slim version.)
Thank you for your kind attention! :P
P.S. I’m also looking for a part-time job for the school holidays. Anyone hiring? LOL.
I cannot believe that the IDA is capable of developing such a lousy website. Every apostrophe is preceded by three backslashes! The entire interface is so clumsy as well. So much for being the infocomm authority.
Voted for you anyway.
Vote for “NP Team 1” instead :P.
TripleKill: No. Don’t make me ban you. >_<
If they want to make money, they should’ve ask votes through short messages.. It’s stupid to make a competition if there’s some external forces at work, without the intention to grill some money out of that… >_>
this is seriously pushing the limits of gathering support.
but the psp sounds good.
oh i doubt they make that site. most likely the tender it out and lowest bidder gets it. i think you know what that means.
Alright voted for you.
If you need a job just PM me. A restaurant is hiring at $4.50 per hour.
you got my vote ^^
You in RJC?
Yes I am.
I voted. Now where’s my PSP?
You’ll have to fly back to Singapore to collect it. :P
> You’ll have to fly back to Singapore to collect it. :P
voted. hope u do win it.
You got my vote! Man, those questions were easy….
So where’s my PSP? A DS ain’t enough for me….
lol..the powa of blogs put into evil use.. XD dun worry though,..u got my vote…
if u won via this blog and someone leaked it to the media it’ll really expose the power of teh internet to all the “cool” naysayers and anal-minded older generation.
i voted, and i’m in singapore wheres my psp haa jk
Let’s see how much of the competition would be broken by this. =∀=
I just voted for the best JC in Singapore!
Hwa Chong Institution! LOL!
You are awesome!
ACS(I) sec 6 here…….
Really lol-ed at this post.
Hope you win it and make the time I spent voting worth it.
Voted. I want a 2nd PSP.
Voted :D
You know, by just stating Team 1, the people supporting you might end up voting other Team 1s.
Fingolfin: Get off my blog! XD
LianYL: There is only one “Team 1″. Just follow the picture okay. >_<
I see your picture on the website LOL
voted now i want my psp
Haha u got my vote~ *waits for psp*
Done it! Had to go about updating my flash to 9.0 first though. Can’t even load the site when I was still using ver.8.0. =_=
…And yes, ‘Team 1’ is a really lame name.
I guess the school choose the name for them.
RJC is well known for their obscene number of distinctions.
I’m sorry darling… I did want to vote from you. But then I realised which Junior College you were from.
Sorry, but old alliances die hard.
I was from ACJC. =p
Voted! All the best.
Actually it’s standard practice for lazy people to use “Team 1/2/3” as the team name. It’s just that I think the person filling in our form didn’t realize that the school name isn’t part of the team name by default. (Which is not the case with many other competitions.)
It took me more than 10 tries to get the quiz right. Even though a lot of the stuff is covered in my IT1001 module lol. Good revision.
I hope I win a PSP.
Oh i voted too. even though the chance is kinda small for me to get a psp, it doesn’t hurt to at least give it a try =D. oh yar and thx for the add. =]
I hope when you are done with this, you will do a coverage about the Tokyo International Anime Fair 2007, won’t you?
BeForU is there to sing Strike Party!!. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Damn none of my alma mater are in the finals. Useless people.
Voted ^^ (without the need for google. I rawk)
I kinda didn’t vote for DM coz I was frm ACJC as well lol…
Darkmirage wants a job? Man, how much more can you squeeze into your seemingly cat food-packed schedule?
Yo guys you can vote for DM and another team. In fact you can vote for as many teams as you want, just only once. Just do the quiz again!
hey..is that haruhi figure yours? i’m thinking of getting one myself too! was wondering if you could help me out on that
I voted for you but I am more interested in the PSP. Did they say how one wins? A lucky draw?
It’s been a while since you used this blog to publicise your causes…the last one was the haruhiist campaign..
Oh, and IRAS is offering jobs at $6-6.5 for clerical officers. Not bad pay. But it’s full time iirc.
Sigh… I actually want a job at SITEX…
Kinokuniya does offer part-time jobs, but you have to do it for 6 months. You can choose to work on weekdays or weekends (8-hour shifts for weekends). http://www.jac.com.sg also has loads of jobs where Japanese skills could come in handy. Most of them are full-time but I saw some part-time ones as well.
BTW, can anyone tell me if using ã forms in your Japanese oral is penalized? My whole Japanese oral was a hodge-podge of politeness forms, ranging from ã§ã‚ã‚Šã¾ã™ to ã ; I was quite fluent however, no pausing at all, relatively long and grammatically correct sentences and correct vocabulary as far as I know. (It’s been like a month since the exam but I had a sudden panic attack) My reading was fine though, no kanji reading mistakes.
I also made a few retarded mistakes on my written exam.
This isn’t a mistake per se, but in paper 2, there was a section where you had to fill in the keigo forms of a few verbs. There was one where you had to change 食ã¹ãŸ which the 社長 or whatever wrote in his journal. You were the inferior guy, but you were also eating, so I didn’t know whether to use å¬ã—上ãŒã£ãŸ or é ‚ã„ãŸã€‚ In the end I wrote é ‚ã„㟠however.
I didn’t split my expository essay into paragraphs at all. Probably going to get penalized for that since the syllabus says paragraphs are required, but I couldn’t get my whole essay in otherwise. Also, I thought 救ㆠwas ã™ã†ã and I wrote æ•‘ã„ãŸã€€instead of æ•‘ã£ãŸ. I did use some JLPT 2 and even a few JLPT 1ish grammar points that weren’t covered though, would that help?
here is one SITEX job http://forums.vr-zone.com/showthread.php?t=200200, I believe they are advertising in the Straits Times too.
I am lucky that those question are related to my field of study. Information Communication Technology, voted!!
I have 2 part time job now. Waiter at Ngee Ann Poly Alumni and Singtel Modem/Mio TV Installer.
If you are interested, you can drop me a mail =)
Good luck for the competition!
Done ^_^
quendidil: Depends on what sort of exam you’re doing. Generally for essays don’t use the ã or ã¾ã™ forms; use the ã§ã‚ã‚‹ and 普通形. At least that’s what our teacher at school tells us.