iPod touch

Due to some strange twist of fate, I now have in my possession an 8GB iPod touch. (Basically a gimped iPhone without the Phone.)

iPod touch

It’s a very, very awesome piece of technology, and yet it suffers from the same glaring flaws that all Apple products are forever destined to bear, at least as long as Steve Jobs runs the show. My relationship with my spanking new iPod can be best described as a ツンデレ (tsundere) one of epic proportions.

デレデレ (the Good)

Like all of Apple’s products since the original iMac, iPod touch has an excellent packaging that is aesthetically pleasing and functionally perfect. The package is just big enough to fit everything in and gives ample protection to the items within. It also does not feel like cheap paper cardboard.

By the way, you can click any of the pictures in this post to view the larger version.

iPod touch
The box

iPod touch
The content

I was quite puzzled by the little white plastic piece until I found out that it was a “dock adapter” meant to modify existing iPod docks to work with the touch. Since I’m never going to cough up the money to buy an over-glorified USB cable, it’s useless to me. The little piece of transparent plastic is quite useful though. It let’s you stand your iPod up at about a 70-degree incline.

iPod touch
The front

iPod touch
The back

Within seconds of unboxing, my iPod touch was covered with fingerprints. I fail to see the logic behind the smooth and shiny finish on the back of iPods. It looks nice when it’s new, I admit. But most of the time it is either hidden away behind a thick layer of ugly silicon protection or ruined by oily fingerprints. I wish the back was matte like the iPod mini. I don’t like paying for overpriced silicon covers either.

I realized that I titled this section “the Good” and here I am ranting about iPod’s age-old issue with fingerprints. Ops. Moving on…

iPod touch
Wi-Fi setup

The first thing I did was to enter the Wi-Fi settings. (Yes, my SSID is Omoikane. What do you expect from a guy with “nadesico” as his Gmail account?) This is because the first thing that all bloggers do when they get their hands on a new Internet-enabled gadget is to access their homepage.

The keyboard is quite small. At first it seemed impossible that anyone but a toddler can type anything on it. But after a few minutes of frustration, I finally got the hand of it and I gained an appreciation for the software behind the dynamic adjustments that go on in the backend as you type. It’s truly brilliant.

iPod touch
Landscape browsing

iPod touch
Portrait browsing

iPhone/iPod touch’s browser (based on the WebKit engine which also powers Safari) is extremely functional. Frankly, it’s the best browser that I’ve ever used on a mobile device. But I’m sure you have already seen the demo videos on Apple for a few billion times, so I shall not go into details about its awesome pinch zoom, content awareness and… Ops. Moving on.

iPod touch
YouTube browse

iPod touch
Loading video

iPod touch
Chiaki Ishikawa – Uninstall

I was sceptical about the built-in YouTube support, but it turns out to be fairly usable. The h264 video quality is significantly higher than the FLV version still being served on the main website. The picture above doesn’t do it justice, but you can see that the karaoke subtitles (which were not meant for YouTube) are much sharper and more visible than the version on the main site. Since Flash Player now supports h264 playback, hopefully it won’t be long before YouTube ditches FLV completely.

iPod touch
Artist view

iPod touch
Cover flow

iPod touch
Now playing

Music playback is of course great. Cover flow is the best invention since people started to compare every single thing to sliced bread. And it’s better than sliced bread too.

iPod touch

iPod touch

iPod touch
Genshiken 2

And of course, there’s video (pretty useful), podcast (very useful), pictures (somewhat useful) and some silly things like calendar and contact list that are remnants of the firmware’s prior life as the iPhone. Seriously, what is the use of a contact list when you probably have it in your phone anyway?

But anyway, as a whole, the iPod touch is very nicely designed and built. It is definitely the best portable media player that I’ve used. Which is not to say that it’s perfect.

In fact, it’s faaaaaaaaar from perfect.

ツンツン (the Bad)

There will be no pictures for this section because I’m lazy.

Where to start? Well first of all, Apple has the terrible compulsive behavioural disorder that compels them to lock their products in an attempt to retain full control over every aspect of a device that you paid for. (In this case, I didn’t pay for it. But that’s irrelevant. :P)

iPods are very functional and easy-to-operate gadgets and iTunes serves as its complement. They do a good job of what they are advertised to do, but nothing more. This is a pain in the ass for people like me who want a high level of control over their own computers and devices.

For instance, I have a ton of FLAC files. I used to sync my MP3 players with Winamp and Winamp supports on-the-fly FLAC transcoding, which is awesome. Winamp Media Library also does all the dynamic playlist and auto-sync features that iTunes does, in a more customizable but less user-friendly implementation.

In fact Winamp can do everything that iTunes can and more. All my album cover arts are stored as “folder.jpg” in their respective folder. When transferring music to a portable player, Winamp embeds the external album art as ID3 tags automatically. iTunes doesn’t even recognize external album art.

So now I have a MP3 player that is chained to iTunes but there’s no way in hell that I would trust iTunes to manage my 4000-entry media library (especially since a good chunk of them are in various formats that it doesn’t support), how exactly do I sync my iPod?

In order to sync my iPod touch, I had to:

  • Create a 8GB partition on an external HDD
  • Mount in it Winamp as a portable USB device
  • Sync my favourite playlist to it using Winamp (auto transcode and album art)
  • Set the partition as iTunes’ default folder
  • Import all the nicely-formatted MP3 files into iTunes
  • And then I sync my iPod touch with iTunes

A whole load of trouble that could have been avoided if Apple opened up iTunes to third-party plugins, or if they just included a regular USB disk mode for the iPod touch and the iPhone so that we can all use our preferred media management software and be done with it. (Hilariously, an XP machine without iTunes installed recognizes the iPod touch as a camera.)

But sadly, this will never happen because Apple is apparently not about embracing differences, it’s about forcing people to accept their way of doing things. Think different? Right.

Oh well, hopefully the people on the Winamp forums will eventually figure out how to make iPod touch work with ml_pod.dll.

On another note, the TIFF buffer overflow exploit for jailbreaking 1.1.1 firmware doesn’t seem to work for me… Maybe Apple did something to the newer batches? :(

ツンデレ (the Conclusion)

Personally, the only appeal I see in iTunes is the online store. I would love to be able to buy old and obscure tracks off iTunes Japan, but sadly Apple is asinine about enforcing the regional limitations of its online store. (Although to be fair, it’s probably due to demands by the blood-sucking record companies.) And worst of all, there’s no iTunes Store for Singapore!

That said, I do enjoy the free podcasts available on the US and Japan sites, especially since I found out that Maaya has a podcast! Good stuff.

Well, all in all the iPod touch is a very nice portable media player. The crystal-clear screen is deliciously huge and bright, the battery life is good and the built-in Wi-Fi can often come in handy. I just wish that I could have all that AND regular USB disk mode support that even 20-dollar flash players provide. Apple seriously needs to stop being so obsessed over keeping everything locked-in and proprietary.

P.S. Is anyone interested in an almost-new 4GB Creative Zen V Plus for 100 SGD? :P It comes with 100+ of my favourite songs for free! (Because I’m too lazy to format it.)

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51 Responses to iPod touch

  1. tj han says:

    I want the Zen. Discuss.

  2. Soulshift says:

    iTunes may seem stale and out of date nowadays, but don’t forget that it actually pioneered many of the features we all now take for granted, such as:

    – One click importing + CDDB integration (I bought an iMac for this)
    – Easy tagging and rating of single and multiple files
    – Rules-based smart playlists
    – Full Unicode support on both the iPod and iTunes

    It is indeed unfortunate that they have allowed the software to become somewhat stagnant as of late, though. Adding FLAC support, for example, would be a boon.

  3. Freddie says:

    A question a bit off-topic, DarkMirage. How do you put fansubbed anime (Like Genshiken from Dattebayo) on the thing? I have one and so far I’ve used SUPER© (Video conversion software) to convert xvid, h264 or DivX to .mp4. But the process is long and maybe you do something more efficient.

    Also, it impress me you have every cover art on Cover Flow. For me, I just see two pics, the rest are grey squares with interrogation signs, even when winamp shows me the cover art (They are all mp3 or flac). But that’s not a priority and I’ll be happy to know the anime->iTouch thing.

  4. DarkMirage says:

    I use Videora.

    I’m not sure if it supports as many formats as Super. It’s usable I guess.

  5. Lux says:

    The worst thing about iPods is iTunes. The thing is soooo slow when you do little changes to the ID3 tag or upload an artwork.

    What I usually do for my 5G iPod is… change tags in Tag n’ rename or Windows (Vista) or whatever.
    Get the cover art. Upload the album to the iPod. Select the album’s songs and in the multiple tag editor, I just upload the artwork.
    This takes a while and even though doing this manually is quite bothering, it’s the best way I’ve found out for doing it.

    There are lots of 3rd party applications to sync iPods without using iTunes… + upload artwork (afaik, manually).

    @Soulshift: I’m not sure if you are referring to multi-editing mp3s tags in a sync-like app, but there were softwares that did that long before iTunes.

  6. Danny Choo says:


  7. DarkMirage says:


    Third party software on Windows do not work for iPod touch and iPhone because they do not have USB disk mode. Apparently, there’s a way to access the disk without iTunes using a Mac, but unfortunately I don’t have a Mac. >_>

  8. lorddesis says:

    can you tell me how i can get an ipod touch for free too? hahaha.

  9. Calawain says:

    Use DRM-free tracks from Amazon instead of the iTunes store~

  10. quendidil says:

    You can go down to the apple store at Orchard and buy pre-paid cards for iTunes Japan (or US, Italy, France etc).

  11. bluemist says:

    I have one too!

    I use MediaCoder for converting to MP4. Somehow the program can’t do H264, but the difference is moot when you realize that the touch only has a 480×320 screen. While it’s beautiful, it’s not VGA-beautiful, and in video besides anime, you would see less details than DVD. This is the only complaint I have.

    Anyone know how to convert mkv to ipod when it has a subtitle stream?

  12. Aoi_sora says:

    I have 1 creative zen 2, :) and I just love it

    what do you do when u want to add music to your zen?

    answer: plug it in your comp and copy your songs to the zen…and enjoy~

  13. Ryuko_Hikaru says:

    I want the Zen too. My Sony 1GB Walkman MP3 is acting on me for putting God Knows and Hare Hare Yukai in it.

    Since Apple has come a long way in computing, I am not surprised that it is still trying to maintain its eroding hold on the computer market. Otherwise Steve Jobs would be out of business (lame pun intended).

  14. Lux says:

    My bad n_n
    After reading some articles over Amarok, I found out that an iPod touch doesn’t work with most 3rd party managers as my 5G does :(

    I bought one for my g/f and was planning on playing with it to see if she could upload things without iTunes on her crappy PC… thank God I read this before doing anythin’.

  15. manga says:

    Nice post. Gives me some thoughts when the iphone finally arrives in Europe since I´m thinking of getting one then. Getting a touch now seems like a bad idea since I already have a ipod nano… and what I want is a mobile phone with lots of extras. The iPhone seem to have all those.

    So, you don´t think you´ll get an iPhone to review as well :p

  16. Aheda says:

    (Hilariously, an XP machine without iTunes installed recognizes the iPod touch as a camera.) <– At least you realized it was just a mistake.
    I spent 15 minutes trying to peel open the black rubber thing on the back of the Touch thinking it was the Camera Lens..
    Didn’t think of switching the damn device ON to see if there WAS a camera function too.

    And you just subscribed to Singnet. You Hack.

    Battery Life is about like.. 18 hours of music I’d say.. I had it on for about 3 hours running music before the meter started to trickle.

  17. Ming says:

    Nice. I was about to buy it too but ended up getting the iphone XD

  18. firestingerx says:

    Zen is not bad…was considering it too. lots of functions included. actually….standard ones of the creative brand…fm radio…fm+in-line recording etc….sound quality is gd, typical of the brand – again. but I tyco-ly got myself a 4 GB samsung yp-z5 at sitex for $99 (ori selling price around $160) instead…they were trying to sell away last few sets..so i coup one =D

    btw, nice post and pics on the iPod touch. maybe i can get one after signing up for singnet. got promotion gg on.

  19. Peter says:

    Thanks for the helpful review and nice pictures :)

    I am thinking of getting an iPod touch as well, but like you I am turned off by the inability of Apple to support syncing with anything but iTunes. Because of this, I am currently holding off. I might cave though, or just get an iPod classic, which can be synced with the latest version of ml_ipod.

    I just don’t understand why Apple does this. It’s probably to promote ITMS, thus generating more revenue for them, but to me it’s a prohibiting factor.

  20. Crest says:

    I want such strange twists of fate

  21. ayasawada says:

    I got a 16GB touch recently too. My initial enthusiasm similarly dropped quite quickly.

    Having to upload photos through synching is what gets my goat the most — as does the fact that it uploads a downsized version of the file (so my grand plan of reading scanlated manga was dashed due low resolution of the file T_T). That and the fact the iTunes on the device doesn’t let you dl podcasts on the go. Still, at least it looks good.

  22. Heh… Coincidentally, I named my computer Omoikane, after the system in Nadesico.

  23. Odd, the Google ad i see just above this comment reply box says “Win an iPod touch – Click Here!”. Co-incidence, or clever marketing ploy i wonder? :P

    In any case, I’m currently looking for a good convergence device. I did contemplate the iPhone, though when i looked at the fees for the compulsory 18 month contract (totalling at nearly 3x the price of the darn phone), coupled with the cat-and-mouse game one would have to play to avoid this, i had second thoughts.

    So currently i am thinking more along the lines of the Nokia N-series.

  24. DarkMirage says:

    James Urquhart:

    Interestingly, there are sellers mass-importing unlocked iPhones for 700 SGD here. (About 240 GBP.)

  25. Leon says:

    meh, i’ll wait for the iphone to be officially released in singapore heh.

  26. IcyStorm says:

    Your iPod touch may have 1.1.2? If not, try restoring the iPod with the 1.1.1 firmware (found through Google =P) and then try Jailbreaking it again.

  27. Seraphim says:

    You should be able to jailbreak your ipod touch by downgrading the firmware back to 1.1.1.

  28. @James: Google ads searches through any page that it’s in and looks for commonly used words, and returns ads pertaining to it. So if we started talking about books, we would see ads about books. Simple, right?

  29. DarkMirage says:

    I did restore to 1.1.1 and it didn’t work. After opening the TIFF exploit file, my iPod drops back to the home screen from Safari as it should… But the Installer icon never appears. :(

  30. IcyStorm says:

    =/ Hmm, maybe you should try different methods? jailbreakme.com, touchfree, something else?

    Try asking at ipodtouchfans dot com, that’s a helpful site.

  31. DarkMirage says:

    Well I’m actually not that concerned about jailbreak right now. My main wish is to have it work with Winamp. :(

  32. w says:

    Personally I want to go with a Cowon player. Okay, so they don’t look so cool but IMO they offer many more practical functions and support that’s actually needed rather than um… cover flip or whatever (maybe I just don’t care for the shiny)

  33. Ink says:

    Late, I know, but about that V plus of yours…what colour?

  34. DarkMirage says:

    It’s black with a blue ring.

  35. PCgamer says:

    hm I found that stuff for iphone and iPod touch seems very interesting so I tought it will be nice to post it here http://code.google.com/p/vnsea/
    Remote control on iPhone.
    can’t wait to get one iPod touch for myself

  36. Ink says:

    Twelve days ago, and you in Japan. well, have you sold it? let’s meet somewhere near an atm, kinokuniya?

  37. martins says:

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  38. iPOD says:

    I like your article. Good Read!

  39. Dave says:

    Thanks for the info, definitely helped

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    good article, i will add my feeds.

  41. Very nicely written by the author!

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    The 360 Series from Aqua-Vu is specifically designed with a rugged encasement for ice fishing.
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    They help separate the fishing men from the boys, so
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