“Where’s my pizza?”
It’s cool now guys. Code Geass is back from the dead. As Pierce Brosnan would say if he were an anime otaku blogging about Code Geass: It lives to die another day. Okay, so it’s not perfect, but at least we are free of this particular uninspired story arc and on to greener pastures, hopefully.
Zero’s plan is to force the eunuchs to attempt to kill the Empress, so that he can save the day and record it with his low quality camcorder for street cred. (We all know that rebels can’t afford proper camera equipment.) He puts up an act to protect the empress, and in doing so position himself to gain the trust and goodwill of the people of the Chinese Federation and Xingke.
Of course, in order to achieve this, he needs to be actually capable of protecting the Empress in the first place. We all saw how hard he got owned in the last episode, and it certainly wasn’t an act considering poor Kallen was made POW because of it. :( So how exactly does he intend to put weight behind his words? Perhaps some kind of brilliant master plan involving the reanimation of China’s past emperors as invulnerable zombies of terror?
“I have cooties!”
But of course, this is Sunrise. The First Law of Gundamian Robotics: all sticky situations can be resolved by introducing a new mecha.
Hey, how did Sunrise get this picture of me?
Its name is Shinkirou (蜃気楼), which is Japanese for Mirage. It’s also painted mostly black, so I’d say that it can fairly be described as “dark”, no racism intended. Therefore, I shall christen it Dark Mirage because Sunrise was clearly inspired by my blog.
Any resemblance to Tiananmen is purely coincidental
The Chinese people revolt after seeing Zero’s propaganda YouTube video, the eunuchs get owned, Britannia withdraws, Zero and the Black Knights are the heroes, and all’s well that ends well.
That girl on the right needs to get more airtime
Diethard thinks that a political marriage between the Empress and a Japanese will be necessary to cement the relationship. Lelouch is stupid enough to agree. As any one with half a point of EQ can tell, that is a stupid idea that will only serve to destroy any current goodwill. The plan is promptly aborted in face of overwhelming oppositions from the “true love” camp, i.e. the girls, which surprisingly includes C.C.
Shirley—she’s still a character in Code Geass
Lelouch then heads back to Area 11 in Dark Mirage, which also happens to be a submarine, and takes over from Sayako, who has been filling his role since he left for China. (In various ways.) School life hilarity intertwined with counter-intelligence operations await us in the next episode.
Real men have holes in their shields
So, Dark Mirage, or DM, is a Knightmare Frame which apparently specializes in defence. But the designers probably forgot to send DM that memo, because after defending Xingke and the Empress from a barrage of artillery fire, it calmly proceeds to shoot the crap out of everyone with its overpowered phase transition cannon prism thingizmo. This is very unfair because as anyone who has played World of Warcraft would know, speccing stamina means that you don’t have enough points for agility and strength.
Apparently, DM also stands for deus ex machina.
The Chinese girl gets like one entire line in this episode
Nitpick of the week: In one scene, some peon is informing the eunuchs that cities all over the Chinese Federation are revolting after watching Zero’s masterpiece and he mentions Jakarta and Islamabad. This is something that wouldn’t happen in real-life (if they were part of China), because the official names of those cities would have been in transliterated Chinese. Moreover, the name “Jakarta” is a recent rendition of the city’s name and it would make more sense to use more historical names, depending on the time it was assimilated into the Federation.
The Geneva Convention never happened
This episode is also noticeably strong on the fanservice front. Not that I am complaining. But I do wish Kallen’s Britannian captors treated her better. She’s all bound up and stuff. T_T That sick bastard Suzaku and his BDSM fetish.
Also, isn’t it interesting how Lelouch immediately thinks of Nunnally after Shirley explains to him the meaning of true love? Oh Lelouch, your harem is wasted on you, you siscon rascal.
I don’t understand Toudou’s role in the story
Rakshata is a bloody genius
The garage couldn’t fit
“Who needs tactics when you have technology?”
“Sir, Zero is drinking our milkshake”
Do not adjust your monitor
When characters do this, what are they actually staring at?
The Britannian Eunuch
Only in anime, folks
One day, Shirley will reveal herself to be the true evil mastermind and do something
What every world leader needs: a loli and a 20-feet mecha
It’s amazing how Lelouch manages to stay focused on Nunnally
I mean jeez, even the camera is distracted
Nice boat.
The new love interests in Lelouch’s ever-expanding love comedy harem
And the yaoi fangirls go wild!
My midyear exams are next week. Or rather, this week. Or more precisely, today. I should get some sleep. Japanese paper in a few hours… T.T
I agree, I was very disappointed with ep 10, but this ep. is much better than what I expected. lelouch can do acrobatic feat in the next episode, and cornelia is also come back from the dead.
:eye twiches: but the and betrayl … oh forget this show.
“We all saw how hard he got owned in the last episode, and it certainly wasn’t an act considering poor Kallen was made POW because of it.”
Not his fault that she went out without getting a new energy filler and pretty ironic how she calls herself ace of elevens but gets captured right away because of such a noob mistake ;)
I must say, no matter how good or bad the episode, this blog stays funny.
“Hey, how did Sunrise get this picture of me?”
First some wannabe film maker takes your picture, now this… You sure are popular, DarkMirage ;3
What should we expect next? A hawt sex scene featuring you and Kallen in one of the next episodes?
I don’t understand Toudou’s role in the story
Why it’s to mindraep Suzaku of course! :D
Well it was an interesting episode this week, I particularly liked how even C.C. was for the “power of love” thing. Why does Kaguya seem alot taller when she’s trying to catch the Tianzi? >_> She’s like as tall as the soldiers.
Anyways, good episode this week :) Looks like Suzaku isn’t only a masochist XD
igro don’t go giving DM any delusions.
Have to say I’m much closer to agreeing with you this time.
Disappointing end to an already mediocre arc, but at least it’s over now.
This episode seemed rushed and a bit too much like it was going over some sort of checklist, rather than bothering to give each issue a proper amount of attention. I could still try to explain a few things, but I can’t deny the result wasn’t something I’d look forward to re-watching.
On the good side of things, fanservice aside, at least the resolution was handled in a fair way and we did get some more Geass-related developments via Anya, C.C. and even the Jeremiah/V.V. scene, so I expect that side of the story to be better than this one.
Once we get past the Ashford stunts, that is…guess the second half of the series (13-25, or whatever episode total we get) should be back to the main plot.
The new Knightmares were introduced so fast and had such a short screentime, i couldn’t even really tell what they look like. I mean like…C.C. got one too, ye?^^
So we had like 2-3 new Mechas, ~5 new overpowered special attacks and ehrm….4-5 unrealistic but clichéd happenings, like the Knights enrolling school.
CG Brainfuck is back :D
And I bet Sayako raped Shirley
It appears that the quality of the show shares an inverse relationship with the quality of this blog.
No offense, DM, but you’re at your best when the tone is more sardonic and critical. ;)
I expected the Chinese guys to mess up like they did, the where pretty stupid from the beginning when they betrayed the guy that was fighting the Guren
Guess Brittania is in deep trouble now
It´s ups and downs.
Cool new mecha sure. But why to they give Kallen two different prison clothing?
And yet again more questions are raised instead of answered. The biggest one being why CC had her vision from comming into contact with Mordred.
I just want to kill Suzaku even more after treating Kallen that way, but oh well. Acording to the next preview Lulu screws up big time…
Wow, I only just now realized that Code Geass is backed by the same dudes behind Gundam…
I think i figured it out. The secret to enjoying this kind of show is to not take it seriously at all.
The Dark Mirage is one snazzy machine.
Also, more ballgags. Wee.
I have a disturbing feeling that this conversation may end up in a position that we obviously will not like…
So, in turn to describe the feeling, how the hell are they going to rescue Kallen? She’s the ace of the Black Knights and they definitely are not going to let her get taken back that easily. Besides, Orange is , quoting Dory from finding Nemo, “BAAAAACK!!!!”
And Cornelia… better come back with something other than that Gloucester. I mean god, everyone is coming out with some psuedo-ownage Knightmare frames that friggin rape the gloucesters.
Lancelot- Overpowers Gloucesters by a ton.
Tristan- Beat TWO of them up without a scratch.
Mordred- We just know Virtue ripoffs kick ass.
Vincent- If I note, Gilford actually abandoned the Gloucester for one of these.
Zangetsu- This thing fights on par with the Lancelot. How high does the Gloucester rate?
Guren Kashoushiki- I believe Kallen beat the crap out of her with the first form.
ShenHu- If this thing fights like the Guren Kashoushiki, Gloucester stands no chance.
ShinKirou- This things got it all, beam shields, beam cannons, you name it.
My favorite is how Kallen is bound up and gagged with a plate of (bad prison) food in front of her. Oh Suzaku you devilish fiend!
Looking forward to much more high school antics, although I fear they will not be long lasting.
“This is very unfair because as anyone who has played World of Warcraft would know, speccing stamina means that you don’t have enough points for agility and strength.”
DM is blatantly a mage with stacked spell damage+int for infinite mana shield and crazy nukes. I guarantee that if the shield goes down he’ll get two-shotted by some MS warrior (Suzaku)
“I mean like…C.C. got one too, ye?^^”
C.C’s was a pink-er version of the Akatsuki, the flight type knightmare used by the two remaining Blades of todou’s.
“And yet again more questions are raised instead of answered. The biggest one being why CC had her vision from comming into contact with Mordred.”
My guess is that Anya is somehow connected to Marianne, possibly blood ties. C.C’s constantly chatting with Marianne (creepy btw) so the connection might have been enough to activate vision mode.
“So, in turn to describe the feeling, how the hell are they going to rescue Kallen? She’s the ace of the Black Knights and they definitely are not going to let her get taken back that easily.”
I predict that a Knight of Rounds is somehow captured (handy that they’re enrolling at Ashford, yeah?) and they organise a swap of prisoners. Don’t suppose anyone else noticed that Kallen’s second ‘prison outfit’ was the same one C.C. wore for most of season one? They get matching outfits :D
“The Britannian Eunuch! ROFLMAO! ^^ So true! How many parts of his original self are left?! Who knows? Right know he just wants Zero’s ass…
Seriously though, the series has returned to where it began. There’s mecha, there’s drama and there’s lots of surprises even if the “Maid suddenly developing a talent for acting as Lulu”, seems a bit farfetched. Even so a good ep. and even if the next one is a high school comedy, I wont mind as long as there’s more character development…*hopefull* ^^ There’s so many people for Lulu to please…
manga: The more important question is who changed her clothes.
The thing I am looking forward to the most is how mordred knows lelouch. also i don’t think they will be showing any new nightmares for a while.
DM whats your age? I always thought that u are a undergrad but how come your exams are starting? You in JC?
Brilliant eye candy for whoever that did… But I assume Chiba, Toudou and Senba got the same treatment and all three are quite obviously NOT eye candy to whoever changed them.
Orange-kun seems to be taking his time easing himself back into the series…
Doesn’t that Anya/C.C thing kind of seem like Soma and Allelujah from G00? Creepy ass mind twitches and switching between positive and negative colors has become a Sunrise trend…they did the same thing with Mwu and that other guy from GS, and Kira and Rey za Burrel from GSD…it’s definately a trend now.
I had to rewatch this episode? Why, might you ask? The “distraction” dm pointed out. I have to admit, I had a hard time focusing on the plot with that on the screen…
C.C. in pink. My favorite witch in my favorite color. O:
Lol @ new frame. You know something isn’t right when every new, better, more powerful becomes obsolete at the end of the episode.
Someday, Zino will be officially gay.
Sick but true about the yaoi fangirls ^^;
Most likely the Earl dude who built Lancelot.
Does anyone else think that Kallen mite be taken to the king or something to be brainwashed like Lelouch was? Then all of a sudden a brand new Knight of Rounds shows up using a familiar looking Knightmare armed with a Radiation Wave Surge arm >_>
I agree with DM that Toudou has almost no role in R2 except to remain as Lelouch’s pawn.
In R1, he seemed like someone important with the skills to match Lelouch’s stragetic planning, which has also degenerated in R2.
Also, the ‘tactics’ that were present in R1 has been reduced to the usual Sunrise plotdevice, new mech solve ‘everything’, except newer mechs.
Oh yeah, I forgot that question. Maybe Suzaku since Kallen seems to be so much more pissed of then she was before :p
But he´s already seen her so it shouldn´t bother her that much.
“It’s amazing how Lelouch manages to stay focused on Nunnally…
I mean jeez, even the camera is distracted”
they are the most entertaining sentences in this entry for me *rofl*
“Cool new mecha sure. But why to they give Kallen two different prison clothing?”
Huh? She’s wearing her normal pilot outfit (they got new designs) in the scene with suzaku.
Shinkirou: its coloring and name arent surprising since its based on the Garwain (assuming it has the same stealth feature -> thus the name mirage). It doesnt seem overpowered either since that uber attack needs to fire that crystal first which i doubt can just be magically replensihed during battle. If thats the case the Garwain had better offensive capability.
Did the Emperor actually come to Area 11 to brainwash the whole school into believing Rolo is Lelouch’s brother or does Geass work over video conferences?
Damn that blond haired guy is even taller then Lelouch? actually he TOWERS over lelouch..and lelouch is already like 6 feet tall or something, that guys huge lol O.O
I actually liked this episode. I wished however, that the Knightmare Frame Shinkirou was not such a mage-type mecha. Let Lelouch fight Suzaku one on one in a warrior mecha.
Poor Kallen…hope Lelouch gets her back. Possessions of Lelouch.
Look at this:
WTF, that hair has an actual use? :D But, as many things in CG, it seems.. silly to use it as a shield.. But at least it’s something new, it’s not a yet another variation of a glowing force field coming up from nowhere, those seem to becoming as common as Geass :P And it seems it can withstand Lancelot’s kick, unlike the KnightMare that got hit before Todo :/ Where’s the logic..
Anybody else noticed that Cornelia(or a person with exact physical appearance)appeared during the preview for episode 12? >.<
“Anybody else noticed that Cornelia(or a person with exact physical appearance)appeared during the preview for episode 12? >.<”
just checked it and it does indeed appear to be Cornelia, or maybe it’s some servant in a mask cross-dressing in costume, you can never tell these days.
I enjoyed this episode for the most part. The only thing I had a problem with is that I have no idea what this whole Order thing is.That part confused me. Also, it seemed like they tried to include every member of the cast in this episode.
I liked how Zero got all the citizens to revolt. Those Eunuch Generals got what they desevered. They’re sick bastards, but now they’re dead.
The ending was hilarious with Anya. She’s really growing on me. Anya’s probably Marianne’s cousin and knows that Lelouch is a Britannian prince. Anya and Suzaku are officially objects of C.C.’s interest and are related to Geass.
DM your blog entries for CG make my day and the show everytime! thank you!
C.C’s ass is still faptastic!
Since Kallen is gone, she has to fill out the fanservice duties…
Kukuku… Hasn’t it always been faptastic? Now if only we can put her in a dress eh?
Ah well, my friend is going to be pissed. He actually felt that the whiny voices of the Eunuchs added something to Code Geass. Well it does but nothing we want to keep.
And as always, Lolis are becoming big in Code Geass. Next thing we know, we’ll have a 5 year old kid…
So true, Nagisa-san DOES need more airtime, she’s easily the most badass female character in this series (except for Kallen)
(CC’s still the hottest babe in this show, and this episode PROVES IT! *faps enthusiastically*)
Also, Shinkirou is badass. Like the Gawain, only smaller and without the phail.
@Heron: Dude, Lelouch is probably THE single crappiest pilot in this entire show, and Suzaku’s one of the five or six best. NO WAY is Lelouch EVER gonna fight Suzaku one-on-one…that’s what he’s got Kallen, Toudoh, Shogo, Chiba and Rolo for.
@Amnestic and dukethegold: Yes, I did notice, and I really, really hope it’s actually her.
Gawain vs Shinkirou
Firepower- Gawain. The Hadron cannon deals more raw damge despite the ferocity of the laser beams of the Shinkirou. The radius is not as large but the continuous fire is a definite factor.
Mobility- Shinkirou is is easily faster and more maneuverable even going underwater.
Defense- The Gawain didn’t have any. On the other hand, Shinkirou had some serious shield ability.
Usage- The Shinkirou has more flexibility with the keyboard controls and while the lack of a double seater is in place, the fact that it is solely for Lulu is what makes it much more useful.
However, this unit does give Lelouch a way to fight on par with everyone else without the ability to pilot as effectively. The Keyboard allows him a much wider range of control over his unit than the others and it gives him the ability to calculate within the enemy restraints with ease. The Druid sysem is also easily usable with this setup. So even if he has a lack of ability to pilot, his mental ability should be able to level the odds against the other characters with the keyboard. Thats what I think anyway.
This anime is becoming a shell of it’s former self. They had the potential for two awesome fights two episodes in a row and totally cheesed it. r1 was intelligent and made you think a little. The start of r2 seemed to bring back the same quality as r1. Now, I thought the last couple of episodes that were building up to this slug fest were going to be worth it. I kept thinking, “something epic is going to happen”, but no, I’m wrong to expect anything interesting from a second season. At least it’s not as disappointing as naruto shippuuden. Still disappointing though.
what fights were you expecting? the level of episode 24 and 25? I think it’s too early yet to kill off some characters and this was the chinese federation arc not like they have many “hero-type” knightmares that were introduced while brittanian forces are half-assed to give their all in the fight as they no longer have any “business/interest” with the chinese federation as the eunuchs were already rendered useless.
>>The First Law of Gundamian Robotics: all sticky situations can be resolved by introducing a new mecha.
Nice, dude, this can’t be more correct:P
Btw, DM
Remember how you mentioned Zero’s IQ was dropping, in kidnapping the empress, getting both sides pissed, losing to Xingke and all?
You’ve been proved wrong :o
He did that all to prevail in this episode :o
“Btw, DM
Remember how you mentioned Zero’s IQ was dropping, in kidnapping the empress, getting both sides pissed, losing to Xingke and all?
You’ve been proved wrong :o
He did that all to prevail in this episode :o”
He didn’t *need* to though. He could’ve left Xingke to the coup and swooped in when the Eunuchs came to take the Tianzi back. That would’ve worked just as well as the plan that actually occured.
Actually, it would’ve worked better, because if he’d left the coup to Xingke instead of interjecting on his own, Kallen wouldn’t have been captured and he’d still have his ace pilot, and if he’d had Kallen he might not have lost as many troops, meaning the Black Knight forces would be stronger for it.
What the heck..? “Yo, I’m the dude that tried to kill some of you guys yesterday, just pretend that didn’t happen so we can have this tea party with some of your friends, ok?”
Guess they do this to keep up the suspense on both sides.