Oww. My head is spinning. I think I’ve been sleeping too much these days after coming back from Japan.
Episode 13 serves to conclude the Azadistan chapter, laying the way for the new OP/ED next episode.
Setsuna investigates the mountain area from which missiles were fired at the receiver antennas. He bumps into Graham and Billy and they have a little chat. Graham reveals that the mobile suit responsible was an AEU Enact that was stolen from PMC Trust.
Setsuna immediately figures out that Ali is the one responsible and asks Lockon to meet up with him at his old hometown. The two of them, along with Hong Long, manage to rescue Massoud Rachmadi. Exia brings Rachmadi to the royal palace, risking capture by the Union, in order to show the world that Celestial Being is serious about its beliefs.
“That’s what you get for paying me minimum wages!”
“ecchi nano wa ikenai to omoimasu“
Mecha sechs
Chinese ninja
“Take me with you!”
Somehow this episode doesn’t motivate me to talk about it. I think it’s the lack of surprises.
Seriously, Ninja Hong is the only cool thing in this episode.
Woohoo hawt yuri mecha sex! Or is that yaoi action I see?
I thought I saw Bruce Lee for a second there.
Its not Chinese Ninja its the Black Mask!
Ninja Hong looks really familiar… Kinda looks like Seto Kaiba from Yu Gi Oh now that you can’t see his face and you see his blue robes and hair.
Somehow I feel that the Torrent page of Mendoi Conclave have something removed from it. DarkMirage, do you know any of this?
Can’t wait for the next episode’s release.
Yes I have noticed this as well.
Animes sucks and are for girls/losers. Get a job and a girlfiend. If you want to reply please do so at talokorg@yahoo.com.sg.
Now that one made me laugh :D :D
Setsuna in innocent mode made me laugh.
Re PUNDIT: Nuh uh, I don’t want no girlfiend. She sounds dangerous.
It bugs me that Setsuna didnt finish the badguy off. If the gundams really have their very own fusion power source then they should be faster than pretty much anything else that can be made with conventional technology.
Take care of yourself, coz an otaku’s health is often his least priority
woo…looks like you’ve got for some reason a share of haters. Just immatured or plain jealous… beats me…
I laughed at Pundit’s so called site. I mean, how inane can one get?
I thought it was said that this episode should have the new op and ed theme. Anyway, the episode wasn’t that interesting though… The only interesting part was where Hong Long performs his martial arts skills and where Lockon did some head shots.
well it’s just wondering but. Beside all the Odex stuff you continue to download with big bad voodoo :D anime without caring much about odex ?
You know, you have subbed it twice, but I still think its “Boarding Mode” and not “Broading Mode”. lol.
Black Mask and Lockon headshots were the highlights to this ep.
That’s what the official close caption says. It’s referring to the GN particles. I guess it’s either short for broadening mode or broadcasting mode.
I’m guessing this is you: http://www.xanga.com/talokorg … So basically you like some girl who likes anime, but you don’t. And you keep a blog about it because you think that people care about your pathetic life story.
I’m not sure where I come into the picture (does she read my blog or something?), but whatever. You sound like a loser. Get off my site. (And seriously, seek professional help.)
What’s going to happen to Setsuna and Marina now? I mean Tierria is bound to find out that Marina knows Setsuna’s code name [and his face maybe] , thanks to the cybernetic implants in his nipples. And Marina’s talk with Setsuna is going to put her and Azadistan in the spotlight.
The episode itself was fairly entertaining, I enjoyed the AliXSetsuna fight and let’s not forget the three idiots that thought you can defeat a Gundam with rifles.
[Rant] Marina should fire all of her security personnel and get new ones from Ceylon Island or something and make sure that the religion is different! [/Rant]
The new gundam meisters and Gundam Throne Drei with colour can be found in here:
If you seen the pictures, you will notice the Haro is bigger in size and has an evil look.
Something’s wrong with Mendoi Fansubs. It appears that even the main site is down, leaving only the BT Tracker page around. What exactly happen?
The bad news is, no Gundam 00 until Mendoi fixes its problem. The good news is, all of us in school can get to work without using 20+ minutes of time watching the episode, if you’re sticking to Mendoi.
Maybe it’s just me, but Hong Long blitzing through bullets and owning people in close combat does not look too fitting in G00 to me somehow, maybe he’s trained by the CB to be the killing machine in human form? JK.
Saji x Louise x her mother 5-second cameo is there again.
Otherwise it’s not bad, though some people think it’s a bit predictable.
Sorry for posting two same comments above.
That’s what the official close caption says. It’s referring to the GN particles. I guess it’s either short for broadening mode or broadcasting mode.
Where do you find the official close caption? :D Thanks for clearing that up.
If you factor in the shock from the two explosions, the cover of darkness, the element of surprise and Hong Long’s skills at getting close to the enemy really quick who wouldn’t get pwned?
Try mymenclave.com…
You are not “ThePaper” no more?
@ Dank: Yes that is my site. I am a pundit. Thanks for all the fish and I will keep suscribed to this site in the future.
Uhhhh… Well First Of All, Anime Is Definitely Beyond You,
And Secondly Its Not “Animes” Its “Anime” Since “Anime” Counts As Plural, “Animes” Just Sounds Wrong IMO.
Last Thing, QQ Somewhere Else…
Anime is not beyond me, it’s just entertainment for people who have money and time for such things. Cartoons and light philosophy for people who got time to wack off. And a sizeable portion of the entertainment industry. I’m still intitled to my opinion and to make grammer misakes so i’m staying.
You keep using that word, but I don’t think it means what you think it means.
Oh, yea, right? Then what does it mean to you expert?
I Guess Its Something You Wont Understand ^^
That was eye-scarring.
Thanks Gravmech for the mymenclave.com site.
For all those wondering where to get Conclave-Mendoi’s stuff, it is at this site.
A big thanks to DarkMirage for translating this great anime for us as well.
Is that Syaoran (Tsubasa Chronicles) or is that Tuxedo Mask?!?!
pundit looks like a vile beast LOL
His 1st post already indicated he wants a fight.
“Animes sucks and are for girls/losers. Get a job and a girlfiend. If you want to reply please do so at talokorg@yahoo.com.sg.”
That’s like wandering into a bar and yelling out “BEER KILLS YOUR KIDNEY! STOP DRINKING IT!”
Sorry, wrong place to drop by Mr Pundit.
Graham probably suspects that the not-so-innocent local boy is part of celestial being.
‘Marina should fire all of her security personnel and get new ones from Ceylon Island or something and make sure that the religion is different!’
Mm. If the Byzantine Emperor could hire Vikings (Vikings!) then surely in the future a decently violent security detail who are not involved in local politics is not beyond Azadistan.
“Interests: Loving
Expertise: Loving
Occupation: Computer programming student”
Dear weedy, ugly emo faggot: You may be right. You’re probably wrong. Either way, you’re not exactly in a position to talk, are you?
There’s not a whole lot left to say to the guy. Whatever sucked his brain out through his left ear was pretty thorough.
I hope someone assassinates Maria Ismail (allahu akbar!)
And, Setsuna behaves too much like a Japanese i.e. bowing to Graham Acre in apology during the encounter at the Point of Origin of missile launch.
hong long = kato from the green hornet
lolz, he’s kato alright..
great site btw, mr.dark!
Actually, darkmirage, you are as much a loser for bothering to research him and listening/reading his crap. Gotta love that attitude though :>
Isn’t it standard practice to google someone’s e-mail when he flames your blog?
Or do you still live in twenty years ago when “research” meant going to an actual library?
@Pundit You are entitled to make those mistakes, but include spelling and language understanding to grammar.
@anonymous Nice logic. Keep it up.
I suppose I’m not too used to slight exaggerations. Maybe poorly trained miltias tend to have a big chance on getting owned that way. Don’t worry about it.
I think somewhere along the internet there`s this set of rules and one of them states that the moment you argue with trolls, YOU LOSE
That’s only true on a public forum where I have no obligation to moderate. This is my blog.
Haha, this comment section has suddenly become unintentionally hilarious!
Good job looking this guy up and telling him off proper, DM. I think your Princess Bride humor is wasted on him, though. :P
Pundits Not Talking NeMore =(
Why Go Anonymous? Be A Man Do The Right Thing^^ Show Your Name^^ Or Are You Scared We’ll Google you Up?