As you can imagine from this picture, episode 24 is pretty emo. If you haven’t watched it yet, maybe you want to do that first before reading my usual cynical tearing down of what many people may find the most touching episode in the series. On the bright side, we are almost done! (Until season 2 at least.)
If I had to use an analogy to describe this episode, which I don’t but I shall anyway, then I would say that it’s like the fireworks during New Year celebrations. They are pretty nice and colourful but they last only a short while, burning themselves up in the process. Also, the whole fireworks get old after a while when you see them every year.
This is a very shitty analogy, so we shall stop here and move on.
Ptolemaios and the UN forces regroup their troops after the furious fighting in the previous episode. With just 11 Jinxes left, the UN receives a mysterious reinforcement in the form of a gigantic gold space pimpmobile. The two sides then clash in a final battle for survival, though it seems clear that Setsuna and gang stand no chance against the flying bling fortress.
“That’s no moon…”
Episode 24 is what Sunrise has been saving up for all this while, baby! And by saving up, I refer to the human cast of the series. Just like soylent green, the secret of Sunrise’s patented storyline formula lies in the death of human beings, and, continuing from episode 23’s light appetizer, we are slowly moving into the main course of total annihilation.
Patrick, a long lost member of Team Rocket, finally bites the dust in this episode, courtesy of Tieria Erde. While logically speaking it’s a miracle that he even managed to make it this far, from the perspective of story-telling it makes little sense to have him die at this point of the story, especially considering he just barely escaped death in episode 23.
Dr. Moreno, the doctor who wears a pair of dark sunglasses while he treats potentially-fatal wounds, dies an attack that takes out the entire starboard side of Ptolemaios. Since he had a total of about five seconds worth of appearance in the entire series, I wonder if his meaningless existence was the remnant of an aborted subplot, or if Sunrise really, really wanted to have someone who wears sunglasses in the show?
So he does have eyes…
Halfway through the episode, Christina and Lichty start to share their life stories. This is where you start to sympathize with them before they die later on in the episode. Yes, they die. To her credit, Chris saves Feldt’s life with a white lie, thus preserving the sanity of thousands of fanboys. The world owes you one, Chris. From a storyline viewpoint, this probably paves the way for Feldt to mature into a hardened Gundam Meister with a sexy body.
A cyborg’s got to do what a cyborg’s got to do
On the bright side, Sunrise can now lower the budget and lay off a few seiyuu.
That said, I am not heartless. Though the whole thing was a blatant attempt to create an emotional moment after so many episodes of weak character development, I did fall for it (a little). Christina and that guy, may you rest in peace and not be resurrected as brainwashed cyborg killing machines by the villain in season 2.
By the way, if you are wondering about Lichty’s cyborg body, his parents were orbital elevator technicians and he lost them, along with half his body, as a child during the Solar Conflict .
Is she going to do something or what?
Setsuna is mentally preparing himself for the ensuing rape
Question to Europeans: What’s with the funky colours?
“What’s that weird thing you’re using?” “A pencil.”
First the gold pistol, now this. Definitely compensating for something
Pikachu suit
They need to nerf this in the next patch
“Fire ze missiles!” “But I’m le tired.”
So, has anyone figured out why space smoke is pink in Gundam?
It’s amazing how the rest of the room is completely blown apart
This is like Survivors in space
As a bonus for finishing this review, I present to you a short story.
Damn…the short story cracked me up
Rofl I love the sarcasm about your blog comments
good stuff,
the evidence that alejandro is a pimp just keeps on mounting… did summeragi miss one of her payments or something?
Wildarmssheero was the first I bet.
Also, I hear you got admitted into Harvard Law! Good job!!
That never happened… Stop making shit up. >_<
We are onli at the half way point in the series and so much action. So many ppl die in this ep. the CB now left 7 member
Actually, I’m pretty sure that season 2 will pick up from a few years after the end of season 1.
You need time to build new Gundams, and you need time for Feldt, Louise/Saji and possibly Neena to “grow up” and take up more important roles after having suffered the lost of their friends/family.
Essentially the whole of the first season is probably just one huge motivational set-up for the main characters appearing in the second season.
The pink smoke is due to the GN particles. I’m noticing a slight trend in this. More screen time == death. All Graham and the others need to do to live is hide from the camera…
Without having the wait for the subbed version, i felt disappointed! I think this was the episode for me which defined the whole thing… kill all humans! It seems they are hell bent on killing off as many of the main cast or as much of the story as possible before leaving things on the cliffhanger for the next series. Perhaps they are not too sure if the show will get a second series so they are pulling out all the stops at the end of this one!
I have to say i started watching this show and thought it was going to be very good, okay so the story progression was a little slow but i figured there would be 50 episodes like Gundam Wing with which to build on, though it now appears plots and story arch have been put to the wall in favour of the Gundam Seed formula of ‘if its impossible, it’ll make a cool graphic!’
Dear god i’m starting to take apart a show i should be watching for fun and break it down into chunks to see why i feel cheated!! To top it all they are going to make you wait until October before concluding the story… should they still have one!!
Someone save me!
On a side note, by the time Grahams Flag is fitted out with a GN Drive all the GN-X’s will be dust and we will be lucky if there is a Gundam left standing!!
Though i have to admit the screen rendering and the drawing does look rather nice.
Then is the UN just gonna leave CB alone. Unless Setsuna manage to defeat them in the next ep and they go into hiding.
Listen to uncle TJ Han and go to law school. I’m sure you’ll win all cases.
And stop making us laugh at such an emotional episode…
“HULK SMASH!! :( :O T_T”
rebuilding the gundams is probably whats gonna happen, so long as the GN drives (and the one container left) remain in one piece they can be rebuilt, though getting out alive will be a hassle
Short story…so funny….so true.
What will you be blogging once 00 is done?
I love how Setsuna looks so confident in being able to eliminate the big golden pimpmobile. Seriously, I wonder why they didn’t choose to retreat or even try to run away. That golden ship dosen’t look fast enough to keep up.
After the Ptolemaios lost two pods and half the ship and an engine… wouldn’t be logical to abandon ship knowing that another big beam can arrive at any second? I really believe Sumeragi let them die by leaving them alone in a broken ship… Feldt was an “unexpected” survivor. :3
Apart from that, Its kind of obvious that the golden ship was really added late in the story structure. No one has ever seen or heard about it untill oops, its a reinforcement unit?
Who would have guessed that Sunrise could just pop out some horrendous plot device to undermine the gundam’s Trans-Am? (Anyone who watched code geass knows that Sunrise is very good at throwing everything in in one shot… Like the Orange guy in his weird mind-controlled sphere and the Sakuradite filled robot and all the useless added antagonists all jumping in at the same time.)
I knew that the Trans-AM would be a short lived false hope. And then again, nothing is surprising anymore. Death and destruction, bigger and badder weapons… Yipee! Next up Nuclear weapons! (oops… taboo…)
I don’t hate Gundam 00 I just think it could have been much better, the ideas behind it are good but the execution is very poor. I just hope it gets better in season 2… with all the stuff happening it really looks like theyre adapting the end of season 1 to fit nicely with a (hopefully) thoroughly planned season 2.
oh make more parodies…loving those lines instead of sunrise
I have not even seen the subbed 20-22 yet, i just dont care anymore.
Anyhow, fun review this time. More interesting and entertaining than the show.
just ignore those comments…this is almost a free country where you can express anything you want regardless wat people might say.Hey, its ur blog anyway, rite?
ur a little 30+/- hour late to post ep 24 review….i was waiting for sumthing to come up and had a check on ur site every 2-3 hour.the exam might have stunt up ur brain a bit
alas they got rid of that joker character Patrick coleslaw(or sumthing..)he manage to survive half the story only to tell the universe how idiot he is and then meet the maker in a not so bad white,shining,bright,confusing death…
…and there are so many char being remove from this episode…STOP DYING U IDIOTS!
only gripe i have with the show is that the only cool looking MS (the union flag and to a lesser extent the enact mass production type) has had bugger all screen time (one pissing contest with exia, two CAPs (combat air patrols) and watching exia offload the preist guy in episode 13) i wanna see more of the standard flag in action
Nena has to play a big part or else the Gundam got divided for no reason and that means Lockon died for no reason
Tomino “kill-them-all” is back…just kidding. LOL.
And I LOVE IT!! See that scene when the GN-X blows the bridge apart?
That is a slap in the face for Gundam Seed and its Freedom Gundam appearance scene.
Good job for the director!
“Hey, there is NO Freedom Gundam to save your @$$ this time! So deal with it, Seed Fans!!”
Lockon died because he was stupid. Trans-am + run up behind or next to the guy + headshot.
To Guner: That’s because that was this annoying black guy (not to be racist here) who drives the GN-X that crashes into Lockon…
Heh, bullshit. The gundams survived 15 hours of constant barrage in the past, and one little bump somehow messes things up now?
@Guner: One little bump eh? I’d like to see you say that when you get into a car wreck caused by a suicidal driver barreling down on you.
Quite intresting how they make the Gundam Meisters start of as invincible and then in the last few eps they start killing people of like crazy…
And then we still have a second season? Oh my god! Survirors with masks probability 100% or what?
Oh well. Nice post DM :)
@ Seraphim
Code Geass 2, what else? Too bad I will be in NS and can’t watch it every week like G00 or Hayate No Gotoku.
It is a pity Christina died though. I like her character.
Well wildarmsheero is partially right about you not appreciating G00 enough, but how much appreciation one wants to give is up to the person. We are not cyborgs being controlled by some CABAL entity.
I bet the last person is Danny Choo. And yeah go study for your As already. Don’t waste time on anime xD.
P.S I thought those people who knew what Soylent Green is already died out in this world.
damn, few years later Marina is gonna be like 30 year-old obasan…also i think it’s Sergei who blew up the bridge of Ptolemaios and got himself killed…just maybe…
I was hit by a bus 7 years ago, does that count?
Now explain how a bump is somehow more destructive than 15 hours of being shot at by the worlds combined military.
@Guner: Sorry to hear that. But I doubt the bus driver had the full intention of ending your existence.
15 hours of minor bombardment in a defensive position is a lot easier to handle than a full on kamikaze run in an open fighting stance. I’ve been tackled like that before in sparring matches, and it hurts a hell of a lot more than people throwing random small shit at you, which I’ve also had the unfortunate honor of experiencing.
that first 15 hour of barrage was literally using slingshot with limestone pebble. this one they literally upgrade the slingshot to rifle with real penetrating bullets…thats the ‘bump’ diff’ces…i think :P
A mobile suit still only has so much mass. It doesnt come close to repeatedly being hit with guns and missiles.
These robots are not big humans. Human anatony doesnt apply in the same way.
I totally agree with guner…
To be it seems the gundams slowly became more vulnerable to everything…
They aren’t the only ones either… The GN-X could block Lockon’s sniper shots like it was nothing, and now, anything makes em drop likes flies, Trans-am or not…
@Guner: What’s the point of having humanoid robots for them not to be susceptible to nearly the same physics principles as a regular human? Sure there’s no biological aspect to it anymore, but back in episode 15 they were getting rocked to the extent that they should have been.
Because it looks cool. And i question your claim that you have been pebbled by dozens of people for 15 hours straight.
Not 15 hours, but long enough to get the point. How long have you ever been stoned by random people’s shit?
Then you have no basis for comparing 15 hours of pebbling to being tackled.
More importantly, robots are not passively regenerating like humans do so its a pointless comparison. No matter how tough they are pieces are going to start falling off at some point. Since that point is sometime after 15 hours of bombardment, it follows that simply being hit by a same sized object should not do meaningful damage.
The robots are humunoid for the mobility aspect, I don’t replication actual Humanoid physics was the issue, I’m pretty sure in terms of proportions, A gundam is much more resistant to outside forces and impacts of relative strength than a human would. For example, the thrones were deativated by Nadleh and survived a freefall of a thousand feet without causing any damage at all, something of the same proportion for a human would kill or severely injure him. Therefore, I truly believe that if a gundam were to be smashed into by another gundam, the damage would far less than an impact done on human at the same proportionate speed and force.
K, sry for that super geeky analysis. But Logic inst really the issue is it? If it was wed have to start arguing the fact that the human population was able to consrtuct giant space installation to provide power that would be much cheaper to get using other methods and also the feasability of GN particles…
Why don’t we just ignore the irregularities in logic since we do know its purely for cool factor.
Right, the MST 3 K Mantra. Okay im done then.
Since in space… the speed insn’t limited by by air friction and gravity therfore the GN-X probably ran into the gundam at a really really high speed. Since Force = Mass x Acceleration… Who cares what mass you got, if its moving really fast, it will pack a punch!
That’s the most likely explaination.
Kinda doubt thats the case. Their weapons only have so much range, move fast enough to do that kind of damage and youd likely only have a few seconds to shoot at the other guys before you need to spend a few minutes turning back around. (and not much of a chance to hit, probably)
Woulnd’t the GN-X accelerate to really high speed just before crashing. That’s a really big mass force were talking about. Most of the weapons used by the Gn-X if not all are energy based (therefore thermal damage) best example, when lock-on’s armor gets penetrated by a Gn-X’s saber.
The bullets and artillery shells of the previous episodes were most likely moving at a similar speed than normal tank shells today.
Each shell weighing about 100 kilos fired at a speed of about 900 m/sec
makes an impact force of 90 Mega Joules
But a Gn-X at a guessed weight of 75 tons moving at a normal relative space speed of over 3000 m/sec…
That goes for 225,000 Mega joules (heck of a difference)
That means to equal the strength of that impact the gundam would have to to get hit by 2500 shells simultaniously… and also observe the gundams werent constantly hit but more sieged and unable to move because shells would rain all over.
All this is purely speculation… numbers arent close to the actual thing but hey, its just to show the differences in impact force. And who knows… 75 tons could be lightweight, what if the GN-X weighed more in lines of 150 tons or moved twice the speed I mentionned…
Im pretty sure constant bombardment if too weak to penetrate the armor, all it does it rock the gundam pretty hard… but a head on collision at high speed just tears it apart.
Also note that a single 1cm radius particle moving at high speed in space is enough to cause explosive decompression for a space shuttle.
Oops i think i double posted. So i erased this one.
They are fighting in an asteroid field. Their relative speed is not going to be anywhere near that fast. They wouldnt even be able to see eachother at close ranges before they were past eachother.
But even assuming it is, 15 hours of being shot at will still add up to more damage than that. Armor or no armor, its gonna get chipped and stop being effective sooner or later.
Lets not forget that Exia almost had its head torn off in an early episode by a normal suit. They seem to be as durable as the plot demands, actually.
Aww, people don’t appreciate Mister DarkMirage enough.
Yea I guess I see your point.
I really think theyre isnt a good measure of durability in Gundam, or that durability often changes depending on the situation. Oh well.
Stop applying real physics to Gundam… think of the catgirls. Anyway, it’s obvious that real physics is minimal in Gundam, or else the Virtue would get blasted backwards by the immense recoil of its GN Bazooka, especially in Trans-Am mode when it rivals Wing Zero’s Twin Buster Rifle. I suppose that on the ground the Virtue could have some sort of GN Cleat Shoes to fix it to the ground, but in space? Unless its thrusters equal the GN Bazooka in output (and they clearly don’t, or else why bother with a bazooka in the first place?), it should get sent rocketing back every time it fires.
So, yeah. No real physics in Gundam. No real engineering, either, or else they would never make “mobile suits” in the first place.
Ha! I became a punchline.
But seriously, when is the next episode review? Ep25 is already out isn’t it?
Omg, sunrise runs out of money. Wang Lui Ming (or similar) is wearing old costumes!
Anyway, i like it when ppl die in animes. There are so many animes out there were they find poor excuses for not killing.
wait, what happened to that trinity girl? setsuna saved her ass, then left her in shock? what if right now, during the 24th episode, she has been having a day-long seizure or something. nobody would know, unless you know, somebody actually IS with her…
and Roy Mustang, i umm dont think its out yet
I hope Setsuna kills stupid Alejandro in his golden elmeth/bigro/big zam knockoff, KILL EM ALL!