Odex has been hacked!

UPDATE 22/11/2007: Ops, it seems that the DNS wasn’t the one that’s compromised. The page wasn’t working for some people so I assumed it was due to slow DNS propagation, but apparently Odex has always been hosted on PacNet (ironic). The hacker gained access to the web server itself, which probably means the SQL database too. I hope whoever designed the website for Odex had the common sense to salt the md5 hashes of the user passwords.

The domain odex.com.sg was replaced with a message from an unknown hacker. The page has since been taken down. I have mirrored a copy of the page here.

This server was fully hacked because the things ODEX are doing are just completly wrong!
So I hacked them due to my deep abominate against this company.

The stupidity of the organisation can not only be seen in the quality of their products or in the disingenuousness of their actions, but also in their skills of web design, compatibility and programming.

You can see that by the fact that the server is now hacked.

Now, I don’t like to stereotype, but the hacker sounds Singaporean… I guess he wasn’t quite pleased with the latest development. (Even though it turned out to be a mistake.)

The colour scheme of the page also leaves much to be desired. That said, his command of English and aesthetic sense aside, I approve of his XHTML coding. He has the proper doctype defined and he uses <br/> as required. Too bad he made a typo (</head> instead of </title>) or the page would’ve validated.

It’s good to know that some people out there care about W3C standards, although I have a feeling that this particular individual will probably be behind bars soon.

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62 Responses to Odex has been hacked!

  1. Gashubell says:

    lol you got fast info

  2. LTCJ says:

    LOL wonder what the media would say if they got wind of this………,
    anyway odex got what was coming to them

  3. tj han says:

    Hackers need English lessons.

  4. LianYL says:

    Beautiful source.

  5. psgels says:

    Well, it was only a matter of time before an idiot went on and attempted to hack Odex. Do these people really not see that they’re only increasing the problems?

  6. anon says:

    Doesn’t show on IE7

  7. I was laughing like mad when I saw this -_- Odex got what they deserved. Period.

    However, I do pity the hacker…

  8. Calawain says:

    I have a deep abominate for bad English.

  9. PCgamer says:

    yeah because of the invalid code :D anyway the how thing is kind of funny :)
    btw about the code I wonder if he really intended to be valid html :D it’s hard to believe that he will close with :D
    and may be put W3C logo :D
    btw we have to talk about odex being hacked here not about valid code :D
    well generally it won’t change anything but wonder do the guy had take all required needs to protect him self from being found out :D hope will found some more info here :) after all nobody talks about odex in bg :D

  10. l-lawliet says:

    Lets take bets on how long is needed for Odex to recover their site.

  11. DKellis says:

    Sometimes I wonder how a certain sort of cracker can use all these XHTML tags and attributes perfectly without any problems, but cannot spell “completely”.

  12. Plaid Knight says:

    I am glad to see ODEX getting what they’ve had coming. I hope their future pages continue to be pwned/ddos’d out of commission.

  13. Pingback: THAT Animeblog » One ODEX to rule them all,One Hacker to find them, One Enraged Fan to bring them all and in the darkness bind ODEX.

  14. Fabian says:

    “There are plenty of companies which still exist, even if their behaviour is more than wrong (Microsoft to name the worst of them).”

    I’m not a big fan of Microsoft, but comparing them with Odex is just wrong. Occasionally MS does release a good product! Not everything they throw on the market is as broken as Windows ME. ^^

    Joking apart, I don’t think it’s a good idea to express your by hacking a page. I wouldn’t spray graffitis on the city hall if I disagree with the mayor or his politics either.

  15. Fabian says:

    Sorry for the double-post, I there’s a word missing in my last comment. ^^”

    “Joking apart, I don’t think it’s a good idea to express your opinion by hacking a page.”

  16. korosora says:

    I think ODEX deserves every bit of misery they get.

  17. Beowulf Lee says:

    You know what. Despite what’s wrong with this, I’ll give credit for guts and taking a stand against what can only been seen as corporate greed and stupidity.

  18. Farker says:

    Just when I thought things wouldn’t get better!

  19. ipridian says:

    LOL @ W3C ranting

    He needs to use XHTML 1.1 …

    (Criminal profiling… lol)

    He should have hidden some stuffs inside comments..

    Also, that is a LONG list of members, considering the forum it was posted in..

  20. ipridian says:

    zomg, the first one who notices something ABSOLUTELY wrong in the above comment gets a cookie.

    And that was partially due to the BAD influence Paper put upon us, the readers.

    Guess what? It is totally SEXIST.

    I demand you fix your post to something gender-neutral D:


  21. hatori says:

    *sigh* this is going to look a little bad for us… although i have to think that this is probably some foreign chinese anime fan in singapore… ( at the very least, it sounds like that.)

  22. double says:

    LOL at the hacker’s spelling and vocabulary.

  23. Zenga says:

    Odex deserve wat they have, not worth for our pityness.

  24. Lss says:

    whether odex deserves it is another matter. this hack could get blown out of proportion and become the tipping point for a witch hunt.

    slander and threats are one thing but bringing down their entire website? i really hope odex backs up if not they would most likely be able to add another 0 to the damages claim. lol

    i dont condone this but neither would i want this dude to be caught.

  25. loke says:

    Ain`t that a good thing to tell everyone you hate odex.

  26. Tsubaki says:

    GG odex. What the hell are you doing by surfing their site anyway.

  27. DarkMirage says:

    Tsubaki: The hacker posted his notice on AnimeSuki forums.

  28. Being the apathetic people we all are, we’ll probably have a laugh over this. After all, who takes the Internet seriously?

    On a more serious note, going to such lengths is probably quite uncalled for, and it could be the silver lining Odex was waiting for to turn the PR tables around.

    Oh well, this whole thing could well be a brilliant marketing move by Odex. Shrugs.

  29. Tueac says:

    Hmm can we now sue Odex for not being able to protect personal information?

    Hell my data is in that database…

  30. tsk says:

    he better not be a singaporean, OR he is good enff to cover his tracks where the police cant find his IP and ISP. if not he would be in deep trouble under Computer Misuse Act chp 50.

  31. Chraen says:

    If he is from Singapore, I’d say chances are slim that he’d be able to escape the authorities.

  32. DenisKoh says:

    MD5 is weak btw.

  33. Doesn’t matter how weak it is, it’s still time-consuming to decode it.

  34. darkdestiny says:

    Lss, I agree with you.

    It appears the main motive for this ruckus is to literally cause an international outburst and defame Odex. It’s one RIDICULOUS act. Who would want to hack into such a company and makes things worse when it’s already bad enough for them. It’s better off to complain about the company somewhere else by literally stab a large sword at their backs.

    I actually rarely heard of this company; the only time I heard of them was about 2-3 years ago on The New Paper. At least I agree with some of their policies about downloading illegal licensed anime.

    It’d been good if there’s an IP address for the police to track the culprit down. But it’d be trouble if, for instance, someone used ANOTHER person’s Internet service, or use a public wireless service in Singapore.

    Whack the hell out of this hacker! (Although I don’t really support Odex, for I nearly don’t know about them. -_-“)

  35. Alias says:


    Sorry, couldn’t resist. Someone had to say that.

    Jokes aside, This can either be really good, really bad, or just plain be something to joke about with. Frankly, I fully support the actions of the Hacker, but unless he is overseas, chances are he’d be caught and trailed. I’m not too familar with the technicalities of the internet, but whoever did this would probaly be extremely easy to track down if he is hosting the site himself.

    Then again, if he really is a great hacker/cracker…..

    Well, heck. ALL HAIL THE HACKER!!!!!!

  36. Chrlapse says:

    Man, talk bout the festival of giving. Even though MOSTLY neutral, I tend towards the side against odex (People FTW!) but hacking a professional website cant be morally justified and I think shouldn’t be acceptable in a claimed civic society of Singapore. Then again, what else is surprising? We have people sending death threats(Which IMO is not only criminalising oneself but also giving the recipient and extra stand legally) to ministers for voicing out controversial issues insensitively.

  37. Lss says:

    Chrlapse regarding the death threat thing its not real. its really an injoke and nothing more than that.

  38. Pingback: オヤオヤ。。 Odex Website Hacked~ « 蒼天の光

  39. Pingback: Odex Odexed « Obliviousity

  40. DenisKoh says:


    It can be cracked within minutes now. Even SHA-1 has been cracked. They are planning to migrate to SHA-2 by 2010.

  41. nanashi says:

    That hacker is rash and irrational. Okay, Odex is made of fail, but hacking their site and going down to their level? Good job, now you made us all look like immature losers.

    “You can see that by the fact that the server is now hacked.”
    We salute you, Captain Obvious.

  42. Ryuko_Hikaru says:

    Nice English. I think he is more of an Asian rather than just Singaporean. His English seems quite…..British IMO. But that goes to show that “otakus” don’t need to “get a life” because they have lots.

    I hope Odex would spend money on rebuilding their reputation than to trace the hacker. Like what The Mentor said a decade ago, “You can stop me, but you can’t stop us all.” So what if they caught the hacker and press charges? Their reputation is still in ruins.

    Let’s see what Odex will do next. I hope the Singaporean judges who handles the case would make some intelligent comment rather than just ” has done something which is absolutely unecessary….”

    The hacker certainly has courage to stand and do what he/she think is right. I am going to write to Straits Times forums after the hacker gets caught.xD

    I like the fruity and pink background. How kawaii. xD

  43. Qad says:

    I’d agree that this is pretty immature, but I just can’t help not feeling sorry for Odex. It just made me ROFL hard and that’s it. Good stuff.

    Ok, move along to the next prank now people.

  44. comcena says:

    …seems singaoreans blood kicks in to resign to fate again.. sg people starting to feel sorry for odex whom they curse and swear? move along and wait for some other company to mess up other peoples’ lifes and feel ‘should do something but scared’? at least someone stood up against them unlike us wimping about no anime to watch.

  45. exalt dragon says:

    Well, after they “went international”, it could be anyone in the vast, vast, immensely vast internet. Hell, it could even be odex playing the pity card(although this is probably not very likely, but just judging from the engrish alone……). I wouldn’t conclusively finger anyone as responsible.

    If nothing else, this turn of events support the idea that this odex battle is taking place on the web more than anywhere.

  46. exalt dragon says:

    Oh, and in case it wasn’t clear, I don’t mean to accuse odex of “j(h)acking” their own lousy site.

  47. tsk says:

    tapping in to other people wireless would still allow the police the police to catch you, there is still the MAC address and time of access registed on the wireless gateway, perhaps he is using a stolen laptop and would discard it after he hacked into the website? he might have a chance of getting off scott-free.

  48. quendidil says:

    Well, if he really is Singaporean, I’d guess he is at least 30 from the level of English used. I don’t believe many of the younger generation of geeks in Singapore would mistakenly use “catched” rather than “caught”.

    I don’t get what you mean by his English sounding “British”, Ryuko_Hikaru. he does in fact use some American idiomatic expressions. (e.g. Anyways) His subject verb agreement however, is alright (save “help boycotting ODEX for the sake of Anime!”); his main weaknesses are abverb placement, spelling errors and wrong inflexional endings.

  49. exalt dragon says:

    @quendidil : are you the guy’s english teacher or something? You sound very keen on finding out who this guy is through his english..

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