This entry is behind schedule due to various real-life circumstances and is in no way related to the recently-released ToHeart2 AnotherDays game.
This episode has dead corpses, people getting blown up and other awesome bits of content that are not suitable for children below the age of retirement. For maximum enjoyment, please disconnect cerebral cortex and temporarily suspend high-level cognitive functions. Also, put your phone on silent mode, you inconsiderate sob!
This is mainly an action episode. HRL launches an attack against Trinity’s mountain lair in northwestern Africa, while AEU and Union cooperate to take down Ptolemaios.
No one left to pay the bills
Saji finds out that his sister was investigating on Aeolia Schenberg and goes into emo mode. Like an internet child predator patiently grooming his potential victim, Sunrise is setting Saji up to become the ultimate emo protagonist of pure hatred. Next episode: Saji finds out that Celestial Being agents infiltrated his school and gave him a failing grade for his history module.
“Look at this lone conveniently-located flower in the middle of this rocky wasteland.”
Setsuna is having (wet) dreams of Marina, which is weird considering they have only met like four times, but I guess that’s teenage infatuation for you. (Especially since Marina has the older sister thing going.) This is timely reminder to the audience that Marina still exists. I wonder how Azadistan is doing now…
Cutthroat business
Alejandro leaves no loose ends. Ragnar Harvey is dead and the Trinity siblings are betrayed.
“Madam, something’s wrong! The monochrome display is showing red!”
During the battle with the Jinxes, the Gundams get deactivated by a hacked Veda. Fortunately, Sumeragi predicted this and had Feldt and Christina prepare a “stand-alone operating system” (lol) that bypasses Veda.
“Life without love is meaningless…”
Unfortunately, it seems to work for everyone except Virtue. Tieria emos after he realizes that he’s just been dumped by Veda, his one true love.
Dynames gets forcefully penetrated
Surprisingly, Mr. Patrick Coleslawguy gets to do more than get owned in this episode. He manages to shoot through Virtue’s GN field, destroy Dynames’ rifle, and then cut through Dynames’ frontal armour while Lockon is trying to shield the deactivated Tieria from certain death. The reason for his sudden jump in performance? Apparently, Colonel Manekin promised him a kiss. (Or maybe that’s just his own delusion too.)
GN arms — Where are the arms?
The guy whose name I can’t ever remember appears at the critical moment with GN arms to save the day. AEU and Union Jinxes retreat.
Interestingly, during the two missions, exactly three Jinxes get destroyed. (At least by my count.) I’m guessing it’s one from each power bloc. I say it’s interesting because what happens if the three superpowers do manage to destroy Celestial Being, but do so at the cost of a few more Jinxes? Wouldn’t the one with the most left “win”? And shouldn’t they then be more concerned about preserving those Jinxes for the inevitable world war that is going to come next? Oh forget it, I’m sure Alejandro will deactivate them as soon as Celestial Being is gone anyway.
Just for the record: Yeah she’s totally dead, not counting possible zombies/clones
Those crazy Europeans and their customary greetings
Feldt uses blush! It’s super effective!
“O Soran, Soran, wherefore art thou Soran?”
Sumeragi reveals her true evil plan to silence the whole Ptolemy crew with beer
“Saji, I’m sorry. I can’t issue her last paycheck because she died one day too early.”
Isn’t this from that new Appleseed movie?
Red trumps green
Sitting duck
Lockon getting microwaved
“I was so blinded by my love for Veda that I didn’t realize Lockon’s feelings for me.”
Five seconds of fame
Greek gods didn’t die from a lack of believers. They died due to natural selection favouring genetic diversity over systematic incest.
i think he gn x might becoe like the gm from the original series, which ws completel mass produced.
“Greek gods didn’t die from a lack of believers. They died due to natural selection favouring genetic diversity over systematic incest.”
This is going in my signature on a forum somewheres.
Oh yeah…..Saji seems to be emoing like Kamille, hopefully Sunrise will not fail as hard as they did when they tried to make Shinn into the Kamille of the Cosmic Era
I found out about the GN arms: not all that cool but still does the trick. I wonder if Lockon is dead PLEASE be. your the perfect one out of G00 team : Winged has cerebrul whatevevs, Exia is angst badly, and Virtue is stuck in space for all I care.yay second coment!! oh and something is wrong with the date or is it just me??
why isn’t anyone posting >(
Who would have ever thought those ridiculous spoilers about Transam to be true…
i would hate to be saji, eveyone around him seems get get into trouble one way or the other…
at least Lockon’s not COMPLETELY out from s1 like some idiot photoshopped a few days ago (it spead to seed-forums, oddly enough)
btw, did tieria activated the GN field in time 2 the beginning of the battle or did Patrick got a shot on him before it’s up?
Lockon getting sabered protecting tieria? Like Nicol taking Strike’s sword to save Athuran in Seed? Hmmm
Edit: Wouldn’t the GN-X be more like the Ashtrays of Gundam Seed? To me those suits are closest to performance and power of a gundam, lacking only the armor.
ha. honestly wow. how can saji’s life get ne worse eh?
Wow wow I cant wait for Menclave to release the last 2 episodes! And this blog post was one of the funniest I think you wrote on Gundam 00 darkmirage!
Anyone think that new Celestial Being Gundams are going to be coming in to the picture in the second season? Or is it just me?
Saji is kind of like a Key character. He get’s punished for trying to live a happy and content life.
Also don’t disconnect your cerebral cortex from the rest of your brain kids, it’s really bad for your health. I think we can better enjoy any episode of this series by paying more attention to it rather than ignoring or writing off what is going on.
Finally, Mr. Patrick manage to land some decent shots on the Gundam. After 21 episode, that is… Haha. Countdown to the end of season 1: 3/5?
Will Lockon be fine? The GN particle is harmful to human, right?
Well for the sake of keeping Louise a stumpy gal Lockon has to be severely injured, dead, or other wise maimed for life. Unless of course they find a way to reverse the GN radiation…
I am saddened that freaking Lassie was able to do something in a new prototype GN Arms that he never even used before and managed to see them all off. Still Patrick is awesome, and I think that Katie was right when she said that she would make him a man, the power of love is a curious thing.
I cannot help but feel unrestrained joy at seeing Saji’s life being destroyed, a fitting revenge given all those hateful Saji x Louise moments we had to endure.
Wah, Kinue ;_;
Alright, I was kinda expecting that but still. Rawr, sunrise!
– I’d expect Lockon to be blinded after an experience like that. The irony of a sniper losing his vision…
– Lasse is the Ptolemaios’s gunner after all. Just that the ship never came with guns. So the logical thing is to get him a ship that does.
– Did you really hate the scenes with Saji and Louise that much?
Sunrise may put up new members of CB for the second season in October, just like what they did for Code Geass.
Fortunately they didn’t got rid of Lockon at this time of the season. But he may not be able to pilot his Gundam after this. (he should have used a beam deflecting shield when he knew times have changed with less cannons and rockets).
RmX: They say he was seriously injured. Most likely he’ll lose a limb when he was hit by the beam than he lost his sight. That is, if the beam is strong enough to penetrate through his helmet.
@darkdestiny: I have other reasons to believe why Lockon was blinded.
I love the random picture comment.
LOL…Lockon’s jump-in scene looks like MU LA FRAGA from Gundam Seed!!
Poor lockon…lol I was thinking the same thing that Setsuna was having wet dreams about Marina. She’s gonna re-appear, maybe like that whole ghost of Stellar/Shinn thing. Either way, Patrick makes me laugh every time! The faces, the tumbling, he’s freakin hilarious. The GN arms disappointed me, big time. I thought it was gonna be some freakin huge system you can attach to Exia or something that gives it a giant ass sword or something like that (sort of like those attachments they gave to Kira and Athrun for Freedom and w/e suit it was Justice or something). xD I still can’t remember that guy’s name…the one who’s all muscly and stuff…Alejandro, go die, I freakin hate you now. He’s just like lol livonze, I’m so greedy, aren’t I? Hehe, I’m greedy, woohoo for me, it’s so wrong…yeah…He can go die, right now! WTF is up with Graham not being allowed to fight just because he’s still in the flag? He could have certainly done better than all of those GN-X pilots.
Flags don’t work so well in space or water.
I wonder which nation will come up with own new GN mobile suit or mobile armor?
WOW Saji is so gonna go SUPER EMO on every1 and start beating the shit out of CB in season 2. GAWD this is true suspense w8ing 4 each episode each week!
Lmao heres whats rlly happening Lockon just lost all his sperm cells i mean rlly gn radiation what could it possibly do** rolls eyes**exia sucks virtue is all sad because he lost his true love and hallelujah dosent do much but misss this series rlly sucks >_> exias gonna get blown up and have a paranoid sex dream and come back in a machine with super duper luper canon>>> the rest of the characters wil all die off and we’ll probobly seee that guy dying before he gets his first kiss
“Well for the sake of keeping Louise a stumpy gal Lockon has to be severely injured, dead, or other wise maimed for life. Unless of course they find a way to reverse the GN radiation”
Lockon has a twin right? I wouldnt rule out harvesting stem cells from him to ‘repair’ his damaged organs
boo. lockon got locked on. ha.. ha. RIP
I think Haro is going to be destroyed in the end and his twin is going to be his co-pilot in season 2.
Or his twin is going to replace him in season 2 along with Saji?
Thank goodness the last episode is going to be up before I enlist.
P.S Can’t wait for Code Geass 2!
yay comments!! FUNNY comments and FUNNY blog
ya man! you’re so right! And thanks for the reminder! He does have a twin!! maybe he’ll get repaired from his twin, or his twin replaces him and fights for him in his place eh~?
the G.N. arms does attach to Exia. the model was revealed few days ago.
Hes blind!!! oh noes now CB will make him a mask that implants to his brain with visual receptors! Nice way of making a masked character sunrise!
I actually feel sorry for saji
Does anybody else worry that Saji may get a Gundam and then pull a Wufei on us and name it after his Girlfriend? I don’t think I can buy a Gundam Louise… the rest of my models would die of embarrassment.
I doubt Lockon’s twin will even be willing to pilot a Gundam, let alone learn how to pilot one.
Saji gonna replace lockon and bacome the super smo pilot
Ok, then we have how to create the ultimate emo-kid V2.
Injured CB member and a new unit just being “easily” introduced and saving Tieria´s ass?
I just don´t know what to think anymore, but atleast Setsuna got some new stuff into his head instead of just thinking “gundam, I´m the gundam”…
Oh well, hope they make this show worth watching later on as well. Or are they going to do a cliffhanger like they did in CG?
Howcome when the throne gundams take a shot at virtue’s gn field it gets blocked and when the gn’x’s shoot it penetrates the field ?
I thought they had the same kind of (fake) solar furnace
people sure like to retreat in these series btw,
@Glitch: I said it before and I’ll say it again. You withdraw your troops if you have lost all tactical advantage before you start losing units left and right.
And the Thrones’ beam weapon is classified as a handgun, whereas the Jinx weapons are heavy rifles and submachine guns. I’d expect them to have more punch than the Thrones’ pea shooters.
smartass , I know about the retreat ,just makes it kinda borring
I dont think any of the gundam meisters are going to die. Simply cause the ending of the episodes I mean the ED or OP whatever its called…they show all of the gundam meisters in various poses of angst and melancholy…so they will all be fine…traumatized (if not already) but fine…
can u guys guess who triggered the withdrawal flare before the end of AEU and Union assault? there is no capital ship around and the highest ranking officer was busy trying to slice the gundams….conundrum…conundrum…conundrum
Just so you all know that isn’t a GN arm. Based on what the guy says or what I think he says it is a Gundam that hasn’t been used for a while.
Also, this is a old thought but it still is making me wonder. You have 30 GN drives in one place I don’t care if they are fake. But you don’t have any alarms that would go off and the same with Veda’s main core. Nothing? What were you thinking!?! Nothing for just in case!
I’m sure that Libbons or whatever his name is deactivated any sensors or alarms considering they didn’t just WALTZ in there, but they hacked Veda and it “let” them in. Also, what are you talking about alarms and 30 GN Drives?
It’s not like they stole the 30 GN Drives. Ragna sold de GN Drives and the mobile suits that use them to the Union, HRL and AEU.
The GN Arm is NOT an untransformed old Gundam. Its an attachment like the G-defensor was for the Gundam MK. II. Just take a look.
But I’m still wondering why they havent talked about the first Gundam ( O Gundam) or its pilot.
“Just so you all know that isn’t a GN arm. Based on what the guy says or what I think he says it is a Gundam that hasn’t been used for a while.”
Model kits and official info says otherwise. That it the GN Arms in action.
Just to note: the GN-Arms are just not transformable Gundams as some have said. It has limited power (with no GN Drives).
Ok, so i reaaaaaly wanna know why the hell is Teiria so in with Veda!!?? i wanna know if his broken heart from Veda’s repulcion was worth of our loved lockon to get microwaved???!!! i like Teria and i kind wanted to c him get to show more emotions, but this was strictly emoish. I was kind of relieved when the rest of the meisters shouted out lockon name when he was fried ( as if that’ll save him) but it shows atleast that there is a great sense of team and friendship which is kid of rare to see in other gundam series were everyone is so self -centered ( too much capitalism in their background). I just hope that someone in celestial being is more powerful than veda…..its kind of lame if the whole celestial being is just run by a weird evil computer program ( so lame , as if we didn’t c that in I,Robot and Thorn ).
I wish that ALi guy gets killed in a fist-fight or something and Setsuna shwing his Chakra hidden form!
Anybody other than me get the feeling Tieria is a bio-android type thing?