I’m dead tired. I spent the whole of Friday and Saturday directing traffic for this silly parade thing and reached home at 1am for two consecutive nights, and I didn’t even get to see the parade. Sigh.
Episode 19 is pretty damn boring and the only high point is the new insert song LOVE TODAY by Taja. But meh, I guess at least the Trinitys didn’t talk too much.
Setsuna almost gets pwned by the Fangs. Tieria and Lockon comes to aid Setsuna against the Thrones.
The Trinity siblings realized the fatal flaw in their docking system
Tieria unleashes Nadleeh’s secret power: the ability to control any mobile suit that is linked to Veda. I don’t understand why the Thrones are linked to Veda and I don’t understand what good is such a hidden ability except to fight against other Gundams, but whatever. He knocks Eins and Drei out, but the system fails before he gets to deliver the final blow. Apparently the hacking done on Veda somehow affected Nadleeh.
It’s not that Nadleeh’s secret system is particularly effective…
They are just momentarily shocked by the crimson long hair, that’s all
The battle ends in a boring draw. Before retreating, Johann tells Lockon that Setsuna’s real name is Soran Ibrahim and he was once a member of the KPSA, a Kurdish anti-government guerilla group that was responsible for the suicide bombing that killed Lockon’s family.
Setsuna lost his left eye during the battle
Louise tells Saji to go back to Japan because she knows that their relationship cannot last, and she wants Saji to achieve his dream of working in space. *Cues emo insert song*
“Goodbye Saji… I’ll miss you.”
“My ring… :(“
Frankly I think this plot development is way too extreme considering she only lost her left hand. It’s not like she’s paralysed waist-down and horribly disfigured or something…
Kinue traces the name Ragna to Ragna Harvey, the president of the Linear Train Enterprise. Apparently he is also a major stockholder of JNN. Unconcerned about the prospects of losing her job, she presses on with the investigation.
In face of the overwhelming power of seven Gundams, the various world leaders are on the brink of giving in to Celestial Being’s demands of disarmament, that is until they are secretly contacted by an unknown entity from within Celestial Being, a rat if you will.
“So you’re Kurdish? WTF I thought you were Japanese!”
Lockon and Setsuna have a small one-on-one emo talk with Tieria acting as the third party. Lockon takes out a gun and melodramatically waves it around in front of Setsuna, while delivering some of the most clichéd and uninspired dialogue lines ever. I find Lockon’s reaction to his discovery of Setsuna’s real identity to be pretty illogical.
“I am Gundam. There is no God. I can’t believe I just summed up my entire life story in two sentences.”
Also, why was Ireland attacked by a Kurdish terrorist group? I thought the whole point of Lockon’s Irish heritage was to link him to Ireland’s centuries-long religious conflict between Protestants and Catholics, which has nothing to do with any disputes between Shiites and Kurds. It’s almost as if Sunrise decided to treat all terrorists as one monolithic plot device to be used whenever it is convenient.
Down the rabbit hole
Anyway the episode ends with a bunch of Union, HRL and AEU military personals entering a secret facility in Antartica, to be greeted with what appears to be a crap load of solar furnaces. Gasp! Gundams for everyone!
The mother load
Ready! Fight!
Tieria misses his target
Preparing for a colonoscopy. “Nurse, get me my gloves.”
Liu Mei is one of the bad guys now :(
“Maybe I should have asked for a necklace instead.”
“Nice to meet you, Saji. Please make babies with me!”
“Stupid humans.”
“No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.”
Relativity at work
They don’t look like Gundams to me
The fine art of stereotyping perfected
I scored 2310 for my first SAT! Woot!
I don’t get the caption for that last one.
Right, because I used the wrong picture. It’s fixed.
We already have good and evil gundams fighting eachother. Where did Kaio go anyway?
How the hell is CB going to eradicate war if the world powers get their very own furnaces and presumably accompanying armor and weapon tech. Its just going to go back to the way it was after they eradicate CB, only with shinier toys.
It’s weird your site doesn’t show the new post, but your feed does. Good luck for me that I was going to add you to my reader. ^__^
I was wondering why Middle Eastern Terrorists would bother attacking Ireland when Ireland has not been actively interfering with their affairs or making promises to them. It seems that who ever wrote the script is wither ignorant about the motivations of terrorism because contemporary groups did not become powerful if they did not understand economy of force. That or they once again mailed it in. In either case it was one artificial and slightly misplaced time to generate some miester conflict. Well let’s see how the Big Three will mis use thier brand spank’in new GN Copy Drives, I hope that Patrick, Soma, Ali, and Aker get some upgrades form this bonanza but I have my doubts that this strategic resource will be used efficiently to equip the elite units of the Big Three.
Well here is to a better 20.
Grats on getting 2310 on your SAT, glad I finished doing those ages ago, I feel old…
The SajixLouise montage is way too freaking long…U_U
Louise lost her left hand, both of her legs, not to mention the emotional trauma of losing 99% of her entire family tree mom, dad, aunts, uncles, grandpas, grandmas, cousins, etcetera… Of course the relationship is going down hill
^ Louise is seen standing so that’s not really that bad at all, afterall what she lost is her offhand so I believe she can still live on pretty well.
Hmm, I sense the next few episodes are going to have the Gundams getting their asses kicked by the new AEU, HRL and Union Gundams (Or similar units). Culminated by Exia being destroyed in Episode 25 and it being a cliffhanger for the end of Season 1. Then Season 2 starts in October with Setsuna getting a new shiny Gundam from somewhere and the real villains showing up and saying “All is proceeding as we foreseen”.
She’s not standing, either leaning against the window on her bed or something else, it is clearly illustrated in episode 18 that she lost her legs when there was only a pair of shortened limbs under the blankets. Even Wikipedia says she lost her legs :P
Crap, my bad, I didn’t watch the episode, so now I change my opinion….. WTF is wrong with Louis, it’s just a hand!! You can still make babies Jesus, Sunrise is just getting retarded now with emotional breakdowns.
The ‘motherload’ of Solar Furnaces (or whatever they’re called) was a bit sudden after all the buildup of making those scientist-people explain that it takes a very long time to make one and they could only be made in Jupiter. @_@
It’s almost like finding a cache of +5 Vorpal Long Swords in a D&D campaign. O_o;
Anyway, I’ll go watch it. Maybe they explain. @_@
@ Keiichi : I think some of her relatives didn’t attend the wedding. She could get lucky.
I don’t think she is leaning against her bed, the bed seems to be a distance from the window. Either that she is on prostheses/cybernetics. Maybe a GN drive equipped hover wheelchair?
Darky are you a volunteer at the Chingay?
Is it thanks to Graham for taking away Throne Ein’s GN Beam Saber the solar furnaces can be built and new units using GN particles are constructed?
Louise didn’t seem to have lost her legs in the previous episode…
BTW what’s SAT? =X
congratulations on yor SAT.
Keiichi: “Even Wikipedia says she lost her legs :P”
That, in itself, wouldn’t really matter though…Wikipedia says many things, some true but many which are just BS edits.
Still, even if she did, they should be able to give her some prosthetics limbs further down the line…if the plot demands it.
wow, well done on the SAT, for those who don’t know its a standardized exam in the US that highschoolers must pass. The highest possible score on an SAT is 2400, To put in in context:
* Harvard – 2200
* Williams – 2125
* University of Virginia – 2000
* UCLA – 1900
* Iowa State – 1825
* Ohio State – 1800
* DePaul – 1750
* Arizona – 1700
* Indiana University- 1650
Congrats on pwning the shit out of the SAT……you’ll probably be able to get into any college you want…..
HAHAHA!!! Those solar furnaces are fake! They are just like those Throne Gundams’!
New MS for every party…Bandai sure likes to make money of Plastic Kits!!
wouldn’t the world leaders get their solar furnaces from the “rat” in Celestial Being?
They left it a bit late for the 3 nations to get their hands on how to make overpowered mobile suits. They should have had it in like episode 8/9.
Some spoilers for the next few episodes.
I scored 2310 for my first SAT! Woot!
NICE. I’m guessing you aced the Math section buy screwed up on CR and/or Writing. Are you planning to attend college in the US then? Come to Cornell! (People over there have it of it, I hope…?)
The highest possible score on an SAT is 2400, To put in in context:
I don’t think that list applies to DM, as he’s an international student. But whatever the case, he’s still in the 99.4 percentile. Congratulations again, DM!
Well, I think it’s clear that those 2 observers have been hiding for quite a while. They have something white up their sleeves :D Another gundam, just what we need. That whole Louise/Saji thing was so annoying. I think that in itself was half of the episode. All answers to secrets seem to lie in Antarctica. Evangelion had some roots there, and now Gundam does too. Sadly, no penguins :( That’s exactly what Gundam 00 needs lol, a pet penguin. That whole terrorist thing was, with no doubt, stupid. Ireland/Kurdistan that makes no sense whatsoever having any conflict between them. Maybe Sunrise needed something to try and make a Meister conflict. 00 needs more Graham airtime, he’s my favorite. It’s probably because he seems to be the only normal, sensible person left in the show.
I second the more Graham air time. I also dont like it how the fights are soooooo short! SEED on the other hand had some awesome fights as did Gundam Wing…
The terrorist part is cliche. But I guess it’s just a plot device to show how the bond among the Meisters has grown, now they have better teamwork, etc etc.
Nonetheles, the fight is awesome! I’m so satisfied to see Exia destroyed the Fangs, good one to keep Michael’s arrogance down. And it’s good to see the teamwork combo and that Virtue can be swift and do stuffs other than shooting the hugeass cannon.
It’s quite funny that there are 30 extra solar furnaces. Just enough for eash of the major government factions to have 10! >.> Isn’t that just amazing…And here Celestial Being is acting like solar furnaces are rare. Ptolemaios doesn’t even have one. Sounds very Dues X to me.
@Joshou7, they are not real GN Drives, they are fake, manufactured; therefore, specifically 30 was made, it was not a coincidence, and Ptolemaios has a GN Drive, it was made obvious during the space battle with the HRL and Celestial Being, Ptolemaois had a GN barrier and they said that only 5 GN Drives should exist, 1 for each gundam + Ptolemaois.
Actually Ptolemaios doesn’t have a GN drive. It had a GN barrier because Dynames was docked to it. We still don’t know where the fifth GN drive is, but it’s definitely not on Ptolemy else the whole thing about Virtue having to return to space to recharge the ship’s cell would not make any sense.
And it’s entirely possible for there to be more GN drives, since it’s painfully obvious that no one in Celestial Being knows anything beyond their own operating cell.
Err dark mirage, didnt you see allerando conner smirk when tieria was about to completely rape eins and drei in the trial mode? (cant be bothered with spelling his name properly). I highly doubt it was related to the hacking which neena did. Tieria probably mistook it.
EDIT: Fifth GN drive should be on the GN arms that setsuna will get in ep 21. One more thing CB, and not even the thrones know that those GN drives were distributed to the three superpowers.
I’ve dumped Gundam 00 so far for Rosario + Vampire. Shock Horror. rofl
Tell me when it actually starts making sense/being interesting ^^
Forget reading the episode overview, that SAT score is amazing. O.O
“Also, why was Ireland attacked by a Kurdish terrorist group”
I dont understand how people think that angry Middle Eastern terrorists attacking a Western city is somehow a plot hole, or unrealistic. 9/11 anyone?
Way to stereotype the Middle East.
All I’m saying is that Sunrise went through all that trouble to create 1) an Irish heritage for Lockon and 2) a version of world events that led to the continuation of the Catholic-Protestant conflict. Seems like it was trying to lead up to something, don’t you think?
But suddenly we now learn that Lockon hates terrorism not because of all the hundreds of bombs set off by the Real IRA in his homeland (the logical assumption given Sunrise’s painstaking set-up), but because some random Kurdish group, for no apparent reason, decides to bomb Ireland, a place of no significance. And this happened right smack in the middle of a civil war within the Kurdish Republic itself.
Why didn’t Sunrise just make Lockon English then? London getting bombed by jihadists would’ve made a hell lot more sense, and we could’ve done away with the link to Ireland, now rendered useless by the new revelation.
Maybe they didn’t make him English because they want to point out that the Meisters all had a hard time in their life because they are part of a minority. The Kurdish have a serious conflict with the Turkish, the Irish have a conflict between Protestants and Catholics, people with different ideas of sexuality are despised by an awful percentage of humanity. Not to mention the mentally ill.
However, I still don’t get the reason for a bunch of weird kids to get chosen to save the world. Whatever.
PS: I hold no grudge against any of the minorities above.
Well making Lockon Irish was also somewhat of a deliberate red herring, so we would suspect otherwise. Who knows what the terrorists attacked in Ireland, might have been a summit there or maybe Ireland is a bit more powerful in the future :)
At least the plot is going somewhere, I also found it hilarious that the Throne Meisters did not expect CB to go after them after they kill innocent civilians..
rofl, wow i love whoever did this website. I mean that’s creativity for you. But sadly yes, i haven’t even seen this episode yet and it makes me just want to take a gun and shoot myself at the stupidity. Somehow the horror that i actually liked this series is upon me. I mean it had a pretty smooth beginning but i seem some GS destiny thing going on here. One hell of a beginning but the story just…kind…of…um….yeah :
And damn nice, i scored a 2300 on my first SAT o.o. -claps and passes out the cakes- I’m not alone! There are other smart people out there!
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Sorry to nitpick but I feel it necessary to defend my post.
“Way to stereotype the Middle East”
Well, although I do also feel that the idea of a Middle Eastern terrorist is a stereotype, I feel that Sunrise obviously wanted to include modern day issues in a show set in the future. E.g Protestant-Catholic stress in Ireland.
“But suddenly we now learn that Lockon hates terrorism not because of all the hundreds of bombs set off by the Real IRA in his homeland (the logical assumption given Sunrise’s painstaking set-up)”
I definatly wouldn’t call making 1 character Irish, and a short part in a episode about the Real IRA “painstaking”. I must say it definately isn’t Sunrise’s fault you assumed something to be what it wasnt, although I do admit it wasn’t made clear.
“Why didn’t Sunrise just make Lockon English then? London getting bombed by jihadists would’ve made a hell lot more sense, and we could’ve done away with the link to Ireland, now rendered useless by the new revelation”
Why do you think that? I havent seen anything in 00 which shows England to be of any more significance than Ireland. I think you are confusing real life with Gundam.
“but because some random Kurdish group, for no apparent reason,”
The reason was given. I thought it was reasonable as poverty is a huge motivation for anger, and a turning to God, both when combined are easily used to convince people to commit acts of violence and terrorism. However I do find it inexcusable that such a major event hasn’t been mentioned in the show before now.
Actually Darkmirage, the Ptolemaios has a GN drive; the GN barrier wasn’t formed because Dynames was docked into it. If you rewatch episode 9, the Dynames locked its foot in place on the mobile suit launcher so it wouldn’t drift. Its other foot was that temporary replacement. And if you watch that entire part, that girl working at that computer engages the GN barrier when Sumeragi orders her to do so.
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The Ptolemaios’ GN Drive has to be regularly charged by the Gundams otherwise it will cease to function. Therefore It isnt a GN Drive, but its a bit like the GN powered Weaponry, It requires GN particles but cannot create them itself. Therefore that is why it was able to use the GN Barrier, not because Dynames was on it but because it had been charged by the Gundams.
The whole terrorism plotline has been one of the weaker parts of the series, but I don’t see how it’s Sunrises writers fault for the culprit in Lockon’s backstory not being the obvious one. I mean just because something is unexpected doesn’t automatically make it a terrible writing choice.
Again no surprise at DM hating this episode as he has pretty much all of them. I sort of got the impression he didn’t like Episode 18 either, which would make him one of the few. As it stands I don’t imagine how anything the show can do will ever satisfy him. At least he continues to try and temper it with some constructive commentary.
The fifth GN drive is being used by another Celestial Being cell, as told in the comic book Gundam 00F, the group working in the shadows to help Celestial Being. It was shown in the first chapter that they have four gundams.
I got that info after reading a subbed gundam comic book from http://www.zeonic-corps.net/
well… Tieria gets props for trying to own the throne and pretty much would’ve if the dude with the random grin didn’t f*** ** Vader
and you know what would’ve been fun for us? if they gave them 3 REAL GN Drives one for each nation so they’d make there own gundam type mobile suits so it’d be like
Meister VS Throne VS NATIONS~~
the custom flags look friggen hawt btw
uhmm so the manga and anime tell the same story just in a different perspective or something?
I hope liu mei won’t turn out to be part of the bad guys =( She’s too cute to be evil!
@ the whole if the ptolemaios has a GN drive or not
In episode 3 “If we have a weak point, it’s that, without the Gundams, the operational time of the Ptolemaios would be extremely limited.”
or says Allelujah and that wouldn’t be the case if the ptolemaios had a GN drive
If by obvious culprit you mean Setsuna, I would have to disagree. He may have been a part ofthe group that comitted the bombing but remember that there was a scene in one episode showing Lockon standing near the body bags and out front of the bombed building. He was a kid at the time, so Setsuna would have been a baby at the most probably not even born at the time of the bombing. If you mean by the obvious culprit being a middle east group than yeah Sunrise over uses that. The last thing I should mention about the fact a middle eastern group attacking Ireland, this series takes place 300 years from now don’t forget that. Nothing has happened now to make them attack Ireland but something could have happened then.
I don’t see why the writer of this website disliked the episode. I thought the opening fight was sick, seeing the gundams finally attack in a formation, albeit for a short time was a cool thing to watch I mean no more crazy “we are gundams we’ll blow everything up all the time no matter what” stuff. Also seeing Nadleeh use that that to disable the others was crazy i loved that and to have it forcibly disabled by the UN guy was a plot twist im waiting to see unravel, and the end with the 30 GN drvies leads us to see the GUndams and are going to get owned and then get sick upgrades and start owning again (lol). YEa ill admit the whole Saji thing was boring as fcuk but i fast forwarded that and yea why the fuck are the Kurdish bombing Ireland when there is a war in their homeland, Sunrise clearly needs to do more reasearch on the Middle East before they make charecters from there i mean I was so pissed off when in Gundam Wing the only Arab there was a blond haired blue eyed little faggot whos only mate was his bloody Gundam sad!
That part is really dumb (the kurd Ireland thing) and the Iranian princess looks chinnese! whY!!!! lol
either way i’m glad Setsuna is doing something cool
O also I wikipediaed Soran it is an area in Kurdistan and the name of a specefic group of Kurds