Episode 16 is a delightful episode because Kallen gets to kick ass and C.C. has transformed into a Mikuru-class moé powerhouse. *Puppy eyes* Well, there are various other interesting happenings in this episode too, but I think we should all pay much respect to the amount of effort spent by Sunrise in animating C.C.’s shy disposition to adorable perfection.
The United Federation of Nations is officially formed, spanning most of Asia and great portions of Europe and Africa. The member states renounce all rights to the maintenance of military power, and all matters which require military force are voted upon to be delegated to the independent Order of the Black Knights.
Zero is the CEO
This is a rather convenient arrangement for Zero, and I guess it means that existing armies are to be integrated into the Black Knights, since I don’t think the existing ragtag band of former terrorists is anywhere close to being resourceful enough to protect such a huge patch of territory. The first motion passed by the nearly formed supernational body is a request for the Black Knights to liberate Japan.
Being number ten, he clearly has an inferiority complex
Britannia mobilizes its military in preparation for an invasion of Area 11 by the Black Knights. In particular, Knight of One Bismarck Waldstein and Knight of Ten Luciano Brandli have been dispatched to Area 11, which means that there are now five Knights in Tokyo. However, the Emperor has gone missing, presumably still trapped in the funky floating platform place, and they can’t declare war without his approval.
C.C. is all cute and innocent now. After losing all her memories of being old and cranky, she’s now Lelouch’s willing sex slave. It’s like in Chobits—which incidentally is by CLAMP—except that, unlike Chii, C.C. is actually anatomically correct. (Probably.) Vulnerable C.C. will surely prove to be great doujinshi material for the coming Comiket.
Cute C.C. is cute.
The whole UFN thing reeks of corruption and cronyism, but apparently none of the member nations pay much attention to the fine print in the constitution. The Federation theoretically has no military power, so the member nations have to trust the Black Knights to defend them. Despite the apparently democratic nature of the supernational government, the Black Knights itself is basically a totalitarian organization and its high ranking members are all hand-picked by its unelected leader, Zero.
Brainwashing the masses with loli propagandists
The vote to retake Japan is also quite a sham, since Kaguya is the one who calls for it and she’s a little girl. Who can say no to a loli pleading for you to help save her homeland from evil Britannian paedophiles? Not to mention that a good majority of the current Black Knights are Japanese soldiers, so it’s not like the vote would’ve changed their minds either way.
Other than that, this is mostly a build-up episode and we shall have to wait to see how the invasion unfolds.
I see that girls in this show don’t like to wear bras…
Lelouch is concerned
She wants to ask a question
Is the guy on the left a new recurring character or something?
99-hit chain combo
“Don’t mess with me bitch!”
Pizza Hut’s Cheese Fondue
The face of a loser
No depth perception
He’s getting more and more useless
She’s desperate for love
She will die within three episodes
Eh, what happened to Viletta?
No one wants Australia
WTF? Does she ever remove her headpiece?
“Please be gentle…”
“What do you mean ‘to play us out’!?”
Dental appointment tomorrow. Yikes.
This thing sucks.
What is that on the screen? There’s no words there!
What? “I” “am” “wrong”? What does that mean?
We’ll do it live.
Is it just me or is Geass starting to not make much sense? UFN seems to be a little bit over the top. Who in their right mind is going to trust the defense of a nation to a bunch of Japanese nationalists under the leadership of a freak who never takes off his mask? Please don’t tell me Zero geassed everyone who disagreed.
When did the BK ever get so powerful in the first place? If India’s military support was so formidable, you’d have thought they’d have conquered everyone else already, or already declared independence like they wanted to do.
No wonder Lelouch conquered the world so easily. Everyone in Geass has to be an idiot.
You just gotta love the nice trick they used to kept some Milly’s screentime in store : while we watch Code Geass, they watch Miss Ashford. On a side note, with Milly not physically available they must upgrade some boobs size.
“No one wants Australia” was supposed to be Code Geass original title ^^ then they realized there were no kangaroo in the story. Bismark is mad cause he cannot appreciate Journey to the Center of Earth. I want Kallen as a secret character for Street Fighter 4.
I certainly hope that we can see some increased screen time between Milly and Lelouch in the next upcoming episodes. It’s long overdue.
It’d be hell to be that pink nation in the middle…
…I thought Milly was a weather reporter…
Why do I find the screen shot of Millay so amusing?
Amagad, I can’t wait for subs. D:
Kallen’s boobs are bigger each ep I swear.
was wondering how c.c was going to be in this episode, just gota wait for sub to come out now T_T , and lol at the to play us out video.
It looks like Milly Ashford will be around. With all else, Milly and Kallen are going to go after Lelouch. One way or another. Milly is not going to go away!!!!
Brittania is in deep shit now, if Suzaku changes sides I will stop watching this show
“She will die within three episodes” so true
first? , this thing got me all confuzed how did the emperor get to talk to lelouch from the other world or something??
27th! :P.
I loved this episode. C.C. is extremely cute and I might have just thought this but Lelouch seemed to show alot more compassions then as per usual.
australia is neutral wasn’t it mentioneddd in… something. makes me wonder why its neutral though. maybe they have a bomb too. >>
Rolo has teh glasses =O
I was waiting for Charles to make his apperance as grand as possible. And hacking into Lelouch´s transmit and answer him was just so damn nice :)
A softer Lelouch than ever. Wonder what the fuckup Suzaku will do next ep. CC without memories is moe.
But she should become like her old self(no pun intended) instead of this slave girl. Her reaction to pizza was priceless though.
Man, need it to be next week NOW so I can watch the next ep. Kallen´s combo was nice. Really nice. Wonder when she´ll escape.
Crap, when will the english sub come out…I can’t argue with people unless I’ve actually seen the episode.
I refuse.
I hear that.
C.C. is <3, lulu you meanie.. but i guess that scene was necessary to show all the blockheads that didnt get it from last ep that she is mortal now.
Suzaku getting beat up by Kallen was nice too ^^
gg sub is out since 1 hour already :P
I know the subs are out but none of them are uploaded yet. I don’t download/torrent things, I watch them online. M’kay? And if it is online I don’t want to hear it because I only watch it on one site.
then dont ask when its coming out when all that keeps you from watching it is your viewing preference :P
O_o why?
Couldn’t help but go “YOU BASTARD!” when he knocked her over. She’s trying to be nice, giving him the last slice of her loved pizza and he bitch slaps the plate so hard it shatters. :( What a twat.
“Shoryuken!” would have also been a viable caption.
Suzaku’s not changing sides, he’s gonna whine at Lelouch for a while, then ‘forgive him’, go back to Britannia so he’s in place for the climactic final mecha clash of the series.
Next episode (preview wise) is mecha combat fun, with Lucciano, Bismarck and Jeremiah taking part at the very least. Lelouch is buggering off to play nice with Suzaku in the shrine (Why are they both in their school uniforms?)
Also, while I liked how Suzaku asked the exact same question I did. “Why would the Emperor Geass Anya?” Made me happy. =D Now I’m off for a game of DotA or two.
Bill O’Reilly Flips Out video is awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just burst out laughing
Cornelia was wanting to ask who took her usual kick ass coat. However, I would like to thank whoever did take it.
I loled at this episode. That lady who you said would die within 3 episodes is just like the token black guy from G00. Lets just hope she doesn’t outlive her required air time too.
NOOOO… That’s not true, Australia is… useful… NOT.
We’re too far away from the other landmasses to be any use in an invasion. If we wanted to attack anyone, they’d realise before we’re even halfway there… Not exactly a useful scramble point. But then, why is New Zealand taken? There even more useless than us! D:
…maybe Australia is where it all began.
That dress is shaping them rather nicely I would say. <3
I couldn’t help laugh at Luciano…”Vampire of Britannia” [insert stereotype] -_- He looked cool though. I swear, they ripped Metal Gear Solid off.
I cannot believe you did not place a screenshot of Milly in her penguin suit. xD
Lloyd is <3!
Only shirley wears them. =O
Code GEASS ep 16 is now on VEOH, watch it now before the damned copyright law takes it away!
I believe that Cornelia has won the boob wars. =O
so basicaly this fight between father and son became a World War!!!…talk about blowing things out of proportion… And lelouch is the new Hitler, only germany won the previous war and it’s on the other side
omfg i almost pissed myself
i’m gonna have to watch it again and analyze it this time..it’s hard to analyze it the first time, cuz I keep wanting to get caught up in the MOMENT!
wondering HOW Kallen knows Luciano…it’s possibly personal, but it’s also possible that he’s just famous in certain rings of society.
C.C. is so adorable I could cry!!
They’re FINALLY getting to some in-series questioning of Anya’s memory problems >.>
Lots of one sentence notes eh?
psh, did you see Kallen’s in that dress? Heeeewge!
This sentence is so full of utter fail and causes so much facepalming I just…to point out the ways in which you are horrifically mistaken would take eternity twice over. Well, that’s an exaggeration, but it’d take longer than I’m willing to spend on it.
“WTF? Does she ever remove her headpiece?”
I don’t think so, she even wore it under her mask when she was faking Lelouch :P
Told ya…i’m back to…LOL at “Oh yes, why don’t you turn your clothes inside out and sing while dancing on one leg”..”Yes Master.”
and also, toward the beginning in the throne room, are ALL those people princes/princesses?
and also also, wonder exactly what Orange-kun said to Guilford..
and what did Suzaku say to get Kallen to beat his ass >.> (thanks for saying it!)
aannnddd did anyone else notice how the pizza crust completely disappeared into C.C.’s mouth…
AND:::Kallen keeps comparing Lelouch to Naoto…crap
NINA! you racist, conniving bitch! gah! just die already! and thanks Lloyd for the epic foreshadowing
does anyone else notice the similarity b/t Whitey Loli and V.V.’s voices? or do they have the same seiyuu’s and im just late?
Ogi was just like BAM “I’m here!”
poor Rivalz…all he has left is the Pizza Hut box…. :O
LOL @ “Internal Cleaning Spare Officer: Tamaki Shinichirou”
and why was Rakshata the first one to mention Kallen…Ogi was like “oh right…sure”
so THAT’s what the Emporer meant by “there is only one human”, “Brittania and what is not Brittania, the winner gets the whole world”
I’m also wondering…Lelouch has his Geass uncovered in front of C.C. a lot, but nothing seems to happen :O wonder what that means
i GUESS that (in the preview) since Suzaku shows Lelouch the lapel pin(?) Euphie gave him, he may reveal the details about her death, and how it became an accident
I know! But unlike Cornelia, who I think we’ll be seeing with that outfit for the remainder of the series, I don’t think Kallen plans to keep the dress, we don’t know how much her boobs will “shrink” when she changes clothes.
“Are you bad enough to rescue the princess?”
He apologized for planning to use Refrain on her.
Soooo many comments, all omitted. :)
From the signs, Kallen has a sibling infatuation like Lelouch, so that might not be a bad thing. :p
Just finished watching episode 16, it was awesome. It made me feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Anyways…I WAS RIGHT! The emperor used his geass on Anya!!! Although the reason is still unknown, dude to the fact that they are mentioning it now (15 episodes after she made her debut) means she’s gonna play some pivotal role in the last few episodes, possibly related to the big Marianne question.
On another count, who doesn’t agree with me that C.C. can finally end up with Lelouch, I mean, just listen to what they were saying after he got angry and smashed the plate. Also, notice she cared enough about Lelouch to notice he didn’t eat breakfast and she saved a slice for him (the old C.C. never did that). Personally, I don’t think she has the mind of a ten year old, also know that ten year olds back in the Dark Ages were more exposed to the world than ten year olds of today, besides, C.C. seems to have begun to trust Lelouch faster then expected, and she cares about him.
As for the new recurring character…I think Rolo is gonna fuck something up again (i.e. killing Asahina and that other dude). Rolo is gonan be the one that makes sure that information of the operation doesn’t leak, though I think Chiba is gonna start thinking that Rolo knows who Zero is. Btw, Rolo isn’t gonna die for awhile, get used to him.
Also, the Emperor revealed himself as being back way too early for my tastes, but it still fit in rather well, though I am wondering, if the emperor is at all smart why doesn’t he tell the black knights who Zero is? After all the theory is that if they know that he is the enemies countries prince, the Black Knights will fall apart. I think Tohdoh noticed that Zero is afraid of the Emperor, that might have something to do with what happens later on. They also seem to be showing alot more of the relationship between Chiba and Tohdoh, I’ve known for a long time that Chiba was enamoured with Tohdoh (it even says that on wikipedia) but it seemed really one-sided till now, Tohdoh is getting quite a bit more screentime with Chiba (i.e. makeup scene and the room scene).
I’m still laughing at how Kaguya and Tianzi were doing the announcements, they’re loli’s for gods sake!
No Villetta? Hmm, my spoiler source said she was alive, as well as Ougi…if Ougi is alive then so should Villetta but then why does Diethard seem to have something up his sleeve, and why do I get the feeling Diethard knows more about Zero than he is let on to know, i.e. Sayoko agreeing to tail Ougi at his request.
I think Guilford is gonna betray Brittannia, The whole thing with Jeremiah calling him was probably to let him know stuff about Cornelia. Notice Guilford never says “My loyalty is to Brittannia,” he says “My loyalty is to my princess!” which suggests when he finds out Cornelia is a prisoner he is gonna go and find her, not unlike how Viletta went after Ougi except he is gonna try and save her and not try and kill her like Viletta did. I sense CorneliaxGuilford, though I think he’s gonna admit his love for her similar to how Euphemia admitted to Suzaku, in the middle of a battlefield when the latter is about to die.
Nah, there has to be some sort of deeper meaning to that. Something related to Marianne I bet.
He also asked her to join Brittannia again. The reason she kicked his ass was so that he’d give the order to execute her as for raising a hand against a Knight of Rounds, of course, he didn’t. Suzaku seems less evil now.
Ok, I gotta go rewatch the episode 2 or 3 more times so I can catch each and every little detail that goes on. Wish me luck.
It hasn’t been proven that the Emporer used his Geass on Anya, just put out there by Suzaku. And if he did, wouldn’t it go away now that he’s actually lost his Geass? More mysteries >.>
Definitely too many similarities going on between CG characters right now.
Hell, Lulu will probably lose everything in a tragic Romeo-and-Juliet-esque style =( He’s already lost his hot accomplice C.C., (I would expect soon) his identity as Zero, poor innocent Shirley, so everything seems to point that there’s more to lose.
The message between Orange and Guilford seems to be pretty obvious in my mind: “We have cookies, I mean Cornelia. Join us.†And then Lelouch will Geass both of them, and send them off to wander into space…
I wonder what Bismarc meant when he said to Lucian to save his tricks for the battlefield. Vampire Knightmare Frame anyone?
And I bet you Sayoko and Diethard have taken Viletta hostage, and won’t kill her if Ohgi cooperates. This shady thing will probably be exposed by someone soon enough, and the whole OoTBK will come crumbling down.
The Charles scene was perfect. Random interruption, followed by maniacal madman speech. Insults not included. Schneizel freaked out, so I think we can all safely assume he wants to be the top dog.
Well, at least we finally learned the names of the 3 OL on the ship. I’d like to predict that Todo dies before his cute subordinate. The “sexy oneesan” type comes with sturdy character shields in this series ex. Villeta and Cornelia. For men, the older you look the less screen time your death gets. Example: the Sumeragi clan head and the old general with a creepy growth in his head. Nobody really seemed to care…Kaguya even seemed a bit happy.
I was surprised when Kallen let up on Suzaku. Whatever happened to that cute redhead who tried to stab the two leads? This just occurred to me but who the hell designed her prison cell? Is she fucking Magneto? Did the Brits happen to have a giant clear glass cell on hand? I suppose it has to do with Nanali’s visits, but I mean it’s not like Nanali can see her anyway. Why not just put her in a sweet room and give her a phone? I guess it follows the same logic as giving a prisoner a tray of food but forgetting to remove their gag (Seriously, they’ve done that). Still, I pity Rivalz. Not only does he get stuck with a terrible name, his true love is clueless, and all his friends have left town. He is now the only active member of the student council.
Anya’s story seems to be getting more interesting. We can she’s not a Geass-giver like V.V. since the Emperor can alter her memories. We’re left with a creepy little girl who apparently lacks any sort of common sense…and that strange scene with C.C. I really hope her mind-wiped stories aren’t foreshadowing for a twist ending where Marianne isn’t dead, Nanali opens her eyes to reveal Geass, and the inevitable third season.
P.S. Didn’t Ougi get pierced by several ninja weapons and fall off a cliff? Are we going to get another ninja moment soon?
“I’m sorry Guilford, but your princess is in another castle!”
No, because otherwise Rivalz and Milly would both have the Rolo/Nunnally memory change removed, and we’ve seen no evidence of that. We haven’t seen it proved that it was the Emperor’s geass, but it is likely. If it is the Emperor’s, what I’m most interested in is that she’s still losing memories and still getting flashes of memory. Like an ongoing trade of things. She even says “Some of the data doesn’t match my memories.” which means she started the diary because she lost some memories, then her memories continued to change. Either re-geassing (possible, we don’t know if the Emperor can do that or not) or it’s going somewhat haywire. And either way, we still don’t have a reason for him to geass Anya, which Suzaku points out.
I dunno, it still seems pretty one-sided from where I’m sitting. Chiba was all “Got something to ask you when this is all over.” and Tohdoh looked all apprehensive and looked away, rather than looking up at her. Says to me that his heart’s not in it, and that he doesn’t feel the same way.
I was wondering about this too. She seemed fine with the fact that there was electric lighting and this plush, lovely room, she even sees him at his computer. Yet she’s surprised at the TV. Probably a fault of the writing staff more than a point concerning her memory, but it’s like she’s selectively forgotten some points. You know how people with amnesia still generally know which side the fork goes on, how to count, speak etc.? It’s like that, she’s forgotten about some things (T.V.) but knows about computers and electric lighting. And as you said, she trusts Lelouch very quickly. I’d prefer her to be a selective amnestic (Hah, I finally got that word into a ‘normal’ conversation) than have her mind reverted to that of a 10 year old.
I think you mean former, as opposed to latter. Latter means that Suzaku died, which isn’t…well. I’m going to take that as typo on your part.
The symbolism with the chess board sure is interesting. Especially, the black king being bloody and lots of toppled pieces.
Sigh at people posting while I am writing :P Nunnally gets a geass and opens her eyes in the spinoff manga, Nightmare of Nunnally, though it’s not a canon story and it’s a strictly side thing which isn’t connected to the anime. If they did it in the manga, I don’t think they’d do it for the anime too, specifically because it was in an unconnected spinoff manga.
(read the summary for said manga at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nunnally_Lamperouge#Nightmare_of_Nunnally if you want)
She was in a normal cell until Nunnally turned up wanting a chat. And it’s anime, they have to do things all showy like. Having a giant pit with only one thin bridge and no railings seems kinda dangerous though. What if someone slips? :s
Plot twist: Rivalz, all along was…MARIANNE IN DISGUISE! GASP!
(I don’t actually think that, before anyone starts accusing me of stupid, unfounded theories.)
One thing to say to you. This is anime, they wouldn’t even mention a small detail like that unless it meant something. If it didn’t matter then Suzaku wouldn’t have thought “The emperor’s geass?” Seriously, think about how this doesn’t connect to real life and how small speech details when people say stuff actually have importance (while most animated details don’t, notice people were going off on Lelouch beign immortal since he didn’t put his contact back on, nobody said anything about it in the episode and guess what, Lelouch has his geass…amazing, I was right, again).
I’m hoping for a happy C.C.xLelouch ending, btw WHY IN HELL do people think he’s lost C.C.! WTF! SHE’S STILL THERE AND HE’S STILL ATTACHED TO HER. My goodness, there has been absolutely NO indication WHATSOEVER as to suggest he’s lost her. I will not even respond to any more of these “He’s lost C.C. how sad” comments and anything related to it (i.e. OMFG C.C.’S GONNA DIE WAHHHH). However I will make an exception if you can PROVE IT.
The calling part was obvious, no duh, he’s gonna leave Brittannia to rescue Cornelia or something related to that. But why would Lelouch geass them and let them wander off into space? More like he’ll use them, and also, remember Lelouch only uses his geass when absolutely neccessary.
More like telling them not to fight, thats one of the details in speech thats just too obvious to think deeply about.
It’s entirely possible he has Viletta in custody, I’m just confused as to why they showed Ougi and not Viletta. Hidden meaning? Also (is gonna explode again) WHYdo people think the order of the black knights will collapse! THERE IS NO INDICATION that will happen. NONE…AT ALL. I want PROOF DAMN IT! Spoiler sites please!
Schniezel does want to be top dog, but he’s been disagreeing with the emperor more and more. This of course leads up to when Lelouch reveals his identity to Schniezel in episode 18. I don’t think he’s gonna side with Lelouch, more like ask him to compete for the throne, like whoever wins, gets the crown.
Remember, this is ANIME. When they drawe stuff, they draw it to look cool, not to cause us to think abut what it is and where it’s going, what it’s origin is, etc. It’s supposed to look cool, thats it, don’t overthink it. Also I don’t wanna hear people say I’m contradicting myself because if you say that you haven’t read this post clearly enough. As for Rivalz, thats a cool name, but that’s purely opinional (if that’s a word).
When did we ever think Anya gave geass? Whatever, doesn’t matter. Marianne ending is still unknown, Nunnally opening her eyes to reveal geass would be an awesome twist. Also THERE IS NO THIRD SEASON. God this is another thing I’ve said so many times before, there is no third season. The writer has already written the final episode. Now do not mention it again.
As I said before, it wasn’t major, notice how thinly they penetrated (if at all).
That’s all for now.
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If I meant you I’d have said sandslayer :P You’re probably smart enough to recognise that I’m not being serious, however I have to bear in mind I’m dealing with the potentially entire population of the internet, and as we’re both well aware, the vast majority of people have the intelligence of a wombat suffering from cranial intrusion with a pickaxe.
You use alot more flowery language than me, I’m usually blunt and to the point…btw I love the whole wombat thing. Anyways, I can’t really respond to much else that I missed before since I got a new book (yay!). Also, the reason I said “Me?” is because of my going off at people who restate left field and completely unproven or supported theories that I’ve already shot down (i.e. MillyxLelouch, though I’m glad that dude stopped posting stuff about them, I will welcome you back when more proof of them becomes available…although a better example would be the C.C. losing her chance because she lost her memories. I clearly said SHE HAS A BETTER CHANCE NOW AND I GOT A REASON FOR IT, whereas you have no reasons…not you amnestic, the other people who were posting that crap about C.C.). Back to my new R.A. Salvatore book (giggles with delight).
I’m surprised you haven’t commented about Nena’s little toy, Freya, yet.
either australia is its own super power now or everyone hates australia. i mean you got new zealand why not australia? it’s only a couple several miles away.
I think it’s neat to see how Sunrise managed to resurrect the series.(Relatively from the heights of the last season). It’s looking more and more juicy and fun. Hopefully the last 8 episodes won’t feel too rushed ._. but that’s my only fear. It looks like it’ll be quality.
The unification of the UNF makes sense up to the point of the disbanding of militaries and the immediate membership of the UN. Zero did manage to grab China’s lands pretty quickly. The small anime plot holes are in how the black knights have managed to recruit and prepare for a war so quickly and how it’s going to make sense that the entire war will be focused over the asian region with no further combat in Europe… I mean are there enough good commanders left?.?
I decided to stop posting about the Milly x Lelouch relationship unless there are future episodes that would have them interacting with each other in a private setting.
With regards to proving if Milly has feelings for Lelouch, you should check out the entire R1 season and R2 turn 12, which was her last appearance at Ashford Academy. Concentrate on her episode scenes carefully. The clues are there. However, I could be wrong about the whole thing. Also, check out the Code Geass Sound Episode 5, which talks about Milly and Lelouch meeting for the first time.
For now, I will not post any more Milly and Lelouch pairings.
Did anyone else see what Tamaki’s title was? I forget exactly what it was, but it was something utterly insignificant that made me lol a bit. That whole All Hail Brittania/Nippon Banzai thing at the end sent chills down my spine. Seriously.