Eh. I think this is the kind of episode that most people would enjoy. It has some fighting (lame), character development (lame) and plot development (what plot?), all the jazz that people claim to watch Gundam for.
But I didn’t really like it. It’s boring and doesn’t really invoke any feelings. I almost fell asleep translating it. Give me episode 9 back!
Kyrios gets captured.
Texas chainsaw massacre
Virtue to the rescue!
…Or not really.
Virtue gets bukkake’d
Virtue gets captured too.
It’s SEED mode all over again
But wait! It’s deus ex machina time!
Not pictured: Tieria pwning the enemies’ asses.
Virtue and Kyrios are fine. HRL goes home empty-handed. But everyone is crying.
That pretty much sums it up.
Now to move on to the “highlight” of this episode… GN-004 Nadleeh! After being gang-banged by Sergei and company, Tieria is feeling a little sore. Pushed to the extreme edge of his limit, he does some kind of “awakening” sequence like SEED mode, except that it’s not as cool as when Kira did it.
GN-004 Nadleeh
His computer does a quick reboot and reveals its hidden operating system, GN-004 Nadleeh! OMG! What is “Nadleeh”? Well, a quick google gives us this:
Navajo origin stories embrace the idea of cross-gender identities. In some of these stories, men with feminine characteristics are known as “nadleeh†— they dressed like women and were considered important religious figures with a special role in ceremonies. They also shared in conventional female duties, such as cooking or caring for children.
Oh great. So we have Exia, Dynames, Kyrios and Virtue all coming from some variation of Greek mythologies, and suddenly out pops a Navajo transvestite? Sayonara consistency.
So yeah, even Sunrise acknowledges the fact that Tieria is transvestite/transsexual/whatever. I won’t be surprise if he starts having his period sometime in the next episode.
For further proof, this is how Nadleeh looks like:
The armour starts flying off Virtue like clothes off a cheap hooker and, before you know it, Virtue/Nadleeh bares it all! I guess it’s some kind of crappy analogy of Tieria’s gender duality. (Tough guy outside, little girl inside?)
I would like to make some witty remarks about its jarring crimson red “hair”, but I think the pictures speak for themselves.
In Turn A we had a Gundam with moustaches. Now we have a Gundam with hair. What’s next, Sunrise? Reproductive functions?
I hereby declare this entry to be the most sexually-charged G00 episode review to date.
On a final note…
P.S. The second OP and ED for G00 are confirmed. The new OP will be “Ash Like Snow” by the brilliant green (booo) and the new ED will be “Friends” by Stephanie (yay!).
I just love Stephanie’s “Kimi ga Iru Kagiri”.
Gundams should be monks and not have any hair. Hair on mechas would be OMFG freaking gay.
Just for the record, the main reason im watching it for is the big shiny robots. No need to make up excuses :p
The other part is that i find the concept of space elevators and all of mankind being powered by solar energy fascinating. Especially since we are very very close to being able to pull it off in the real world.
“Especially since we are very very close to being able to pull it off in the real world.”
…Except for the fact that there is no known material in the universe that even comes close to having the structural capacity necessary to hold up a 60,000-km high tower, not to mention the entire world’s economic resources combined would not even come close to being able to undertake a construction project of such magnitude. :P
I guess he meant that it is technically imaginable and not so far off as to be indistinguishable from magic (i.e. the GN particles). >_>
agree with Guner on the concept of the space frontier and solar energy.
but sunrise’s toying with gundam and hair??! can they just put out darwinism on this one? gundams gone down the wrong evolutionary track looks…. unsightly >.<
Stephanie? I actually don’t like her at all. Is this really good new?
Anyway, I like the episode. I kind of spoiled myself with Newtype but still a good episode.
Oh this brings back memories of G-Gundam. All Nadleeh has to do now is put on a ribbon and get a magical staff for the first Mahou Shoujo series with an actual Gundam…suffice to say this was a decent enough chara change though no dancing?
SOB now were going to see a bunch of Exia x Nadleeh doujins though if this falls under yaoi or sis-con I dare not ask…
Hey I like the Brilliant Green and Stephanie, but they are quite far off in style from the two rock songs we have had.
The concept seems to be that a space elevator will not be standing on the ground, it will be shackled to it so it doesnt fly away.
We just need to refine the nanotechnology, which could probably be done within a few decades if we decided to make it a priority. From there its purely a matter of production.
No matter what I feel that Gundams with hair is retarded… Gundam SEED would be even better IMO. 00 hasn’t got the beams nor the girls to beat SEED, despite the fact that both seriously lack story plots… (Destiny hasn’t got any)
Seems like Sunrise’s out to milk them Sunrise fanboys. =/
Alright, I don’t have any of the issues most of the people have with plots, hair, or whatnot. Having said that…
What the HELL is up with Kyrio’s plastic-pellet-gun-excuse-for-a-beam-rifle?!! O_o;
Did you guys see how many times he hit the pink suit front and back and side AND front again! Nothing blew up, no scratches, nada. The pink one didn’t even have a force field or any such defensive system in place.
It was no better than a pink-colored water sprinkler! Someone hand the guy a decent weapon! >_<
I like how they show that Setsuna can’t hit the broad side of a barn with his beam rifle to show the difference in their specializations or combat style preference.
the brilliant green ain’t too bad… they’ve got a couple of good songs. There could be worse ;P
The decline in human intelligence in future? Gundam with hair? perhaps Tiger tank with whiskers, Ferrari with acnes?
Wong is my last hope and the sole motivation to keep up with this show. :p
If you look closely, Tieria’s eyes have a computer chip’s “lines” across them, which means that he could be a cyborg, or maybe he is a hermaphrodite.
And I think Allelujah is something like Canard Pars, maybe a failed UberSoldat in which modifications resulted in his split personality disorder.
I think I will do a review after the subs come out. I don’t really understand what Allelujah is saying at the end.
@Crusader: Well, you were half right, but everyone knows that Dynames is the pimp of the Gundam Squad.
Japan is really fast. This was found yesterday.
darkMirage! I look forward in reading your hilarious yet eye opening comments! Seriously buddy, thanks for making my saturdays or sundays a little bit sweeter. Im an engineering student and I get so much homework that i spend most of my sundays infront of my computer.
I have some comments/questions myself…
Didn’t Setsuna activate his seed mode in the episode were he fought his ex molester? that guy with the tattoes with the black mobile suit?
What the hell is up with that guy and his double personalities? cool psycho vs. lame pussy…
Are we going to see more softcore hentai from the ship’s women crew?
When is Setsuna going to go in television and tell the entire world he is with Celestial being? He seems to not give a hoot about secrecy.
When can we see a gundam shooting louise? What is the point of having that bitch in the series? I dont understand japanese, but her voice is like someone scratching a blackboard with their nails.
Unless louise is not Lacus like gundam seed or every sex hungry fray, then… why.. why is she still alive? Everytime I see her on an episode I yell at my computer “Why!.. why did u have to ruin the episode!?”
Anyways, hope to see more smart ass comments from you guys, I am waiting for the sub version of episode 10 so I can finally know exactly what they are saying… maybe we should come out with soem sort of Louise blocker for the videos? that would be a nice Christmas present…
i havnt seen the episode translated yet but im wondering, was their a point for virtues armour flying off????
Yeesh. Watch the version you can understand, then ask questions.
As for “softcore hentai”, ill just note that there are some people here who obviously are very nervous around women and leave it at that.
Hahaha, I agree with Guner, let me know if you need the links for the torrents with subs, they keep up pretty nicely. Once you see the subs, you can understand the plot better, and its not as bad as Gundam W.
I want to see more fighting, less crying. That picture that Amuro1X posted is hilarious! LOL! I think next episode is going to be a blah blah blah episode… :(
Latin Kira:
My guess is that Louise will DIE and Saji will become the super villain and make homoerotic approaches on Setsuna. Yup.
Well it was being restrained by the tethering lines and the gel, so technically ejecting the armour let it break free. But it’s just stupid.
This is a bad pun but, I’ve just got to say it…
Virtue loses his virtue!!
Kyrios’ gun isn’t weak, he just powered it down and was fucking with Soma, basically taunting her by saying that he knows exactly where she’s moving and can blow her up anytime.
Now I’m confused… what could lao fu possibly stand for? è€å¤« – old man? It doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in the way that tiger does.
Japanese doesn’t differentiate between “fu” and “hu”, so it gets mixed up in romaji transliterations sometimes. It’s most likely a mistake on Sunrise’s part, but we have decided to go along with it for now.
I really like your blog and especially the witty remarks/ comments. Keep it up
Subs are finally out. Not much to add having seen it.
This episode was obviously a plot device for the next step of the show, the flaws of the Meisters. I expect the next several episodes will be about char development.
I doubt Allelujah would have been captured if it wasnt for his headache. They just need to fix that.
For once Setsuna was not the one who messed up.
It bothers me that Lockon had so much trouble shooting them down. Its not like him and i dont accept a missing leg as a suitable excuse.
No comment on Virtue. Except this: He should not have been able to shed his armor and he was REALLY lucky he wasnt just blown to bits. Oh and those of you who think he is some sort of cyborg or whatever, hes not. His eyes are just way the hell over the top acting.
i’m always 2 days late.. damn! when can i get the subbed versions a day after the airing of gundam 00?
This episode did seem to be more cohesive again, like 9 and unlike 8 (which was hopefully the nadir of the seris). Still finding it hard to empathise with the cast, though.
Louise should just die. I am starting to hate her and her mom. Why doesn’t she just bed Saji, have a child, and Setsuna causes her to have a miscarriage?
This would be the best anti-hero storyline ever.
Sorry if this ruins anyones illusions, but Louise and her girlfriend represent the normal person. They are important to the story no matter how annoying they are.
Kyrios was still in plane mode after he was captured. He didn’t magically transform, that’s just how he looks on the underside. You can see him transform when he’s getting up.
I like this site very much ! ^^
I was just wondering … how come the HRL soldiers can keep talking to each other with all those GN particles coming out of Virtue ? In the first episode we can clearly see that just a few particles from Exia are enough to jam communications from a long distance, and let’s not even talk about Virtue …
Too bad that by the ninth episode they’re starting to forget those little details that could had changed the plot (it’s difficult to come up with a strategy if you can’t communicate) or just had kept the universe of G00 realistic.
hmmm….interesting comments…dlling the ep..
damnit i dlled the mkv version…..this suks it wont play on divx #!#
Wow, good point about the communication while Virtue was emmiting max GN particals. They said Kyrios wasn’t emitting them but Virtue was maxing out.
I think Lockon’s missing was due to the fact he was located on one side of the ship, and then they just flew under the ship in his “Blind spot”, you can’t really hit enemies below your ship if you’re on top of it unless you want to shoot right through it.
Not just that. Dynames was standing inside the catapult, which meant his vision would be restricted somewhat compared to if he was mobile and in the open. All in all, Lockon has the worst job, and he did his best ^^ So cut him some slack.
Now, Hallelujah is just an annoying prick while Man-woman turns out to really be a confused person and insecure person.
I think the point that sunrise is trying to put forward is that the people who end wars are nothing special. They have flaws like everyone else. Bit cliche, but i can deal with that.
You can’t. I am the one who subs it. :P
loved allelujah’s voice in this episode….psycho mode woot. actually, come to think of it, at the end of the episode, they all had good reasons to cry. tieria because he thinks he made a serious error as a meister. allelujah because his “monster” side showed up again and he wonders if that is his true nature. sumeragi because she got outsmarted so to say and almost caused the loss of lives and gundams.
louise and saji are fillers to stall for time or something….
it was a good episode for me, call me a fanboy or whatever but thats what i feel.
nice site. Just recently linked you. Link me back? =) mr mirage
Everyone guesses louise will die…Ill place my bets on Saji dying instead then louise goes pilot some gundam….
I don’t know why everyone wants Louise and Saiji dead…
Personally, I just want them to learn a lesson so that Saiji becomes more manly and Louise less annoying. : )
This episode made me a little more disappointed, now that Tiera’s also got some weird stuff going on.
…why is it so hard for sunrise to do a good Gundam anime nowadays without the freaky/weird stuff? : /
And as a final note; I don’t mind Nadleeh’s red hair ON THE BACK. Now, the front side is a completely different story. It does however remind me of the one from FMP and that one was pretty cool.
I want more Graham and Ali. And maybe Patrick.
I know it! Tiera is transexual!!
For some reason, Tiera got the “rainbow flash” in his iris when he activated Nadleeh. And for some reason again, he didn’t even seem to realize he was activating it much too early into the “game”.
Understand your sentiments, TehShien. I believe Saji and Louise are meant to represent part of the citizens of the Earth, who are not directly involved in war. Looks like the director is giving us a look of every point of view, from citizens to reporters to politicians and those who are fighting in the battles.
They’ve already revealed Lockon’s and Setsuna’s real name, so this Saturday’s episode will be almost everything about Allehlulah.
I’m sorry for the triple post (accidentally entered for first post before adding a couple more comments).
Regarding Nadleeh, it’s already said in Wikipedia that the “… hair-like connector cords that project from the Nadleeh’s head are in Virtue mode used to mediate the operation of the systems within the armor plating.” Although the “hairs” appear to have no use to the Nadleeh other than appearance.
One final note: Nadleeh can only be used in space as of several reasons. Firstly, should Virtue’s armour be purged on Earth, the Nadleeh won’t be able to use anything at all (everything will drop to the ground/sea). Unless it has weapons of its own within the armour plates itself.
I have a feeling that the Nadleeh is much more powerful than we think. Even though armor, armaments, et cetera are added to it in order to create the Virtue, I am thinking that’s not the real reason for the “upgrade.” I believe the Nadleeh is too powerful to be used all the time; hence Tieria’s comments and stuff about revealing it; and because of this, they added the Virtue parts to limit the power of the Nadleeh. It will become some sort of “super” Gundam that will save the day when the Meisters get into trouble. That is, until Setsuna gets the GN-000. This could also easily explain why the Virtua/Nadleeh is the only Gundam seen powering the Ptolemaios. The Nadleeh is, as far as we know, the latest Gundam unit created (if you don’t include the armor attachments of the Virtue). Therefore it’s not very far fetched to say it is the most advanced. This would also explain why this unit was entrusted with Tieria, the (at the time being) most experienced and “mature” (in the sense of power and respect) Gundam Meister.
I do have a bad feeling, though, that Tieria is going to break away from the other Meisters before this show ends, and that the Nadleeh will be used against them. It is a very overused and predicable plot line, but I can easily see it happening (after all, Gundam is known for using those kind of plot lines). Hopefully that’s not what occurs…but I’m not betting money against it. Tieria has voiced problems with all of the other Gundam Meisters, and doesn’t believe they were chosen correctly. So I do expect many problems from that.
On a side note: has there been any insight as to what Tieria was floating in near the beginning of Episode 001?
Yep, I think that is Tiera himself. But it appears up to now that he is 100% devoted to Veda.
I believe that Setsuna will have a much better power than GN-000 0 Gundam and GN-001 Exia as the story progresses. Don’t forget, the GN-000 actually paved the way to Exia’s development.