This is one predictable episode. I mean, the title “Broken Wings” pretty much spoils any element of suspense that Sunrise’s scriptwriters can possibly muster, assuming they try at all.
So yeah, the Gundams all get owned in a spectacular fashion, clearing the way for newer and better Gundams to take over the mess. G00, like most recent Gundams, is really just a series of 25-minute weekly commercials promoting Gunpla.
Also, Liu Mei in se-ra-fuku. :O
Episode Summary
The HRL chose Taklamakan for the location of the military exercise because it has information that terrorists are planning to attack its enriched uranium facility there, ergo Celestial Being has to go there to stop the terrorists. This utterly makes no sense because the combined might of the entire world’s armies is going to be there, and I don’t think there are any terrorists stupid enough to mount an attack under such circumstances.
Nevertheless, we have three mobile suits and three cute little trucks conducting a head-on suicide attack while the entire world’s armies try hard to act blind and pretend to not notice. As storyline goes, this is as contrived a plot as it gets. Any more and we will have to invent a new word to describe it.
And what’s even stupider is that Celestial Being actually takes the bait and sends four measly Gundams to destroy a small group of terrorists in the middle of a desert crawling with nearly one thousand Union, AEU and HRL mobile suits. I mean, seriously? I’m sure HRL would’ve taken care of the terrorists on their own if they realized that the Gundams weren’t going to show up after all.
If only Virtue could fly
Allelujah didn’t do much
Lockon should watch his back around Graham…
So anyway, the Gundams all get pwned after this. Kyrios is captured by the HRL, Virtue by the AEU and Dynames by the Union. Exia almost fell to the French thanks to Ali’s new mobile armor, but a timely deus ex machina intervention by one of those new Throne Gundams saves Setsuna’s day.
Enact is backwards compatible with a Solar Conflict relic
God is here
Whiny bitch
Obligatory airtime
Kyrios and Dynames mating
The new bitch
“They should really keep me informed beforehand about these traps.”
“Hold steady damn it!”
Dynames cheating on Kyrios with a Realdo
“We totally didn’t notice this huge row of Tierens as we rushed into this obvious trap.”
“Nope, didn’t notice these either.”
Man, Realdos look lame
“If my calculations are correct, we should be completely pwned by now.”
Is that her school uniform?
GN bazooka in burst mode
The perfect desert camouflage
“I will make you a man.” Actual quotation
The design makes no sense
By the way, Mendoi-Conclave’s episode 14 is super delayed because we are still finishing up the karaoke effects. Personally I don’t really care that much about karaoke, but I’m not the one making the decisions. It should be out soon together with episode 15. (Our new tracker is here.)
Predictable and contrived indeed, but as far as I’m concerned, Liu Ming in sailor fuku and a new Gundam equipped with aerods make it all worth it (though to be fair, the latter is only in the preview).
no u runied my first :p
anyway, i thought at the beginning that it was a HRL drawn up play instead of real terriost attacking arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
..and btw virtue could fly, cant it? guess not under those circumstances.
those union MS are actually Realdos…
I believe Cosplayers, like Seiyuus, become stars of their own 300 years into the future. Wang Liumei could be a professional cosplayer, thus explaining her frequent change of costumes. Those costumes that she wore, could possibly characters of anime 300 years ahead.
Dynames looked like he’s going down on Graham’s Flag.
Indeed pink was considered to be the best desert camo by the renowned SAS. Now if only the AEU still had those gentlemen around, as a matter of fact whatever happened to the elite commandos in all the major powers?
BladeOfNether: Fixed.
0ne: WTF.
Crusader: That was just an excuse for a show of gay pride.
wow when the series started finally making sense, they have the meisters actually fall for this trap.
So you mean Kyrios, Virtue and Dynames all got captured?
Wow I expect all of them to have new technology soon…..
Why did I have a feeling that the Agrissa would be a Mobile Armor?
I want to drop the series as I read your post.
=.= Sumeragi can only talk but cannot do much. Gundam 00 is kinda illogical in terms of war tactics.
4 VS the world. —> should use guerrilla tactic instead of fighting head-on. those who play RTS or Turn-base strategy game should know this the best.
Sigh yet another blocked designed to do nothing but complain about Gundam 00. How many does that make, 4? 5?
Sumeragi is a strategist from the start. And seriously, the 3 Gundams are already captured?
It appears as though that the Agrissa is just an extension to make the mobile unit look like a mobile armour. Correct me if the details are wrong.
And apparently there’s even a optional pack for Dynames to attach to Kyrios.
Sigh. Yet another comment designed to do nothing but complain about the way I blog. How many does that make, 40? 50?
I call it as I see it. Some episodes are just plain bad.
Did you miss the obvious part that these “Meisters” are way too overconfident in the abilities of their gundams? Ofcourse they were going to rush into an obvious trap. Sumeragi’s true talents are her two huge assets, nowhere near her head.
But yeah, I just liked the episode because the Gundams were getting their asses kicked by fodder. haha
They pretty much knew it was a trap lol
It’s basically identical to the way Jason Miao and a whole slew of other blogs on 00 are written so I wouldn’t really say I’m complaining about the way you blog in particular. I’m more concerned that a person who will be subbing this episode protests to hate it. I certainly hope those feelings won’t come through when you are translating it.
It appears that Gundam 00 Ep. 14 is going to be released soon after a week’s delay. For those who have been waiting for Menclave’s episodes, they have stated in their main site that there’s one more step to the release of Menclave’s version of the episode: Quality Checks.
BTW, in reply to the commenter of Comment 19, I’m pretty sure that you didn’t state a name in your reply, do you? BTW it’s up to DarkMirage’s own way to describe about the episodes. No one can change or refrain his words.
arent any of these guys really paying any attention on the dialogs and script? up there somewhere i saw a post complaining on why the meisters attacked head-on even if its a trap. well if you know what the “declared” intentions of CB really is its quite logical for the meisters to throw their lives for the sake of the “cause”.
actually uniting the world and ending war is the “declared” intention of CB and they are doing it even if it means that the whole world will get mad at them and unite just to defeat them, eventho they died atleast they united the world?
and guerilla tactics hmmmmm… i guess he sure knows what he’s saying…
sumeragi knew it was a trap right so that means evrything was intentional????
the pilots dont decide on who they go against right coz vader shud approve it first????
Kaioshin Sama:
I have never said that I hate G00. Please don’t misrepresent my views.
Why would I bother to translate something I hate? Do you realize how much effort it takes? My translation for G00 is the most accurate out of the three groups and I don’t see how my opinions of the episode can affect what the words really mean.
Criticism != hate, and G00 needs a lot of the former.
Celestial Being is not stupid because they fought against overwhelming odds. They are stupid because they fought for nothing. The whole thing had nothing to do with eradicating wars.
All they wanted to do was to stop those terrorists, because the destruction of the uranium facility would’ve led to a global crisis that might create further conflicts.
But the problem is: No one, other than the HRL and CB, knew beforehand that those terrorists were going to attack. Therefore, from the viewpoint of the world who was told that the whole thing was just a military exercise, CB had no obligation to be there.
If CB had not interfered, no one would have found out otherwise, because HRL would’ve been forced to stop the terrorists themselves or risk being covered up by radiation from their own nuclear stockpile.
See the stupidity? I blame the scriptwriters.
And god damn it, it’s Veda, not Vader. They aren’t even pronounced the same way in Japanese. I swear Shinsen changed it just to be different.
I agree that the Meisters slammed their swords point blank into the terrorists case, but I admit that I didn’t see the possibility of losing 3 Gundams as “intentional”. We just have to see if it’s true or not when the episode’s released in a few days’ (or a week’s) time.
But since DM implied otherwise, then I suppose not. He’s the one who had seen the RAW version and translated, at least, part of it.
Lots of heated discussion going on here…
Yea I do find the plot for luring in the Meisters a bit dodgy. So I’d unfortunately have to assume (badly) that the HRL are 100% confident that the Meisters will come in to intervene the terrorists, whereas the Meisters believed that they can just do the job and evacuate asap. Overall plot-wise, it is quite predictable even to the last minute. And Ali’s MA simply reminds me of… Gells-Che in GSD…
@ Crusader & DarkMirage: It is true that pink camouflage is used by the SAS for their land rovers in desert operations, which are called “Pink Panthers”. Funny enough that name is also used by different gay rights organizations in North America and Worldwide since the 1970s.
You’re looking at this the wrong way. You’re taking a cartoon about giant robots trying to stop all of mankind from fighting each other too seriously.
Kaioshin, I find it extremely amusing to see you complain about blogs complaining about one of your favourite shows, yet it’s perfectly OK for you to constantly have a go at anything Kyo-Ani. :p
Be civil now. Kaioshin has backed off on his “anti-KyoAni” position as of late, and isn’t nearly as critical of their work as he was used to be. I’m a KyoAni worshiper myself, but I far as I could see his criticisms were never without reason (despite how nitpicky they could get at times).
Yes Kaioshin has a bit of Gundam fanboy in him, (something I cannot relate to, I’m a young’un) but he has acknowledged where the series so far has had shortcomings in it’s execution.
Subs are serious business. Keep it that way, for everyone’s sake. And no one can tell you how to write on your blog.
Following Conclave-Mendoi’s work so far, they’re definitely more accurate in getting the actual dialogue correct than other groups, including Shinsen. I also failed to find the part of episode 10’s translation that made you laugh. O.o
Gah, I hate typos that make me sound stupid.
They might as well put a couple of terrorists in a giant cardboard box and close it when the Gundams fly in to intervene. I mean, there’s no way out. It’s not like Virtue could blow a hole in the box or Exia can cut cardboard. The series doesn’t have the common sense for it. Apparently, Virtue can’t even fly straight up.
Apart from that, I kind of liked this episode, but only for the action. The animation was good this time around, and I was sooo waiting for the Gundams to be pwned by the entire world.
Maybe that’s a way to unify the world, yeah? Just turn everyone… against you.
“Maybe that’s a way to unify the world, yeah? Just turn everyone… against you.”
As far as I remember, one of CB stated that thats exactly their plan.
Would be great not to get pwnd too early though.
You have to turn everyone against you AND survive. As soon as you are dead they will just quarrel with each other again.
Kaioshin Sama:
Frankly, I think I enjoyed G00 from the start, more than most people, which was why I was angry at Nyoro~n’s misrepresentation of the story with their lousy excuse for translation, and also why I felt compelled to defend G00 against angsty teenagers who accuse it of not “living up” to UC standards.
I also spent a lot more time and effort on G00 than most people. I translate almost every episode within 6-8 hours of its airing, including the time it takes to download and watch through it once first. Translation itself takes anywhere from 3-5 hours per episode. Not to mention the subsequent blog post that follows which takes up another 1+ hour.
I think I pretty much earned the right to bash the series all I want. It’s tough love that only a true fan can give. ;)
Moreover, most of my entries are not actually negative. The only criticism I made about this episode was its contrived storyline. I can see why Jason Miao banned you. You are way too sensitive and his blog probably drives you over the wall on a regular basis.
And finally, I don’t appreciate it when people slander my translations without proof. I always provide line-by-line proof when I criticize other fansubs. If you cannot produce the evidence, I can only assume that you are not linguistically qualified to make the judgement.
Perhaps you were referring to the words “shuttlecock” (ç¾½æ ¹çªã) and “monster” (デカブツ) that were used in our episode 10 translation. I can assure you that they are perfectly fine.
andreas: Oh wow, didn’t remember them saying that. << Makes sense. The flaw in that plan, however, is how long CB lasts. Like you said, it’d be great for them to not get so pwned early on in their plan. This episode, like with HRL’s attack, just proves how vulnerable they are. The Throne Gundams are just the deus ex machina saviors they need. Too bad it seems like they’re going to fight against each other at some point.
Sumeragi hinted at self-destruct upon capture… no word on that? o_o;
I was thinking this had to happen or was forced to happen so that the 3 factions on earth can “finally” get their own Gundam models into production… and only for that reason. I could be wrong in the future, but that’s how it appears. o_o;
Anyway, I’ll wait for the CM subs and no rush… I’ll probably understand the show more once 16 and 17 come out. @_@
Anyway, thanks for the summary as always.
Oh, I think from the preview that the HRL, AEU, and UN don’t get to take their Gundam goodies home yet in the next episode. Correct me if I’m wrong. o_o;
Are these new gundams related to that manga -> Mobile Suit Gundam 00F??
Bwahahahahaha. Kaioshin decides to go after Darkmirage, certified JLPT1 translator for Conclave-Mendoi. I’m trying very hard not to go Tsuruya-style ROFLMAO lollerskates right now.
Just go ahead and keep that up, Kaioshin. Like I said before, I don’t actually have to make you look like a troll; you’re making yourself look like one quite adequately.
On topic, I have a feeling that with the developments in this episode, I can actually predict how the plot is going to move up until at least the end of this first season. In fact, I already laid out my predictions in the AS forum…but I’m too lazy to repeat it here, unless asked to. :p
First off we’re going to ignore Ascaloth because he is little more than an annoying thug. I’ve long since had my fill of you and your duplicity now. Why exactly does this concern you anyway? Let me comment in peace for the last time please.
More to the point, Darkmirage, yes I am particularly sensitive here based on the treatment I have seen given this series by a number of blogs, that and annoying people like Ascaloth who keep butting in where the discussion does not concern them (of course not your fault, but he’s like always there just butting in with his endless grudge against me any time I try to speak out about something). Now again, I don’t think you are being fair with this series at all and you have to understand how somebody could draw the conclusion that when somebody is ridiculing a series AND subbing it that they aren’t going to be putting in as much effort as somebody who enjoys or is just plain quietly subbing the series. As RmX said, I cannot change what you write on your blog, nor try to force an opinion shift, but I can comment on it, that is as long as you don’t mind letting me.
Examples? As you wish. Lines such as Graham’s “If I’m not this forceful I won’t be able to seduce the Gundam” in Conclave’s episode 3 come to mind as ones that raised my eyebrows. Now I may not be a JLPT1 as Ascaloth brings up (More to be annoying then to serve any purpose) as to why I for some reason can’t question your translation choices (I will not question your knowledge of the language as I know it’s superior to mine, just your choices on how to portray it in English), but I am a University Graduate and have tackled essays, poems and the English language a number of times. Why not something like “If I am not this forceful I won’t be able to subdue/capture/defeat the Gundam.” Why seduce? Why the sexualization of the line when completely unnecessary and so many less ridiculous lines are available for the picking? That is an example of what I mean by subs that portray the scenes as more laughable and poorly written. You may have thought that was the best word choice for the scene, you are in the position to make the choice, but I think you can understand why I would suggest that there were a number of alternatives. Do you see what I mean more now? It’s not that I am saying you are trying to make a garbled mess of a series, but that you seem more inclined to portray scenes as being poorly and, well, retardedly written, which is what you describe the series as being like in the blog. Now do you see the connection and why I brought it to peoples attention on my blog? I’m not crusading against you or anything, or trying to slander you if that’s what you think, I am merely expressing concern.
Where we do have a problem is that I mistakenly brought up Gundam 00 Episode 10 subtitle nonsense as being perpetrated by Conclave, when in fact the sub in question was done by Shinsen. All I can say is I regret this mistake and want to apologize to you and the Conclave team for the suggestion. In this case only though as there is still “Seduce The Gundam”, which I cannot believe is the real line.
Secondly the concern I have with the fansubs was secondary to just how much of a hatchet you took to the episode. Your right of course, but I wanted to draw specific attention to it in my blog article as I have never in my years seen a fansubber who dislikes the writing of a show decide to sub it, and continue to do so. It seems like a very bad combination to me, and is worrisome. Your reassurance as to your dedication is very much appreciated though. I’m even considering taking altering the blog article I wrote to make special note of that, but you know, I’m still not very fond of what you have said regarding this series.
I’m not a mean or vindictive person as Ascaloth frequently suggests (except in his case were he’s darn well been pushing for a harsh rebuke for a long time and I have turned the other cheek until there is none left to turn), nor am I the troll I’m frequently portrayed as, so I hope we can ultimately just agree to disagree. You can have your articles of Gundam 00 and I can have mine. You had your article criticing Nyoron’s subs, I have mine criticizing your portrayal of the series and how I’ve started to feel it coming through in some of the subtitles. For the most part though I feel they are very well organized. It’s not like I can’t understand a damn thing like with GundamS or Nyoron. Too bad you seem to hate most episodes and seem to be playing fast and loose with the script more than I would care to see.
Oh, you’re right, this doesn’t concern me at all. I’m just standing to one side, doing my best impersonation of a Tsuruya-san LOL as I watch you conduct a losing, unjustifiable intervention into how DM does his translations (come to think of it, that’s exactly what CB is doing, isn’t it?)
And as for the issue with DM’s “seduce the Gundam”? I’ll just put in my two cents on this; how do you know for certain that’s not what the actual Japanese dialogue is? Won’t you want DM to translate it as it is, or would you rather he engage in Nyoro~n-ism just to make it sound less sexualized, which is apparently the sole issue you have with it? Can you give concrete proof that that particular line in the original Japanese dialogue is not as sexualized in context as DM’s translation is?
On the second charge, you are basically questioning DM’s professionalism. Once again, can you back up your accusation with concrete proof? He is making a point about the contrived storyline, and he has not outright lied in doing so. Are you suggesting that only those who are so much of a fanboy for Gundam 00 that they are entirely blind to its faults the only ones who deserve to do translations for it?
I have not DM’s skill or qualifications in the language, so I’ll just step aside and let DM rub your face in the original Japanese dialogue, give you a basic Japanese language lesson, or ban you just as Jason Miao did, or any of the three in any combination, whatever strikes his fancy. And one more thing; if you want to try an intervention in anything the next time, at least prepare concrete proofs to back up your claims so that you won’t end up as much of trainwreck as your favourite studio tends to be.
That’s all, for now. Do you wish to cut your losses while you’re still ahead, or do you want to continue bashing your steel-skulled head against the wall?
You do realize how two-faced and just plain nasty you look right now right Ascaloth?
And if I am? I see no reason to be particularly nice to you; that comes of knowing too well the kind of troll that you are. ;)
Yeah, whatever man….just keep on living that fantasy where everything I say is some kind of trolling scheme. Come to think of it, isn’t saying my favourite studio produces constant trainwrecks just pointless trolling compared to me countering DarkMirage’s opinions on the series.
In fact, compared to some of the stuff your chanting, I’m starting to see DarkMirage’s stance as more disappointment then hatred and bias. In fact I think I’m going to drop my whole discussion with DarkMirage as he seems pretty cool and like he’s just doing his job after all and genuinely not liking, but at last wishing to enjoy the scripts. I think I’ll just agree to disagree, delete my blog article on it, give him my blessing with his translation and bow out now that you’ve opened my eyes as to what true prejudice against a studio is, even if it is just because I happen to like it.
Oh and DarkMirage, I am deleting my blog article, and I hope there are no hard feelings. Ascaloth has provided quite possibly the best possible example as to why I am so sensitive about this kind of thing. Next to Ascaloth and his nastiness you are showing just by countering my points and keeping a cool head that you truly take this task seriously, and are trying to enjoy the show, but finding frustration in some of the writing. I understand, and I hope you will find future episodes you do like and appreciate that you are fulfilling the double task of blogging and subbing a series while finding the scripts aren’t what you’d hoped. It actually takes a bit of courage to stick with something you are having trouble enjoying. Seeing it from another perspective this has occured to me.
I still wouldn’t mind hearing you explain that one line I brought up though if you don’t mind.
Well Ascaloth is probably just peeved that you don’t like Kyo-Ani. I personally don’t think Clannad is that great either. >_>
As for “seduce” and all the other innuendos, I can tell you that they do actually exist in the Japanese dialogues. It makes NO SENSE for me to translate his lines as “subdue/capture” because that would be taking a metaphorical line and translating its meaning literally, thus destroying its original connotation.
For example, if a line in a song uses a metaphoric “ocean” to mean “universe”, I would translate it as “ocean” and not “universe”. The implied meaning is usually obvious and I see no reason why I have to interpret it for the audience and destroy the original poetic effect.
The original line: 多少強引ã§ãªã‘ã‚Œã°ã‚¬ãƒ³ãƒ€ãƒ ã¯å£èª¬ã‘ã¾ã›ã‚“
From dictionary: å£èª¬ã ã€ãã©ã】 (v5k,vt) to seduce; to make a play
Sample sentence:
I hope you are convinced. Sunrise is just trying too hard to win over the fujoshi crowd by sprinkling Graham’s lines with homoerotic undertones.
I know it’s difficult for people who do not speak the language to differentiate between correct translations and wrong but well-edited translation, and I can only ask for you to trust me on this base on my track record.
Anyway, I do realize that G00 is not really targeted at me, despite its allusions to real world politics. The plot details are not meant to be scrutinized in such a thorough manner and only serve to advance the story. Most people probably don’t give a second thought to the illogical set-ups that I complain about because it takes a certain level of real world knowledge to spot them. Therefore, most viewers actually seek a different kind of gratification from G00 than me, and they probably feel that G00 fulfils that requirement well, or at least well enough.
It’s just that I thought that G00 had real potential to become more than what has been done in almost every Gundam series in the past decade, and I judge the series base on that bar.
So basically rather than like a.f.k and trying to make the translations more American friendly, you prefer to go for the most accurate translation possible. I see. I had no idea that “seduce” was a metaphor and took it to be literal. I’m guessing it means something to do with the rivalry he has with it in the early episodes. And the Ocean metaphor (As in Ocean of Stars) is not lost on me, don’t worry about that I trust you, you’re the one with the certificate after all.
And I’m going to go out on a limb and guess your biggest worry is that Gundam 00 is going to turn preachy on us and forgo logic for showiness right? I think it is starting to take more of a classic modern Sunrise approach as the series goes on, but I think what we are going to end up with is somewhere inbetween political/social/character commentary and the preachy showiness of Gundam Seed Destiny, hopefully leaning more towards the former. Whatever the case I don’t think we are headed for a trainwreck like Ascaloth claims is the standard of Sunrise (no idea if he’s actually aware of anything to do with Sunrise and really feels that way or if he is just taking a swipe at them because I’m doing the talking, as all I can say I know he’s keen and knowledgeable on is Kyoto Animation series). I have yet to see any signs that the series is even beginning to run out of plot like Gundam Seed Destiny was around this time.
As for the reason why he’s peeved, yeah it’s roots are in something to do with me not being a big fan of Kyoto Animation and once upon a time being very critical of them. As a result I’m sort of a troll for life to him, a stigma I am forced to deal with from time to time, but not entirely something I am truly innocent of in touching off (It takes two to get the ball rolling and two to get it to stop so to speak). I’d rather not talk about it much more as I hope that part of this back and forth is over with personally. I really don’t like arguing with him constantly but I’m seemingly always needing to defend myself when he makes a reply.
Anyway, maybe after this whole Trinity arc we’ll go back to some of the earlier political back and forth you enjoyed more. Me, I loved it too, I’m very into politics and such, so it’s injection into Gundam was very neat, but yeah, we’ve definitely hit an action arc right now, not that I really mind much.
If you’re ever looking for something more to your tastes I’m pretty knowledgable on a number of genres and series believe it or not so you could ask me via e-mail or something. I feel I kind of owe you a solid for your troubles in enlightening me more on your whole routine.
Interesting episode indeed. Well it IS a terrorist attack, celestial being has to act and anyway you got the thrones to kick ass. I’m thinking that each of the thrones are a beefed up version of each of the gundams(wheres vier?). Only those three will appear because only those three are needed. Thats my logic. H’mm i doubt any of the military will be able to capture the gundams without getting raped by that throne (looks like eins). Seriously that looks awesome though… wait a minute.
Eins = probably Exia replacement
Zwei = Most likely Dynames
Drei = Most Likely Kyrios
In the intro a hint of Virtue actually fighting any of the Thrones isnt seen. Which may mean that there is no replacement for virtue (and that might be Nadeleeh seeing how agile it is with those GN cannons). Those thrones fighting each other may just be displaying their true strength (and how the celestial being’s meisters will get their skill up to notch).
There may be hope for this show yet.
is it me, or does the flag serges is piloting looks alot like Dai-Gurren in TTGL?
RmX, you must not have noticed the :p sign at the back of my message.
Personally, I don’t give a damn anymore if he thinks lowly of anything Kyo-Ani, I was just winding him up in jest. But I’ll bury the hatchet and apologize to anyone out there if a flame war has been unexpectedly started.
After all, though we massively disagree, we have ACTUALLY pos-repped each other on ASuki, more than once.
So take that, all you neg-repping anonymous bastards who do so simply you can’t agree with my occasional defense of Kyo-Ani. You’re nowhere near our friend Kaioshin here if you decide to neg-rep a comment simply because you can’t agree with it.
I did notice the :p. I just wasn’t sure what to do with it. ^^;;
As for the past bouts of Kaioshin vs. KyoAni, I held my opinion in favor of KyoAni, and viewed Kaio was just another naysayer for quite some time. But reading his posts versus everyone else, there was much more to it than simple trolling.
Something tells me that agree on things a lot more than you think we do. It’s just that I’m sticking up for Kaioshin and his expressed concerns for Gundam in this instance. O_o
I thought it was a good episode. As in, true modern Gundam-style haha. I enjoyed watching them get raped badly but I had Anger Max when the stupid new Gundams appeared. Spider Enact is very cool.